Then Came Abby (Southern Love #4)

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Then Came Abby (Southern Love #4) Page 9

by E. L. Todd

“You’re pretty too.”

  “I already accepted your apology. You don’t need to kiss my ass.”

  “I’m not,” he said. “I was being genuine.”

  “The day you met me, you said you were thankful we never had that blind date.”

  “Yeah, I meant it at the time. But that’s when I thought Alex was a whore.”

  Abby’s eyes widened.

  “Which I don’t anymore,” he added quickly.

  “My knuckles still hurt from the last time I hit you.”

  He smiled. “You have a pretty mean shot.”

  “I’ve been around…”

  “Did you train or something?”

  She nodded. “I’m a self-defense trainer at a gym. I do it for fun.”

  “That’s cool. But why do you need self-defense?”

  She shrugged. “It’s good to have.”

  The waitress set their food on the table. Abby immediately scarfed it down, trying to end the meeting as quickly as possible.

  Toby ate at a normal speed. “You still have to wait for me.” He spun his fork and gathered the pasta.

  She sighed then slowed down.

  “And I think there’s more to your story. I really wish you would tell me. I’ll take your secrets to the grave.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Fine,” he said. “I’ll wait.”

  “I’m never going to tell you anything.”


  “I mean it.”

  He ate a piece of bread and dipped it in the sauce.

  “Why do you even care?”

  “I told you why,” he snapped.

  “I’m not suicidal!”

  He glanced at the tables. “Keep your voice down.”

  “Then stop making me raise it.”

  “Just because you aren’t that far in the hole doesn’t mean you don’t need help.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why you care.”

  He drank from his water then put it down. “Paul really cares about you, and Alex obviously cares about you. So I do too.”

  “That didn’t come across this week.”

  “Because I was being a dick.”

  “So you admit it?” she asked with a smile.

  He nodded. “I was a huge dick.”

  “Good,” she said. “I’m glad you see the light.”

  The waitress brought the tab and set it on the table. Toby immediately inserted the cash then handed it back. “Keep the change.”

  Abby glared at him. “Let me pay for my half.”

  “I asked you to dinner. I’ll pay.”

  “I have money.”

  “I never assumed you didn’t.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Men…”

  “Paul always pays and you never object.”

  “Because it’s Paul.”

  “Well, he and I are really similar. If you love Paul so much, I’m sure you’ll love me—if you give me a chance.” He rose from his chair then extended his hand to help her up. She didn’t take it and stood on her own.

  When they reached the street, he stood in front of her. “Ice cream?”

  Abby was grateful the night had finally ended. She didn’t want to spend any more time with him. “Uh, I should get home.”

  “How about tomorrow?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “Sometime this week.” He stared her down.

  “Toby, I forgive you for being an ass to me and I don’t have a problem with you, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend any extra time with you.”

  “Ouch.” He cringed.

  “I just had to be honest.”

  “Let me walk you home,” he said as he moved beside her.

  “I can manage.”

  He stood in front of her again. “You’re aren’t scared of me, right?”


  “So wouldn’t it be better to have someone walk you home than not walk you home?”

  “I guess…”

  “Then let me escort you.”

  Abby felt conflicted.

  “I won’t try to come inside—if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “Um, okay. I guess.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  The walked to her apartment in silence. He placed his hands in his pockets, and his arm would brush hers every once in a while. When they entered her building and reached her floor, he walked her to the doorway.

  “Thank you for having dinner with me.”

  “Sure.” She didn’t reach for her keys or put them in the door.

  Toby opened his wallet and pulled out a business card. He wrote his number on the back then handed it to her. “You can reach me anytime.”

  She held it in her hand awkwardly, unsure what to do with it.

  “Well, goodnight.”


  Toby stepped back then retreated down the hallway. She watched him go until he was out of sight. Then she entered her apartment.

  When she put her purse down, her phone rang. She pulled it out and looked at it. There was a text message from a number she didn’t know.

  This is my number—just in case you lose my card.

  She rolled her eyes and didn’t respond. When she put it down, it rang again. Annoyed, she sighed and looked at the screen.

  Why the hell are guys sending you flowers to my apartment?

  Abby knew it was Alexandra. Instead of arguing through the confusing world of text messaging, she decided to call her.

  “What the hell, Abby?”

  “What the hell, you? What’s going on?”

  “I have a ridiculously big vase of lilies here for you. When your boyfriend asked if you were here, I lied said you were out.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said firmly.

  “Whatever,” she said. “He seemed to think you’d be home.”

  Abby sighed. “I said I would be doing laundry all night.”

  “Well, you need to tell him you don’t live here. Do you know what Blaise did when he came home and saw Fernan giving me flowers?”

  Abby laughed. “Oh god…”

  “He was pissed. I had to quickly explain they were for you, my roommate, and not for me. Luckily, he didn’t punch Fernan.”

