to subsidiary sons, 9.163
to those excluded from inheritance, 9.202
maithuna, see sex
maitreyaka caste, 10.33
major crime, see crime, major
mala, see defilement
malāvaha errors, 11.71. See also restoration for malāvaha errors
malice (droha), 2.144, 161, 4.148, 177, 7.48, 8.271, 9.17
malla caste, 10.22, 12.45
māṃsa, see meat
Man, see puruṣa
manas, see mind-and-heart
Mandapāla, a sage, 9.23
Māṇḍavya, a sage, 9.315n
manifest (vyanj, vyakta), 1.6–7, 11, 68, 2.68, 9.36, 10.58, 11.88, 12.50
manliness, manly power, virile strength: pauruṣa, 7.102; vīrya, 2.114, 155, 8.232, 9.18, 201, 11.31–2, 34
mantra, see verse
Manu descended from Brahmā, 1.33, 63, 6.54
identified with Brahmā, 12.123
king, 7.42
law-giver, 1.1–4, 58, 102, 119, 2.7
Lord of Creatures, 1.34, 9.17
quoted in The Laws of Manu, 3.222, 4.103, 5.41, 131, 6.54, 8.124, 139, 168, 204, 242, 279, 292, 339, 9.158, 182–3, 239, 10.63, 78
Manu, The Laws of by whom to be studied, 1.103, 2.16;
to be taught, 1.103
contents of, 1.3, 118;
agree with Veda, 2.7
origin of, 1.58–60, 102, 119, 11.244
rewards for studying, 1.104–6
secret portion of, 12.107
Manus, seven, 1.36, 61–3, 79–80, 7.42n. See also cākṣuṣa; raivata; vaivāsvata
mānuṣa, see human
Manvantara, epoch of a Manu, 1.63, 79–80
Mārgaśīrṣa, month, 7.182
mārgava caste, 10.34
Marīci, a Lord of Creatures, 1.35, 58, 3.194–5
mark: anga, significant mark, 8.233; cihna, distinctive mark, brand, 8.352, 9.237–40, 10.55;
lakṣaṇa, distinguishing mark, 1.5, 112–13, 2.12, 3.4, 4.68, 158, 7.77, 163, 8.234, 261, 403, 9.35, 224, 10.50, 55, 11.54, 12.4, 31–8. See also sign
Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa, quoted 7.42n
marriage (dārakarman, vivāha) ages of men for, 9.94; of women 9.4, 88, 90–94
expenses of first, may be obtained by begging, 11.1,5
forbidden degrees and impediments, 3.5–9, 11, 11.172–3
intermarriage between different classes, 3.12–19, 43–4, 64. See also sons by wives of several classes; wives of several classes
present received on, is separate property, 9.206
punishment for substitution of another bride, 8.204
results of low, 3.63
rites, 3.20–42, 51–4;
affect succession, 9.196–7
second, of widows, forbidden, 5.161–4, 9.65;
of virgin widows permitted, 9.69–70, 176. See also woman, remarried
transformative ritual of women, 2.67
when complete, 8.227
with sacred texts for virgins, 8.226 See also bride
marriage of Brahmā, 3.21 affects succession to woman’s property, 9.196
description of, 3.27
permitted to whom, 3.23–4
results of, 3.37, 39–40, 42, 184
marriage of the centaurs (Gandharvas), 3.21 affects succession to woman’s property, 9.196
description of, 3.32
permitted to whom, 3.23–4, 26
results of, 3.41–2
affects succession to woman’s property, 9.197 description of, 3.31
permitted to whom, 3.23–5
results of, 3.41–2
See also daughter, sale of marriage of the demons (āsura), 3.21
marriage of the ghouls (paiśāca), 3.21 description of, 3.34
forbidden, 3.23, 25
results of, 3.41–2
marriage of the gods (daiva), 3.21 affects succession to woman’s property, 9.196
description of, 3.28
permitted to whom, 3.23–4
results of, 3.38–40, 42
marriage of the Lord of Creatures (prājāpatya), 3.21 affects succession to women’s property, 9.196
description of, 3.30
permissibility of, 3.23–4
results of, 3.38–40, 42
marriage of the ogres (rākṣasa), 3.21 description of, 3.33
marriage of the sages (ārṣa), 3.21, 53 affects succession to woman’s property, 9.196
description of, 3.29
permitted to whom, 3.23–4
results of, 3.5, 12, 38–40, 42
marriage-bed (talpa), see bed
martial arts, instructor in, excluded from ceremony for the dead, 3.162. See also weapons
Maruts, storm gods, servants of Indra, 3.88, 11.120, 122, 222
māṣa, see ‘bean’
māṣaka, see ‘bean, small’
material object (dravya), 3.181, 4.187
maternal aunt, 2.50, 131
maternal grandfather, entertained at ceremony for the dead, 3.148
maternal uncle entertained at ceremony for the dead, 3.148 manner of greeting, 2.130
pollution on death of, 5.81
quarrels with, forbidden, 4.179, 183
receives the honey-mixture, 3.119
maternal uncle’s wife, 2.131
matsyas, a caste, 2.19, 7.193
māyā, deceit, 1.82, 2.51
measures and weights, examined by the king, 8.403
meat (māṃsa), 7.131, 8.328, 12.63 forbidden to be eaten, 4.213, 5.7, 11–15, 17–18, 34,36–8, 43–56, 6.14, 11.96, 159
permitted to be eaten, 3.227, 257, 4.27, 5.16, 18, 22–3, 27–33, 36, 39–42, 250
sale of, disqualifies for ceremony for the dead, 3.152;
forbidden for priests, 10.88, 92.
