Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 33

by Erik Weir

  Victor growled and stabbed his bone blade into the spawn’s stomach and spent his last point of Strength. Draygon looked up as the power blasted him out of the building and through the air. Victor followed, reaching the edge of the ruined building and jumped.

  Draygon fell, eyes widening as the soothing effect slipped away. Turning in the air, he crashed into another building, rolling through furniture and walls and coming to a stop. The spawn giggled until he heard boots landing on the floor. The spawn was to his feet and raising swords as Victor barreled into him instantly. Swords and power rang out as the Blade kept up his relentless attack. Victor felt the power begin to slip away and he was running out of time.

  “Ha,” Draygon shouted as he let his swords fade away. “You’re running out of time, I can feel it.”

  Victor didn’t stop, slashing with all his might until Draygon lifted his arm and blocked the sword. Not slowing down, he pulled back and slashed again and again. Draygon blocked each incoming blow, clothes and arms cut but not slowing down.

  “Like a babe in the woods,” Draygon grinned before his fist shot out like a viper.

  The fist shattered Victor’s aura and cracked his armor, body flying back. Heels digging into the floor, it ripped two swaths of damage before he stopped right before falling out of the building. Victor shook it off and advanced when Draygon was on him. The Blade grunted as each punch the spawn threw was like a truck crashing into him. Alerts filled his vision as parts of his armor was shattered and fell like chunks of dust. A fracture formed along his arm as he swung his sword. Draygon caught the Blade’s wrist and squeezed. Pain surged as Victor cried out, the bone sword falling from his hand.

  “It was a valiant try,” Draygon smiled as he lifted Victor by his arm.

  The Blade kicked out, slamming his heel into the spawn’s face and neck. Draygon barely moved, shrugging off the attacks like an adult with an angry toddler.

  We need more power!

  Victor grunted as he spent the two divine orbs. Mind racing, he shoved two points into Strength and gained a new ability from the Holy Sphere.

  You gained Energy Craft!

  “Struggle…struggle for your life,” Draygon laughed.

  “Eat shit,” Victor grunted as his gun blade slipped into his left hand.

  Stabbing the blade into Draygon’s chest, the tip sank in inches, but the spawn didn’t flinch. Victor charged the blade with five points of Constitution. The six energy chambers glowed with vibrating power before Victor spent another point of Constitution into his Weapon Upgrade Ability.

  The gun blade glowed white hot as Draygon looked down with wide eyes. Victor hissed out a laugh when he pulled the trigger. The spawn released the Champion as his body was thrown from the energy blast. Victor landed on his feet and advanced, pulling the trigger and blasting the spawn as he hurtled out of the building and fell to the street.

  Draygon crashed into a wall and bounced, free falling until he slammed into the street below. Victor reached the edge of a destroyed wall and jumped. The Blade landed on the street, the last of his increased Strength and Jump ability wearing off. Having three more charges in his gun blade, he stepped toward the spawn as he tried to get back up. Large holes closed as Draygon laughed. The moment he was almost to his feet, Victor pulled the trigger three times.

  The bolts slammed into the spawn, pinning him to the wall as his body shuddered violently. Steam and a burning scent filled the area as Draygon’s shoulders heaved with laughter.

  “You are a delight,” Draygon giggled like a mad man.

  “I’m not finished,” Victor sneered before spending a point of Strength.

  A large portal appeared behind Victor. Draygon’s smile faded as something big charged through the portal and it instantly closed behind it. Using his Summon Monster ability, a giant woolly mammoth thundered across the short distance as Victor darted to the side.

  Draygon was barely to his feet when the mammoth coiled its trunk and slammed into him, grinding him into the side of the building as it crumbled down. The mammoth lifted its thick front feet and stomped down like giant hammers, pulverizing the falling debris covering the buried spawn. When the smashing reached its zenith, the mammoth stepped back and let out a huff.

  “Thank you,” Victor smiled to the giant creature.

  The mammoth huffed and shuffled its feet.

