Dianthe's Awakening

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Dianthe's Awakening Page 3

by J. B. Miller

  Simple carnal pleasure was neither here nor there. Many times, I had slaked my lust on mortal women in the human realm. Never had I shown boyish charm or hilarity. There was something about this female that brought out the lightness in us all.

  Even Brónach, our Sorrow, had a small smile hovering over her somber lips. She who bore the weight of all of our grief and loss looked almost content. I shook my head at the thought. It was not a bad thing to bring joy to Sorrow, but I could not let this female slither under my guard. Already she had tamed a hound, brought peace to Brónach, and from the looks of things, enraptured my Taoiseach and his brother in her feminine wiles.

  Was she as innocent as she seemed or did she hide a cunning deviousness hidden behind guileless golden eyes? The very creature that filled them interrupted my thoughts. She had begun to tug gently at the arm in my grasp while scowling up at me. The girl honestly had no fear. I have killed men for lesser insult.

  "Where are we going," she asked. "Because seriously, I was told to stay out of the wood. Isn't there like big bad things that can eat me in there?"

  Images of what her words aroused took over my mind. I saw her lying before me, spread open waiting for me to feast. I forcibly cleared the pictures from my mind and sent her a fierce look of reprimand.

  "Just saying," she said childishly. She appeared so much a youngling that I questioned her about it.

  "Dianthe," I began.

  "Yeah?" she mumbled.

  Ignoring her ill grace, I continued, "How old are you, girl? All I know of you is that we were called to hunt but not kill you and that you are mated in ancient ways to the Puck."

  "I'm twenty," she said. "My birthday was the first of May. Look, I'm sorry for being such a brat. I really am a grownup. Evidently, I react defensively when I'm cornered."

  Very little could surprise me, but this did. She was a babe. In our world, she would still be under her parents guard. Never would she be allowed out into the world on her own. Why did she have no one protecting her? Ignoring the fact she was mated to not only Puck but also two other males; it was negligence of the worst kind.

  Children were such a precious commodity. It was hard for me to remember that in the human world where she had been raised, she would have already reached her majority. Her childish behavior made much more sense now. Allowances could be made without looking weak. I would also speak to my men and warn them off.

  Even though she was already mated, the very fact she had more than one mate would open the door to more. "Come, Dianthe, we are nearly to my home," my eyes met the uncertain gold of hers. "There is much to discuss. Do not worry; you are safe in my care. This Hunt has not been a rightful Hunt and once I get to the heart of the matter, the true oath breaker will be punished, you have my word on that," I told her plainly.

  "Okay, I'm willing to go with you, but I'm not going to trust you on your say-so alone. You can't expect me to trust my kidnapper, you know?" The girl looked at me expectantly as if she assumed I would argue with her.

  "It is wise to be wary, Dianthe. You do not know me or trust me. However, time will bring both. Remember not to run and you will be safe. I cannot protect you in the wood if I am not there."

  She nodded and said simply, "Understood."

  By this time, we had left the village and entered into the heart of the forest. Ancient trees and growth surrounded us. A pent up breath I had not realized I held, escaped and my shoulders loosened. It was not often that I was able to relax, and only in the safety of my home did I allow myself the luxury.

  From the corner of my eye, I watched Dianthe. She was watching the scenery trying to memorize the trail. Most likely, so she could find her way back to the clearing. My hand lifted and tilted her chin forward and I whispered in her ear, "Welcome to my home, Dianthe, daughter of Belenus."



  The air was trapped in my lungs, nothing was coming out. The structure in front of me was breathtaking. When Cernunnos tugged my chin in his direction, I was ready with a glib remark. That died on my lips as I took in the serenity and astounding beauty of his home. The trees themselves wove together to make it. Intertwining like intricate Celtic knots. The branches so tightly knit that a single drop of rain would never penetrate.

  "It's," words failed me. I could only stare and wonder at the creation of something so fantastical as to be unreal.

  "It's home," Cernunnos whispered while he led me to the great oaken doors before us. It was carved with stags and hounds playing happily around the tree of life. My hand reached out and touched the wood hesitantly; it felt almost warm beneath my touch.

