Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10)

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Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10) Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  “I didn’t hear an answer.”

  There was a reason why she didn’t. Emily. This afternoon I met the girl that completely flipped my work upside down. I never believed in all that romantic love at first sight mumbo jumbo. Not until today.

  She was perfect. I was sure. The girl I wanted to make mine today, tomorrow, and forever. She was amazing and on a path to be even more amazing which in itself was amazing considering how amazing she already was.

  My mom came over and gave me a hug from behind. I guess she was dropping the subject. “I’m going to miss you, kiddo. I just wish you’d make your visits a little longer when you do finally drop in.”

  “Okay, mom, but one thing. I’m a Marine so please…you can't call me kiddo or sweetheart. Deal?”

  “I'm your mom. You'll always be my little boy. I won’t make any promises I can't keep, but I'll do my best. At least in public. At home all bets are off. Now, help your mother load up the car.”

  We packed up the food and headed over to my best friend’s house.

  I only found out last second I’d be able to catch a flight in today, so I didn’t have time to call him. I had planned on surprising him this afternoon, but then Emily happened. I haven’t been able to take my mind off her since.

  I called him as soon as I got back from dropping off Emily. He told me to come by for a late dinner. My mom wanted to come to. She practically helped raise him, and he always helps her out whenever she needs anything. It’s great to know when I’ve got America’s back out there in the hot spots of the world, my best friend is back here watching out for my mom.

  My mom deserved a good man in her life. A strong man who placed her first. It was getting harder and harder to find at her age, especially a guy who could keep up with her. A sixty-year old who runs two to three marathons a year, and not just for exercise. She’s out there competing. My mom is one helluva awesome woman.

  My mom wanted to drive, but wanted to avoid the curves of the hills. We took a lot of side roads. I wish there had still been sunlight. I was really enjoying the views this time of year.

  After about twenty minutes she turned down a dirt road. We drove for about three minutes then I saw it. It was like a Spanish Villa, but in the hills of Colorado. Wow. How did Jonathan pull this one off? I knew he was successful, but not that successful.

  “Is this the house?”

  “Yep. This is it. According to the navigation at least. This whole area is new, and a lot of the units aren’t finished. They’re all custom homes.”

  “I didn’t even know he moved, or that he had that kind of money.”

  “I think he just moved last week. I’m not sure how many people are living in this community yet. He’s got to be one of the first.”

  “But to be able to afford this?”

  “You know how he is. He works really hard and doesn’t spend much. Plus he’s alone so he doesn’t have anyone else to spend his money on.”

  “And he’s not interested in toys.”

  “Not at all. He still drives that old truck.”

  “Attaboy. Still true to his rugged roots. And it makes sense in his line of work.”

  We pulled up to the gate. There was a gate shack there, but nobody manning it. The grounds were still under construction. I looked just past the gate to see my man coming down the lane.

  “Jonathan! How have you been?” I came flying out of the car and walked quickly towards him, wrapping him up in a hug. Man, it’s always great to see my best bud. Can’t believe all the shit we’ve been through over the years.

  “Looking good, buddy.”


  “Saw some stuff on CNN. Man, please don’t tell me you were over in those places this last time.”

  I put my thumb and forefinger together and ran them across my lips like a zipper.

  “I know. I know. You can’t talk about it.”

  Jonathan turned to my mom who was hanging out the window now.

  “Hey there, Abby. Jump out and I’ll pull the car up for you.”

  Jonathan drove the car up to the horseshoe drive. I just looked at my mom and we shook our heads in disbelief. Eyes wide open. Jaws on the floor.

  “Really cool place you have here. I bet the views are insane.”

  “Thank you. Yes, I’m really pleased with it. I’ve been building my whole life, and it’s finally time to move to more of a development role. This is what I've been working for all those years. I’ll be heavily involved in the development of this community, which allowed me to build this. This is literally my dream home.”

  “Dream is the right word.”

  “We can continue this conversation inside. I can show you the rest of the estate and the grounds as well.”


  We walked inside. Wow, what an amazing place. The highest ceilings I'd ever seen. A chandelier. It reminded me of the house in the movie Scarface, where they have the shootout at the end.

  After a tour of about thirty minutes Jonathan suggested we eat the food we prepared.

  We placed the food on the table and poured the drinks. Jonathan pressed the intercom button on the wall and said, “Honey, time to eat.”

  Jonathan seated himself at the table.

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at Jonathan. “Honey? You met someone.”

  “Jonathan that’s great,” my mom said.

  “Not so fast. I didn’t meet anyone, but I certainly reconnected with someone, if that’s what we can call it.”

