Time Trap

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Time Trap Page 22

by Danele J Rotharmel


  The phone was silent.

  “Zeke, you should’ve called sooner!” she sputtered. “There’s no reason for you to be in pain. I’ll be there in a few minutes, and we’ll work out a schedule.”

  “Thanks, Cris. If it won’t interfere with your plans, we’ll start splitting shifts.”

  “We’ll do more than that,” she said firmly. “Once we know I have things under control, you’re getting a day off.” She pulled on her robe. “And next time, don’t be such a stubborn twit!”

  “I didn’t want to bother—”

  “Do you have boiled noodles for brains?” she exclaimed. “Sheesh! Phoebe’s my friend, and so is Laura. I’ve been out of my mind worrying about them. If this ever happens again, don’t even think about pulling another dying martyr act—pick up the blasted phone!”

  “I will”—Zeke laughed—“you have my word.”

  * * *

  Alex woke up feeling unbelievably stiff, but when he saw the lack of fear on Phoebe’s swollen face, he felt it was worth every kink in his back. He smiled at her and stretched. “Good morning, do you need to move a bit?”

  She stared steadily at him and shook her head.

  “Comfortable, are you?” he asked with a chuckle.

  A grin tugged her mouth.

  “Well, nothing says we have to be early risers,” he murmured. “Snuggle back down, and let’s sleep some more.”

  Phoebe sighed and laid her head down on his chest. Tucking the blanket around her, he held her close and watched as she slowly closed her drowsy eyes.

  * * *

  Squatting next to the burned mattress, Peter inspected the springs with his flashlight.

  Beside him, Laura wrinkled her nose. “What a mess! Can any of it be of use?”

  “Maybe,” he replied. “I was thinking of tying some springs to my feet and using them to jump up through the hole.”

  Laura gurgled. “If you can do that, why don’t you just flap your arms and fly away?”

  “I would, but if I show you all my superpowers, you might be too intimidated to marry me.”

  As Laura laughed, Peter began tugging on one of the thinner, more pliable wires. He bent it back and forth until it broke free.

  “What do you intend to do with that?” Laura asked.

  “Something I’d rather not talk about,” he replied quietly.

  Sitting back on her heels, Laura looked him in the eye. “Tell me.”

  “When Spider comes down here, I plan on getting this wire around his neck and giving it a strong tug.”

  “That might kill him.”

  “I don’t want to take someone’s life, but I’d rather he die than get his hands on you.” A strong shudder passed through Peter’s body. “You were unconscious, but I heard Phoebe’s final screams. I’m not letting that brute get anywhere near you.”

  * * *

  Competently maneuvering her convertible through rush hour traffic, Nicole turned a corner and parked in front of DC Gallery 180. Sliding a shimmering scarf from her hair, she fluffed her bangs and sighed. She loved her convertible, but she didn’t love what it did to her hair. Pulling down the visor mirror, she reapplied her lipstick and checked her eyeliner. When she felt that she’d successfully battled the wind damage, she strolled to the gallery. Catching sight of herself in the reflection of a window, she gave her walk a little more oomph, knowing that the swing of her skirt set off her shapely legs.

  “Nicole!” the curator cried as she sashayed through the door. “Perfect timing. I have marvelous news! I just sold one of your paintings!”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Sales aren’t scheduled to begin for another week.”

  “I know,” he replied, “but the man was most insistent.”

  Looking over at the wall, Nicole noticed that Peace Prevails was missing. A sense of loss tugged at her heart. She pushed it aside. The sale was good news, even though at the moment it didn’t feel like it—Peace Prevails had been one of her favorites.

  “Who did you sell it to?” she asked.

  The curator stroked his goatee. “Actually, I do not know. A man walked in and took the painting right off the wall. When I protested, he handed me a roll of cash. Since the price he offered was higher than the market value of your work, I allowed the sale. It was most unusual. He walked in, gave me the money, and walked right out again. The whole exchange could not have taken more than three minutes.”

  Nicole grinned. “He sounds like a man who knows what he wants.”

  “He definitely wanted that painting. He said he was going to give it to his bride on their wedding day.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Nicole smiled. “I hope it gives the happy couple many years of enjoyment.”