  "The wood is still living, Dianthe. The whole house is part of the wood. While not sentient, it does exist and live as part of this forest. Take care of it while you reside within its walls." His words sank in and I quickly turned to look at him.

  "What do you mean while I reside here? Do you expect me to live with you? Cernunnos—" I began.

  "Dianthe," he cut me off, "you have no abode in this realm. You will be here for some time. As of this moment, there is no place for you to stay. I have plenty of room and there is no reason not to share it."

  I had to think quickly. I don’t know why but it felt like a huge mistake to stay in the same house as Cernunnos. "What about Brónach? I could stay with her," I interjected. "We get on great and it would be a girl-girl thing. I don’t think my husbands would like me staying with another guy," I added weakly.

  "Indeed, and that is why you will be staying here," he stated plainly. "Brónach resides with the other unmated huntsmen in a mixed barracks."

  I tried again. "But the village," I asked. "Surely there is an empty cottage somewhere? Maybe somebody would let me bunk with them." Damn, I was whining and when he just stared at me silently, I knew it was time to man up. Taking a deep breath, I sighed. "Oh well, I tried."

  An impressive eyebrow rose and he replied, "Indeed you did. Are you now done with your theatrics? I would like to know more about the circumstances that brought us to this moment.

  "You mean other than the whole," I waved my hand dramatically toward the sky, "you sweeping down from the heavens and taking me away?" I asked sarcastically.

  "Yes," he answered, "before all that. Why would someone be willing to call down the wrath of the Hunt, Dianthe, to capture you?"

  "I've got the answer to that one, Keir," I shortened his name just to see if I could get a rise. I really had to grow up. But I had to take my giggles where I could get them. In these situations, it was laugh or cry. If I did the later, I may never stop. Besides, sarcasm was always my first line of defense.

  Cernunnos ignored the nickname and led me inside those giant doors and down a hallway past a winding staircase. We came into a room filled with soft furnishings and he sat me down on the most decadent couch I had ever been on. Yeah, I wasn’t moving for a while.

  "Now tell me, Dianthe, why someone would be willing to take the risk," he asked again.

  I shrugged and told him boldly, "Because of the prophesy." He had just sat down across from me but went ramrod straight at my words.

  "What prophesy would that be? No more games, Dianthe, I grow tired of them. Just give me the answers I seek and we shall get through this much faster and with more ease."

  "Okay, Cernunnos," I dropped the brat act. "Here's the deal. My aither, my dad, Belenus, did not get my mother pregnant on a whim. He picked her out. I was born as the sunset and the full moon rose on the eve of Beltane. The prophesy foretold that my mate, or mates in my case, would grow in power to basically rule the world. I work as a catalyst. Whatever power you have naturally is amplified and fed through me. I have powers of my own but I'm still working on what they are, so…," I waved my hand weakly

  His attention was all on me now. "How do you bestow this gift on your mates," he asked softly.

  "Yeah, about that," I hedged. I was more embarrassed than I thought I would be talking about this stuff. "Um…it's through sex. When I have sex with someon
e, evidently, their power feeds through me and back in to them. I think that’s how it works anyway," I frowned.

  "Does this only work on males you are properly mated to? Or is it just carnal relations that bring forth the increase in power?" His face had closed off but I saw a look of distaste cross over his features before he cleared it.

  "I'm not a whore, you know," I said it quietly but the shock on his face would have been the same if I had slapped him.

  "Why would you say something so repulsive? I never said you were."

  "Yeah," I muttered. "A look is worth a thousand words sometimes." His hand rose before it fell back to his side.

  "You mistake me, Dia. I did not mean that you disgust me, only the circumstances. You are so young and so easily manipulated. Anyone could take advantage of you. Dianthe, you are no more than a child in our world," he paused.

  "I get it. Really, I do. Robin had the same conversation with me. He even said that at times he felt perverted for wanting me since it was like child molestation. Well not in those words but pretty close. I will tell you the same thing I told him. I was raised human. As far as I knew, I was only human. At the best, I am still half-mortal. We have short lives compared to yours. Would you prefer me to wait until I was in my fifties before I seek out carnal relations? I would have been too old then to even have children." I raised an eyebrow questioningly, then continued.

