
Home > Paranormal > Contortion > Page 19
Contortion Page 19

by Aurelia T. Evans

  She tugged his shirt over his head. There was that bookish but well-taken-care-of boy she’d fallen in love with, his shoulders and chest not quite filled out yet. He had been a late bloomer, like her. She regretted that she hadn’t been there for his blooming the way he’d been there for hers.

  He hissed and panted as she ran her hands over his chest, teasing his nipples between her fingers. He chuckled a little at her querying glance.

  “Turns out there’s another part of me that went back to being twenty-one. Threw me for a loop. I’d give you the full older-man endurance treatment if I could, babe,” Charles said.

  “Hey, I’ve still got my twenty-three-year-old libido too. That never left, actually,” Valorie said.

  “Oh yeah, I remember us going at it like wolves in heat. I’m surprised our neighbors didn’t complain,” Charles said. He eased his hands under her shirt and stroked up to her cotton bra, cupping her breasts. He pushed her shirt over them before pulling the cotton to the side to take one nipple into his mouth.

  Valorie bit a knuckle, but she didn’t have to hold back her moan or her whine when he teased the peak with his teeth, biting until it was flushed and erect. He nudged it back and forth with his tongue as he played with the other nipple between two fingers, twisting, tweaking. She writhed underneath him.

  Her nipples had driven him as crazy as breasts did to other men. He’d been relatively modest for a man his age, but he’d talked about her getting nipple rings for him after they were married, and they’d played with clothespins. His adoration translated seamlessly into her arousal, as it almost always had. Now that it had been so long since the last time—and no time at all—she experienced it as new, as though it was their first time having good sex. Their literal first time hadn’t been all that great. The third time had been the charm. This was like that, magnified by experience.

  As he played with her tits, sending spiral after spiral of pleasure through her like charges through electrical coils, Valorie worked her jeans open and shoved them down her hips then fumbled with Charles’. She had to reach to get at the fastenings, but once she’d finished, he was more than happy to kick them off. They got trapped at his knees. He buried his face against her belly, laughing helplessly. Pre-cum had made a wet spot on his boxer shorts. She could feel it where it brushed her leg.

  They each divested themselves of their own jeans. Valorie felt like she had the biggest, stupidest smile on her face, but that was all right because Charles did too. He looked happier than she’d ever seen him, like a little boy on Christmas Day. Before he could get his pants down off his ankles, she tackled him onto his back, straddling his hips, wearing her shirt over her tits and her bra askew, her panties practical cotton, yet his cock peeked out from the opening in his boxer shorts and strained up toward her as though she were magnetized. He was mesmerized by her, unable to take his eyes off her as she lowered her pussy down to frot over his partially covered cock. She bit her lip through a grin as his eyes rolled back and he grabbed her arms at the elbows.

  “God, it’s been forever,” he muttered. He canted his hips up to meet hers. “Want to see you, Valorie. Want to see all of you. I have the memories. Heck, I have the pictures of you I keep in that box. But I want to see it with my own eyes, right in front of me, not on some piece of photo paper. Take your clothes off, babe. I don’t want to come until you’re naked.”

  “I want to make you come before you’re inside,” Valorie said, still rubbing her pussy against his erection. She didn’t know which of them was making her panties wetter.

  “And you know that I’ll give back what you give me,” Charles said.

  “It’s only polite.”

  “Tit for tat,” Charles said, pinching both her nipples as her breasts quivered above him. Valorie cried out with abandon, throwing her head back.

  A modest boy, yes, but he could get nasty, almost shocking, in the bedroom. This wasn’t even close to what he could be like. And he’d always loved that she went along for the ride instead of getting offended or telling him he was going to hell with that mouth. She had been his dirty girl. He’d been her nasty boy. No wonder they’d fit so well together.

  Does he call her filthy names too? Does she like it like I did?

  But his wife of the present had no place in this small pocket of the past. Besides, she wasn’t going to ask him what his wife was like in bed. They had their private life, just as she and Charles had had theirs, and she hoped Charles hadn’t shared any of those confidences. She doubted he had. A person didn’t usually dwell on the ex sex life with the present partner.

  “Quickly, babe, I’m…” Charles winced, holding his breath.

  Valorie climbed back between his legs to shove his jeans the rest of the way off and pull off her panties. That was all Charles needed to shuck his boxers and wrestle her down beneath him this time, her shirt off but her bra still uselessly clasped around her chest. He unfastened it while he pinned her down with his body. His gaze bore into her and stole her breath away. His hips made little bucking movements he couldn’t control, but otherwise he was methodical and deliberate removing her bra so that she was naked and he was naked, and now he didn’t have anything in the way of his orgasm. He dragged his cock through her wet folds, which clung to him as though they’d missed his cock too.

  “Ah yeah…ah yeah, babe… You liking this as much as before?” Charles groaned.

  She nodded, unable to speak. As he passed his cock through her labia, the head would bump against her clit, not enough pressure or sensation to give her what she needed. It tantalized her with the promise of more, drawing out anticipation to a frustrating point as Charles took his pleasure from her. She grasped the sides of his head in encouragement and so that she could watch as he came undone.

