Snow Mistress

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Snow Mistress Page 9

by Diana Rose Wilson

  She felt swept away by him, her chest and heart so full. He carried her into the bedroom while her throat squeezed around all the words she wanted to say. No matter the risks!

  Candles twinkled on various surfaces, lighting him with a gold-and-amber glow. A fireplace crackled with lazy flames, making the whole room look gilded and bright with the dancing fire.

  Her heart swelled even more as foreign and terrifying emotions stung her eyes. He pressed a finger to her lips as though he could see all the internal struggling and the words that stammered wildly in her brain and heart. His expression was so soft and adoring as he kissed her forehead and cuddled in closer to her on the bed. Only the towels shielded their naked flesh.


  The way he said that single word sent a cold shot through her, freezing the liquid warmth radiating into her bones. That was a serious we-need-to-talk voice.

  “The card you gave me… The lengths you’ve gone to with the tests and your message inside. Princess, I…” he continued when she was silent. He moistened his lips and snuggled closer. His breath tickled her shoulder. “I never questioned your health. I have been afraid because of what I am.”

  To emphasize his words, his wings flexed at his shoulders. Lovely feathers gleamed with beads of water before they were tucked primly away. His jaw worked, clenching slowly around what he wanted to say. It was his turn to struggle for the right words.

  “I like what you are,” she said.

  “Do you even know what I am?” he asked.

  She answered without hesitation, “You’re a stunningly handsome man with a huge heart and enormous cock.” Her smile widened when he laughed. “Do you have a medical issue?”

  He blinked, then stared at her. “Aside from the wings you mean? No. It’s not an STD I’m talking about.”

  “I don’t view the wings as a problem,” she said firmly.

  “Princess, wings are not natural. Wings that only I can see are—”

  “I can see them,” she answered, and to prove it she reached out to smooth her hand across one wing. “I feel them.” She paused and added in a firm voice, “They are part of you and splendid!”

  His face darkened with a blush and he smiled at her. She sensed him struggling not to close down this particular conversation and leaned in, kissing his lips. The kiss lingered, moving from sweet and sensual in a heated tangle of tongues.

  Breaking the kiss, she drew back and admired his swollen lips and the bite she’d left on him. “Tell me why you having wings makes you worried about unprotected sex if I’m on the Pill.”

  He let out a breath. “I don’t know if the usual type of birth control will work with me. What if I’m—” He rolled his eyes skyward and then back to her. “Divine…whatever. I don’t know. Ultra-potent. I have not wanted to risk that with casual sex.”

  “Angel,” she said and pointed and he nipped at her finger.

  “That’s the problem. I honestly don’t even know. My biological parents abandoned me with my adopted mother and father. Then they just vanished. That’s weird, right? My parents couldn’t have children. They tried for years and then suddenly…a baby. Better and better, all the legal tangle of paperwork just happened to go as smoothly as if orchestrated. I have done dozens of DNA tests and every single one comes back with flawed results from tampering. One came back as Falco peregrinus. I’m pretty sure I’m not a falcon.”

  Despite the frustration in his voice, she couldn’t help but smile. She stroked his shoulder, squeezing him warmly. “They are rather falcon-like wings. Maybe you are some science experiment—”

  He laughed. “Okay, that is a plot from a book. No, I doubt it’s a lab-related thing. It doesn’t change my feelings about what would happen if I get a woman pregnant. I want to be part of that life. A father, raising a family. A kinky husband with a kinky wife and mother obviously. Sex without a condom needs to be with someone special because there is that risk.”

  Ducking her head, she felt warmth flood her cheeks. What would she do if she ended up suddenly pregnant with his child? The answer was instant. She would delight in accepting that joy with him. “You don’t know for sure that you’re going to be superhumanly potent, you know.”

  His smirk answered her and he lifted a shoulder. “Let’s just say I have my suspicions.”

  “Have you ever—”

  “Absolutely not.”

  She almost said, Thank God! He never said she was the special someone though.