  “I wish I was there to see that.”

  “It’s not funny,” Alexandra hissed. “Blaise and I are starting a life together and we don’t need any extra drama. We want our privacy. I have a bunch of studying to do and so does he.”

  “Is studying code for fucking?”

  “Abby, I’m being serious. Tell him where you really live or tell him not to come over.”

  “Fine,” Alexandra hissed. “I’ll tell him. But this is exactly why I don’t tell guys where I live.”

  “So you give them my address?”

  “You have Blaise.”

  “So?” She was practically yelling. “Don’t do it anymore.”

  “Fine, calm down,” Abby said. “Are you pregnant or something?”

  Alexandra hung up.

  Abby rolled her eyes and put the phone down. She and Alexandra fought their entire lives, but after a good night’s rest, it was like it never happened. That’s just how they were, annoying siblings. She decided to take a shower and get to bed. Her life was becoming more stressful by the minute.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Abby got to work the next morning, she didn’t speak to Fernan. He was in his office and the door was closed. And when she heard classical music coming through the cracks, she knew he was working on a piece. He did most of his painting in his shop, and couldn’t be bothered when he had moments of divine creation. So she let him be.

  He didn’t come down for lunch, and stayed in his office the entire day. Without the distraction, Abby got a lot of work done. When the end of the day arrived, she was relieved to go home. She loved her job, but she didn’t like working in any capacity.

  Fernan came downstairs wearing his suit and tie. He wore special clothes when he was painting the
n changed later. “Hello,” he said with a smile.

  “Were you productive today?”

  “Very,” he said.

  “Was that Bach I heard?”

  He nodded. “You have a good ear.”


  He grabbed his briefcase then approached her desk. “Did you decide on the movie?”


  “The movie we are going to tonight.”

  “Oh. I forgot.”

  “Well, we’ll just pick something when we get there.”

  She packed her things and turned off her computer. He kept staring at her, and she felt his gaze on her skin. “What?”

  “Did you like the flowers?”

  “Oh. Yeah, they were great.”

  “Great?” he asked incredulously.

  “They were very beautiful.”

  “And what about the card?”

  “Oh.” Abby felt caught in her lie. “Also very nice.”

  He examined her face. “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Okay with what?”

  He nodded. “So you didn’t read the card…I got it.”

  Abby felt her face redden. “Sorry…”

  “Let’s take a rain-check for the movie. I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

  Abby cringed at the insult. “Wait, I’m sorry.”

  “There’s no reason to apologize.” He put his bag over his shoulder and headed to the door.

  “Fernan, please wait.”

  He sighed as he held the door open. Finally, he came back to her. He put his hands in his pockets and stared at her.

  “I—I lied before.”

  “I pieced that together,” he said calmly.

  “Not about the card—about where I live.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “My sister lives with her fiancé…I have my own apartment.”

  “Then why did you tell me you lived there?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to know where my apartment was…”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and thought to himself. “Any particular reason why?”

  “I don’t like anyone knowing where I live. It’s something personal…and when Abby called me and told me you brought the flowers, I never saw them. I was going to pick them up today. I’m sorry, Fernan…”

  He sighed then leaned against the desk. “It’s okay.”

  “It is?”

  He nodded. “But I would like to know why you lied to begin with.”

  “It just makes me uncomfortable when people know where I live.”

  “This ex-boyfriend wouldn’t leave you alone, so you moved to a new place. And by not allowing any new men to see where you live, you feel safe.”

  Abby was annoyed he figured it out so easily, but she kept her mouth shut.

  “I apologize for getting upset,” Fernan said. “I wouldn’t have acted that way if I knew that beforehand. And I won’t bother your sister again.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Nor will I ask to see your place.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “But I wish you knew I would never hurt you, betray you, or make you uncomfortable. Perhaps I can do that in time.”

  “It’s nothing personal…really.”

  He nodded. “I hope so.”

  They stared at each other for a moment.

  “Did you still want to see that movie?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I would.”

  They left the shop and walked to the multiplex downtown. Fernan didn’t touch her or grab her hand, and she didn’t reach for him either. When they looked at the movie times, Fernan leaned toward her. “You pick, darling.”

  “James Bond?”

  His eyes lit up. “You have wonderful taste.”

  “There’s a hot guy in it for me, and lovely ladies for you.”

  He chuckled. “I care more about the nice cars, the speed chases, and all the explosions. But the ladies are nice too.” He winked.

  He paid for their tickets then they walked inside. When they took their seats in the middle row, it was dark. Abby rested her hands on her lap then leaned back. Fernan didn’t try to hold her hand. She was slightly disappointed.

  “I had a sex dream about you last night,” he whispered.

  “You did?” She smiled.

  He nodded.

  “And what happened?”

  “We made love on my couch.”

  “What position?” she asked.


