Snow Mistress

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Snow Mistress Page 5

by Diana Rose Wilson

  He admired her gawking at the arrangement and poured her a glass of wine. He brushed a kiss over her cheek. None of this seemed unusual for him, as though this was all simply part of his nature.

  “I realize I should only get you flowers when I can watch you. You’re lovely when you blush.” His fingers brushed along her knuckles as he offered her the wineglass. “All the way to the roots of your hair.”

  “This is all too—”

  “Get dressed, princess.” His husky whisper teased her skin before he drew back, drifting into the adjoining room to change.

  She dressed, trying not to think of him doing the same thing only a few feet away. Maybe they could stay here for the weekend instead.

  All the doubts came crashing in as she affixed the owl mask to her face and arranged her hair. She’d repaired the costume, replacing feathers and fabric that had come loose or torn. It felt a bit like going back in time as she regarded her reflection in the mirror.

  From the overnight bag, she drew out the heavy envelope and fanned her face lightly with it. The news for Leo.

  The news happened to be the test results she’d received when she went to the doctor to get on the Pill. These results stated that she was negative for every STD, from crabs to HIV. Since she and Leo had started taking steps toward being fluid bound, that is, intimate together without using a condom, she’d hoped this would be a good starting point for them.

  It would give Leo the peace of mind he needed.

  Yes, they’d kissed but otherwise the restrictions and limitations had not changed. She understood he didn’t want to rush into anything but she assumed his hesitation was not being completely confident of her health.

  Strangely, either because she was naïve or trusting, she didn’t question his health. There was no doubt in her mind that he would be healthy. He always used a condom. Until she got her tests results, she’d questioned herself. She’d used condoms just as faithfully, but she felt his concern. As though he feared she would rub something bad on him.

  Hopefully, this would be the last straw to tip the balance. Between her test results and the Pill, he could let go of more of his restrictions. Safe was fine, but she craved feeling him skin on skin. She longed to be one completely with him without anything in the way. In her most secret heart she wanted to know the taste of him.

  She’d never had sex without protection, but how much different could it really be? Giving another fan of the card, she tucked it under her arm. When he departed for the house she’d give it to him so he could read it on the drive. Then he wouldn’t feel pressured and she wouldn’t feel embarrassed. It was bad enough that Marcie had taken her to the clinic for her tests.

  Would she feel more open to the possibility of moving in with him once all the barriers were removed? Her heart beat faster when she thought of that possibility. After the drive tonight, she’d realized quickies in the back of his car wouldn’t satisfy her much longer.

  He wanted to take care of her. Maybe she could go to school and get her degree. Maybe she could go for a career suited to her rather than something to make ends meet. She felt a flush of pleasure, but the excitement was quickly snuffed by guilt. She wasn’t used to anyone taking care of her. Wasn’t that too old-fashioned? Shame for considering using him for her self-advancement burned her cheeks. What was she thinking?

  Returning to the main room, she found Leo, now Cupid, adjusting the quiver of pink arrows over his broad shoulder. Most of his body was exposed to her, the cocoa-brown of his skin gleaming with the luster of the oils he used. The chocolate scent teased her. Muscles tightened along his back and biceps and for a moment she stood at a distance admiring him. She’d not seen him bare like this since the last party. Their play times had been stolen moments in his car. As exciting and titillating as it was, it hardly allowed her this delicious view.

  His outfit was the same one he’d worn for Halloween. The mask crafted with creamy feathers, the costume a mere Romanesque leather arming skirt, with sandals on his feet. More than just his handsome body—his wings were displayed for her. The strap was caught between the longer primary feathers of one wing as he worked to correct the snag.

  “Wait. Let me help you,” she said as she stepped closer.

  He looked up when she spoke, his smile radiant, and stopped wrestling with the gear. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  She moved behind him and separated feathers from strap so the quiver settled against his spine. When she’d first seen him, the wings had really seemed fake. A few short weeks of her smoothing them whenever he allowed her had given them a metallic luster.