  He gasped his moans out in time with his cum hitting her abdomen in thin ropes. It smeared against her belly and his as he continued to move his cock over her.

  He reached down to stroke the rest of it out of him. Whitish fluid spilled over the shiny, bulbous head.

  “Give it to me,” Valorie said. “I want to clean you off, boy.”

  Charles scrambled up to straddle her shoulders. She gripped his thighs and strained up to lick the rest of his cum up his shaft. Then she took in the whole head in her eagerness to taste, to take, to touch every part of him that had once belonged to her.

  She cleaned him, keeping her tongue and her suction light until he started to get hard again. Then he pulled himself out of her mouth.

  “I gotta say, the quick draw isn’t so much fun, but you want to know what is?” Charles said. He scrambled back down her body to kneel between her legs. “No cracks. No stiffness. A person forgets what it’s like being able to move like a teenager. More than makes up for coming too early, but damn if you didn’t wake it right back up again.”

  “Thank God for a young body, reason number three, right?” Valorie said. She made to find something to wipe the semen off from her stomach, but Charles pinned her arms down.

  “You can say that again,” Charles said. “Now, you cleaned up some of my mess, but you know I prefer to clean up my own.”

  He brought her arms to her sides, still pressed into the sheets as he bent down and lapped at his cum, leaving no spot untended. He licked at her as though he’d covered her with chocolate syrup, smacking his lips at the taste of her body, with his own enhancements.

  Valorie hummed as his chin rubbed against her mound while he cleaned her up. He was mere inches away from her clit, which silently screamed for his attention.

  Charles didn’t make it wait long.

  As soon as there wasn’t a trace of his semen left on her skin, he moved down and applied himself with the same fervor to feast upon her other fine attributes.

  There was always something about the sight of a man going down on her… It felt good, of course. It felt fucking amazing. But the sight of it. And the sounds.

  When they’d been living together, this was one of those things tha
t Charles had done to her where Valorie would have to practically smother herself with a pillow to keep from making too much noise through the thin walls. Now she had no such restriction. She arched up against his mouth, moaning as loudly as she wanted and more. Charles released her arms to hold down her hips instead. Valorie wanted to grab hold of his ears and force him closer to her, but she didn’t want to discourage his fine work. As good as it had been back then, he’d actually improved, which made her glad she didn’t have to walk any time soon, because her legs weren’t going to be working for a while.

  Instead, she brought her arms up above her, clawing at the pillow before reaching the headboard and holding on for dear life.

  “Yes, yes, Charles, God, yes!” she chanted, thrusting up against his mouth as he worked his way back up from lapping at her cunt while stroking her clit with his fingers. She outright shouted when he swirled her juices around her clit then sank his mouth, warm, wet, intense, around the flesh. It was as though there was a direct thread between her clit and her vocal cords. Each suck and broad press of his tongue made her scream, the sound wrenching from her throat.

  His laughter rippled through her with her climax.

  “I always loved it when you could be a screamer,” Charles said, rubbing his mouth against her thigh. His facial hair chafed. She didn’t give a damn when he could do shit like that to make her feel good.

  “I always loved it when you could make me scream,” she replied.

  He lifted her legs as he moved back up her body, folding her almost in half, but not as far as he would have able to if she’d had her abilities. Charles didn’t notice. She could do what she’d always been able to do with him. If her contortions had intrigued him before, he’d forgotten them by now or else they weren’t important.

  He took the time to kiss her nipples again, ever appreciative, before meeting her mouth. She could smell herself, taste herself. Strangely, she thought it was a little different from the way she experienced herself now. She wondered whether there was a hormone or pheromone-altering quality to Arcanium. Or maybe it was just her diet. It was only a peripheral thought, especially when he was kissing her as thoroughly as he’d eaten her out—as though it didn’t matter where he applied his attention as long as it involved her.

  Valorie lifted her hips, and he slipped into her, as easily as they’d kissed outside her tent. He bit her lip when she gasped. Even when they’d been at their best, she didn’t think it had ever been this perfect, which reminded her where she was. Bell had taken them out of reality, but not completely. The only way it could be this good was with the incubus and succubus plying their trade. Charles had been an excellent lover, but this… It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Was it?

  They fit together the way a hand slid into a satin glove. They didn’t even have to give it a few tries. Charles entered into her like that moment that he’d carried Valorie over the threshold of their apartment for the first time—new yet achingly familiar. Comfortable. Right.

  When he moved in her, she tightened her fingers against his shoulder blades, digging in the nails against the tremble that vibrated through her with each thrust—a tremble that made her feel like she was cracking apart, and not just from arousal.

  “Charles,” she whispered against his cheek as he broke the kiss, out of breath not from effort but from being as overwhelmed as she was. “God, I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too,” he murmured back. He kissed her lightly now on the lips, rolling his hips as he ground into her at the end of every stroke, the way she liked it because of the way it pressed him against her clit.

  She embraced him, sometimes kissing his collarbone or biting the base of his neck, but mostly just holding on, holding him over her. She relished his weight. His muscles flexed deliciously under her palms as he pumped into her more quickly. Her legs felt the strain of being held over his arms, her knees in the crook of his elbows, and she relished that as well. It had been a long time since her body had been normal. It was almost a relief to know that her body could still experience physical stress like this—as though she was more real in this unreal world.

