Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 19

by Erik Weir

  “You never told us what set off that fateful time,” Hexnia said with a razor grin. “You discovered her hidden power, but I find it hard to believe that was the only motivating factor on killing love.”

  Baaldir grew silent.

  “Hexnia my dear, we all have our secrets and Baaldir has his. I doubt such knowledge would have changed anything. Best to move forward to a new age,” Luhorr sighed.

  The demon goddess let a sultry exhale, “I’ll admit, we all loved and hated her. When she would come to the gatherings and business was concluded, she would entice us to share our forms. Very few of us could say no to her. By definition, she was an impulse to bask in warmth and lust.”

  Baaldir’s eyes narrowed, “And if she returns, it will be like it once was, with the added knowledge she could replace all of us.”

  Hexnia eyed Baaldir, “You know we all go through cycles of death and rebirth and yet you continue to fight our very nature.”

  “The universe is our playground, but I will keep my toys where they are,” Baaldir growled.

  Hexnia crossed her crimson arms, tail trembling in an agitated shudder. “I have already placed too much energy into this sad endeavor.”

  Baaldir’s expression twisted into a warm leer. “Now now my dear Hexnia, we wouldn’t want to jeopardize our love, do you?”

  The demon goddess’s expression shifted into a blank slate, her eyes looking off.

  Baaldir stepped closer, taking her hands into one of his, using his other hand to touch her chin and making sure she looked into his eyes. “Our love is across the Night Sun and Tempest realms. I have allowed many of your people to stay in Tempest, mating with the tribes and allowing their children to grow and blend with all. Their strength has added to the might of chaos. I would hate to see the half-breeds and your people perish under mysterious circumstances.”

  Hexnia was silent, looking at Baaldir with resigned love.

  The horned god turned his attention to the tentacle blob, eyeing a tentacle as it invaded Hexnia’s goddesshood.

  “Luhorr, how pleased would you be if I forbade you from seeing Hexnia from time to time?”

  “I can find another lover,” Luhorr said indifferently.

  “You could…but what will happen when Hexnia’s people stop sending those books to Dark Spire? The Kurggoth cannot stop their addiction for books from Night Sun. it could lead to war after enough time has passed.”

  Luhorr’s many eyes narrowed. “You dare disrupt the accord!”

  Baaldir grinned, “I dare.”

  The horned god let go of Hexnia’s hands and turned his back to his fellow goddess and god. “You two are the only ones I can count on during this crisis. Vala cannot return and we will do everything we can to stop it. If you do not increase the number of Champions to fight Vala’s Blade and Shields, our alliance will come to an end.”

  Baaldir turned and gave Hexnia and Luhorr a sinister smile, “And then I will start a hunt the likes none have seen in the universe. Your beloved pawns, priests, and Champions will be cut down and ripped apart. Then your peoples will be hunted like the vermin they are and when they are all gone, I will hunt you both.”

  Luhorr’s eyes looked down and his tentacles lowered.

  Hexnia sucked in a short breath before smiling wide with sultry eyes, “You still make me wet when you talk like that.”

  Baaldir smirked. “It is not talk when I have full conviction of following through. I have wiped out civilizations before and I won’t hesitate to do the same to you both.”

  “The pantheon…,” Luhorr said meekly before trailing off.

  Baaldir let out a hearty laugh. “The pantheon knows better than to stand up to my might. My knowledge can destroy the feeble…,” The God of the Hunt trailed off as something caught his attention.

  Victor watched as Hexnia and Luhorr followed Baaldir’s gaze to a small figure walking from around a pillar. The three gods stood about twenty feet tall, but the figure in black was about five foot ten. Body turning as he looked around, the three gods looked down incredulously on the new comer. Victor glanced to Vala as her head tilted forward, shadows covering her entire face. Turning back to the gods and the newcomer, a spike of cold fear stabbed into Victor’s spirit.

  “Is this a regular meeting place? It’s hard to tell how many times you three have been here,” said the man in black.