  "Cernunnos, look at the world through my eyes. I'm twenty in mortal years. I am an adult. I love my mates with all my heart. What we have between each other is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Don’t cheapen it because you cannot understand it. As for the mate versus whoever thing, well I think it's anyone. My aither told me that whoever held me did not need my agreement to gain power," I finished with a sigh.

  I was worn out by now and flopped back against the cushions. Cernunnos took my cold hand in his and gently squeezed. "For one so very young, you have a large amount of insight. I will ask you no more questions for today. Let us feed and bathe you. I will call Brónach if you like. She can show you where everything is and help you learn your way."

  "Thank you, I would like that." The sudden smile on his face clued me in a moment before realization dawned. "Damn it, I just screwed up royally didn’t I," I breathed.

  "Dianthe," he smiled fully this time. "You have no idea."

  Chapter Four


  I was so freaking hungry. My belly was growling loud enough to bring Caomhnóir over to investigate. He sat his head in my lap and whined. "Sorry, boy, I can't help it. I've not eaten in over two days now." He just looked at me and raised his lip in disdain. Almost as if he was saying "And whose fault is that?"

  "I know," I told him. "But you have to understand. Robin told me to never ever eat Fae food. I have to get out of here before I starve. I refuse to be trapped here forever." Determined to get up and moving, I stood from the decadent bed I had slept in. After yesterday's conversation, Cernunnos had left me with Brónach and she had shown me the inner workings of the village. We pretty much finished our interrupted tour from the morning but I wasn’t complaining. I now knew where the toilets were, where to bathe, find food, and how to get back and forth from Cernunnos’s place.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t get to eat anything. Damn, it smelled so good as well. I had pleaded exhaustion and came back here to have a nap. I must have really been tired as I slept the whole evening and into a new day. Now it was time to get up and face that day. I stood and dizziness swept with a wave through my shaking limbs. That had me sitting on my bum again in no time.

  "Okay, boy. That was worse than I was expecting. Look, I need to know for sure if you're on my side," I questioned him. No, I wasn’t finding it strange to have a conversation with a dog. Not at all. "So, Caomhnóir, are you with me?" The weird part was he nodded his great shaggy head.

  "Great, so here's the deal. I have to get back to Earth. Do you know how to get there and can you get us there on your own?" Caomhnóir looked uncertain and he definitely hesitated before nodding his head once again.

  "Damn, you're sentient aren’t you? You understand everything I say and can communicate back?" his tail thumped and ears perked up before nodding his head more vigorously. "I know I'm side tracking, but is it just you or all the hounds. Just nod once for you or two for all the hounds," I finished. Two affirmations later and I found myself shaking my head. My dog was smarter than I was.

  "Back to the problem at hand," I murmured. "I have to get back to Earth, Caomhnóir." He whined. "I know you don’t like it, but I can't eat the food here, and I'll die otherwise. You want me to slowly fade away?" A low growl was my response. I hated to use emotional blackmail but I was desperate.

  "Once I'm dressed will you take me back?" He whined but shook his shaggy head in a grudging yes. "Great," I smiled at him. "Give me five minutes!" I carefully stood and made my way to the chest at the end of the bed. Brónach had shown me the clothes that had been put in for my use the night before.

  Once dressed, I slowly made my way to the door. "Well, this is it, boy. Time to make a break for it," I smiled weakly at him and he returned the look with a pathetic wag of his tail. I think we both recognized this was a bad idea but we were both committed to trying it. Me because I really had to get back to my family, and Caomhnóir, because he was desperate to keep me in one piece.

  I opened the door and peeked out. "So far so good," I whispered. Tiptoeing down the stairs, we made it to the entranceway before pausing. A quick glance and I began to walk to the door. "Caomhnóir, let me know if anyone is coming all right? You are the lookout guy…umm dog." He cocked an enquiring ear at me but raised his head in agreement. Yes, I am talking to a dog that understands me. Totally normal, I shrugged to myself.