  “Oh.” Blinking hard, she ducked her head. “We don’t have to change anything we’re doing,” she said, trying to sound cheerful through the foolish pang in her heart. “I just wanted you to know I’m clean. Safe.”

  Her words made him frown. Either from the tone she’d used or the words themselves. “Princess.” He cupped her cheek. “You are impossibly adorable, but don’t you hear what I’m trying to say? I want to change things with you.” Pausing, he stroked his finger along her jaw and then her lips. “I just want you to know the risks.” His dark eyes danced. “You don’t even want to move in with me. You should know if you get knocked up, I’m going to be an even bigger pain in the ass.”

  Sitting up, she pulled at the front of his towel playfully. He did not resist her touches. Instead he arched forward to aid the removal of the fluffy cloth. “I think I know the solution then,” she said. “You let me research and do some digging and we will continue to use condoms for anything that might get me knocked up until we both feel comfortable.”

  Dark eyebrows arched as her fingers caressed his hot skin. “Research? Are you going to play spy?”

  Stripping out of her towel, she tossed it aside with his, grinning at him. “I think private detective sounds better. I have a whole bookstore at my fingertips.”

  “And a very generous patron who would buy you any book your wild little heart desired,” he added.

  His big hands cupped over her breasts, squeezing them warmly. Her nipples tightened into points of sweet pleasure and a heated blush raced up to her face. The response made him smile wider.

  The thought of having her own library full of rare books made her squirm until guilt tugged the delight away. “I couldn’t ask you to—”

  He pulled her down to him and kissed the words off her lips. His mouth claimed hers, silencing her protests with the bruising hunger. He pinched her nipples, pulling them while devouring her muffled moans that were vibrating against his tongue. He sampled the depths of her heat, luring out her passions. When the kiss ended, he settled back into the pillow, teasing her with caresses.

  “Thank goodness,” he murmured, “you never have to ask me, Mistress. You tell me what you want.”

  A hot thrill drove through her and she covered his hands with hers, drawing his touch off her. Ignoring his soft moans of protests, she pushed his wrists into the pillows beside his head. “Stay,” she ordered him and sat up, swinging one leg over his side to straddle his stomach.

  His eyes closed as she rocked her hips forward, rubbing her pussy against his stomach and up higher on his chest, leaving a slick trail over those powerful abs. She loved the way his body felt under her, every heartbeat and pulse of him, and how his muscles tightened under her pussy and clit as she pressed against him.

  When his eyes opened, they burned into her, his hands forming fists at either side of his head in the pillows. She could see the struggle in him not to reach out to her. She danced along his body, rubbing her breasts with one hand and her clit with the other. “I have wanted to do this for so long! Rub myself all over your chest and stomach until I come. Tonight I get to enjoy you as I’ve dreamed about for—” Her breath caught as his body tightened under her, muscles cording as his body rocked up to meet her.

  How long had she dreamed of this? Fantasies spanned years. Putting a hand forward, she splayed her fingers over his heart, feeling it beating under her as she rubbed her clit faster, grinding against his body, sliding back until his cock nuzzled her ass. He felt impossibly hard, puls
ing along with her own heartbeat as she nuzzled back into him before gliding forward up his body. She savored every ripple under her, all the way to his pecs, his body velvet and flawless.

  She’d waited her entire life for this!


  “Fuck!” he moaned as though she’d spoken the words aloud. “Yes! You are so beautiful, Mistress! Use me for your pleasure. I am yours.” His dark eyes were filled with stars. He drank her in. His body shuddered under her, creating a wonderful vibration against her greedy pussy, grinding into his abs.

  She rocked her hips, rubbing, painting the slick juices over him, blushing when she felt it trickling over her thighs and his sides, making such a delicious mess of his perfect dark skin. He gleamed in the candlelight, arching toward her as she rode him. “You are mine,” she whispered, voice breaking on the pleasure and passion cresting in her. “Oh fuck, yes.”