  Victor’s smile faded and he raised a brow, “I know it was a surprise. Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”

  The mammoth huffed again.

  “I said I was sorry,” Victor repeated when the rubble began to move.

  The mammoth and Victor backed up. Draygon’s head appeared from the rubble and he slowly stood up. Hands dusted himself off as mad giggles echoed off walls.

  “This certainly has been entertaining, but I have had enough fun for the evening,” Draygon’s smile fading away.

  The spawn looked up to the sky and sighed. “You never had a chance and now I shall complete what I set out to do.”

  Raising a hand, Draygon’s power curled around his arm and formed into ball amid his fingers. “Let the final chorus commence.”

  Closing fingers around the ball of darkness, there was a flash and dread flowed outward. Victor couldn’t fight the chill as he looked up. High in the night sky, a line rippled into view. It cracked the night and balls of bright light appeared. They glowed brighter with various colors and for some reason, they seemed familiar to Vala’s Champion.

  The horrific realization washed over Victor like freezing cold water. Draygon smiled and nodded as he watched the knowledge fill Victor’s eyes.

  “Yes, they are streams of comets from Night Sun. I knew even with my power and legions of shadows, it would be a hard victory. But with hundreds of comets directed at this very planet, not even Valis has the power to stop such an attack,” Draygon smiled.

  Victor looked up in awestruck disbelief. The sheer power barreling down on the planet would wipe out all life. Even if Valis’ people reach the ships, there will be no place to hide from the tsunamis and maelstroms to come.

  Draygon put his hands on his hips. “It is done. And now to make sure you don’t become any more of nuisance,” The spawn snapped his fingers.

  A shadow appeared, rising up with a twisted mouth. Pale eyes bore down on Victor as it reached its height of about seven feet tall. The Blade lifted his gun blade but a tremor ran along his spine, something from deep within his heart.

  Draygon crossed his arms. “Your first reunion didn’t go as I thought it would so I decided to give you both a second chance.”

  The Shadow grinned as it stared. “You have grown…I’m happy we can spend some time together…,” The shadow said with a dark, sardonic tone.

  Victor took a step back, hands shaking. Parts of his mind tried to push it away, trying to shove his feelings deep within a vault and throw away the key. The same feeling he felt before caused his body to shudder in fear as he fought logic’s grip. Memories of the shadow in Vonn’s home came rushing back.

  “Give your father a hug,” The shadow leered with long, thin arms spreading out.


  “Dad…,” Victor whispered, heart breaking.

  The shadow slithered forward, arms reaching out. “Son, come to me. It’s sooo cold. I need your warmth. I need you to help me feel better.”

  Victor took a step back. “No…I can’t…”

  The shadow nodded. “You can son. Come to me. Your warmth will heal me. Heal your father so we can catch up.”

  Victor pointed his gun blade and charged it with a Constitution point. “You’re gone. This is just what’s left of you…”

  The shadow looked down at the gun blade, slithering forward and touching it with his black hands.

  “Your mother would not approve…”

  Victor’s lip trembled, scenes of his father changing from kind man to monster, punching him until he spit up blood. Images of bruises colored his thoughts as he fought to stay strong.
r />   “I was sick…but Draygon has shown me the true path. Let him finish his work…and then we can be together…,” the shadow whispered with ghostly words.

  Pain welled up as Victor tried to keep his arm steady.

  “Victor, listen to your father, he knows the truth,” Draygon said with an uncharacteristically serious tone.

  “I…I…can’t…,” Victor whispered.

  “My strong son…yes…you can…,” the shadow blinked innocently.

  Victor’s arm and head lowered; the pain and regret sinking deeply into his spirit.

  “That’s my boy…,” the shadow said sweetly as he approached and stood before Victor.

  Victor kept his gaze to the ground before a thin black hand reached down and lifted his chin. Pale, mad eyes filled with edges of serenity as the shadow kept its jagged smile.