  The door was in front of us and it was just as intricately carved on this side as on the front. I could not help myself; I reached out and caressed the beautiful artwork. Heat seeped into me. Comforting, loving, embracing warmth worked its way from the tips of my fingers to the soles of my feet. A sensation of belonging seeped into my core. I wanted to settle in and never leave. The urge to cozy into an inviting chair and just touch the walls filled me.

  A moment later, I shook the lingering sensation away. Caomhnóir stood patiently waiting, an almost hopeful look on his face. "Wow that packs a punch, but no time to stick around. We have to get out of here, boy, you ready?" He let out a breathy "Woof" and followed me when I opened the door and walked through.

  The forest stood before us a majestic gathering of ancient trees and flora. I'm sure there was fauna in there as well... But we won't think about that right now. "This is it, puppy, you're in the lead. Can we get out without going through the village?" I asked. He looked in the direction I spoke of, then turned his head into the forest. He took a couple steps into the wood before turning to wait for me. I took a deep breath and told him, "Alright, Lassie, take me home."

  We had been walking around half an hour or so before the lack of food and water began to wear on me. My head was pounding and my mouth was so dry. I tried to lick my lips but it just made it feel worse. "Hey," I called Caomhnóir. "I need a break." I sat down heavily and leaned my head against the nearest tree. "I'm so tired, boy, and thirsty. I would kill for a cuppa right now. Just give me a few minutes and we will head out, okay?"

  What a good dog I had. He came up, nudged me with his nose, and settled beside me to wait until I was ready. I placed my hand on his head and rubbed an ear. "Just gonna close my eyes for a minute, boy…" Several hours later, I woke again. Caomhnóir nestled against me keeping me warm. The sun was already setting and fear settled like a hard rock in my stomach.

  Pain slivered down my throat and I had to swallow several times to be able to speak; it was like I had swallowed jagged shards of glass. A whispered croak made its way out. "We have to go. I don’t want to be in the forest when it's dark. Are you ready?" He looked at me with big doggy eyes and I'm sure he had several things he would like to say. I didn’t have the energy to
listen. "Help me up, boy," I croaked. "As soon as we are back the boys will make us a beautiful cup of tea and something to eat." I stumbled to my feet with Caomhnóir never leaving my side.

  We stumbled down the path but I had no idea which direction we were going. It all began to swirl in my mind. Thoughts, conversations, even the scenery around us. Everything became muddled and I couldn’t concentrate on our surroundings anymore. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts, but it just made me dizzier. My heart beat so loudly in my chest, it was all that I could hear. The roar of the blood rushing through the organ was deafening. "One more step, Dia. Come on you can do it. Just one more step and Robin will be waiting," I chanted to myself. A motion in the distance caught my eye and I turned quickly to see. I caught myself against Caomhnóir before the sudden movement had me on the ground. My eyes caught the autumn waterfall of my Puck's hair disappearing around a tree ahead of us. "Robin," I tried to scream. "I'm here! Don’t leave, I'm here," I sobbed.

  I was determined to catch up to him. I ran, nearly blind with the blurriness of my vision, I ran. Caomhnóir jumped in front of me trying to stop me. With a desperate shove, he fell out of the way. His whine barely heard over the deafening beat of my heart. "Robin, I'm coming," I whispered as I stumbled forward.

  Several yards later, I fell to my knees. My arms wrapped around my middle while I gasped and gagged. Agony lanced my innards and I heaved trying to vomit up the nothing in my belly. Shivers began to rack my body and my eyes burned, trying to cry tears I did not have. "Why, Robin? Why did you leave me," I mumbled. Caomhnóir nudged me gently and whined. He was the last thing I saw before darkness swept me away. I thought I heard a frantic howl but by then I was gone.

  Chapter Five


  We had been searching for hours. I was the lord of these damned wood, yet I could not find one tiny female. The fucking Cú had hidden her from us. When I found them, the hound would feel my wrath. Dianthe I almost expected this from. The hound, his betrayal stung more than I thought.


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