  Her fingernails raked across his chest as her fingers flicked faster over her aching clit and she felt her sex spasm, tightening from that spot connected to him all the way through the center of her body and down her thighs. Her muscles clutched down her thighs as she squeezed him, writhing forward as she came. His rumbling growl of pleasure vibrated through her limbs. She felt as if she were breaking to pieces, held together only by his gaze on hers. It felt as if time stood still, each breath spanning hours.

  “Beautiful,” he moaned brokenly, panting. “My perfect Mistress.”

  Leaning closer, she pressed her breasts into his slick chest and kissed him softly. She hadn’t realized she was crying until his fingers cupped her cheeks, smearing the wetness with his fingertips. “I love you,” she whispered into his mouth. The words came unexpectedly. She tried to muffle them on his lips but they bubbled up again and again.

  She loved him. Nineteen days and this was love.

  But it was so much more than a number of days.

  He silently, sweetly consumed her kisses and the words spilling from her. They shared the salty, sex-flavored kisses as she pushed her fingers into that space between their lips, loving how his tongue curled around them, suckling the taste of her from her skin, the climax sticky and hot. He moaned and sucked them deeper into his mouth, panting for breath.

  She melted into his chest and his arms curled around her and only when her heart stopped beating so furiously did she realize that he still had not said anything. For several shared heartbeats she hid herself in the crook of his neck, breathing in the safe, familiar scent. If she could have censored her words, she would have, but her heart had been so full and the emotions could not be stopped. Not saying them wouldn’t change how she felt.

  But maybe this was too soon for him.

  She started to squirm away, trying to keep her face averted, but his fingers found her chin, tipping her up so he could see her. Her heart hammered wildly as she surrendered and looked at him. He wore the most devastatingly handsome smile. His thumb brushed her lip, lingering on a bite he’d pressed into her lower lip that still ached sweetly.

  “I love you, princess,” he said without hesitation. “My Mistress. My night huntress.” His dark eyes twinkled as he rolled over, growling low in his throat, playfully pinning her under him, grinding his abs into her sex with the weight of his body. “Why are you crying?” His smile faltered and he kissed her eyelids adoringly. “Princess?”

  How could she explain the surge of emotions from his words—her doubt and worry replaced by the joy that he felt the same way she did? “I’m so happy,” she choked and then laughed through her tears at the understatement. Happy was such a tiny word compared to how she felt. His look of disbelief made her laugh harder. When he tried to sit up, she pulled him back to her.

  “I’m happy too!” he admitted and nuzzled his face into her hair, wrapping his arms and then his wings around her. Easing his weight off her, he pushed onto his knees, still between her thighs. “And relieved!” His fingers brushed away her tears and he kissed her eyelids. “Impossible, wonderful, delightful, princess. I have been terrified, you know.”

  She blinked up at him, sniffling the last of her happy tears, and cupped his face. “What?”

  “You don’t want to spend the night with me. In a real bed. You don’t want me at your place and you won’t come to my house. You declined the suggestion of a hotel. You turned down my offers to take you shopping. You dismissed my concern for your safety. You rejected my suggestion of moving in with me—aggressively. You have ruined me for anyone else. I have been trying to come to grips with the reality that you only want this wild fling with me. You might want someone closer to your age. Someone without…secrets.” He flicked his wings but rather than drawing them away he tickled her sides with the long feathers.

  “Oh!” Shock crashed down on her. “No! That’s not it at all. I don’t want anyone to think I’m using you.”

  His thick lashes brushed his cheeks and when he opened his eyes, his expression turned smug. “I love it when you use me, Mistress. I think you enjoy it, too. Don’t you?” Both his eyebrows arched upward in question.

  She felt the blush and started to protest but he kissed away her resistance, rocking his hips toward her so she could feel the steely hardness of his cock nuzzling her ass while keeping her sex grinding against his stomach. His groans vibrated against her mouth as her tongue darted forward to tangle with his. Her fingers slid down his chest and lower to his stomach and then over his hips to grab that fine, tight ass, squeezing the muscular globes, and then she broke the kiss.

