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U-Turn Page 27

by Maren Lee

  “Yo.” He tipped his chin up at her. She raised an eyebrow.

  “Yo.” Not a typical response from Anne at all, but he heard her biting sarcasm in there somewhere.

  Smitty flashed a smile at her and winked.

  Is that a blush I see? Fuck. Her creamy white skin pinked right up. He’d love to see if he could make her blush like that all over.

  “We’re here to grab Jake,” he explained.

  She shrugged and looked down at her desk. “He’s in Lane’s office. I usually don’t interrupt them. Made that mistake once.” She shuddered.

  Smitty burst out laughing. “Yeah, I imagine that is not something you want to repeat. I hear Jake is a spanker.”

  “Thanks, man. I did not need to know that,” Wesson chimed in.

  But Anne was blushing. Again. Interesting. Maybe he could turn her ass pink, too.

  “Jesus, you guys are loud!” Jake shouted as he opened the door to Lane’s office and walked out. “I’m actually eating lunch with my wife and not fucking her, but I appreciate your candor, especially with Anne here, Smitty.” Jake crossed his arms.

  “Just warning her. Not sure she’d survive witnessing something like that.” Smitty grinned and threw his hands up.

  “I’d survive more than you think, Officer Smith.” She looked him in the eye for a second and then her gaze drifted down to her desk.

  Well, now. Anne surprised him with that answer.

  “I see that now. My mistake.” He winked again. “Let’s roll out, Sargeant. Operation Wesson’s Favorite 1980s Cartoon starts now. Anne.” He tipped an imaginary hat to her and they walked out of the office.

  Fuck. Smitty was definitely interested in more than just flirting. He had a sudden need to figure that woman out and melt the ice in her veins. And maybe fall into her bed along the way.


  Ryan hadn’t been involved – fuckin’ light duty – but yesterday’s drug bust as part of Operation Thundercats had apparently gone off without a hitch. The undercover FBI agent was going to be arraigned on Monday. Word was, the fake plea deal would be announced later next week. He’d get two years in prison for trafficking marijuana and they’d transport him to MSP to begin serving his sentence. And then the behind-the-bars portion of the sting (Ryan hoped to god it wasn’t still being called Operation Thundercats once it was squarely in the FBI’s hands) would officially begin. With the agent on the inside, hopefully they’d figure out how the drugs were being smuggled into the prison, who was doing it, and who was running the operation on the inside.


  They’d all keep working their angles from the outside, but they needed to figure out the nexus, if there was one. They needed some kind of break in the case.

  For now, though, the drug problem in Montana wasn’t on his mind. It was Saturday. And he was about to meet Katie’s parents. He tried to be calm. Tried to put on a brave face and convince Katie he wasn’t nervous at all. But the truth was? He was shitting his pants.

  “I can see you’re worried.” Katie broke the silence as they drove to Jake’s house.

  “What? I’m not worried,” Ryan lied.

  “Okay, I can feel that you’re worried. The air in this Jeep is tense, babe.”

  “I just don’t want to fuck this up, Katie. I can’t lose you again.”

  “You think anything that happens tonight will mean that you’re gonna lose me? You’re fucking nuts, Ryan Blakesly. The only people at risk of losing me are my family if they can’t accept the person I love. And they know it. You saw how fast Jake folded the other night. Besides, you have the scotch for my dad and the pinot noir for my mom. They’re going to love you.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

  Ryan felt his body relax slightly.

  “On top of all that,” Katie added, “they got to Jake and Lane’s house last night. I’m sure Lane’s had time to soften them. Even with Jake’s tepid-support-slash-non-support, we’re gonna be fine.”

  Ryan exhaled. “I love you. Fuck. So much.”

  “I love you too, honey. Stop worrying!” She squeezed his hand as they pulled up to the curb in front of Jake and Lane’s place. A truck with Idaho plates was in the drive. Katie’s parents. Joe and Sarah. Don’t forget their names, dumbass. Ryan really hoped Katie was right. He needed her parents to like him. He needed to ask Joe a question.

  “Ready?” Katie asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He gave her a nervous smile.

  As he opened the passenger door on the Jeep for Katie, he could see the living room blinds tilted and a pair of eyes – narrow eyes of a very tall person – glaring at him. That must be Joe.

  Ryan wasn’t short by any means, but he could tell where the Hamiltons got their height. He’d met Sarah in passing the night of the sex toy party. She was gorgeous for a woman in her late fifties. He was certain that Katie would age well. But Joe? Well, he was really fucking tall. Ryan felt the terror rise back up in his throat.

  When Katie stepped out of the Jeep, the fold in the blinds flipped up and the stare was gone. He felt like he was in high school picking up his date for prom and her dad was about to threaten him with a shotgun. That wasn’t going to happen, they were too grown for that… Right?

  He swallowed hard as Katie knocked twice and opened the door.

  “Hi, you guys!” Lane greeted them, Bennett sitting on her hip with a big smile on his chubby little face.