  “Come with me and we can talk until the end of the universe…”

  Victor sighed when something balled in his chest. A stream of darkness poured out, forming a fist. Victor’s father looked down just as the black fist slammed into its misshapen face and sent the shadow floating back. Victor watched as darkness pooled at his feet and Chill rose up, oval blue eyes on the shadow Victor once called father.

  “Victor, this isn’t your fight anymore. Take down Draygon while I teach this monster what it really means to love,” Chill growled with contempt.

  Victor’s father screeched as it launched at the shadow. Chill’s black fingers formed into points right before both shadows clashed. The shadows spiraled together like black snakes. Clawed hands slashed at each other as screeches blanketed the area. The feral slashing continued, each one landing blows and shards of darkness slicing off black bodies.

  “Fight me Victor. Show the universe how weak you really are,” Draygon chuckled.

  Victor’s internal sorrow switched to a rage. Fury burned in his eyes as he lifted his gun blade and aimed. Behind him, the mammoth roared as it lifted its front legs and slammed them down into a charge. Draygon beckoned with his hands as the mammoth charged and Victor pulled the trigger again and again.


  Portia looked up at the comets streaking toward the planet. The High Commander’s eyes widened as information filled her vision. The fighting began to grow desperate as small feeds filled the corner of her vision, angels dying by the dozens as they moved closer to the city entrance.

  A thundering shockwave passed through the city as Portia and many others turned to see Umus flying backwards and crashing into a building. The god brushed off debris from his shoulders as the Elder Thing stepped into the city, its foot crushing several smaller buildings in its wake.

  “Is that all you have,” Umus shouted before bursting into the air, giant mace in hand.

  “Activate planetary shield,” Portia commanded as she marched forward, blasting shadows to dust.

  A grid formed from one horizon to the other. Once the lines connected, the shield solidified and faded from view as points of light grew brighter. Lily looked up, astonished at the power as the fighting grew to a fevered pitch.

  The succubus looked down and charged, standing with the angels, her staff flashed out at any shadow penetrating the weapon fire. Grunts and yells rang out from the deafening violence. The crowd marched slowly, but the shadows seemed to surge, their numbers growing as they blindly floated into the line of fire. They filled the last remaining streets before the gate, creating a wall of darkness as they pushed back against the advancing angels and citizens.

  Portia stopped her advance, never letting her finger off the trigger as she fired into the horde. Calculations appeared in her vision, chances of success counting down in percentages. The longer they stayed, the lower the probability they would make it to the water. The number of citizens outweighed the number of soldiers. Turrets and cannons blinked out one by one as the flood of shadows continued to pin them down.

  Dragons flew down, blasting the shadows but the moment a path was cleared, shadows surged back in to replace their ranks instantly. Time slowed and chaos bloomed as the shadows pushed at the sides and from the front, testing the ranks for a single moment they can surge in.

  High above, comets rained down toward the planet. The shield glimmered for a moment before the first comet struck. Energy rippled along the planet’s shield, distributing the energy before another comet struck and then another. Cracks miles long appeared in the sky as comets crashed into the shield. At least several dozen slammed into the shield, punishing it before the cracks grew wider.

  “We push forward, NOW,” Portia screamed as she took one step forward.

  Off to the side, Astor and Shyryth blasted shadows to nothing, arms rigid and aiming. Shyryth fired her last shot and then began to reload. Astor stepped to her side, firing perfectly aimed shots, mana bullets striking between the eyes. The slinger moved like a machine, but even she could see that the fight was beginning to turn.

  Shyryth flicked her wrists, chambers sliding into place and locking. She moved and fired while Astor reloaded. The dragon slinger remained calm, following her master’s teaching to the letter. Never panic, even when death is an inch away from snatching you away.

  Astor finished reloading and holstered her guns. Shyryth glanced to her master with a touch of concern.

  Astor knelt to the ground and un-slung the pack from her back. “Shyryth, fly with your friends.”

  “I won’t leave your side,” the red dragon woman said as she pulled triggers, six shadows dying one after the other.