See also flesh
medicines, medicinal herbs (oṣadhi), 1.46, 7.131, 8.324, 9.293, 10.47, 87, 11.64, 145, 238
meditation of an ascetic, 6.61–5, 72–5, 79–82
on the sacrifice, 2.85
on the self, 12.31, 116–25
of a Vedic graduate, 4.257–60
member (anga), part of the body, 2.10, 4.49, 83, 141; one of the six members of the body (arms, legs, head, and torso), 1.93;
six parts of government, 7.105, 9.294–7. See also body
memory, of previous births, 4.148–9
mercy (ānṛsaṃsya), 1.101, 3.54, 112, 8.411. See also cruelty
merit, meritorious (puṇya), 2.26, 30, 57, 68, 78, 106, 3.95
merit, religious, see dharma
messenger (dūta), 3.163
milk (payas), 2.107, 3.82, 226, 271, 4.250, 5.8–9, 130, 8.231, 326, 10.88, 92, 11.133, 195, 213, 12.62
mīmāṃsaka, ritual theologian, member of court, 12.111
mind-and-heart (manas), 1.6n, 14, 18, 53, 74–5, 104, 2.33, 92, 100, 160, 192, 223, 236, 4.16, 109, 5.108–9, 166, 6.35–6, 46, 8.26, 9.15, 29, 11.230, 232, 234, 242, 12.3–5, 8–10, 23, 121
mind, speech, and body (manovāgdeha), 1.104, 2.236, 5.165–6, 9.29, 11.232, 242, 12.3–11
minister (amātya), royal, 9.294 chief of, to be a priest, 7.58;
takes king’s place, 7.141, 226
consultations with, 7.56–9, 146–216
number of, 7.54
punishment of, for unjust decisions, 9.234. See also officials
minor cannot make a contract, 8.163
property of, not lost by lapse of time, 8.148–9
protected by king, 8.27 See also child
miser, food of, forbidden for priest, 4.210
mistake, see doṣa
Mitra, a god, 12.121
mleccha, see barbarian
mokṣa, see Freedom
moment (muhūrta), a unit of time (48 minutes; 30 muhūrtas comprise a 24-hour day), 1.64, 2.30, 4.93
money, see artha; dhana
mongoose (nakula), 4.126, 11.132, 160, 12.62
monkey, 1.39, 7.72, 11.136, 155, 12.67
monopoly, royal, 8.399
month (m�
�sa), 1.65, 3.250, 267–70, 4.95. The lunar months are: Caitra (March–April),
Vaiśākha (April–May),
Jyaiṣṭha (May–June),
Aṣāḍha (June–July),
Śrāvana (July–August),
Prauṣṭhapada or Bhādrapada (August–September),
Aśvina or Āśvayuja (September–October),
Kārttika (October–November),
Mārgaśīrṣa or Āgrahāyaṇa (November-December),
Pauṣa or Taiṣa (December–January),
Māgha (January–February),
and Phālguna (February–March)
moon, 9.314, 12.121 full, paurnamāsa, 4.113–14, 128
See also Anumati new, amāvāsya, 3.282, 4.113–14, 128;
darśa, darśamāsa, 4.10, 25, 6.9
‘Moon-course’ (cāndrāyaṇa) vow, see vow
mortgage, 8.165
mother (mātṛ), 2.133 abandoning, a crime, 3.157, 11.60;
punishment for, 8.389
begging from, 2.50
first birth from, 2.169–70
inherits from daughter, 9.197;
from son, 9.217
pollution of, on birth, 5.62
punishment for defaming, 8.275
reverence towards and venerability of, 2.145, 225–37, 4.162, 180, 183 See also daughter; son
mother-in-law, 2.131
mother’s sister, 2.133
mouth (āsya, mukha), 1.31, 87, 92, 94–5, 2.60, 81, 3.98, 133, 4.53, 5.130, 7.84, 8.271–2, 10.45, 84
mṛga, see deer; wild animal
muhūrta, see moment
mūla, see root
muni, see hermit
muñja, see rushes
murder, see homicide; restoration for killing
mūrti, see form, physical
mūrvā, see hemp fibre
mushroom, 5.5, 19, 6.14, 11.156
musician, food of, forbidden, 4.210
Naciketas, a sage, 3.185
Nāga, dragon, a demigod, often serpent from the waist down, who inhabits the subterranean watery world, 1.37, 3.196, 7.23
Nahuṣa, a king, 7.41
nakedness, 4.45, 53, 75