  “Use me, Mistress,” he whispered against her mouth. “Show me how you like it. Who cares what anyone else thinks but us?” He gasped when she slid her hand between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around the girth of his cock. “Fuck!”

  “Sit up then. Straddle my stomach here,” she instructed and he shuddered violently at the command in her voice.

  He obeyed her as he did in all things, with grace and submission. His fingers stroked over her stomach and the underside of her breasts.

  “No touching. Put your hands behind your neck.” She shivered when his warmth left her body, and watched him rise over her with his wings fanned out behind him.

  He didn’t hide them from her, allowing her to admire them fully extended. He swung one powerful leg over her stomach and poised there. His cock bounced proudly before him, arching upward as her fingers petted along his length.

  “Mistress…this isn’t using me, it’s—”

  “This is for my pleasure,” she reminded him. She snuggled back into the pillows. “I need to look you over and see where I’m going to put my mark. Do you think a tattoo or a brand? Perhaps a scar?”

  Her suggestions made his eyes roll up and he tensed, cock bobbing as though nodding in approval. She scraped her fingernail along the underside of his dick from the head to his heavy balls. With the other hand she scratched his hip bone and up along his lower stomach.

  “Here maybe?” she whispered. “On your hip?”

  His black eyes gleamed with pleasure behind the half-lidded gaze and he stayed very still while she stroked the length of him from crown down to the base. Her fingers were unable to fully encircle him. He stretched taller, pushing out his chest, as though he knew how much she enjoyed the sight of him over her.

  “Perhaps here.” Her fingers ran over his lower stomach and circled his navel. Where she touched him, the muscles tightened and quivered, still gleaming and wet where her pussy had rubbed against his skin. Where she had come against him.

  His mouth fell open, gasping as she stroked faster. When she raked her fingers up his stomach he growled and thrust his hips forward into her pistoning fist. A drop of pre-cum dripped from the swollen head to her stomach. His whole body shuddered. His honey felt hot against her. For a moment she marveled at the opal gleam of it on her belly and a few strokes later a second drop landed above the first.

  “Fuuuck! Mistress!” he growled, eyes wide and staring at the spot where his pre-cum decorated her pale skin. “Be careful!”
br />   “Ooh, is this dangerous?” she asked. Smoothing her thumb over the crown, stroking the slit, she smeared his lust over her fingertip. In response, his powerful body lurched toward her touch.

  “Mistress…I-I’ve never… Oh fuck!” His eyes widened as she drew her wet finger to her lips. “Mistress!”

  His broken tone made her hesitate for a moment. She lay under him, her nipples tight and aching while her lover poised over her. His cock bobbed in time with his heartbeat. “What’s wrong?”

  He groaned out a response and gave a shake of his head, biting hard onto his lower lip.

  “Don’t want me to taste?”

  Her words made him moan louder and another drip of pre-cum landed on her belly. “No one has ever… No one ever wanted to. Are you sure?”

  “Then I’m your first? Oh, my sweet boy. Yes! I’m sure!” She held still until his eyes focused on her again. “It’s like you’re a virgin!” Holding his gaze, she smeared his pre-cum over her lower lip, making it glisten in the light of the fire.

  The sound he made was a primal, guttural moan and his hips jerked forward in an instinctive motion. Another dribble of pre-cum trailed over her belly, landing just below her breasts.

  When she licked away his slick heat, she breathed out a soft gasp of shock. All the fantasies she had about his flavor were nothing compared to the reality. Unexpected as his wings being real. He tasted so sweet that her toes curled as her hips arched higher off the bed. It was a struggle not to let her eyes roll back at the erotic chocolate and honey taste of him.

  How could he taste like chocolate? She tried to say something but all that came out was a muffled whimper of pleasure.

  “Mistress?” he whispered.

  “Do you want me to stop? You know the word to make me stop.” Her tongue tingled as she smiled up at him.

  “Oh fuck! Mistress. You’re the only one who will ever taste me.” His hips rocked forward, cock straining toward her when she wrapped her fingers around him again. “Please don’t stop! Never stop!”


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