The Complete Archangel Wars Series: A Shared Universe Series (The Archangel Wars)

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The Complete Archangel Wars Series: A Shared Universe Series (The Archangel Wars) Page 47

by Jonathan Yanez

  “I too am surprised they didn’t search this castle for you.”

  “Oh, they did,” Gabriel said with a what started as a chuckle then turned into a hacking cough. “And I would have killed all he sent to search for me here if I had the strength. I had to settle for hiding instead of strangling them with their own entrails.”

  Ardat raised an eyebrow. “Harsh words for a man who looks to be struggling to breath. I wonder,” Ardat said talking a step forward as she spoke, “what is to keep me from killing you now?”

  Gabriel shook his head with a tight slow twist, “Please, do you think I would not have taken measures before my powers were drained with the weight of the incantation?”

  Ardat took another step and walked into what felt like a wall. She pressed against the invisible barrier with both her hands then called on her manipulation of gravity for assistance. Straining she heaved against the magic although it was no use. “I placed wards that will hold until I have gathered my strength,” Gabriel said. “In days I will recover and be free to either use the spell again or maybe I’ll start checking off lives from my list. Seraphim got away much too easily. I want to see her face when I kill each and every one of her Death Angels.”

  Ardat relaxed her stance conceding the fact she would not be able to finish Gabriel here and now. Other means would have to be procured. “I assume you know why I have come?”

  “I can guess,” Gabriel said. “You’re here to see what I want in exchange for Michael’s life?”

  Ardat nodded.

  “Predictable,” Gabriel rolled his eyes. “When will you learn the man cannot be saved from himself? He will die on the side of the Light like a fool. You should have learned this during the Usurper’s rise to power. He cannot be turned.”

  “I understand that,” Ardat said. “However, he can be spared. I’m here to broker a deal for his life. We both know that with the power of the spell in the emblem you hold fate and our lives in your hands. This battle is already over. Michael won’t—he can’t—stop fighting. Do whatever you please, just spare his life. When the Usurper comes back—”

  “The Usurper?” Gabriel asked with a hint of menace in his eyes.

  Ardat kicked herself for not grasping the entirety of Gabriel’s plan. He was truly mad. “You don’t intend to use the Horsemen to bring about the Usurper’s reign…do you? This has all been a ruse.”

  Gabriel straightened his hunched form as much as he could in his seat. “The Usurper had his chance. We where both there throughout his campaign and at this same castle when he was defeated. His reign has come to an end. It’s time I make my claim over heaven and earth.”

  Ardat couldn’t believe her ears. How had she not seen it before? “You don’t care about the Horsemen. You don’t need them. You don’t even want them to bring about the Apocalypse and the Usurper’s rule. You want it all for yourself.”

  “There it is,” Gabriel said clapping his hands. “The Horsemen are a moot point. Of course, I would love to have their power to control and use but whether they side with me or not is not a turning point in this war. I will rise to power with or without them and I will see my own reign last a millennia.”

  Ardat’s mind raced with the new information. Her task stilled remained despite the news. She needed to strike an agreement with the mad Archangel or Michael would fall. “What do you want for Michael’s life?”

  The question echoed in the otherwise silent chamber. Stillness settled between the two as Gabriel looked her up and down. Ardat’s skin crawled as the Gabriel’s eyes traveled across her body. “Nothing,” he finally said.

  Ardat couldn’t believe her ears. “Nothing?” she repeated still unbelieving.

  “That’s right,” Gabriel said. “The look on his face after I defeat him will be plenty. I will strip him of his power and reveal your deception to him. The emotional carnage that will rip through him as he realizes the woman he loves has deceived him not once, but twice, will be enough. He will be free to live out his days regretting ever trusting you.”

  Ardat’s stomach twisted. A feeling of nausea washed over her, followed by a bout of rage. What was she supposed to do? This was the only way to save Michael.

  “Well, now that, this is settled, you can show your allegiance to my cause by helping me torture my new plaything.”

  Discontent swept over Ardat’s face as she was still struggling with the idea of betraying Michael’s trust. She would do anything for him, even if it meant her weathering his hate for a time. He would see. He had to see that she was doing this for him, for them.