name (nāma), 1.21, 2.30–33, 122–4, 157, 199, 3.9, 5.157, 8.255
name-giving (nāmadheya, nāmakarman), 2.30–33, 5.70
Nārada, one of the great sages, 1.35
Nārāyaṇa (‘Resting on those born of man’), a name of god, 1.10
nāstika, see atheist
naṭa caste, 10.22, 12.45
nature, one’s own (svabhāva), 2.23, 213, 3.46, 9.16, 10.59
nigama, treatise, written or oral, ▓dealing with such supplementary branches of knowledge as grammar, logic, and commentaries on the Veda, 4.19
nikṣepa, see deposit
Nimi, a king, 7.41
nind, blame, condemn, disapprove, reproach, revile, 2.11, 200–201, 3.42, 47, 50, 161, 165, 4.157, 163
nirṛti, see ruin
nirukta, etymologist, 12.111
nirvap, to make a propitiatory offering (bali), literally to throw down or scatter, more precisely to put down a rice-ball in a propitiatory offering or a ceremony for the dead, 3.72, 92, 214, 216, 218, 220, 247–8, 260–61, 4.10
niṣāda, see ‘Hunter’
niṣka (‘gold ornament’), value of, 8.137
niṣkramaṇa, first leaving the house, 2.34
niṣkṛti, see redemption
nīti, see policy, royal
nitya karman, see obligatory activities
nivṛtti (vs. pravṛtti), see disengagement
niyama, see restraint
niyoga, niyukta, see appointment of widows; son begotten on widow or wife
‘Non-fire-burnt’ (anagnidagdha), a class of ancestors, 3.199
non-payment of wages, see wages
non-violence (ahiṃsā), 2.87n, 159, 6.75, 10.63, 11.223, 12.83; ahiṃsra (non-violent, harmless), 1.29, 4.246
north (udañc), 1.67, 2.52, 70, 3.87n, 4.50
nyagrodha, see banyan tree (Ficus Indica)
nymph (apsaras), celestial nymph, heavenly dancer and courtesan in the court of Indra, 1.37, 12.47
oath administered in doubtful cases, 8.109, 190
in boundary disputes, 8.256
formerly sworn by gods and sages, 8.110
manner of swearing, 8.113–14
sanctity of, 8.111 See also perjury
oblation (havis), 2.94, 3.87, 139, 211, 215, 236–7, 256–7, 266, 4.80 See also homa
‘Oblation-eater’, havirbhuj, haviṣmant, a class of ancestors, 3.197–8
obligatory activities or obligatory rituals (nitya karman), 2.104–6, 4.14
occupations, see livelihood
offence (kilbiṣa), 3.98, 4.243, 8.13, 40, 141, 296, 299, 316–17, 337, 342, 355, 420, 10.118, 11.91. See also error; guilt
offering ahuta (‘not-offered-in-the-fire’), 3.73–4
āhuti (burnt offering), 2.106. See also oblation
bali, see propitiatory offering
brāhmyahuta, the offering to priests, 3.73–4
havya, offering to the gods, 4.28
havyakravya, offerings to gods and ancestors, 1.94–5, 3.97, 128, 132–3, 135, 147, 150, 152, 168, 175, 190, 241, 256, 4.31
homa, offering into the fire, 2.27–8, 105, 3.70, 240, 4.150
huta, ‘offered-in-the-fire’, 3.73-4, 98, 181
iṣṭa, iṣṭi, sacrificial offering, 4.10, 26
prahuta, ‘offered-by-scattering’, 3.73–4
prāśita, ‘eaten’, 3.73–4
officials, royal appointment and classes of, 7.60–68, 80–81, 114–21
punishment of corrupt, 7.123–4, 8.34, 9.231, 259;
of negligent, 9.272
supervised by spies, 7.122
officiating priest (ṛtvij), see priest, officiating
ogre (rākṣasa, rakṣas), 1.37, 43, 3.21, 23–4, 26, 33, 170, 196, 204, 230, 237, 280, 4.199, 5.31, 7.23, 38, 8.110n, 9.314n, 11.96, 12.44 ancestors of, 3.196
origin of, 1.37, 43, 12.44
oil-seller, polluted, 3.158, 4.84–5
ojas, see energy Om’, the sacred syllable, 6.70, 11.249
is a secret Veda, 11.266
origin of, 2.76
pronounced in beginning recitation of Veda, 2.74–5
sanctity of, 2.76, 80–84