  * * *

  Whistling loudly, Zeke hammered a nail over his fireplace and hung his new painting. Sitting in front of the painting’s glowing colors, he pictured Nicole’s face. He looked over at the empty chair beside him and smiled. If things went as he hoped, someday, that chair would be occupied by Nicole, and his home would be full of the musical sound of her laughter.

  * * *

  When Thomas entered Gil’s hospital room, he found the Ablemans sitting in a tight huddle discussing possibilities as to why Alex wasn’t returning their phone calls. Thomas had to bite his tongue to keep from volunteering information. Eventually, unable to bear their distress any longer, he glanced at Sam, waggled his eyebrows, and moved his eyes to the door.

  Sam stood and pulled Sue to her feet. “I need a piece of pie,” he said, tossing his son a pack of cards. “Danny, why don’t you teach Nicki the finer points of Nertz while us old folks satisfy our sweet tooth? We’ll take the baby with us. Come on, Tom, keep us company.”

  Within a matter of minutes, Thomas was sitting across from Sam and Sue in a corner of the cafeteria.

  “So, what’s going on, Tom?” Sue asked, cradling Jay in her arms. “I can see by your face that something’s troubling you.”

  “Poppa visited the lab with news,” he replied. “Some of which was good, and some was troubling.” Seeing their worried faces, he continued. “First of all, I can clear up the location of Alex. He’s upstairs in room 413 with Phoebe.”

  Sue gave a glad cry. “Phoebe’s been rescued?”

  At Sue’s exclamation, little Jay woke and began to fuss. Reaching over, Sam took the baby and rubbed his back in a soothing fashion. After Jay was settled, Sam said, “I don’t understand. Why is our son with Phoebe?”

  “Alex is tending to her at Poppa’s request,” Thomas replied. “I spoke with Phoebe’s private nurse, and she said that Alex is keeping Phoebe calm. I’m afraid the poor girl has been severely traumatized.”

  Sue bit her lip. “After we finish talking, I’ll go up and see if I can help.”

  Thomas shook his head. “Please don’t—at least not for a while. Poppa said we need to give them some space.”

  “I’m relieved to know where my son is.” Sam sighed. “Alex has always been good about returning our calls. His silence worried me.”

  “I doubt he has his phone,” Thomas said, pulling at his collar. “It sounds as if Poppa whisked him away without a moment’s notice.”

  Sam hesitated. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that…”

  Sue put her hand on her husband’s knee. “Alex will be fine. Our son’s a sensible man with a big heart. He’ll do a terrific job helping that poor girl.”

  “I know,” Sam replied. “I just wish I knew what Poppa’s end objective is for getting Alex involved. He and Twinkles always have more up their sleeves than they’ll admit.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it,” Sue said calmly. “Poppa’s never steered our family wrong. Whatever his reason, you can be sure it’s a good one. We’ve raised Alex well—he’ll be able to handle whatever comes his way.” She looked over at Thomas. “Are Peter and Laura home?”

  “I’m afraid not.” Thomas cleared his throat. “Poppa said they’ve been captured by the man
who tortured Phoebe.”

  Sue gasped in dismay.

  Sam’s blue eyes blazed. “What’s the plan? How do we get them back?”

  “That’s what’s most astonishing,” Thomas replied, rubbing his bald head in an agitated way. “We don’t get them back—at least not yet. Poppa said they have to remain captive for a while.”

  “But that makes no sense!” Sam exclaimed. “Gil’s strong enough now. We need to get Danny’s input.”

  “I’m afraid we can’t,” Thomas said. “Poppa was explicit that Dan be kept out of the loop. His actual words were that if Dan became involved, the situation would become explosive and uncontainable. Poppa said we are to do nothing, say nothing, and await further instructions.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that,” Sam muttered grimly.

  “I don’t like it either,” Thomas replied. He shifted in his chair. “I hate to question Poppa, but what exactly should we do? Do you think we should talk to Dan and mount a rescue?”

  Sue abruptly stood to her feet. “Neither of you will do anything,” she said firmly. “Peter is like my own son, and Laura is very dear to me, but we’re going to do exactly what Poppa instructed. It would be dangerous to do anything else. End of discussion!”