  She opened her mouth to ask the question always poised on her lips. Why do you have wings? The question got lost somewhere between her brain and mouth. He spoke into the silence her hesitation provided.

  “What’s that?” He jerked his chin toward the envelope in her hand and flicked his feathers free of her careful hold. Stronger than they looked, the small wings folded in close to his spine. Hiding. He picked up a fur cloak and threw it over his shoulders, concealing the lovely wings and his magnificent body from view.

  “A little gift for you,” she murmured, her grip trembling around the envelope. She didn’t want to be there when he opened it.

  The smile he gave her was dazzling, as though he could see her reluctance despite the mask. When she paused he held his hand toward her gift.

  “You have to wait to open it until you’re in the limo,” she said, and met his gaze.

  “All right. Sounds very mysterious.”

  She hesitated but when the knock on the door came, she passed him the card with its surprise. Reaching up, she cupped his cheek. “I’ll see you up at the house.” Her words sounded choked. Why did her heart try to wrestle free of her ribs? For a moment the desire to beg him to stay and not attend the party nearly overwhelmed her.

  He regarded her with calm, honest delight. “I can’t wait, Mistress.” He towered over her, bowing forward so he could nuzzle affectionately into her hand.

  Then he drew back to answer the door. He gave the man in the domino mask his code word and response phrase and stepped out into the chilly night.

  It wasn’t until she pulled on her own silvery cloak that she realized she had not given him her token. She would correct that first thing when she found him at the house.

  She checked her satchel with trepidation. Inside she’d packed the gear for the pony play and races. Most of it he’d received from the ex. He’d assured her there was nothing sentimental behind it, but even before finding out the ex would be there, she didn’t feel right using these things.

  Ursa had purchased a new harness, but hers looked shabby compared to the blonde, Italian leather. The old set had silver buckles and a chest piece imprinted with arrows piercing roses with swollen petals. Each strap was lined with fur padding. Hers were not tooled, stitched or lined and the buckles were nickel with a single d-ring in the center of the chest. The snow boots had a mixture of tooled leather and silver buttons ringed by bells that chimed with movement. The inside was lined and fringed with fur extending up to his knees.

  A deeper disquiet smothered her. He deserved better than what she could provide.

  The knock at the door came as she was arranging the boots, distracted from her thoughts. She opened the door to find a man in the same uniform of black tux and domino mask as the driver who’d taken Leo away.

  This man tilted a smile down at her before growling, “Miss Perez requests the honor of your company at the Winter Wonderland.” His arms remained crossed over his chest while he waited for her response.

  She felt more relaxed in her reply this time than the first. It came without hesitation. “It is my pleasure to accept the privilege of the House Mistress’s generous invitation.”

  “Your word, lady?”


  He offered out a hand to take her satchel and traded it for the thick envelope. She double-checked that she had her card and the key proclaiming her a patron
ess and providing access to the private areas. Not quite at ease, she shoved away the sensation of dread and walked to the car.

  The limo door opened and the women inside gave cheerful waves back to her. The group of women wore gemstone colors and masks. Ruby Otter, Sapphire Fox, Amethyst Badger, Emerald Bear, Topaz Lynx.

  Ruby drew her into a fierce hug when she’d settled into the seat and the group broke into cheerful laughter. “Oh, Opal Owl! You are with us! How exciting!”

  They passed her a drink and she experienced a moment of déjà vu as she settled into the seat. This trip to the house was more comfortable and would be shorter than the Halloween trip. It was like seeing old friends after too long away.

  “And are you going to meet that delicious archer at the house?” Topaz Lynx asked. “You two are so damn adorable.”

  Ursa smiled, warmth sneaking into the unsettled pit of her stomach. “Yes, I am. We have been looking forward to this.”

  “You should put your mark on that boy,” Topaz said with a salute of her glass.