ordeals by fire and water, 8.114–16
order of precedence (anupūrva), 1.2, 27, 42, 68, 102, 2.41, 89, 164, 173, 3.23, 39, 3.2, 12, 23, 201, 219, 5.57, 6.10, 7.35–6, 8.24, 97, 119, 142, 9.85, 149, 220, 295, 336, 10.14, 74, 12.34, 39, 53
orifice, see body
outcast (apasada), 10.5–10, 16, 45–61
outlaw (vrātya, someone who follows an unorthodox vow), 1.118n, 2.39, 10.20, 22, 11.63 descendants of, 10.21–3
interaction with, forbidden, 2.40
sacrificing for, 11.198
sexual intercourse with woman, 8.373 See also initiation; restoration for neglect of initiation
overseer (Brahman), the sacrificial officiant who looks out for errors, see priest, overseer
OX (go), 2.204, 3.162, 260, 271
pahlava caste, 10.44
‘Painful’ (kṛcchra) vow, see vow
paiśāca marriage, see marriage
pākayajña (‘small sacrifices’), see sacrifice, domestic
pakṣa, see fortnight, lunar
pala, see ‘straw’
paṇa, see penny
pañcagavya, the five products of the cow, see cow
pañcāla caste, 2.19, 7.193
Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa, quoted, 2.251–3 (PB 13.2.24), 8.116
(PB 14.6.6)
pāṇḍusopāka caste, 10.37
panegyrist (bandin) excluded from ceremony for the dead, 3.158
may speak to married woman, 8.360
pankti, see row
panthāna hell, 4.90
pāpa, see evil
pārada caste, 10.44
parāka (‘Distancing’), see vow
paramātman, see soul
pāraśava caste, 10.8; son, 9.178
parents, 2.144–53, 169–71, 225–37 See also father; guru; mother
pariṣad, court, legal assembly, 12.108–15
parivettṛ and parivitti, a man who usurps his elder brother’s place and a man who allows his younger brother to usurp his place, 3.154, 170–72
partition of inheritances (vibhāga), see division
parvan, see juncture
pāṣaṇḍin, see heretic
passion (rāga), 2.1, 6.60, 76, 12.26
pasture-ground, around villages and towns, 8.237
indivisible, 9.219
paśu, see animal; livestock
pat, patita, see fall
pātaka, see crime
paternal aunt, manner of greeting, 2.131, 133
grandmother, inherits, 9.217
uncle, manner of saluting, 2.130
pativratā, see wife
pātra: bowl, or begging bowl, or, metaphorically, receptacle of charity, 4.227, 7.99, 11.70; apātra, an unworthy receptacle, 11.70, 126
patrols and stations, where to be placed, 7.114, 9.264–6
patron (yajya, yajamāna, yajvan), patron for whom one offers sacrifices, 1.148, 4.33, 8.388, 11.11
paunarbhava, the son of a remarried woman, 3.155, 181
pauṇḍraka caste, 10.44
pāvamānī texts, 5.86, 11.258. See also purifier
pavitra, means of purification, see purifier
penny (paṇa, a chip used in gambling), the measurement used for most fines and understood as the unit when none is expressed, 7.126, 8.120, 136, 138, 241, 404
perjury equal to drinking liquor, 11.57
permissible in certain cases, 8.103–5, 112
punishments for, 8.119–23, 257, 263
suborner to, excluded from ceremony for the dead, 3.158. See also lying; oath; restoration for perjury; witness
phala: fruit, 1.46–7, 3.226, 5.130; used metaphorically, 1.84, 109, 2.158, 160, 234, 3.56, 82, 128–9, 141–4, 169, 4.70, 172–3, 5.56, 6.82, 9.49, 51–2, 54, 11.232, 12.1–2, 30, 81–2;
harvest, 3.141;
reward, 3.95, 139, 176–8, 283;
result, 1 1.8;
fruits and roots (phalamūla), 3.82, 227, 267, 4.29, 247, 5.10, 54, 157, 6.5, 7, 13, 15–16, 21, 25, 131, 8.289, 331, 339, 10.87, 11.166, 238, 12.67
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