  Ardat was again interrupted from her myriad of emotions as two figures walked into the chamber. Ardat immediately recognized them both. Triana was leading Kyle, more like dragging him, across the large room. There was no fight in Kyle as he stumbled along tethered to a chain that began in Triana’s hands and ended with being attached to both of his.

  “Apparently, he was going to lead Michael and Seraphim here. He was going to act as if he’d turned sides.” Gabriel let out a loud exhale. “Instead, this poor mislead Nephilim has doomed himself to a life of torture.”

  Ardat had seen the horrors of war. She had inflicted grievous wounds through the battlefield and when the time called for it, she had even tortured others. Still the shadow she saw across Kyle’s face shook her to the core. Physically, he was untouched. No cuts or bruises crossed his face or arms. However, a look of torment veiled his eyes. Ardat could only guess the cruel methods of mental suffering being used. Demons had mastered the art of tearing apart someone’s very soul.

  Triana smiled at Ardat as she yanked down hard on the chain. Kyle stumbled to his knees. The motion brought forth a scream from his raw throat. But no shattering cry broke from his throat. Kyle was making every indication of yelling in pain yet no sound uttered. “I thought hearing him scream would get on our nerves,” Triana explained with a wicked smile.

  “Please,” Gabriel said motioning to his victim. “As you can see, we’ve been saving physical pain for a later time. To show me your sincerity for our agreement, I would like it if you were to take the first stab at him.”

  Ardat ignored the pun and turned her attention to Kyle. More than anything, she wanted to get back to Michael. She needed to explain to him why she had struck him. However, she knew Gabriel would not be satisfied until she caused Kyle pain. Ardat steeled herself. She looked past Kyle’s bloodshot eyes and focused on the best way to get out of the situation. With harsh thud, her fist collided with Kyle’s left temple. He went crumpled in on himself and fell to the ground immediately.

  “Oh,” Gabriel said from his throne. “Does Ardat have a heart after all? If I had to guess, I’d think there was pity in that punch.”

  Ardat walked for the exit. Over her shoulder she offered one last reply, “Think what you like. But I was only here for Michael. I have better things to do than torture a Nephilim.”

  Chapter One Hundred Two

  “Horseman,” the angels on the frontlines nodded in respect. “War,” others greeted him with hard looks. Alan nodded back and grunted with his own replies as Danielle helped him with his armor.

  “If you get hurt,” she said in a worried voice as she strapped on his greaves and breastplate, “you hurry right back. I’ll be with Raphael and Kassidy ready to heal you.”

  Alan nodded as he locked his helmet in place and took up his shield and spear. A sick longing filled him, an excitement for battle and blood. Danielle’s vexed expression and the level of worry in her eyes brought him back from his thoughts of the fight to come. “Hey,” Alan said lifting Danielle’s chin with his finger. “I’m going to be fine. We are all going to be fine.”

  Danielle nodded, clearing her throat at the same time. No words came to her but the worry on her face was clear. “I’ll see you soon,” Alan said. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  Danielle trembled as his lips met her soft skin. Before any more words could be exchanged, Esther’s voice could be heard thund
ering through the air. “Positions!”

  Alan gave Danielle one last wink before heading to the front of the army. The armor he wore was comfortable, not too heavy and it afforded him all the movement he could want. Two long slits on the back of his armor made sure his wings would not rend the armor when he called on them.

  Alan took his place in the long line of angel warriors that stood on the beach. Together they faced the embankment. Archers hovered in the air above them. Esther walked back and forth across the frontline readying her troops. She was a goddess. Silver armor glimmering in the sunlight. Her sword was drawn as she shouted and pointed at the mass of approaching enemy. “They come now expecting us to fold. They knock on our door and tell us we should bargain one of our own because now as supernaturals we have all lost our immortality.”

  Esther paused, her chest heaving as she roared into the still air. “Well, I say I have seen our Creator and I am ready to spend an eternity with him if it is my time to die.”

