Hero Boss: An Alpha Male Office Romance

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Hero Boss: An Alpha Male Office Romance Page 12

by Sullivan, Piper

  Which was just further confirmation that I needed to keep ignoring whatever this thing was between us. I turned to look out the passenger window, watching the Texas countryside fly by in a beautiful flash of colors.

  “Remember that woman I told you I was interested in?”

  I nodded, sure he was about to reveal it was Star all along.

  “Well, it’s you.” Scott said the words simply, like it was news I should have expected to hear, which was crazy since he had Clara chasing him down and he’d made it clear how he felt when he ran from my bed. “Feel free to say something. Anything.”

  I wanted to, but I couldn’t. What could I possibly say, when a hot doctor tells me he wants me? “Why me?” was the only question that came to mind. We didn’t have anything in common, and sophisticated women like Clara were more up his alley, not mouthy assistants with too many tattoos. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  But Scott only laughed, like it was all some joke. “I’ve already made these same arguments to myself over the past few weeks. They aren’t working.”

  I sighed, cursing him for voicing my concerns. “And?”

  “And I’m done fighting it. I want you and you want me, apparently that’s all that matters, so…”

  “So, what?”

  “So, I’m in. I’m willing to do this. Me and you.” The words sounded even more dramatic when the car came to a stop and he shifted into park. The instant silence engulfed us as the engine died in front of his house. “What do you say?”

  What did I say? I had no words yet, so I stepped out of the car and started down the paved path to the guest house. “I don’t know.”

  Scott fell into step beside me and shrugged. “You know something, but you don’t want to say it.”

  He was right, I was being a coward—and I was no damn coward. “We’re not right for each other. I’m not sure you really even like me half the time, and I’m not changing who I am for anyone.”

  He sighed, a smile playing around his lips. “Good, because I’m not asking you to, Stevie. All I’m asking you to do is give us a shot. We’ll go on a few dates, talking late while drinking too much, and see what happens. What do you say?”

  I sighed and turned to Scott, my back against the door—I was literally caught between a rock of a chest and a hard place. And I couldn’t think of anywhere else I wanted to be. Or anyone else I wanted to be with. “I say, what the hell,” I told him and flung my body into his, smashing my lips against his until he caught on and wrapped his arms around me.

  At some point, somehow, we made it inside before our clothes came off, and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in bed.


  In bed, together.


  There was nothing better in the whole wide world than waking up with a soft, willing woman in your arms. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t quite morning yet or that the soft, willing woman was still asleep with her ass pressed against a growing erection, her back flush against my chest and thick black waves covering my face. Her hair smelled like honey and vanilla and her skin smelled like sweat and sex. And vanilla.

  I had to have a taste.

  Leaning forward until the warmth of her body heated my lips, I wrapped one arm around her waist as the other hand closed around the closest breast before I started peppering the back of her neck with kisses. A soft groan escaped but she wasn’t fully awake, not yet. Slowly, as if I had the time in the world, I kissed my way down her spine until she shivered and moaned.

  It was that damn moan that was like a bow of lust straight to my cock. Heat surged through me, filling my veins with fire, as her back arched into me and I knew the moment she woke up because it was the moment my tongue slipped inside her wet heat and a low, strangled moan escaped from her pouty lips. One hand gripped the bed sheets and the other reached around and found a handful of my hair.

  Stevie didn’t say a word, she just moaned and cried out her pleasure, nothing more than brief commands, like “More,” and “Please,” and my personal favorite, “Yes.”

  I lapped her up, sliding one finger deep as I tasted every part of her until she begged me, with her body, to stop. Only then did I tease her a little more until she crawled to get away from me, moaning as I held her still and sucked her clit until a second, more powerful orgasm burst out of her on a long, keening wail.

  The sound kept me hard and aching as I slowly kissed my way up her body. “Good morning.” Her lips split into a smile that I couldn’t help but steal a taste of and when Stevie moaned into me, I pressed against where she was soaking wet and throbbing.

  When I pulled back, she let out a husky laugh. “Best way to wake up. Ever.”

