Dark Vortex: Mated by Magic

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Dark Vortex: Mated by Magic Page 6

by Stella Marie Alden

  Zoe gave her friend a rare hug and sat down on the couch. Three movies and two bottles of wine later, they fell asleep.

  A little after midnight, the computer program gave up with an alert, PERSON NOT FOUND.

  Chapter 9

  Present day

  Ivar looked out his bedroom window that towered above the beach below. The place had cost him ten-thousand a week. Just to watch water and sand? Bah.

  He picked up his cell phone and spoke in his native tongue to his leader, “I’ve found the witch in a small burg by the ocean.”

  “Good. When can I expect you back? I’ll have a car waiting for you at the airport.”

  “Calm yourself, Gregor. There are complications.”

  “Isn’t there always?” Gregor sounded more irritated than usual. “I expected this done by now. If you had just grabbed her in New York, you’d be home and I’d be enjoying the fruits of your labor. I’ve been more than patient. There is much at stake, cousin. If you cannot handle it, I will.”

  “I’ll handle it in my time.” He slowly padded over to the coffee maker. He wasn’t about to admit that the woman had proved more resourceful than he’d predicted. Even without the use of her powers. Imagine what she could do when the curse was lifted.

  “It’s my decision, and by being overly cautious, you missed your best opportunity to bring her home to me! That’s the trouble with you, Ivar, you’re too cautious.”

  “And you are too reckless, cousin. I’m here. You’re not. Stay out of it. She’s my niece and I will choose how to get her home.” Ivar spat and made an ancient curse. He filled the glass jug, put in the stupid pouch, and pushed the on button. The coffee would taste like shit. Leave it to the Americans to ruin even the most basic of foods. “I am merely giving you the courtesy of updating you.”

  “You promised her to me.” The man’s voice was an irritated whine.

  “You’re impatience will only get you into trouble.” Ivar made a guttural sound at the back of his throat. “As long as I am here, there are some things I’d like to get set up. There is potential for money to be made. A clan I might like to have as my own.”

  Ivar picked up his binoculars and scanned the area. The beach was empty, except for a few people with fishing poles. Several others sat in wooden benches at the top of the dunes.

  “What if she mates in the meantime?”

  “Makes no difference in the long run, does it? If she mates well, it could be better for all of us to wait for the child of that union. Better to get more pure blood, no? We’re not even sure how the Romanians managed a half-breed. Another generation removed would do well to remove the taint. You need to think more in terms of the future of the clan, not just the worm between your legs.”

  “Are you reneging on your promise?” Gregor sounded alarmed.

  “Relax. When have I ever let you down? You can have her when I get home. You already have too many whores and your wife to please. You can’t keep the half of them happy.”

  “Bastard. You know what I want. I want to mate with the witch. I want that fucking vortex in my own line.”

  Ivar snorted and put on his sneakers. “You have grandsons almost old enough to bed the woman. Give her to one of them. Better for us to find a powerful mate for her here and take the child.”

  “Bah. None of them are powerful enough. Weaklings, all. They would never match her. We will lose the vortex for all of our descendants. You may be the last one left. Think on that.”

  Ivar walked out of his colossal rented house, down the steps over the dunes.

  “Does she have a clue of her origin?’ Gregor had a mouth that would not end.

  “No. The couple we put in charge of her was careful to keep her caged and ignorant.”

  “Too careful. We almost lost her. What were they thinking?”

  “Who knows, perhaps the man you put in charge was waiting to mate with her, himself. Give me time and I will bring her home.” Ivar sneered into the phone. “And what of your part in this? Did you find the sister of the girl’s grandmother? The abhorrent healer that caused this disaster to begin with? Without her, we won’t know if our seed will take.”

  “Not yet. But I will.”

  “Ha. I’ll bet you five thousand rubles that I will be home and fucking your daughters before you find her.”

  “Bastard. Sniff around any of them again and I’ll cut your balls off.”