  Shouts from her warriors greeted her words. Alan found himself sharing their excitement. Whether it was his continued evolution into the Horseman of War or a sense of peace, Alan found himself unwilling to shy away from the thought of death.

  “If it is our time to go,” Esther beat her breast with her free hand, “then it is our time to go. But let them remember forever this day, the day they thought we would fold. Let them remember forever the day the Light beat back the darkness!”

  Another roar from her men and women split the air as every soldier under Esther’s command stomped their feet and bashed their weapons on their shields.

  So much adrenaline pumped through Alan’s veins, it was hard for him to stand still. His hands trembled with the promise of war. The enemy was approaching quickly. What seemed before like hundreds of enemies before was now multiplied by fear. Thousands of warriors raced across the green sloping hills towards the beach. They were still too far away to make out faces yet Alan could suppose Trubic would be somewhere in the rear of the crowd.

  “Archers,” Esther yelled taking her place next to Alan on the frontline, “fire!”

  Whistling permeated the air above Alan as the archers let loose with a volley of arrows. Tiny wooden shafts darted through the sky overhead to land amongst the enemy rank. Unearthly screams came from the enemy, some yelling their war cries, others from a shaft that found its mark.

  Once given the command, the archers did not stop. They filled the sky with arrows. Their movements were so fast, it was hard to see where one arrow was released and another strung on the bow. Alan found himself admiring their poise and efficiency as they let loose.

  His attention was soon turned to the wave of enemies as the ground began to shake. Alan knew from experience this would be no ordinary fight. Every supernatural being was gifted with a unique ability. This battle would be fought not only with tangible weapons but also with fire, ice, electricity, energy; the list went on forever.

  Alan gripped his shield tighter as the enemy continued to rush forward. They were fifty yards away. One after another fell from arrows but as soon as an enemy stumbled, another demon would take its spot. Forty yards: Alan could see their uniforms. Dark green armor gave way to a black cloak behind them. Thirty yards: they held every kind of weapon imaginable from scimitars to their bare hands. Twenty yards: they were both male and female and some indiscernible. Each demon chose his or her own appearance. Most decided to err on the side of vanity, picking faces that could be a movie star’s. Others decided to have their appearance match what was on the inside; twisted monsters, the stuff of nightmares. Ten yards: there was no time to think, this was it.

  Alan braced himself along the shield wall and weathered the initial impact from the horde. Screaming his own battle cry that sounded more beast than man, Alan gave himself over to the boiling turmoil of rage within. He caught the first attacker in the face with a plunge of his spear. The next demon was a gangly looking monkey creature that tried to jump over his shield. The monster swiped at Alan as it sailed over their lines.

  Alan was beyond thought as instinct took over and he reacted. Shield still holding the wall on his left hand, Alan turned and swung out with his spear in a wide arc behind him. The tip of the spear cut a long line across the creature’s throat and it fell gurgling as it grasped its neck.

  “Now!” The shout came from Esther. Every member of the shield-wall broke formation and charged forward. Likewise, the angelic archers above swooped down to join their comrades on the ground.

  Alan found himself beside Esther, cleaving their way through the enemy ranks. Blood cascaded through the air as metal met flesh. Seeing Esther in action was inspiring. The woman moved with the grace of a swan but struck with the power of a lion. She weaved in and out of her enemies’ attacks like a fluid stream of water. Alan had to remind himself to concentrate at the demons coming at him instead of watching the experienced warrior in action.

  Sweat poured down his forehead and into his eyes. A feeling of purpose and belonging wrapped itself around Alan as he swung and dodged. Alan marched farther and farther into the enemy ranks searching for Trubic and Sodom. If he could find them and kill them, then maybe the rest of the army would flee.

  Gasping with exertion, Alan struck an oversized demon so hard his spear broke on the monster’s iron hide. The toothy demon grinned, “Sorry, Horseman. This won’t be so easy.” As the monster charged towards him, Alan caught a glimpse of Trubic in the background. Trubic had seen Alan and was eagerly waiting to witness his defeat. Beside him, Sodom stood with a stern gaze.

  “Back, back,” Esther could be heard from somewhere behind Alan. “We are over extended. Protect the camp!”