  “How did you…,” Baaldir growled before his eyes went wide.

  Hexnia and Luhorr moved to either side of Baaldir, their faces twisting into shock and a dash of fear.

  “I’ll admit, my abilities are growing, but even I’m not sure how they all work. It’s…a feeling if you understand my meaning.”

  Draygon stepped closer as the three gods stood their ground. “The three of you are trying to keep a dead goddess…erm…dead. Such wasted potential.”

  “Baaldir, we must leave,” Luhorr said with urgency.

  Draygon lifted his hands, “No, don’t go. I have so much to learn and you three are prefect. I have questions and I hope you can answer them.”

  Draygon put his hands behind his back and paced from left to right before the gods. “I can sense…everything, but it is difficult to put it into such a mongrel language. Knowledge must be distilled into its purest form so I may understand before I can twist and bend it to my will.”

  “Abomination, you were not invited here,” Baaldir said with a deep, commanding voice.

  Draygon continued to pace, “I could say the same for all or you. None of you were meant to achieve this level of evolution. It would seem this corner of the universe has been lax on its duties.”

  A golden spear appeared in Baaldir’s hand. “I will slay you where you stand!”

  Draygon stopped pacing and faced Baaldir. “If you could, you would have done it already. I don’t wish to start our relationships on such a negative note. I have questions and you have answers. If we come to an understanding, you will be allowed to flee to other universes when the time comes.”

  Baaldir lifted his spear in a blink of an eye. The next moment, it came down, point aimed at Draygon’s chest. Hexnia and Luhorr pulled back just as the spear was an inch from the smaller man’s chest. A hand blurred and caught the spear point, holding it at bay. Draygon and Baaldir’s arms trembled as energies sparked between them. The god of the hunt grunted as he threw his back and shoulders into driving the spear into the small man. Draygon’s boots slid back slightly, his dark eyes calm as frozen lakes.

  “Your power is that of stars at various stages in their cycles. Some of you are stronger than others, but you share the same paths of being born, growing, fading and dying. You may be higher beings, but you can die just like the rest of the universe.”

  Draygon’s hand twisted and the golden spear shattered into shards of light. Baaldir fell forward, leg snapping out and catching himself. With wide eyes, he stepped back.

  Draygon waved away the shards of light like gnats and continued. “Stars at times consume each other if they are too close. The larger star will eat the smaller one, extending their lifespan and their power.”

  Draygon eyed the three gods, a sinister smile forming. “You three have burned for a long time and would be hard to digest. I need a meal and Vala has discovered how to rejuvenate her power from death. When she is reborn, I can consume her power with little resistance. The only thing standing in my way is her…Champion as you call them.”

  Luhorr’s tentacles writhed in anger, “You should have been slain the moment you touched the black sands. My followers will destroy you!”

  Draygon’s smile remained. “They lost their chance and now I’m here. I think I would have found a nice moon somewhere and allowed the eons I needed to reach maturity, but that is no longer an option.”

  The strange man pointed at Luhorr with a flare of contained rage. “Your people have hunted and killed my brothers and sisters for far too long. I burrowed under the black sands, dreaming of your atrocities and watching as they slew every newbo
rn without a drop of shame. I can no longer wait to reach the height of my power. I need fuel and Vala will be my meal.

  “Tell me the name of her Champion so I may better understand him. Tell me his name so I can twist him to my will. Tell me so I can lure Vala from death and feast. Tell me so this universe may know its end and I can achieve cosmic justice for those slain for simply existing!”

  Baaldir’s brow formed a sharp V, “You will need more than his name before you can think of destroying anything.”

  Draygon gave a gentle nod, “His name is the first step in my designs. Tell me and you will live to see another universe.”

  Baaldir, Hexnia and Luhorr remained silent before rifts appeared behind them. Collectively, they stepped or slid back, each filling a portal. When they passed the threshold, the portals closed and winked out of existence.