  As Katie hugged both of them, Ryan looked over Lane’s shoulder and saw her mom standing, waiting to greet them with a warm smile. Her dad, on the other hand, was sitting on the couch slightly leaning over the coffee table cleaning his fucking gun. Jesus. This is just like prom night.

  Katie walked over and hugged her mom and formally introduced Ryan.

  “Mrs. Hamilton, good to see you again,” he gave her the most charming smile he had in his repertoire.

  “Please. Call me Sarah.” She gave him a tight hug.

  Katie had already moved on.

  “Dad. Seriously? I’m not fifteen anymore. You do not need to be cleaning your damn pistol.” His sassy woman put her hands on her hips.

  Joe cleared his throat. “What? Jake and I went out and did some target practice this afternoon. It needed to be cleaned.” Joe stood and pulled his daughter in for a hug, kissing her on top of the head.

  “Oh, I’m sure that’s exactly what happened,” Katie laughed as she squeezed her dad.

  Ryan stood patiently waiting to shake the man's hand.

  “Daddy, I’d like you to meet Ryan Blakesly. My boyfriend.”

  Ryan put out his hand, hoping like hell he would take it.

  “Mr. Hamilton. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ryan’s hand was waiting in limbo for a few seconds before Joe accepted it. It was just a few seconds of torture, but it was duly noted who currently held all of the power.

  “Nice to meet you.” Joe nodded along with his handshake. “Beer?” he offered.

  “Sure. I can grab them if you want. Katie, do you want anything?” Ryan asked. He was very familiar with Jake’s beer fridge in the garage.

  “I’ll have a Coors Light,” Katie replied. Ryan moved to wait on his woman, but Joe stopped him.

  “I’ve got it.” Joe clapped him on the left shoulder. Thank god it wasn’t the right shoulder.

  “Jake is just finishing up in the shower, then he’ll start dinner for us.” Lane handed Bennett to Katie. Everyone knew Lane didn’t cook, at least, not well. “Keep an eye on him while I go check on my husband.” Lane winked at them.

  Katie smiled at her nephew, kissing him softly on the cheek. He giggled and kicked his little legs.

  An image of Katie holding a baby of their own popped into his head. Whatever happens, happens, she’d said. It was a strange feeling, this complete one-eighty he’d done, but he’d totally do parenthood all over again with her if she wanted to. Just look at her beam. To be the reason for that look
on her face? Ryan blew out a heavy breath.

  Joe walked back in with beers in his hands and a scowl on his face. Ryan knew it wasn’t going to be easy to win this guy over. But he needed to try.

  “So, Ryan. They’ve told me you work with Jake.” He handed him a beer.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “How long you been a cop?”

  Oh god. This is a large number. Ryan took a swig of his beer. “Nineteen years, sir.” He knew how that sounded. Katie had been five years old when he’d been entrusted with protecting the citizens of an entire community.

  Joe said nothing. Just nodded his head.

  “Daddy,” Katie warned her father, quietly.

  “No, it’s fine, Katie. I was young when I started in law enforcement. It’s what I’d wanted to do since I was a kid.” Ryan couldn’t explain why he felt the need to justify his age and profession. There was no changing the fact that there was an eighteen-year age gap between them. Maybe he should just address the elephant in the room? Fuck it.

  Jake chose that moment to walk down the stairs. “We talking about how Ryan is old enough to be Katie’s father?” Jake said it in his typical smart-ass fashion. He didn’t say it in a way that made Ryan think he was still mad about it, but Katie apparently took it that way. He could feel her bristle next to him.

  “Fuck. Off. Jake.” Holy shit, Katie was pissed.

  Jake rolled his eyes as he walked through the living room.

  “Treat your sister with the respect she deserves, Jake,” Sarah admonished from the dining room. “Besides, Ryan’s not nearly as old as Katie’s actual father.”

  “Hey now! How’d the tables get turned on me?” Joe laughed.

  Ryan was so thankful for Sarah in that moment. But he needed Joe on his side. He cleared his throat. “Mr. Hamilton, could I talk to you on the back deck for a minute? Alone?”

  If there was ever a moment that mimicked a movie scene where the record stops and everyone turns to see what the disturbance is, this was it. The room went quiet for what felt like an eternity before Joe looked to his wife and then back to Ryan, offering another nod.

  They walked out the back door and stood by the end of the deck looking at the distant mountain view.

  Ryan chose to be the first to break the awkward silence.

  “Sir. Joe. I mean, Mr. Hamilton. I know how this situation must look. I know. I’m a lot older than Katie. As a father of two children, one of whom is a teenage girl, I can completely understand your reluctance to accept me and Katie. Shoot, I would be the same way with my daughter. But I want you to know that falling for Katie just happened. She’s perfect for me. Despite our age difference, we have so much in common. I think we bring out the best in each other. She makes me laugh, sir. And it seems like I make her laugh, too.” Fuck what are you even saying? “I tried to walk away from her, but I soon discovered it was the biggest mistake of my life. I’m crazy about her, sir. And I’m not letting her go.”