  Ivar laughed. “As long as I’m here there is potential retail business. Check my secure FTP site for details. You’re going to need more mules. This clan has some enterprising poppy potential. Philadelphia is very close and New York City not many kilometers away from that.”

  With that, he hung up the phone. Gregor would go to his FTP site and see the money to be made, and happily offer up perhaps more than one daughter as a reward. Meanwhile, Ivar would need to finish what he started last night without inciting a clan war–at least not yet.

  Chapter 10

  Zoe rummaged through her small knapsack of clothes and let out a frustrated breath. Her anxiety was through the roof. Jack had invited his entire family over for a backyard barbeque, and after pressing him for how many people that included, she was appalled to find out that it wasn’t just his immediate family, but aunts, uncles, and even distant cousins.

  She could hear the caterers setting up below her window. Closing her eyes tightly, she sat down on the edge of the bed and tried to come up with an escape plan.

  Why had she agreed to this?

  She tossed the old knapsack on the floor and fell back on the bed, burying her face in a pillow. It was bad when even she knew that worn-out jeans and an oversized t-shirt were inappropriate.

  Desperate, she called Olivia.

  “Is Jack treating you okay?” In the background, the cash register clanged and a small child let out a wail of protest.

  “Actually, I haven’t seen much of him. I’ve been with Kathy and the baby and now I’m invited to a barbecue.”


  “Can I borrow something to wear?” Zoe laughed nervously and paced across the floor of the small bedroom.

  “Of course. What’re you doing with your hair and makeup?”

  Zoe breathed a deep sigh. “Honestly, I haven’t even thought about it.”

  “Say no more. I’m coming right over.”

  Zoe stood, tilted the old-fashioned mirror on the center hinge, and did an honest assessment of her style, or rather lack of it. She didn’t even own a hair dryer, let alone a pile of makeup. She still had on the jeans and oversized t-shirt she’d donned in haste this morning. Her long dark hair had escaped from the bun she’d held in place with a rubber band and pencil.

  She stuck her tongue out. Seriously? Whatever. Looking too good only attracted trouble, like stalkers, or rapists or…molesters. Damn it. The reality of why she hid behind baggy shirts and thick-rimmed glasses hit her like a slap across the face. Yet another unnatural behavior based on her fucked-up childhood. Time to let that one go.

  Zoe looked out the window just in time to see Jack, bare-chested and gleaming with sweat, saunter past the cottage steps towards the beach for an after-run swim. Lust flared, and for a second, Zoe swore he stole her breath. She wanted him so badly it made her stomach twist in knots.

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t had boyfriends before. There had been plenty of guys who had been interested, but when it came to sex, she’d always felt like a cold fish. She’d thought something was permanently broken inside of her, had even started to accept it, but now…

  Now there was Jack.


  A couple hours later, Zoe hardly recognized the woman in the mirror. Her dark hair was pulled into an up-do with a few layers curling around her face. Enormously long lashes framed brown, smoky eyes, and instead of blotchy patches, her skin exuded radiance, health, and shine. Her lips were stained and plumped red, matching the nails on both feet and hands.

  She was almost teary when she turned to Olivia.

�Don’t cry, damn it, your mascara will run.” Liv laughed, and gave Zoe a small hug.

  “I’m nervous,” Zoe said, studying her reflection. The low cut jeans and tight t-shirt left her feeling exposed.

  “You should be.” Olivia tapped her on the cheek, forcing Zoe’s focus away from the mirror. “Jack wants to mate with you, and in his twisted warrior mind, that’s even more binding than love and marriage.”

  “He’s just doing this so he doesn’t lose his position in his clan…he needs me.”

  “You think that’s all there is?” Olivia frowned and placed her hands on her hips. “Then what?”

  Zoe shrugged. “Then, whatever happens, happens.”

  “I don’t think you’re getting this. The warring clan believes that if you match, you mate for life. Forever. Get it? You’re tied to him forever, which is a lot more than a little piece of legal paper. You’ll never get rid of him. You won’t even want sex with anyone else for the rest of your life.” Olivia frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you okay with that?”