  Aside from how far up he pushed her legs, her knees almost at her shoulders, this wasn’t one of Charles’ more elaborate encounters. She didn’t need it to be. Arcanium was elaborate. All she wanted right now was him, and that’s what she got—his body around her and inside her, reminding her of all the other times he’d had her in this bed, in her old apartment, in his old apartment, in their cars, and that one time in a mall janitor’s closet… The doors to those memories swung open all at once in a flood of experience that tipped her over the edge.

  Valorie screwed her eyes closed, latched her arms around him in spite of the strain on her legs and canted her hips up as he continued to take her, his cock moving quickly and strongly inside through her orgasm.

  And her climax just kept going, clenching and releasing around his pounding cock, as tears leaked down her temples and her body seized underneath him.

  Charles reached up to grab the headboard so that he could rock into her with even more leverage, his breath harsh in his nose and expelling in a groan every time.

  “Love you so much, Valorie,” he whispered.

  Valorie shook her head on the pillow as the orgasm climbed higher, fueled by the pain in her chest and the rapid pulse of her heart that sent blood racing to join the rest of her arousal.

  He stopped her from shaking her head by kissing her as he came, still thrusting in to stretch out her third orgasm. She kissed him back like gasping for air. Even when he’d stopped moving, letting her legs down from over his shoulders and settling his weight over her, she kept kissing him until he pushed himself up and peered down at her with youthful wonder and less youthful sadness.

  “Love you too,” she finally said.

  Chapter Ten

  “If you love me too, why’d you go and scratch the hell out of my back?” Charles asked. “What am I going to say to people? That I was mauled by a mountain lion?”

  He had always known just what she needed when the rivers flowed too deep. Laughter broke up the pain in her chest, and if her eyelashes were wet, he didn’t mention them. She wiped her face with the sheets as he settled next to her, using his discarded shirt to clean himself off. She was less concerned about mess. It wasn’t like they were having house guests, and they could always change sheets.

  She didn’t think they were going to be in here for two hundred years. Now that the sexual chemistry had been dealt with, Charles had his ‘we need to talk’ face on.

  “You want me to see what’s in the fridge, or do you want to start the serious stuff on an empty stomach?” Valorie asked.

  “Good point,” Charles said. Then he grinned shyly. “Do you know how long it’s been since I ate in bed?”

  “I know, I know. Crumbs aren’t conducive to sleeping,” Valorie replied, standing up and grabbing the dirty towels and clothes as she went. She used one of them to catch the trickle of spunk down her thigh, but otherwise she didn’t concern herself with her naked state. When she glanced over her shoulder at him, Charles was enjoying the view, still with that heartbreaking mixture of excitement and sadness.

  Valorie supposed she should have known how this was going to go.

  She came back with pizza that had been chilling in the refrigerator. She’d warmed it up first. Charles liked cold pizza, but Valorie didn’t hold for that kind of blasphemy in her house. She also brought two beers and a prepopped bag of popcorn. Not as good as the poppable kind, but it was all she could find in the pantry.

  “Definitely brings back memories,” Charles said, sitting up in bed and covering his waist with the sheets to protect his bits from the hot plate.

  “A lot of that going on,” Valorie replied.

  They were quiet as they ate. They just sat there, side by side, enjoying each other’s company. Usually they’d turn on the television or put in a movie while eating in bed, but they didn’t want to waste the ti

  “What’s on your mind, Charles?” Valorie asked finally.

  “Confusion. A lot of confusion. What did that devil guy mean when he led us in here? I got the feeling you understood it better than me,” Charles said. “I didn’t come here to wish, Valorie. I want you to know that.”

  “I know,” Valorie said. “If you had, it would have been a better-worded wish or nothing at all.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Bell thrives on spontaneous wishes, because he can see them coming,” Valorie explained.

  “The more I learn about this guy, the less I understand why you defend him,” Charles said.

  “He was as good as my husband for over seventeen years, Charles.”

  Charles put the piece of pizza he was eating back on his plate, failing to swallow back a shocked sourness.

  “Your teenage son suggests you moved forward with your life pretty quickly too,” Valorie pointed out.

  “But him?” Charles asked.

  “Do you realize that the only reason this wish ended up so well and reasonable was because he still likes me quite a lot?” Valorie said.

  “How else could it have ended up?” Charles asked. “It was spontaneous and everything, but I was also pretty specific about what I wanted, all things considered.”

  “Easy. We go back to the way things were twenty years ago, but our relationship gets really bad. Maybe I cheat, maybe you do. Hell, maybe I cheat with Bell anyway and end up joining voluntarily, leaving you penniless, alone and probably never in the situation to meet your future wife,” Valorie said. “And Bell still gets what he wants.”

  Charles stared at her. “You would do that?”

  “I’d be manipulated into doing it. He can change who people are,” Valorie said. “Or he can call on our capacity to do bad things.”

  “So he’d really do that?”

  “Charles, I know him better than you do, and I don’t want to talk about him right now,” Valorie said.


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