Marialva, 5th. Marchioness of, 235, 240, 241, 242, 246, 252, 255, 256, 269
Marialva, 4th. Marquis of, (Old Marialva) 274, 274n
Marialva, 5th, Marquis of, (Diogo), xiv, xv, 225, 225n, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237n, 240,
240n, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 258, 274, 274n, 289, 291, 296
Marialva, 6th. Marquis of, (Dom Pedro), xv, 229, 229n, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 239, 239n, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 251, 252, 258, 269, 295
Marini, 265n
Mars, 218
Marsden, W., 105
Mascarenhas, Monsenhor L. M. de Menezes, 235, 235n, 237, 238, 242
Massic, (wine), 221
Massoretic, 101
Masulpitan, 50
Matéus, Jose de, 243n
Mecca, 51, 61, 104, 106, 110, 273
Medici, 274n
Medina, 109
Medusa, 107
Meerdyke, 201
Megnoun, 66, 113
Meimoune, 72n, 73, 76, 78
Melagaço, 280
Memling, Hans, 125n
Mequinez, 252
Mercury, 116, 116n, 128
Merian, M. S., 142, 142n, 143, 144, 145
Merimé, P., xxxii
Merlin, 119, 120n
Mesched, 273
Mesihi, 104, 111
Mexico, 225
Michelangelo, 135, 135n
Middleton, Conyers, xxviii
Mierhop, F. V. C. de, 138, 138n
Miens, F. van, 142, 142n, 143, 144, 145, 146
Milton, 121
Minho, 243
Miranda, Henriques, L. J. X. de, (Count of Sandomil) 246n, 251, 264, 267
Misenum, 219
Misenus, 209, 210
Moallakatin, 104, 117
Moez the Fatimite, 110
Moghul, 204
Mohamet (Prophet), 30, 49, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 71, 75, 79, 84, 85, 86n 88, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99, 102, 108, 116
Mohametan, xvii, 33, 41, 50, 54, 64, 65, 84, 87, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117, 255
Mohur, Solamani, 102
Molainville, B. d’Herbelot de, 100, 102, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 118, 119
Monker, 74,116
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 104, 111
Montaigne, M. de, xxiv, xxivn
Monteiro, Domingos 259, 259n
Montesquieu, Baron Charles de,xix
Montezuma, 225
Moors, Moorish, 126, 241n, 249, 255, 264, 264n, 280
Moravian, 208
Morocco, xx
Mortier, 254
Mosella, 103
Moses, 128
Motassem, 29
Motezz, E., 103
Mount Edgecumbe, 245,
Mount Etna, 196, 196n
Mount Lebanon, 197
Mount Vesuvius, 209n, 217, 219, 219n, 220
Muscovite, 145,
Muses, the, 152, 152n
Myrabolan, 83
Nan Hoa, 204
Naples, Neopolitan, 195, 216, 222, 243n
Nasser al Samani, 112
Necessidades Convent, 238
Negroni Gardens, 253
Nekir, 74, 116
Nelson, Lord, xiin
Nemi, Lake, 202
Nereids, 251, 251n
Nero (Roman Emperor), 209, 209n
Netherlands, see also Holland, Low Countries, and United Provinces, 125n, 142, 200
Niagara, 15
Nighiaristan, 98
Nimrod, 31, 98
Ning Po, 201
Niscita, 209
Noah, 130
Noronha e Menezes, M. de (Grand Prior of Aviz), 227, 227n, 230 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 240, 243, 245, 260, 261, 273, 274, 288, 289n, 293
Noronha, J. J. A. de (6th Count of St Lourenco), 236, 236n, 237 253
Noronha, P. J. de, (3rd Marquis of Anjeja), 275, 275n
Noronha, J. de, (4th Marquis of Anjeja) 289n, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296
Noronha, P. de, (6th Marquis of Anjeja), 289n, 290, 291
Numbers, 32n
Ockley, S., 110
Odysseus, 120n
Odyssey, 115n
Oecolampadius, 254
Oeta, 106
Og, King of Basan, 129, 129n
Ogilby, John, 130n, 131
Oliver, J. W., xxxii
Oporto, 243
Orange, Prince of, 203
Oriental tale the, xix-xxi, 1–122
Orlando, 107
Ostade, A., 198, 198n
Ostade, I., 198, 198n
Ostend, 154
Ovid, 99n, 115n
Painshill, x
Pan, 202, 202n, 278
Pandion, 62n
Paradise, 36, 235
Paris, xiv, xxvi, xxxiv, 158, 277n
Parma, 127
Parreaux, André, xxxii, xxxii
Patriarchal Seminary, xv, 225n, 235n, 236, 274n
Pausanius 195
Pauw, C., 225
Pedra d’ Alvidar, 250
Pedraneira, 281
Pedro I, King of Portugal, 277, 277n