  Ursa’s blush warmed her cheeks and she was thankful for the darkness and mask concealing her reaction. “That’s moving a little quickly,” she protested.

  Ruby beamed at her and crossed her long legs over one another, rubbing them together with a sensual friction. “When something is right, it’s right. Don’t let a good thing slip by you.”

  “How do I know it’s a good thing?” Ursa asked, honestly not completely certain.

  It was Sapphire who answered with, “Follow your intuition. My darling has a pierced nipple and I got him a pretty token to hang from it. Your Archer might enjoy something a little harder.” She lowered her voice. “Does he?”

  Ursa squirmed slightly. “I think he does. We haven’t had a chance to push any limits for me to find out. I just… It’s fast is all.” Perfect and wonderful, but quick. Like the drive, which ended too soon. She didn’t have time to gather her thoughts before they were pulling up to the lodge and being helped out into the cold, snowy night.

  She promised to meet them for breakfast, received the satchel and hurried up the steps, thoughts on getting her token affixed to Cupid. Maybe more than just getting the token on him, but seeing those dark nipples pierced for her pleasure. An eager need thrummed in her belly at the thought.

  Chapter 4


  Snow had fallen earlier but the path was mostly clear. Ursa moved gingerly to avoid slipping on the ice. The sky above was a deep sapphire pierced with sparkling starlight. The moon, in its half phase, hung in the sky above the enormous lodge. Two three-story wings fanned out on either side of the pillars, forming the covered courtyard leading up to the main doors. The exterior was a mix of raw timber and slate, illuminated by torches to guide visitors inside. It made the hotel where they’d left the car seem modest in comparison.

  “Well, hello there,” a friendly voice murmured at her side as a tall, lean man fell into step with her. The mask looked like a bird of prey, a hawk, she thought. It was not a mask she remembered from the previous party. Beside him were three other men, each decorated in lively colors, like handsome flowers. She found herself staring between Rose, Poppy and Iris for a moment before Hawk cleared his throat.

  “Oh. Hello.” She lifted a hand to double-check that her mask stayed secure while her gaze raked over bare chests and tight abs. It didn’t hurt to look.


  No keys rested on their sleek muscles, which meant they were guests rather than patrons. A pulse of warning raced through her. Why were they coming to her directly out here rather than waiting inside where it was warm? Their handsome faces were expectant as they looked over her cloaked body, hungry smiles all around.

  “We were wondering if you were looking for company for your weekend,” Hawk said as he stepped in close, making her change her step so he wouldn’t brush against her. She could smell the pungent liquor on his breath—something cinnamon, spicy and sweet.

  “Are you new to the house?” she asked, feeling the pressure of their warmth. Several other guests moved toward the house while giving them looks of open disapproval. Ursa wasn’t sure if it was directed at her or at the cluster of men.

  “Yes, this is new for us. Exciting, right?” asked the young man in the rose costume. His mask was an elaborate collection of petals. They were attached to his naked shoulder, chest, and the loincloth as well. She found herself staring at the trail leading down to his powerful hips and let out a soft breath.

  “You were allowed to arrive early so you could get in and settle yourself inside for a patron to admire,” she explained, motioning with her hand for them to go ahead.

  “But why go inside when you are right here? Maybe we don’t want anyone else,” Hawk said, looking her over expectantly.

  “What?” Ursa took a step back, wanting to put space between herself and these eager men. Would the same rules of the house be enforced out on the path to the lodge? She’d not even checked in past the door.

  “Come on, you won’t get a better offer than this,” Iris said behind the purple silk of his mask. Dressed only in an elaborate loincloth matching the mask, the fire in his blood apparently kept him warm enough.

  “You’re mistaken. Thank you for the offer, but no thank you.” She moved forward again but found Hawk blocking her way now with the man in the orange-poppy costume right at her back.