  Smiling at Phoebe, Alex murmured, “Good morning, sleepyhead. Ready to wake up?”

  Phoebe nodded and yawned in a way that reminded Alex of a sleepy kitten. His smile widened. Gently unbinding her messy braids, he carefully brushed her hair and asked, “Do you want it braided again?”

  She nodded.

  “How ’bout some fancy French braids?” Seeing her look of inquiry, he chuckled. “Yes, I do know how to do them.”

  He began competently French braiding her hair. “When my sister, Angelina, was in her teens, she became sick. I used to braid her hair for her, and it had to be done just so. She’d give me problems if her part was crooked or if her braids weren’t even.” He smiled. “I always loved it when she turned spunky on me—it meant she was feeling good that day.”

  Finishing Phoebe’s braids, Alex said with satisfaction, “There you are! Pretty as a picture and all ready to meet the day.”

  Phoebe turned and looked at him. Alex could see a grin tugging her mouth as she took in his appearance. He knew his blond hair was standing up in wild tufts and that he needed a shave.

  He laughed. “I have a feeling you’re gonna end up being as feisty as Angelina when you get your strength. From the look in your eye, I know I look messy, but you’re just gonna have to live with it, young lady!”

  As he watched, Phoebe almost laughed, but then there was a knock at the door. Instantly, her face filled with fear, and she burrowed down against his shirt. Putting his arms around her, Alex glared as Nurse Warner came bustling through the door.

  “I need to check Phoebe’s vitals,” the nurse said in an efficient voice. “It’ll only take a moment.”

  Alex sighed and nodded. He knew Nurse Warner had a good heart, but in his opinion, she also had abysmal timing.

  Standing beside the chair, the nurse seemed to hesitate. After a moment, she put her face level with Phoebe’s and said, “Phoebe, I need to say I’m sorry.”

  Phoebe turned her face slightly toward the nurse.

  “Thank you for looking at me,” Nurse Warner said. “I’m sorry I turned off the light last night. I didn’t realize it would frighten you. I’m also sorry for touching you without your permission during your examination. I won’t do it again. Can we start over?”

  Alex looked at Phoebe’s pale face and felt a rush of pride when she nodded.

  “Thank you,” the nurse said. “If you’d like, you can call me Katie. I’d like your permission to take your blood pressure. I need to make sure you’re doing okay.”

  Phoebe nodded and held out her arm.

  Katie smiled. “After I take your vitals, would you like me to help you to the bathroom?”

  Phoebe looked uncertainly at Alex.

  Alex felt his face starting to blush. Feeling extremely uncomfortable, he said slowly, “If you’d rather that I help you, I will.”

  Suddenly, he saw Phoebe’s uninjured eye glimmering in amusement. He had an unexpected realization that deep inside the traumatized woman was a girl with a sense of humor who was getting a real kick out of his blush.

  “Katie can help me,” Phoebe murmured.

  Alex sighed in relief at being let off the hook. “I’ll be here if you need me.”

  The two women went into the bathroom and closed the door. While he waited for them to finish, Alex unzipped the suitcase Poppa had left. Perched on top was a Wave Trapper. Alex couldn’t believe that Poppa had forgotten to take it with him. He quickly buried it at the bottom of the bag to keep it hidden.

  Stroking his unshaven chin, he inspected the suitcase’s contents. Besides the Wave Trapper, there were changes of clothes for him and beautiful nightgowns for Phoebe. There were also toiletry items, his Bible, and Silver Leaves—his first novel. Alex put the books on the nightstand and glanced at the bathroom. The ladies were taking longer than he’d expected.

  He tapped lightly on the door. “Is everything okay in there?”

  “Everything’s fine,” Katie answered. “I’m giving Phoebe a sponge bath while I inspect her dressings.”

  “Do you want a fresh nightie for her?”

  “Please,” Katie replied.

  Alex picked out a lovely blue nightgown and called out, “Are you ready for it?”

  “Sure am.”