  Draygon continued to look forward, his smile fading away. Turning, dark eyes searched as the glimmer of stars appeared in his long black hair. Dark eyes searched the great vast cosmic chamber, seeing and not seeing.

  “I can sense you Vala. You are watching, but from a different point of time. A clever way to hide, but you now know my intentions. I will admit, I’m not good at keeping secrets, but in the scheme of the universe, it matters little. You and your Champion will not be able to stop me. I will be there when you awaken and I will consume every drop of your essence, quickening my ascension.”

  Vala raised a hand and the dreamscape swirled away. Victor felt weightless until the dream pulsed back into being. The ruins of Vala’s temple rose up around them and Victor felt at home. Vala moved away from her Champion and sat on a stone bench. The goddess patted the seat next to her and placed her hands on her lap.

  Victor stepped over and sat by the goddess, questions filling his mind.

  Vala spoke first. “To learn what Draygon is, speak to Vonn. She will be able to share her knowledge to answer your questions.”

  Victor nodded and looked down, elbows on knees.

  Long shadows covered Vala’s face, her voice rising up again. “I wanted to take this moment to show what I’ve seen and to speak about your crisis of faith.”

  The Blade lifted his head and looked to the darkness of her hood.

  “No need to hide it. I can feel everything about you and many others. When I spoke to you on why I chose you as my Champion, I knew it would not sit well. You’re positive nature hinges on honesty and faith. You have faith in others, but a sliver of doubt has touched you.”

  “I know why you did it, but I feel you could have told me the truth and I would have still become your Champion. It feels like…you didn’t believe in me.”

  Vala sighed. “Gods and goddess are higher beings, but even we are prone to doubt and dismay. Your choice must be in the moment of life and death for it to be true, otherwise…it becomes fantasy, a dream on faraway clouds. How different would it have been if I came to you, asked the question and slid the celestial dagger in your chest? It would have caused me to become your lover…and your enemy.”

  Victor looked away, “You’re right, I don’t understand all the rules, but it doesn’t stop me from questioning everything. Why does Baaldir hate you so much? I can’t believe they killed you just because you brought peace and love to the realms. It sounds like some sick cosmic joke of trashy jealousy and betrayal.”

  Vala lifted her head up, light of the crescent moon touching her smiling lips. “As my Champion, you are entitled to knowledge that cannot be shared in the realms. For that, I will answer your question as long as you keep it in your heart.”

  “I will,” Victor said warmly.

  Vala continued, “Higher beings do not appear out of thin air. We grow our power, suffer through trials and ascend to a higher plane. It is a long and terrible path to follow and most do not survive the transition. It is the reason why the universe is not flooded with higher beings and maintains the balance.

  “When I was amid the pantheon, I followed my duties. I brought love and lust to all. I took on many lovers across the realms and in the higher realms. Gods and goddesses playfully fought for my affections but Baaldir loved me the most. He wanted to create new realms with our love, expanding the universe further. It was a noble desire, creating a garden to grow masterpieces of songs and art. Even I was caught in his designs, wanting to help make the realms paradises for all.”

  Vala looked away, “We can be childish as well.”

  Victor listened intently as the goddess continued.

  “On a fateful night, Baaldir sang his love for me as we entwined in loving bliss. When his cosmic seed entered my celestial womb, we did something that had never happened before in the span of the universe…we conceived a child, a child born of two celestial beings.”

  Victor’s eyes widened before confusion took hold.

  Vala let out a small laugh. “Mortals can have children, but higher beings cannot…until that night. Baaldir watched as my belly grew with new life. Time sped up as we remained locked in the child’s growth. In cosmic moments, I held life once again in my womb like I did when I was mortal. It was supposed to be a magical moment, discussed and admired for eons to come.”

  A tear streaked down Vala’s white cheek.

  “My son was born and Baaldir took him into his arms before vile hate filled his entire being…and he crushed him with his bare hands. He ranted and raved on how such a thing could happen! He cursed me as I sobbed, accusing me of tricking him into creating life so I could seize power from all. Madness gripped him before he fled.