  Astor opened the long pack and pulled out a metal cylinder with small cylinders packed together at one end. A lever crank was at the end of it and to the side. The slinger reached in and pulled out a long belt of glowing mana bullets. Hands moved with expert skill as she loaded the chain belt to the weapon and locked it into place. Taking the strap connected to it, she put it over her head as she stood up, hand on the crank.

  “Shyryth, fly. Burn a path from above while I cut one from below.”

  The dragon woman shook her head slightly, “No.”

  Astor stepped to the dragon and placed a hand on her shoulder, “You promised you would take my direction. I am directing you to fly and burn a path.”

  Shyryth glanced to Astor’s serious expression. With a growl, she holstered her guns and leapt into the air. The red dragon woman let her body convulse and change until she morphed into her true dragon form.

  “That’s my girl,” Astor smirked before turning her attention to the front of the crowd where angels tried to blast through the shadows.

  Breaking into a run, she raced along the outskirts of the crowd but behind the angels fighting shadows. When she came toward the front, she aimed the Gatling rifle. Portia glanced back to see the Slinger step to the line and shoulder her way through.

  “I’ll clear a path and you lead them to safety,” Astor ordered when she pushed past Portia.

  The angel commander watched as the Slinger planted her feet, grabbed the handle and began to crank it. The cylinders toward the front began to spin and immediately fired mana bullets. Shadows cried out as each bullet shredded their bodies like paper. The roar of the rifle clanked on, spitting out mana in its purest form. Astor began to advance, leading the way as Portia and many others joined in the carnage. A red dragon flew overhead, blasting out a stream of molten fire at the shadows, burning them to ash.

  Overhead, the shield glimmered before a fatal comet struck it. Energy rippled and shattered as the shield collapsed from the onslaught. Comets fell from the sky, barely touching the atmosphere when Portia’s senses picked up an energy signature.

  “Are we too late,” an angel shouted to Portia.

  The angel looked up and smiled before turning her attention and firing into the line of diminishing shadows.

  A wide portal appeared and something sharp and black emerged. Spikes pointed in all directions along the hull of the massive ship as it cleared the portal. Black metal with gray edges gleamed in the light as comets rained down fr
om high above. The ship was the size of the city, floating a hundred feet above the citadel.

  “We are the Xull,” boomed from the ship, “We are here to provide protection and assistance to the people of Valis. Prepare to be extracted to safety.”

  Lily raised a fist to the air and shouted.

  Comets fell from the sky, burning toward the giant ship and the city below it. Missile hatches opened by the hundreds and giant plasma cannons rose up and came to bear. Power hummed along the gigantic ship before plasma cannons roared to life, followed by salvos of missiles firing into the sky. Plasma streams struck comets and shattered them to pieces as missiles targeted large chunks and rammed into them. The sky lit up in a cacophony of light and explosions.

  Under the ship, bay doors opened as a dozen battle suits moved to the edge. Each one was similar save for the metal animal heads. A battle suit with a fox head looked down.

  “Secure the area and make room for the drop ships,” Wynn commanded.

  Two power suits with ram’s heads high-fived each other. Others with tiger, panther and cat heads hefted up large plasma rifles. Wynn gave a nod before stepping off the edge and falling. The others followed, stepping off and falling toward the fighting in the streets. Behind them in the bays, drop ships hummed to life.

  Wynn watched as she free-fell, a symphony of light played out below. Shadows moved like worms against the angels, both sides fighting at point blank range. The fox gave the command and her thruster pack flared. Controlling her descent, targeting scanners picked up shadows and she aimed. Pulling the trigger, plasma bolts rained down, adding to the fighting as bodies turned and slowed their landing.

  Metal legs bent when they hit the street. Joints whirled as the power suits moved to the edge, towering over angels by several feet and blasting into the tide of shadows without mercy. Shadows screeched before plasma death silenced them.

  “Don’t give them an inch,” Wynn commanded as she held back the trigger, plasma light flashing against her black visor.


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