Pedro III, (Consort to Queen Maria I of Portugal), 238, 238n
Pedro IV, King of Portugal, 261 n
Pegu, 113
Pelopennese, 132n
Penha, Donna Maria da, 255
Penha Monastery, 249, 249n
Penha Verde, 227, 238, 251, 252, 253
Persepolis, 102, 102n, 115
Perseus, 218, 218n
Persia, Persian, xi, xix, xxii, 13, 13n, 51, 57n, 62, 86, 89n, 94n, 98, 99, 101, 102, 102n, 104n, 105, 106, 113,119, 229, 231
Peru, Peruvians, 24, 24n
Pessoa, Fernando, xxin
Peter the Hermit, 159
Phaedrus, 108
Pharaohs, 46, 94, 246
Phillip II, King of Spain, 27
Philomel, 62, 62n
Phoebus, 259
Piedmontese, 258
Pillement, J-B., 256, 256n
Pinto de Sousa Coutinho, L. de, (1st Viscount Balsemão), 234, 234n, 242
Piozzi, H. L., xxv, xxviii, 153n
Pischadians, 115
Pitt, William, (the Younger), xin, xxv, xxv, xxvi, 156, 156n, 157n, 158n, 159, 187–89
Pitts, J., 108
Place de Mer (Antwerp), 196, 198, 201
Placenta, 127
Plato, 99
Pleiades, 60
Pliny, 105, 110, 219, 219n
Plutarch, 109, 109n
Podebrady, Duke of, 127, 127n, 128, 129
Pococke, R., 102, 106, 113
Poelenburgh, C. V., 142, 143, 143n, 199, 203
Polydorus, 245
Polymestor, 245, 245n
Pombal see Carvalho e Melo.
Pomona, 246, 246n, 252
Pompeii, 209n, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222
Pomponius Secundus, 219, 219n
Ponte de Lima, 1 st Marquis of, 228, 228n, 281
Popidius N. F. Celsinus, 218, 218n, 219, 233
Porta, Guglelmo della, 136, 136n
Portici, 217, 218, 221
Portugal, Portuguese, x, xiv, xvn, xvi, xxix, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, 70n, 228, 229, 229n, 233, 234, 235, 238, 239,240n, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245n, 251, 253, 255, 259, 260, 262, 264n, 265, 267n, 269, 269n, 275, 277, 277n, 286, 287n, 288, 294
Posillipo, 208, 208n, 281
Potter, Paulus, 203n
Poussin, Nicolas,xxix, 253, 253n
Powderham, xiii, xiv
Prague, 128, 130
Prester John, 275
Priam, King of Troy, 204n, 245n
Prince Regent, see King Joao VI of Portugal.
Procita, 209,
Propertius, 211
Ptolemais, 17
Punic, 249
Purchas, Samuel, xxviii, xxviiin
Purgatory, 236
Puzzoli, 209, 216
Quang Tong, 204n
Queluz Palace, 273, 273n, 279, 288
Quijote, Don, 211
Radcliffe, Mrs Ann, xxvi, xxvin
Radzen Palace, 130
Ramalháo Palace, 225, 225n, 227, 238, 240, 242, 244, 255n, 256n 264, 267
Ramsden, 265
Raphael, 142n, 143
Raschid, Haroun Al, 54, 100, 112, 115
Redding, Cyrus, xx, xxii
Reeves, 159
Reina, Carlo, 265n
Retina, 265n
Richardson, J. 102, 105, 107, 114, 115, 119
Ripa, 265n
Robinson Crusoe 250
Rock of Lisbon, 250
Rocnabad, 50, 54, 86, 88,103
Romano, G., 142, 142n
Romantic, Romanticism,xxx
Rome, Roman, xxviii, 108, 114,116n, 117, 129, 136n, 143, 143n, 144n 193, 199n, 202n, 230, 233, 246n, 249, 251n, 260n
Roos, P. P., 199, 199n
Rosa, Donna, 255
Rosa, Salvatore, xxix
Rosalva, Silvio di, 211
Rose, 189
Rossio Square (Lisbon), 261n
Rotterdam, 202
Rousseau, J-J., xxvii, xxviin
Royal Academy, the, 58n
Rubens, P. P., 140, 140n, 195, 195n, 198, 200
Rucail, 107
Rucker House of, 200, 200n
Russia, Russian,x, xi
Sacchini, 243, 243n
Sadi, 107
St Anthony of Padua, 199, 203, 229, 229n, 235, 257
St Augustine 230, 230n, 232, 233
St Catherine, 200, 200n
St Chaelle, 277
St Christoher, 200, 200n
St Dénis 277
St Eloy, 277, 277n
St Giles, 269
St Ignatius, 286, 286n
St Jerome, 106
St John the Aostle, 200, 200
St John the Baptist, 133n, 200
St José de Ribamar, (villa), 273, 275
St Juliáo, Prior of, 254
S. Lourenço Count of, see Noronha, J. J. A. de
St Luke, 130
St Paul’s Cathedral, 228
St Peter’s (Rome), 229
St Petersburg,x
St Philip Neri, 238n
St Roque, Lisbon, 257, 257n
St Simon, 125
St Vincent, 257, 260, 260n
St Vincent, Prior of, 273, 273n, 274, 275, 278, 283
St. Vincent, Priory of, 276
St Vicente, see Cunha e Tavora.