  “I mourned my lost child. The power of my mourning afflicted all. The rest of the pantheon felt it, but didn’t know what transpired. I collected my shattered self and prepared to resume my duties when they came for my followers. Baaldir spoke to others in the Pantheon, telling them I could create abominations and he witnessed it. Their love turned to hate and then rage. My people…my followers…my loves…were raped and slain, bodies cut to pieces and fed to animals. Temples were burned and my worship outlawed. When I had grown weak, seven of them came for me here in my realm. The last of my people I tried to save were slaughtered. This very temple burned as I lay dying.”

  Victor’s heart twisted in his chest.

  “I knew I could not win against their combined might so I let a piece of me slip away while they hacked me to pieces. While they raged, I grabbed parts of myself and quickly dispersed them across the six realms before the last of my essence crossed the vastness of space, jumping from one dream to the next. It was all I could do.”

  “Vala…I’m so sorry,” Victor said with a heavy heart.

  The goddess smiled as the tear faded away. “I lost everything when I fled, even my hope. When I entered a dream with one of Baaldir’s wolves chasing me, I thought this was my end until a young man who had no reason to fight for me, grabbed a sharp stone and defended me with his life.”

  Vala turned her shadowy eyes to Victor, “You question your faith in me as all should when they face the great darkness, but know this, I will never question my faith in you, my Champion. You restored hope to me and I will always be grateful.”

  Victor slid off the bench and kneeled before the goddess, head bowed. “I’m sorry Vala if I questioned your intentions before. It…won’t happen again.”

  Vala smiled, “Rise my Blade, stand before your goddess.”

  Victor stood up, eyes heavy in sorrow.

  Vala stayed sitting, looking up to the handsome young man. “You have no need to say such things. I understand your heart and with time, you will understand mine. For now, time is running short and I require a promise from you.”

  Victor kept his eyes neutral as he listened intently.

  “Time flows like a river. My kind can see glimpses into the future, but they are not set. I have given more power than one would give to a Champion but there can be a terrible price. I have seen aspects of your fate and you must promise me…when darkness has consumed you…do not lose control of your heart. Can you promise me?”
r />   “I promise,” Victor said without hesitation even though he didn’t know exactly what she meant.

  Vala nodded. “Thank you, Victor.”

  Victor wanted to reach down, pick up the goddess and hold her tight. He wanted to show her he would forever remain at her side. Heart beating faster, his hand shook as he reached out to her. Vala’s image blended into the background as bliss flared. Victor continued to reach for her, but she seemed to move away faster even though she remained seated. The dreamscape spiraled and a moment later, Victor’s eyes shot open.

  The young man sat up as Cassandra was beside him, lips wrapped around his stiff cock. The Keeper lovingly suckled on his manhood with long strokes. Victor couldn’t fight the bliss washing over him and when it reached a fevered pitch, his cock thickened and hot seed spurted into Cassandra’s throat. The Keeper continued to slid up and down, sucking down every drop of come until she pulled away with a satisfied smile.

  “You saw Vala,” Cassandra said simply. “I can taste it.”

  “Vala appeared and showed me the meaning behind it all. We need to get Vonn, Lily, and Dawn here. There’s a lot to talk about,” Victor said as he chased away tendrils of bliss.


  Cassandra hummed as she brought a tea kettle and tea cups on a silver tray to a large table. Victor sat on one end while Vonn sat to his left. Lily and Dawn sat side by side to the right, an empty chair by Vonn waited. Victor tented his fingers, gaze cast down on the thick wooden table as a storm of information sparked across his mind. Lily sat back relaxed while Dawn took a tea cup from the Keeper.

  A cup was set before Victor before steamy tea poured from the kettle. The Blade looked up to see Cassandra’s smile and for a second, it melted his heart. It still took some getting used to seeing Cassandra’s eight-foot frame, but seeing her so energetic and happy caused Victor to involuntary smile. When she finished pouring tea for everyone, the Keeper made her way to Vonn’s side and sat down.


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