  I was shocked that he would let his ex-wife back into his life after all these years, but if that’s what made him happy then so be it. I was kind of disappointed that she’d be here. I’d didn’t know much about her, Jonathan preferring to keep that part of his life in the past, but what I did hear I didn’t really like.

  “My daughter's studying for a big exam. Sorry she didn't come down earlier to help out.”

  My jaw dropped open. “Your daughter?”

  “Yeah, you remember. The one my ex had after she left me.”

  “You have a daughter? I don’t remember hearing about this.”

  “Jonathan, why are we just now finding out about this?” my mom said.

  “I ask myself the same question,” Jonathan said.


  “I’m just finding out about it myself.”

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “I’m not. It’s juicy enough for reality TV.”

  “Do tell,” my mom said.

  “Well, of course you remember my ex. Let’s not mention her name.”

  “How could I ever forget her?”

  “Well apparently when she left, she conveniently forgot to mention how she found out she was pregnant about a month later. She went out to California, met her new husband, and figured since she had a new life now, she’d just block off the past entirely. Start totally fresh.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Jonathan was a prankster, and there was no way he was going to pull one over on me right now.

  “It’s true. So a few weeks ago some girl emails me, says she’s been looking for me. Says I’m her dad. Her email signature was in pink font. I even thought…oh, that’s a nice touch, Pete.”

  “You thought I was fucking with you?”

  “Pete! Manners,” my mom said.

  “Sorry, mom.”

  “I thought for sure it was you, but the tone was off.”

  “Thought it was me, huh? Good to know,” I said.

  “Hey, I’d be more concerned if a thirty-three year old Marine was able to convince me he was a high school-aged girl.”

  “We do do a lot of undercover stuff.”

  “Not this well. So, I played along anyways and told her I wouldn’t believe it unless she sent me some proof. I fall asleep that night thinking I’ve got you. Then I wake up in the morning and my inbox is full of pictures, letters, all kind of stuff.”

  “Unbelievable. What did you do?”

  “Well I can tell you what I didn’t do
. I didn’t go to work that day, and I almost stopped breathing. I was shocked.”


  “We did a paternity test.”

  “You did a paternity test right away?”

  “Right away. If she’s my daughter then I’m responsible, no matter how much time has passed.”

  “Good man.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not really going for a pat on the back. I was really mad at my ex, but that feeling got pushed to the side really quickly. I really just wanted to meet this girl. My daughter.”

  “What a story! And you’re just now telling me?”

  “Pete, this isn’t something you tell someone over the phone.”

  “Sorry, it’s my only form of communication ninety-nine percent of the time when we’re in who knows where. I guess I’ve just grown accustomed to it.”

  “Understood. It makes sense. But anyways, it was better to tell you in person. Plus it’s all happened so quickly.”

  “And we’re going to meet her right now?”

  “Any second now.”

  I sat in my seat stunned. I looked over at my mom. Same expression.

  We sat at the table and waited for Jonathan's daughter. Within twenty seconds I heard a door shut and a brunette started walking down the stairs. I couldn't quite make out her face, but she looked familiar.

  As she came closer and closer I recognized her immediately. It couldn't be.

  “Carly. Hey. How's everything?”

  “Pete. Woah. What are you doing here?”

  “About to eat dinner with you and your…dad.”

  Jonathan laughed.

  “That's not my daughter. Carly, I didn't know you were here. How are you?”

  “Good Mr. Andrews. How are you?”

  “Good. Thank you. How is the studying going?”

  “Pretty good. It's a tough exam, but I think we're going to do okay.”

  “Great to hear.”

  “Sorry, but I have to run.

  “No problem. Can we fix you a to go plate?”

  “Thanks, but my dad's barbecuing right now. I definitely need to save my appetite.”

  “Good plan. Okay, let me show you out.”

  Jonathan walked Carly to the door.

  I had known Carly a couple years now through her mom. I bumped into her once or twice when I was back in town. When her mom was young somebody had noticed her in Denver in a shopping mall and next thing she was in Milan modeling. She loved the clothes and the fashion, but missed the Colorado outdoors lifestyle. I would have flipped out if Jonathan was somehow Carly’s mom, but it wouldn’t have added up to story he just dropped on us.

  Carly’s mom had told me her daughter tried the same path, but she came back about six months ago. She wanted to help kids. Travel the world as a human rights attorney one day.

  Her mom wanted something else. Me. She had been calling me about taking a ride on my bike since this afternoon when she must have found out I was in town. She wouldn’t stop leaving messages on my U.S. phone number. The one I almost never check, thankfully. Even if I had been interested in her, which I wasn’t, there was no way I would have done anything. Not after everything her father had done for me.