  They didn’t expect to get turned down. The quad exchanged amused smiles, as if they found her refusal a cute game. “That’s not very nice of you. Or do you like playing hard to get?” Iris asked, moving to block her other side.

  “Actually, since I’m a patron, I have the selection of anyone I want,” she said, forcing her voice to remain steady. Moving forward, she prepared to shoulder past the large men so she could make it up the stairs and into the warmth and safety waiting inside. “Just go ahead inside and wait for someone to select you. That’s how this game is—”

  “Don’t you dare turn away from us, fatty.” Hawk grabbed her arm and yanked her back to him. The sharp movement tore the bag of gear from her grip. His hands were hard against her bare arm and he tore back her cloak to expose her feather and silk dress, leering down at her.

  “This isn’t funny. Let me go,” she hissed, feeling a chill of panic as she lost her balance with their jostling. She stumbled, her arm yanked violently as he kept her from falling by wrenching it upward.

  “Like it rough, don’t you? Yeah, that’s what I thought. All you kinky bitches hide behind your masks and think you can put men in their places?”

  She never expected to need her safe word. When she thought about her limits of rough play, she couldn’t imagine a time when she’d use it, particularly with her Cupid. She didn’t think it would come in handy for something outside of sex. She never thought she would need it to avoid being physically assaulted in a very un-sexy way. “Tangerine. You motherfucker, you’d better let go. This is not what I want.”

  “We’re not going to stay here and obey any of the rules. We’re going back to our car and we’ll see how far we can push you. We have our own games.”

  For a moment, she thought they might get away with it. They were dragging her off the stairs. The crowd was mostly inside by now. Maybe people thought this was just some arranged fun. She screamed out her word again, digging her feet into the ice until the heel broke off her shoe.

  They dragged her down another step and she stumbled, banging her knee on the cobbles. Her flesh skidded over stone, sending sparks of pain and fear through her, and she fought against them harder. The quad tried to keep her in their circle of bodies, preventing others from seeing. It reminded her of Stag and Dove at the Halloween party. What horrors would they do if they got her to the car?

  “What’s going on here?” The voice sounded familiar, but her skewed mask prevented her from seeing through the eyeholes. A booze-scented hand clamped over her mouth.

  “She had too much to drink. We’re taking her back to the car,” Poppy sai
d, his voice cheerful and amused as he shoved her forward, forcing her ahead despite her bracing against him. Her arm was twisted back and she let out a muffled cry of pain.

  “She’s bleeding. Did she give you her token? Why don’t you boys let me bring her into the—”

  “She didn’t give us shit. We’re taking what we want! Now get the fuck out of our way,” Hawk said.

  She thrashed harder against them, her voice inaudible behind the hand clamped against her mouth.

  “Ah.” There was understanding and disapproval in the single sigh of breath. “You should let me take her in now. It will be easier on you boys.”

  The four men gripped her tighter, pulling her like taffy, grinding her joints in their effort to control her. She heard more footsteps coming closer. More abductors?


  Her defense training unexpectedly rushed back as she resisted the men. Instructions taught by her police officer mother, years ago. She’d never expected to need those skills. Time felt strange with her adrenaline spiking, and her heart raced. It lasted far too long and sped too fast. They only managed to get her down a couple steps but it felt like miles.

  She twisted into the man beside her, hooking her leg through his, tripping him. When his hand shifted over her mouth she caught the flesh between her teeth and bit down as hard as she could. He released her arm with a cry of pain and she struck out blindly, but instinctively upward with the heel of her hand. The strike hit his jaw or maybe his nose. The impact sent a buzz of discomfort through her wrist and arm.

  Suddenly she was free! Falling! She tumbled, elbows and knees crashing onto the ice-slick stones in a knot of limbs with the man she’d tangled with her leg. Nearby she heard the whine of an electric device charging and then the bark of agony when it made contact with flesh.

  She spat out the foul taste of blood and screamed, “Tangerine! Tangerine! Get the fuck off me!”


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