  Alan heard the order but with an iron beast bearing down on him and Trubic and Sodom within his reach, retreat didn’t seem like an option.


  Instead of obeying orders, Alan ran in the opposite direction. Rushing forward he threw his shield up in front of him and launched himself from the ground. The move seemed natural, almost as if he had performed the act a hundred times before. Kicking out with both feet, Alan smashed his side of the shield just as the iron beast struck the opposite side.

  Tremors ran up and down Alan’s legs and through his spine. The charging iron demon was blown backward and disappeared in a pile of arms and legs as he collided with a group of his own soldiers. Alan didn’t waste any time. Recovering form his move, he ran towards Trubic.

  Seeing Alan conquer his foe sent Trubic cowering behind his uncle. Sodom stood tall in front of Alan refusing to give an inch. “Concede defeat, Horseman,” Sodom said opening his arms wide around him. “You are surrounded.”

  Alan wiped blood from a corner of his mouth as if it were an afterthought. He didn’t even know he had been struck in the battle. One look and Alan knew Sodom was telling the truth. Disobeying Esther’s command to retreat back to the camp had placed Alan alone. The enemy hedged him in on every side. Alan knew he should be panicking, but a peace confirming everything was going to be fine settled over him.

  Alan removed the hot helmet from his brow and placed it on the sand in front of him. “I’ll give you a chance to pull back your army now and surrender. If you don’t, I will kill you all.”

  Sodom’s eyebrows rose. “I understand you are the Horseman of War, but let’s not get carried away now.” With a motion to his men, Sodom added, “Whoever brings me his head will be richly rewarded.”

  They converged on Alan like an avalanche. From every side, the enemy rushed him. Alan’s blue wings shot out on either side of his back with the ease of a practiced motion. The two heavenly appendages wrapped themselves around him in the blink of an eye and even faster, shot open sending a concussive blast in a circle around him.

  Demons staggered under the force, most flew back against the violent blow. None of them recovered in time to face the War that raged to meet them. Alan was a blur of motion. Something else entirely took possession of him as he struck with his; fists, feet, elbows and k
nees. His wings, sparking with energy, even came into play thrashing enemies whenever his fists or feet could not. When his wing came into contact with a demon, the energy would disperse and send that assailant reeling or careening backward.

  Alan undertook blows to his head and abdomen in return. One demon even got lucky and lashed out with a whip-like tail that sliced Alan skin just above his right eye. Despite their best efforts, the demon horde could not stop Alan. In seconds, the Fallen in the group around him were either dead or dying on the beach. Filled with war fury, Alan made his way to Sodom and lifted the man up with one hand. “You should have surrendered. Now, let’s see what’s on the other side for you, demon.”

  Sodom lifted both hands in surrender, “Easy. If I were you, I would be concerned about your fellow Horseman right about now.”

  Alan wanted to deny the fact that Sodom had any information of use. More than likely he was bluffing but could Alan take that chance?

  The hesitancy in Alan’s eyes was all Sodom needed to know his plan was working. “I,” Sodom said doing his best to look like he was in control despite being lifted in the air by his collar, “am a strategist just like your friend Michael. I wanted you to overextend your reach. I lured you out here. If you go back now, you just might be able to stop my men securing your Horseman friend.”

  As much as Alan hated the idea, it made sense. Somewhere deep inside he knew Sodom was telling the truth. Why didn’t he listen to Esther’s cry to retreat when he had the chance? Alan bottled his rage and drew Sodom in close. The demon was only inches away. Alan could smell his stale breath even past the metallic scent of blood in the air. “This isn’t over.”

  “No,” Sodom said as Alan let him fall to the floor and raced back to the camp. “It isn’t.”


  Alan called on his gift of supernatural speed and navigated the battle scene back to the camp. Screams of the dying on both sides and the fighting that still took place in a dozen sections of the reconfigured shield-wall rang through the air. Icy patches of ground, along with sections of the battlefield on fire smoldering with acid and a dozen other elements were becoming a normal sight in a fight. When armies of supernatural beings each granted with unique powers collided, there was no telling what one would find in the aftermath.


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