  “Can’t argue with that,” I groaned when her legs slipped around my waist, pulling me even closer. “More importantly, I don’t want to.” Her hand snaked between our overheated bodies and wrapped around my cock, putting me exactly where she wanted me.

  “Finally, something you won’t argue with me about.”

  I laughed but it was the last coherent sound I made for a good long while, because slipping inside of her tight heat once again was like heaven. She was so hot, her pale skin flushed with desire as she tossed her head back and arched into me, putting rosy red nipples within tasting distance. My tongue flicked against her nipple before I pulled it into my mouth, sucking hard as her body clamped hard around mine, the aftershocks of her last orgasm still sending electricity through her body. It was a damn sight to behold.

  “Scott,” she moaned, digging her nails into my shoulders. “More, please.”

  “Greedy,” I grunted out and sat up, gripping her hips hard and pulling her close until the angle was perfect to send her out of her mind. Stevie gripped my wrists, her violet gaze focused on nothing but me as I pounded into her body like I was the center of her world. Heat continued to surge through me at the desire in her eyes, at the way her lips were shiny and swollen from my kisses.

  “Scott,” she moaned again and again, each time the word came out lower, deeper, more desperate. “Scott,” she growled and her fingers dug deeper into my flesh but I didn’t give a damn because watching her fall apart first thing in the morning, as the first rays of sun filtered in, was worth a few battle scars. Stevie let out a strangled cry as her body clamped down hard around my cock, pulsing until she pulled my orgasm out to dance with hers.

  My body shook and trembled, vibrated with too much energy as pleasure coursed through my veins and sweat dripped from my forehead. It was a powerful orgasm, explosive enough to blur my vision. “Oh… fuck!”

  Even as shivers wracked her body, Stevie was still a smart ass. “Okay, so maybe three orgasms is the best way to wake up.” Laughter shook her body and mine as her legs tightened around my waist like she wasn’t eager to let me go. Suddenly, her expression went serious and her fingers threaded through my hair, then her lips were on mine in a hungry, intense kiss that set me on fire all over again.

  “Happy to help.” The words came out breathless but I didn’t give a damn; Stevie’s smiling lips somehow tasted sweetest of all.

  “Good, because I could use a little bit more help.” Her smiling lips touched mine once again and we sat like that for I didn’t know how long, bodies meshed together, lips fused, and we kissed like horny teenagers until the sun lit up the whole room. The whole damn guest house. Stevie was as hot as a flame, licking my lips and sucking my tongue like a woman possessed.

  I was already growing hard again, grinding up against her as we kissed and kissed.

  “He didn’t answer his door, but maybe she will.” That voice was too familiar—and not one I wanted to hear when I was rocking a semi-chub.

  “Or maybe he didn’t answer because she was in there with him. Or he’s in there with her,” said Janey, the ironic voice of reason.

  “If they’re together, then maybe we shouldn’t disturb them at all.” Gotta love Eddy, always with her eye on the prize.

  Stevie and I looked at each other,
barely able to hold in the laughter. “If we’re really quiet, maybe they’ll go away,” I whispered in her ear and nibbled on the lobe.

  Stevie gasped and wrapped an arm around my neck, threading her fingers through my hair and tugging harder than I expected. “Or maybe, if we’re really loud, they’ll go away.” To punctuate her point, she reached between us and pressed me against her opening.

  A loud, continuous knock sounded on the cottage’s front door and we both groaned. “Guess not.”

  “I’ll go talk to them.” She fell against the bed and let out a long sigh, but I couldn’t look away from the beautiful jiggle of her breasts. “In a minute.”

  “No, stay here,” I whispered and leaned forward, pulling her nipple into my mouth and rolling it around between my lips and tongue. The knocking sounded again, louder this time.

  “If I stay any longer, we’ll be putting on a show. For your grandmother.”

  I rolled off her body easily. “Fine. Hurry back.” I reached out and smacked her ass just before she was out of reach, and my gaze stayed glued to it until she covered it up with a silky kimono-style robe.