  Closing his eyes, Alex opened the door a fraction of an inch and handed the nurse the garment. Sitting down, he opened his Bible to Matthew 25:40. And I, the King, will tell them, ‘When you did [service] to these my brothers, you were doing it to me!’

  Bowing his head, he prayed, “Lord, take everything I do for Phoebe as a service unto You. Give me wisdom on how to help her. And please, Lord, let me hear her laugh. I really want to hear her laugh.”

  * * *

  A smile tugged Zeke’s mouth as he heard the hesitation in Nicole’s voice over the phone. He knew her resistance was beginning to crumble.

  “The fresh air would do you good,” he pressed. “And besides, I want to show you the waterfall. There are some charming nooks on the trail that are just crying to be painted.”

  “I don’t have much time,” she said. “I have an appointment tonight.”

  “So do I. I have to work the night shift. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t cram quite a bit of fun into the few hours we do have available.”


  “I’ll bring you a caramel chocolate bar,” he coaxed.

  “And some more pistachios?”

  “Sure.” He grinned. “I have a great big can in my pantry with your name on it.”

  The musical quality of Nicole’s laughter delighted him as she said, “That did it! You have a date. Can I bring anything?”

  “Just some good hiking shoes and a light jacket. And, Nicole…”


  “Don’t forget your sketchpad. If you want to draw, I won’t mind…I can look at something beautiful for hours and feel perfectly content.”

  Zeke heard Nicole’s breath catch. He smiled. He knew she’d caught the fact that he wasn’t talking about the scenery. His smiled widened—he also knew she was probably blushing.


  Soft morning light streamed through the window as Dan sat down on the edge of Gil’s hospital bed. She was holding Jay, and she’d never looked lovelier. Gently smoothing back his wife’s bangs, he kissed her forehead and murmured sweet nothings against her skin.

  Pulling away impatiently, Gil said, “Something’s wrong at TEMCO.”

  “I know.” Dan sighed. It was obvious his wife’s mood wasn’t matching his own.

  Gil made an irritated sound. “So, what do you think it is?”

  He shrugged.

  “You could at least guess!” She glared.

nbsp; “I’m not great at guessing,” he calmly replied. Catching the expression on Gil’s face, he suppressed a chuckle. He knew if she wasn’t holding Jay, she’d have swatted him one. “I honestly don’t have a clue what’s going on,” he said. “I promise, no one’s said a word to me.”

  “Did you catch Thomas eyeing the door last night? When he started wiggling his eyebrows, your dad looked like he’d been jabbed with a hot poker,” Gil grumbled. “Satisfying their sweet tooth, my eye! Getting a piece of pie was just an excuse to get out of earshot and talk.”

  “I know.” Rubbing the soft fuzz on Jay’s head, he looked into his wife’s eyes. “If we need to know what’s happening, my parents will tell us. They won’t let things get out of control.”

  “I suppose so,” she muttered in a grumpy voice. “I just hate to be out of the loop.”

  “Really? I had no idea.” Dan choked back a laugh as Gil stuck out her tongue. Stroking her cheek, he said softly, “Whatever’s going on may be nothing. Thomas may be planning a surprise baby shower.”

  “It’s not a surprise shower, Daniel William Ableman,” she sputtered, “and you know it!” She shifted on the bed. “You don’t think Peter and Laura are in trouble, do you?’

  Dan shook his head. “I’m sure the only problem those lovebirds are facing is how to keep Laura’s pack of brothers from taking Peter on a midnight snipe hunt.”

  Gil suddenly giggled. “Peter knows snipe hunting’s a practical joke, doesn’t he?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know that Laura will skin her brothers alive if they attempt to leave him crouched in the woods holding a bag.” He kissed Gil’s nose. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Peter and Laura are fine.”

  * * *

  In their hidden corner, Peter stood in front of Laura as Spider shouted from above. Peter remained silent as Spider described the things he’d done to Phoebe, but inside, his gut was churning in horror. He was fully resolved to take whatever measures were necessary to keep Laura safe. When Spider finally went away, Peter could feel Laura’s tension as he pulled her gently into his arms.

  “Don’t let him bother you,” he said in a bolstering voice. “I think our refusal to talk is starting to work.”


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