  Forever. Instead of scaring her like Olivia intended, the thought warmed her insides. Would he really want to stay with her? She doubted it. She hadn’t ever had a relationship last more than a few months. There was still the little girl inside of her that wanted forever, that craved the happily ever after.

  “I told Jack I’d try,” Zoe said, softly.

  “Maybe you’re both more suited than I thought.” Olivia laughed, then grabbed her purse and makeup bag off the bed. “You’re both equally hardheaded.”

  “Thanks,” Zoe grunted.

  “Relax.” Olivia opened the bedroom door. “I’ve known Jack’s family for years. They are intense, but once you get to know them, you’ll really like them.”

  “But will they like me?” Zoe muttered, gathering her courage, and descending the steep stairs. Thankfully, the first floor was empty, except for the kitchen help. She scooted by them, paused at the screened door, and froze. The backyard was already way too crowded.

  Jack spotted her and his expression darkened. He stalked towards her and pulled her into the shadows.

  “Are you purposefully torturing me, Zoe? These jeans are way too low, and this t-shirt has nothing to it.” Jack’s hands circled her waist.

  Goose bumps raced up and down her arms, and heat sizzled where his skin touched hers.

  He chuckled and whispered into her ear, “Every time I see you, you morph into a completely different creature, each one more beautiful than the last.”

  “Would you rather have me dressed like last night, in sweats and fuzzy slippers?”

  “No, I’d rather have you naked under me so I could sink into you all night.” His voice took on an edge, his eyes went dark and his brows furrowed. He cursed and stepped away, his fists clenched.

  “This was a bad idea. I’ll go change…” Zoe swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry.” Jack grabbed her hand. “Don’t change a thing. I had no idea how tough this was going to be.” His fingers rasped across the stubble on his chin and a dazzling yet fake smile emerged. “Let me start over. Would you like a drink?”

  She nodded and let him lead her through the maze of people.

  Over fifty guests gathered. Torches were lit to keep the mosquitoes at bay, and twinkling lights wrapped the perimeter of the yard. Young teens in black jeans and white shirts appeared out of nowhere, passing plates of hors d’oeuvres.

  In the center of the lawn, an ice sculpture of a dolphin, sweated on a long table, surrounded by geometric patterns of cheeses, seafood, and cold salads. It would be a crime to take anything and unbalance the perfection.

  Near the front of the house, one of the caterers operated a gas fired grill. Parents with young children in tow, lined up for hot dogs and burgers.

  After enduring their stares, and giving polite little nods, Zoe decided it was easier to focus on Jack. He was dressed in typical careless beachwear, ocean-weathered ripped jeans and a loose white shirt. Some kind of rune tats showed on his tanned, exposed shoulders and his still damp hair curled under at the nape of his neck. She reached to touch a lock, but then thought better of it.

  “I watched you for a while with my sister from an upstairs window. You’re a natural.” He poured himself a foamy brew from a metal cylinder, then picked up a corkscrew. “White?”

  She nodded and all but drooled over his bulging biceps.

  He slowly pulled the cork out of the bottle, glanced up, and smirked. He did this muscle-man show by squeezing his biceps a couple more times until Zoe laughed aloud. “You want some of that?”

  “Actually, I do.” She clamped her mouth shut, but it was too late, the words were already out. She looked down at the ground and chewed on the inside of her cheek.

  He placed a finger under her chin and forced her to look up. “Don’t mess with me Zoe, unless you’re ready to go upstairs and finish what we started yesterday.”

  “Sorry.” Why was she apologizing? For wanting the man, and being honest? She didn’t know who she was more frustrated with, herself or Jack.

  He shifted back to a forced congeniality and said loudly enough so others could hear, “You ready to meet some more of my family?”

  She chewed on her lip and nodded.

  Jack led her towards a group of people waiting for introductions. Her hands got all sweaty. Everyone was staring. Watching. Panic clawed at her throat. She wasn’t good in large groups. They seemed to suffocate her.