  When Stevie was gone, I fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what in the hell I was doing. Having fun was the first answer that came to mind, but even I knew it was more than that. I wouldn’t mess around with an employee for a few nights between the sheets. Nothing could come of this, not really. Stevie and I were too different, despite the fact that we couldn’t seem to stay away from each other. Then again, maybe some good, hot fun was exactly what we both needed.

  “We need your help,” Eddy told Stevie, and I didn’t have to see her to know she was trying to finagle her way inside.

  “I’m listening,” Stevie told her, doing her best to sound both tired and bored.

  “Rafe needs to fly out to Denver for one of those fancy firefighter conferences,” Janey explained.

  “Sure wish they would open those things up to the public,” Eddy mused, dirty old lady that she was.

  “Anyway, it’s just a quick overnight trip, and he needs someone to keep him organized. He’s giving a keynote address and needs to attend several specific talks in order for the Feds to pay for the additional training.”

  None of this sounded on the up-and-up to me, but I wasn’t here, which meant I didn’t get an opinion. “Doesn’t the fire chief have an assistant?”

  “Of course he does, but poor Lydia isn’t up to the task of running around a giant event venue, bless her heart. Can you do it?”

  “The city will pay your airfare and hotel, plus meal stipends,” Janey added, but no matter how much they sweetened the pot, I didn’t like it. I knew exactly what they were up to and, dammit, I didn’t like it one bit.

  “I already have a job,” she argued, instead of outright telling them no.

  “If you can do Friday and Saturday, that’s when most of it takes place. And, if things go well,” Eddy added, letting the last word linger in the air long enough to make sure all of Texas got her point, “maybe you won’t come home until Sunday afternoon.”

  “Eddy,” she groaned. “Please.”

  “What? I’m just saying, it doesn’t seem like things are working out with you and Scotty.”

  “Cut it out, old woman, and tell me what you’re up to. And don’t lie to me,” she insisted in an impressive tone that, somehow, worked.

  Eddy huffed, annoyed. “If Scotty’s too stupid to see what’s in front of him, maybe Rafe won’t be. He’s gorgeous with a great body—what’s not to like?”

  I shook my head, making a note to take my own grandmother off my holiday list after that little betrayal.

  “So, you just want to throw me at another of your Hometown Heroes?” Stevie demanded. “No thanks.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her tone, even though I know it had very little, if anything, to do with me.

  “Not throw, girl, sheesh. You young people are so dramatic. I heard you two had a good time over at the Black Thumb, and that’s as good a place as any to start.” I could just picture Eddy doing her best to look like an innocent old woman. It was her go-to move, but her mistake was using it in a town where everyone knew all of her tricks.

  “You’re right, he is gorgeous. And funny. And yeah, he’s even charming. But he’s not ready for anything at all, and I’m not interested in anything more than friendship with him.”

  “You sure?”

  “I am,” Stevie answered, amusement lacing her tone.

  “Dammit. Well, then, I guess Elizabeth can let Lydia go now.”

  “Wait a minute, you kidnapped her?”

  “No,” Eddy said, all righteous indignation. “We just waylaid her, is all.”

  Stevie let out another amused laugh and I wondered how she had adjusted to the craziness of Tulip so easily. “Sorry. Maybe Janey can go. She’s young, organized, and able-bodied. And, if I’m not wrong, single, too.”

  I could only imagine the glare Janey was sending Stevie at the moment. “I’m busy.”

  “It’s just a couple days,” Stevie parroted back. “Three, if things go well.”

  “You haven’t seen Scotty, have you?” Eddy’s voice grew louder and I knew she was suspicious, but I had no way to alert Stevie.

  “Yep. He’s in my bed right now. We’ve been going at it like rabbits since last night. I was barely able to even walk to the door, but somehow, here I am.” Her deadpan delivery was a dead giveaway, and Janey laughed.

  “Well, I, for one, hope it’s true. Give it to her good, boy!”

  I cringed and covered my head with a pillow until the muffled sound of the door closing managed to break through. When the coast was clear, I found Stevie in the front half of the cottage, still staring at the door. “I can’t believe you said that to her.”