  Okay, shut up and breathe.

  Joe took a long swig of his beer, dragging out the awkward silence before he finally spoke.

  “Listen, son. I was given a head’s up about the situation from Lane and Sarah. And I spoke with Jake for quite a while this afternoon. I know you’re a few years older than Katie, and, yeah, I can’t say I would have picked you for my daughter myself. But Katie’s Katie. And she wants what she wants and she usually gets it. So honestly, that’s not what bothers me the most. I’m more worried about seeing my baby girl get hurt. She’s been through a fair amount of shit. From what I gather, the last guy wasn’t too good to her. The thought of her going right back into another relationship after ending things with Dr. Fucknut seems like a bad idea to me.”

  “Mr. Ham-…sir, I completely understand. In any other situation, I would absolutely agree. But Katie and I have known each other for a while now. We…” —Ryan chose his words carefully— “…dated before. Secretly. For about six months. A lot of the story is – no disrespect, sir – no one’s business. But I knew I loved her then. She pushed me away and I let her get away with it. That’s on me. But sir, I love her even more now than I did before. I lived life without her for nearly a year and it was fucking miserable. I don’t ever want to be without her again. And I know she feels the same about me.”

  Joe nodded. Ryan could still see the doubt in his eyes.


  “This is it for me, sir, uh…Mr. Hamilton.” Fuck, pick something and call him one thing, Blakesly! “I want to make her happy forever. And with your…um…your permission, sir, I’d like Katie and I to start our future together. I wanna ask Katie to marry me. So I’d like to ask you for your blessing, um, sir.” Ryan swallowed hard.

  Joe’s eyes went huge and he practically spit out his beer.

  “You’ve been married before. With kids. And kids add skin in the game. Why would I entrust my baby girl to a man who has failed at this before when he had so much at stake?”


  “Totally warranted question. You’re right. I have been married before. I watched it fail before my eyes and it got unhealthy for my kids, so we both decided it would be better to end it. And it has been much better since we split. We’re big into co-parenting; heck, we’re even friends now. It’s much better this way. Katie has met my ex-wife and they get along too. But that doesn’t answer your question. Why did I let it fail? I don’t know. We got married young. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t give her the attention she deserved. Put too much time into building my career. Didn’t give her the help she needed. And in turn, she stopped caring about me. So I’ve seen it from the trenches, sir. I have the experience to recognize it, and the love for your daughter to know that I’ll never be back there again.”

  Joe nodded his head. It looked like approval. Please be approval.

  “I wish I could say that was up to me, but it’s not.”

  “No, sir. I know. Katie Hamilton belongs to no man.”

  Joe laughed. “So true. Whoever Katie wants to marry is up to her, but I damn sure appreciate you asking me.” Joe clapped him on the right shoulder.

  Ryan winced at the pain.

  “Oh shit, Son. I’m sorry. That was your bad shoulder, wasn’t it?” he asked, remorse in his voice.

  “You didn't know. It’s all right.” He wanted to scream, but cringed and kept calm.

  “No, Jake told me you got shot not too long ago. Another reason I’ve decided to go easy on you.”

  Ryan laughed. “Well, then, I guess I’m gonna raise my glass to the Russian Bratva and thank them for this moment.”

  Joe laughed and finished off his beer.

  “So, do I have your blessing, sir…Mr. Hamilton?”

  “Ryan, you can ask her anything you’d like. The trick is knowing whether she’ll say yes or not.”

  “Shit, I hope she says yes.” Ryan laughed.

  “Only one way to find out.” Joe winked at him.

  “Thank you Mr. Ham…-Sir.”

  “Call me Joe.”

  Phew. Fuckin’ finally.

  “Thanks, Joe.”

  They walked back inside through the sliding glass doors and Ryan immediately caught Katie’s eyes. She’d been worried. He gave her a grin and a quick nod. Her face brightened with a smile.

  Everything was going to be okay.

  Now…how was he going to ask her to be his bride?

  Chapter 25

  It had been a couple of weeks since their first public outing and Katie was happy. So happy. She was at the gym with Ryan, putting him through his physical therapy paces, and also getting her own workout in. It felt good to move. Katie didn’t step on scales, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d gained ten pounds sitting around Ryan’s apartment eating pizza while they were in hiding. She was happy to get back in the gym. But she was especially happy just to be with her man in public.

  She finished up her lunges and then walked over to where Ryan was standing
near the row of dumbbells against the long mirror. “How’s it feel, honey?” she asked.

  Ryan grimaced in the mirror as he lifted a fifteen-pound dumbell over his head. Fuck, his arms are sexy. “It’s better. Still feels weak, though. I feel like the physical therapist is going too easy on me and I’m not getting strong enough, fast enough.”

  Stubborn man.

  “Next week your PT schedule has you going up to twenty pounds. You’re going to be aching, I promise.”


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