  The gate out of the yard was just a few feet away. She could run back into the house or back to Olivia’s.

  Jack followed her gaze and his grip tightened on her hand. “You’re doing fine. Just relax.”

  A middle-aged woman stood up from her lawn chair when she saw them approach.

  “Mom.” Jack greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, then pulled back and placed his arms around Zoe’s shoulder. “I’d like you to meet Zoe Burton.”

  Zoe smiled nervously, feeling more like the outsider than ever.

  “So lovely to meet you. I’m Corinne.” The woman leaned in and kissed Zoe’s cheek, then pulled back to examine her. “My son tells me you’re royalty? This was all so unexpected. Where have you been hiding?”

  Zoe’s mind went blank and Jack stepped in without missing a beat. “Ah, you know how New York is, mother.” He raised his eyebrows as if that explained everything. “I’ve downloaded her lineage. You should have an email already. I hate to brag, but she’s a treasure who’s been hiding right in our midst.”

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Zoe said. “I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

  She turned on her heel and fled through the crowd.

  Jack caught up with her, gripped her wrist, and spun her around. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Why would you lie to her?”

  “I’m not lying.” He glanced up at the small throng of people that was beginning to gather around them. With a shake of his head, he led her down to the beach.

  “I opened your adoption papers and then emailed everything to the clan’s archive bureau. What I said was true.”

  “You know who my parents were?” Zoe wrapped her arms around her chest and shivered, numbness crawling up her fingers and arms.

  “Some of it was guess work.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Your father had to be Russian. That’s the only clan with vortex talent. The oldest, most powerful line of witches in the world. They’re also very secretive. There’s no way that clan would’ve let you out of their sights. Somehow they lost you.”

  Zoe sat down in the cool sand and felt her throat construct.

  “I’m sorry, angel. I forget that this must be pretty difficult for you.” He sat down beside her.

  “Did you find anything about my mother?” Zoe held her breath.

  “Not sure yet. If the letter you have from your great aunt was accurate, we know your mother must’ve been at least part healer. That would make her the only known power-wielding half-breed in over a century, maybe l
onger. That’s how you were able to heal me.” He reached for her hand. “You okay?”

  She nodded. No not really. How was she supposed to process everything she’d learned in the last two days? And now she was being asked to make a commitment to a man she barely knew.

  His thumb turned her chin to meet his interrogating gaze. “Talk to me.”

  Zoe melted into the dark pools of his eyes. His mouth was so close. Could she really do forever with this man?

  “Have you ever been in love?” she asked.

  His frown lines grew deeper. “Yes.”

  That wasn’t the answer she’d expected. She wasn’t sure why it surprised her, but it did.

  “Have you?” He tilted his head and waited patiently for her answer.

  She looked at him and answered honestly. “No.”

  He studied her, but didn’t respond.

  “Does it worry you, that this mating will bind us for life?” she asked, digging her toes into the cool sand. “That we might never…love each other?”

  Jack sighed and his face relaxed. “Mating is better, Zoe. People who fall in love can just as easily fall out. I’m offering you forever. I’ll never leave you. You’ll never leave me. It’s as simple as that. Don’t make this harder than it is.”

  Zoe glanced over her shoulder at the party. “I don’t fit in here.”

  “Tell me, angel, are you having second thoughts?” Jack cupped her cheeks and a shadow of fear fell over his face.

  “Maybe. Aren’t you? Forever sounds like an awfully long time.”

  Jack cursed, pulled her onto his lap, and his lips claimed hers. She moaned and he reacted by holding her tighter. Electricity stirred the air, and a gentle breeze wrapped around them. Every neuron in her body seemed to fire at once.

  “Would that be the worst thing?” His voice was husky and warm. “To feel like that for the rest of your life and know I’ll always feel the same for you?”

  When she was in his arms, it was hard not to agree with his logic, or lack thereof. All her life she’d let fear rule her thoughts, her actions. When she was in his arms, she could feel herself letting go. It was the closest thing to love that she’d ever felt. How could she not want more?


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