  “Did you come?”

  His cheeks reddened. “I did.”

  “That sounds hot.”

  “I wasn’t complaining.” He reached for her hand and held it on his thigh. She smiled when she saw their joined hands. His fingers gently caressed hers, making small circles on the skin.

  “Maybe we should recreate that dream after the movie,” she whispered.

  “I would like that.” He pulled his hand away then put it over the back of her chair. His hand touched the back of her neck, rubbing it gently. “You know the leading lady in this film is an Italian model.”

  “Oh.” Abby wasn’t sure why he told her that.

  “And you still outshine her.”

  Her heart convulsed at his words. Despite her resistance, her muscles pulled her lips into a smile and color moved into her cheeks. “Fernan…”

  “I mean it.” He leaned in and kissed her gently. Abby immediately felt the chemistry. When he pulled away, she didn’t want it to end. He smiled at her then watched the previews.

  Abby leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. She didn’t even pay attention to the movie, just the rise and fall of his chest. Eventually, she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

  When the movie was over, they went back to his apartment. Abby had been in the mood since they shared that kiss in the theatre, and she was eager to release her sexual desire. As soon as they crossed the threshold, she pulled down his jacket.

  “Did I do anything special in this dream?” She unbuttoned his shirt.

  Fernan unzipped her dress then pulled it down. “You’re doing it now.”

  “Was I talking dirty to you?”

  “A little,” he said with a smile.

  She pulled his trousers down then yanked the boxers too. “I want you inside me, Fernan,” she whispered.

  He took a deep breath. “That’s pretty damn close.”

  She sealed her mouth over his then moved to the couch. He unclasped her bra and removed her underwear as they went. When they reached the cushions, he laid her down.

  Abby wrapped her legs around his waist. “Fernan, I’m wet for you.”

  He leaned between her legs and kissed her. “I can tell.”

  She moaned and bit her lip.

  Fernan grabbed a packet from the drawer then tore it open. “You put it on in my dream.”

  She placed it on his cock then pinched the tip. Carefully, she rolled it down until she reached the base. “Fuck me.”

  He stilled. “You didn’t say that.”

  “Then what did I say?”

  “Make love to me.”

  “Fernan, make love to me.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He leaned over her and inserted himself inside her.

  Abby moaned when she felt him stretch her. “You always feel so fucking good.”

  He rocked into harder than he normally did. His breathing was elevated and his thrusts were long and hard. Abby leaned back and enjoyed the ride. She gripped his neck then rocked him from below.

  She felt the explosion in her lower stomach. “How do you make me come so fast?”

  He pressed his face against hers and moved harder.

  “Right there….”

  Fernan kissed her gently but her lips were immobile. He held the back of her neck as he kept going. She panted as the explosion dissipated, turning into a pleasured throb.

  “It’s hard for me not to come when you look so beautiful,” he said through his heavy breathing

  She grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper inside her. “Come for me.”

  He moaned.

  “Is that what I said in your dream?”

  “No.” He thrust harder.

  “Then what did I say?”

  He bit his lip then kept going.

  “What did I say, Fernan?”

  He sealed his lips over hers then pumped harder. She knew he met his bliss when ihs thrusts became irregular. His kiss became hard as he finished coming inside her. When he was done, he made a few more strokes until he pulled out.

  He took a deep breath then rolled the condom off, tossing it into a ripped page of a magazine.

  “Was that what you wanted?” she asked.

  He leaned over and kissed her. “Exactly what I wanted.” He snuggled beside her on the couch.

  “I should go,” she said.


  “I have to do chores.”

  “You didn’t do them yesterday?” he asked.

  “No…I got sidetracked.”

  “By what?”

  “Nothing worth discussing.” She grabbed her clothes and pulled everything on. Fernan sat on the couch while he watched her intently. It made her feel like a stripper.

  “Do you have any fantasies?” he asked.

  “You’re it,” she said with a smile.

  “And what does that mean?”

  “You’re the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Thank you for the compliment.” He grinned.

  She grabbed her purse then headed to the door. Fernan came behind her, still naked.

  She embraced him before she left. “Thanks for the movie.”

  “Thank you for being my date.”

  “Of course.”

  He grabbed her face and kissed her gently. She melted like she usually did. When she pulled away, she looked into his eyes.

  “What else did I say in your dream?” she asked.

  He stared at her. “I’ll tell you some other time.”

  “You know, if you tell me I might do it.”

  “And I hope you do—on your own.” He kissed her forehead. “I won’t ask you where you live, but is there something you can do for me?”


  “Can you text me when you get home?”

  Abby was surprised by the request.

  Fernan caught the look. “Forget I asked,” he said quickly.

  “No, I can do that. I’m just going by my sister’s first.”

  He nodded. “I hope you like the flowers. They might not be quite as beautiful as they were yesterday.”


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