Salamacis, 127, 127n
Sale, G., 103, 116
Salome, 133, 133n
Samarah, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 50, 51, 79, 80, 85, 96, 98
Sanaa, 198
Samosata, 115n
Sampaio, Count of, 255, 256
Sanskrit, 12n
Santarém, 281, 282
Sapor, 99
Satan, see also Devil and Lucifer, 100, 204, 236
Saveries, Roland, 142
Savoy, xiv, 258, 262
Schabur, 99
Schemselnihar, 115
Scheveling, 202, 202n
Scotch, Scotland, ix, 3,130n
Sebastiáo I, King of Portugal, 275, 275n
Se Cathedral, 257, 257n
Serendip, 64, 64
Setéais Palace, 239n, 240n, 256n
Seville, 292
Shaddukian, 67, 114
Sheba, the Queen of, 11
Sheddad, 88
Sheridan, Richard B., 188, 188n
Sherley, Sir Anthony 11
Shiraz, 52, 57, 57n, 79, 87, 88, 103 104
Siam, 11
Sicily, Sicilian, 195, 195n, 221
Sienna 19
Siest, 208
Sill, B., 225, 240, 240
Sill, S., 225, 240, 240n
Silva, Polycarpo da, 261, 261n
Simurgh, 57
Sinai, 65, 113
Sinesius, 117
Sintra, (Cintra), xv, 223, 225n 226, 226n, 227, 228, 234, 235, 235n, 239, 241, 246 252n, 264
Sistine Chapel, 135
Sitwell, Sacheverell, xxx
Smollet, Tobias, xxvii, 194, 194n
Snyders, Frans, 198, 198n, 200
Society of Antiquaries, 220
Solis, A., 225
Solomans (ancient Kings), 41, 44, 44n, 49, 52, 55, 80, 83, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 102, 115, 119
Solon, 10
Song of songs, the, 11
Sorrento, 217
Sousa (Botelho Mouráo e Vasconcelos) J. M. de, 240, 240n
South Africa, 207
Spain, Spanish, 263, 273n, 275, 275n
Spectator, the, xi
Splendens (mansion), x, xi, xii, xvi, xvii, xxii
Sri Lanka, 64n
Stabiae, 217, 219
Stael, Madame de, xii
Steele, Sir Richard, xix, 189
Steets, Mrs, 240, 240n, 242, 24
Strand, the, 9
Styx, 1
Sukrage, 107
Sumatra, 105
Sybil, 209
Sylvanus, 202, 202n
Syracuse, 195n
Syria, 108
Swiss, Switzerland, xiv, xxix, 262
Tagus, xxx, 264, 269, 274, 295
Tahamurath, 107, 115
Tarikh Tabari, 10
Tartars, 255
Tatler, the, xix
Tavora, House of, 241, 241n
Tchilminar, 115
Teniers, D., 199, 199n
Terreiro do Paςo (Lisbon Square), 261, 261n, 295, 295n
Thales, 121, 121n
Theakston, Joseph, 229n
Theatine Convent, 257, 257n
Theocritus, 195, 195n
Thessalonica, 226n
Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron, xi, xiii
Thracian, 245n
Tiberius, Roman Emperor, 251, 251n
Tibullus, Albus, 239, 239n
Tigris, 54, 57, 106
Titian, 133, 133n
Tivoli, Rosa de, 199
Tojal, 273n, 275, 276
Tonga, 262
Tory, 153n
Traitorous Correspondence Act, xxv, 158n
Trancaz, 276
Trás-os-Montes, 243
Trevisani, 229
Trinacria, 195
Trojan, 110, 217
Turkey, Turkish, Turks, 98, 134, 290
Tyrian, 249
Tyrol, xxiii
United Provinces, see also Holland, Low Countries and Netherlands, 201, 206
Utrecht, 207, 208
Valid, 100
Varma, Devendra, xxii, xxxiiin
Vasuez, 276
Venanzio, 265n
Venice, Venetian, xii, xxiii, 132, 133n, 135, 136, 137, 218
Venus, 218
Verdeil, Dr., 226, 226n, 229, 230, 231, 235, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 252, 256n, 268, 269n, 274n
Versailles, 277
Vienna xxiii 131, 132
Villaverde, Count of, 289, 289n
Virgil, 210n
Virgin Mary, the, 128
Visnow, 112
Voltaire, F-M. Arouet, xii, xix, xx, 63n
Walpole, Horace, xii, xvn, xix, 64n
Walpole, Robert, xv, xvn
Wandering Jew, the, 135
Ward, Phillip, xxivn
Wells, xiii
West, Benjamin, 58n
Westminster, xi
Westmoreland, xxix
White, Joseph, 112
Wildman, Thomas, 241, 241n
Wilkes, J., ix
Willey, B., xxv
Wiltshire, xi
Winchester, 287
Windham, Mr., 159
Windsor, Treaty of, 287n
Wit, J. de, ix, 188
Wouvermans, P., 203, 203n