  Her dad was a teacher where we went to school. He took me aside one day and gave me some tough love advice. He knew I didn't have a father and needed some discipline. I listened to him dismissively, kind of pissed off. Who does this guy think he is? But when I got home I really thought about what he said. I was glad he wanted to help me out. Set me straight. It meant a lot to me. Once in awhile after class I would pretend to be working on something past the bell. Once everyone cleared the room I would ask him some questions about life. He was really cool. Always helped me out. Never asked for anything in return.

  One time I got a text on my phone from an unknown number congratulating me on my first solo skydive. Had no idea who it was from until Carly’s mom told me. Asked him how he got my number. He just said he had his ways. He was expecting big things of me. Made me feel like somebody had my back. Like an older brother. One of the reasons I first started to consider the Marines or some sort of military service or brotherhood type of lifestyle.

  Carly was his granddaughter. I respected her grandpa way too much to even think about doing something with his daughter unless I was one hundred percent sure it had future potential. Everybody knew I wasn't about a future with any girls so why pretend? Especially in the face of a guy who had done me right. No way. No honor in that.

  Suddenly the kitchen door swung open.

  “Does anybody need...”

  The ice bucket hit the floor. Ice went everywhere.

  I sat there stunned. Staring at her. Our eyes locked.

  “Quite an entrance,” Jonathan said.

  “Pete. This is my daughter, Emily.”

  My mom stood up and gave Emily a hug.

  “Hey sweetie. Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Emily.”

  “My pleasure. Jonathan was just telling us about you. Pete come say hello.”

  I pushed my chair back and walked over to Emily. She seemed just as shocked as I was.

  I offered a handshake.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Pete.”

  “Good to meet you, Emily.”

  “To us,” Pete raised his glass.

  “To us,” we all replied and took a sip.

  “Also, Emily is celebrating her birthday,” Pete said.

  “Congratulations,” Abby said.

  “Old enough to order a drink?” I asked. She said she was over seventeen, but now I had to know just how much older.

  “Pete, you never ask a girl her age,” my mom intervened.

  “It's okay, Abby. I turned eighteen on Sunday.”

  What a relief, but just by the skin of my teeth. I hit me that at my age, and lack of exposure to Americans due to all my time abroad, I couldn’t tell the age of the generation that followed me. Was I getting old? I knew she was studying math, and I just assumed it was college. I guess now I realized it could have been a high school exam. And she acted so mature for her eighteen years. Barely eighteen.

  At dinner Pete raved about Emily. It was awkward to say the least.

  After dinner we cleaned up.

  “Okay, kids. I have to get going. Early morning tomorrow,” my mom said. “Was great seeing you again, Jonathan.”

  “Great seeing you, Abby.”

  “Um, mom? I need a lift to the airport tomorrow morning.”

  “Got you covered, my man,” Jonathan said.

  I didn’t bring anything on this trip so I could go straight there. It made sense, but damn…being this close to Emily without having her was killing me. I hadn’t been able to talk to her privately at all. Luckily she played the whole charade well. Neither Jonathan nor my mom had a clue.

  My mom took off. Emily headed to bed in order to be well rested for her upcoming exam. Jonathan and I were standing by the window finishing our drinks.

  I was disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to speak to Emily, but didn’t want to stir up any trouble with my visit, especially one so short.

  “Pete, all this development work is catching up with me,” Jonathan said just before three in the morning. “There's a bed for you upstairs in one of the empty rooms. It's already prepared. Mi casa es tu casa. Please make yourself at home.” Jonathan shook my hand. “It’s always great to have you back.” He turned to walk up the stairs before remembering something. “Oh, and I know how much you like morning swims. There are towels out back by the pool. There should be some spare trunks out there that I've never used. They'll probably fit you okay.”

  “Thanks, Jonathan.”

  “And don't worry. The pool is heated. It will be plenty warm. Please, enjoy.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “I’ll be too tired to race you in laps, plus I know you’ll beat me anyways. Don’t worry though, I have two alarms set. I’ll get you to the airport on time.”

ay. Thanks again.”

  I sat on the couch for at least an hour by myself. I couldn’t sleep…still on Middle East time, at least that’s what I told myself. My body clock was off, certainly, but if anything I should have been dead tired. It was her. The girl who was just one floor above me, sleeping safe and sound in her bed. But that’s exactly the opposite of what I wanted. I wanted to dart up those stairs, bust open her door and take her in the most savage way possible. I wanted her so bad. I needed to have her. It’s after four in the morning and I’m sitting down here by myself in the dark sporting wood. Not cool at all. There’s only one way to get my mind off her. I know it’s not going to work, but I might as well try.


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