  She was startled for a second before turning to me. “They deserved to hear that—and more.”

  “Like rabbits?”

  She shrugged and stepped into my arms. “It was more of a goal than a description. When do you have to leave?”

  Looking at the desire burning her violet eyes turned the fire inside of me all the way up and I scooped her in my arms. “Not until I’m done,” I told her and carried her back to the bedroom, where we stayed until sometime late Sunday afternoon.


  Another work day was over. Instead of heading to my house or Scott’s for another evening in front of the TV—at least, until we got naked and sweaty together—I was going home to change out of my work clothes, which were stained with ink and doggy slobber and enough animal hair to open a small pet salon. Because I was going out tonight. Well, out was kind of an understatement here in Tulip, but apparently Trivia Night at Black Thumb was a big deal, and Mikki had insisted I show up. The “or else” was implied.

  Since Scott had left the office a couple hours ago to take care of a call he didn’t need my help on, I decided to stop in and see what all the fuss was about. I wasn’t exactly dressed to impress in simple jeans and a t-shirt, but I was happy to see casual was the attire of the day inside Black Thumb. Mikki and Bo sat at one of the groups of tables that had been arranged around a small elevated stage area, and I grabbed a pitcher of root beer from Buddy and joined them. “Hey, girls. I got this round.”

  Mikki’s eyes went round and then a few tears streamed down her cheek, which she fanned furiously. “Sorry. I mean, thank you. These pregnancy hormones are giving me whiplash.”

  “Me too,” Bo grumbled and filled up three tall glasses. “But at least it was Stevie making you cry this time.”


  Bo shrugged unapologetically and grinned. “Stick around a little while and then we’ll talk.”

  Stick around a little while. It was the one thing I couldn’t be counted on to do, which meant I shouldn’t get too cozy with anyone in town. But one thought of Scott and my mind started thinking, maybe you should. “Are the mood swings that bad?”

  Mikki smiled and wiped her eyes. “They just
come out of nowhere. Buddy told me on the street yesterday that pregnancy agrees with me, and I cried for an hour. Watched a sad story on the news and bawled my eyes out. For thirty seconds.” She shrugged like it was no big deal and chugged her soda. “It’s an adjustment.”

  “But at least you’ll have a cute little baby once this is all over.”

  “That’s true.” She smiled softly and rubbed her belly in gentle circles. “I can’t wait to meet him or her.”

  “Hey, I heard you’re good at organizing. How about you help me plan this one’s baby shower?”

  I frowned. “Isn’t that kind of a personal thing to do?” Something that friends or family members did for one another as a way to show their love and affection? I had missed all three of my sisters’ baby showers.

  “Not at all. In fact, this is the perfect way for you to get to know more people in town.”

  “Not sure I should. This job isn’t guaranteed to last.”

  Mikki frowned. “But I thought you and Scott were an item.”

  As much as two people who were all wrong for each other could be, I supposed. “We are, but that’s no more certain than the job.” Both of them looked as if they wanted to say more but we weren’t close enough for them to pry, which I appreciated—they seemed like the only two people in Tulip who didn’t push.

  Eventually, Trivia Night got underway, and I stopped watching the door and stopped wondering if Scott would show up by the fifth question. By the eighth question, I was full-on having a blast, shouting out answers along with three other women on my team.

  “Okay, right now, the Chatterboxes are in the lead,” Nina began with a wide, teasing smile, “but the next round is double the points, so it’s still anybody’s game. Back in fifteen minutes.” She sauntered off the stage and I used the time to escape to the silence of the bathroom.

  My teammates were all nice, sweet, and smart women I’d love to be friends with if I stayed in town, but they were all such a part of each other’s lives I wondered if it was even possible. Could I go from my solitary existence to a life filled with nosy but well-meaning friends and neighbors? I didn’t know but, suddenly, I kind of wanted to try. Though I had no clue how to even begin, I left the bathroom with a renewed sense of purpose. Maybe I could stay in Tulip, no matter what.


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