Wykeham, William of, 287, 287n
Young, Arthur, xxix
Yorke, Sir Joseph, 205, 205n
Yorkshire, 172
Yugoslavia, 133n
Zeus, 218n
Zindendorf, Nikolaus, 208, 208n
Zohair, 104
Zwingli, 254n
1On the question of Beckford’s wealth, see Malcolm Jack ‘How Wealthy was England’s Wealthiest Son?’ Beckford Tower Tr
ust Newsletter (Spring, 1987) p. 4.
2 See Alexander, E.W.S., p. 66 ff and Fothergill, p. 59.
1 Beckford acknowledged his debt to his forbear, hoping to meet the count in heaven. See Lonsdale, p. xxvi.
2 For a description of Painshill, see C. Thacker, The History of Gardens (London, 1979), pp. 194–7.
3 First translated into French by A. Galland in 1704. An English version appeared in 1708. See below, p. xvii ff.
4 Alexander Cozens (c.1717–86). His son, John Robert (1752–97) also an artist, accompanied Beckford on his Grand Tour in 1782.
1 See Fothergill, p. 43.
2 Chatham, 1st Earl of, William Pitt the Elder (1708–78) whose son, William Pitt The Younger (1759–1806) was Beckford’s childhood friend, later turned enemy. See below, p. xxv ff. and pp. 187–9.
3Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron, (1731–1806).
4 See Fothergill, p. 37.
1Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker (1766–1817). A leading French pre-Romantic writer.
2 Sir William Hamilton (1760–1803). His second wife was Emma, who became mistress of Lord Nelson She accompanied both of them on their visit to Fonthill in 1800
3 Peter was author of Thoughts on Hunting (1781). Louisa died in Florence in 1791.
4 Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg, R.A. (1740–1812).
1 For Beckford’s account of its importance, see Alexander, E.W.S., pp. 80–1.
2 For a discussion of why Beckford suppressed the book and how many copies survived, see Gemmett, Dreams, p. 25 ff.
3Alexander Wedderburn (1733–1805) 1st Lord, later Earl of Rosslyn had married Charlotte Courtenay, William Courtenay’s aunt.
1 For an account of the tangled story of the text’s history, see Lonsdale, pp. xxxiii–xxv.
2 D. Diogo de Marialva, 5th Marquis (1739–1803).
1 Hon. Robert Walpole (1736–1810) was nephew of the great Walpole, cousin of Horace. His tenure of the embassy at Lisbon lasted from 1772 to 1800.
2Andrew Lister has suggested that the enmity between Walpole and Beckford may have been a continuation of the disdain with which Horace Walpole regarded Beckford’s father, the Alderman.
3 For an interesting account of music in Portugal at this time, see M. Carlos de Brito, A Musica em Portugal no tempo de William Beckford’, William Beckford & Portugal, Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Palace of Queluz (Lisbon, 1987), pp. 51–61.
4 See Beckford/Marialva correspondence, MS. Beckford c.24, Beckford Papers Bodleian Library, Oxford.
1 See Malcolm Jack, William Beckford: An English Fidalgo (New York,1995).
2 See below pp. xxv ff.
1Boyd Alexander made a selection of letters from these years in his Life At Fonthill (London, 1957).
2 See Ms.Beckford d.11, Beckford Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
3 Curiosity is also the ‘ruling passion’ of Vathek, see below p. 30.
1 Boyd Alexander suggested that another fragment may have been meant as a sequel to the Long Story, Alexander, E.W.S., p. 66 ff. The fragment he refers to is to be read in MS. Beckford c.48, Beckford Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Vathek and Other Stories Page 48