Addicted To You Box Set

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Addicted To You Box Set Page 8

by K. M. Scott

  But not Ian.

  “Here you go,” he says as he hands me the wine glass. “You’re going to need more of that, so I’ll pick it up when I go out later.”

  Most men wouldn’t do that either.

  “You’re so sweet,” I coo and he beams his happiness at my compliment.

  “Not all sweet.”

  He turns to face me and kisses me hard, like he’s missed me for the few hours I’ve been gone. Need coils in my abdomen as he snakes his tongue into my mouth and his hands close into fists in my hair, tugging it not so gently.

  “I missed you,” he says and then teases my lips with his tongue. “You taste good.”

  “I had tuna fish for lunch,” I admit, my cheeks warming from a blush of embarrassment. “I wanted the wine because I was worried I had bad breath.”

  Ian shakes his head and kisses me again hard and full on the lips. “Nope. But it wouldn’t matter if you did. I’d still want you more than my next breath at this moment.”

  His hand leaves my hair and travels down to slide up underneath my skirt. Grazing my panties, he slides his finger along the edge, sending chills up my spine. I can’t help but want him as much as I did a few hours before when things went wrong.

  His words…his touch…I’m his for the taking.

  I clumsily try to unzip his pants, wishing for once he sat around his house naked so I could just sit on his lap and feel him slide inside me. Pushing my hand away, he finishes the job and pulls his boxer briefs down to reveal his cock hard and ready for me. I hike my skirt up around my waist, forgetting I wore underwear because I was meeting Cilla.

  Looking down, I smile. “I usually don’t wear those when I know I’m coming here.”

  Ian’s gaze travels to my panties. I move to stand so I can take them off, but in a flash he rips them off me and tosses them to the side. “Problem solved. Now get back here so I can bury my cock in your tight cunt.”

  He pulls me down hard onto him, filling me quickly until he’s fully nested and stretching me to take all of him. His cock touches a spot inside me that sends strings of pleasure through my body, but when he lifts me off him to plunge back into me, I want to cry out in ecstasy.

  “You like that?” he asks in a sexy voice.

  “Yes,” I say more as a moan than anything else as I begin to ride him.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride my cock. Let me see you come apart on top of me.”

  His fingers dig into my hips as he decides how fast I should go. I roll my hips so his cock slides over my G-spot and watch the look on his face as he sees how much I love the feel of him. He’s power and desire, and I can’t get enough of him.

  I want to feel his touch on the rest of my body, so as I ride him, I strip off my sweater and bra. He senses what I need without a word spoken between us and cups my breasts in his hands, squeezing my nipples hard between his thumbs and fingers just the way he already knows I like it.

  “Ohhhh….Ian,” I moan. I’m close already. I just need him to stay right where he is and I’ll come.

  Then he touches my clit and as I close my eyes, everything looks like colors exploding in the darkness. My body surrenders to his, and I come harder than I thought I could, bucking wildly on him as he holds me down on his cock. The feeling is more incredible than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. Clinging to him as wave after wave of sensation fills me, I finally collapse against him, unsure even if I can hold myself up anymore.

  “Oh, my God. That was mind blowing,” I whisper in his ear. “But you didn’t come yet.”

  “Not yet. I was thinking your mouth could do the job.”

  Leaning back, I feel his cock twitch inside me. “You do like that, don’t you?”

  He gives me a devilish smile. “You sucking my cock after I’ve made you come? Yeah. I think it’s sexy that you can taste yourself on me as you suck me off.”

  “Then your wish is my command,” I say as I ease myself off his lap to kneel in front of him. Taking his cock into my mouth, I taste myself on his skin. “Anything else you find sexy while I’m down here?” I joke.

  “Yeah, but all in due time. For now, just watching you suck me off will be all I need.”

  I slowly take all of him into my mouth, tasting myself on his silky skin as each delicious inch of his cock slides over my lips. Staring up at him as ecstasy fills his expression, I push the uneasiness I still feel about my abilities out of my mind and enjoy the feeling of pure sensuality giving him pleasure gives me.

  Never before have I felt so sexy, and I love it. And even though I know it might not be the best way to handle things, having sex with Ian helps take my mind off that awful fan and how frightened he made me.



  I wake up alone and instantly miss Kristina’s gentle touch against me first thing in the morning. The bed feels too big for one person now since she’s been in it. Stretching my arm out to the side, I run my hand over the cool sheets where she would be. I bury my face in the pillow next to me and smell the faint scent of her perfume, soft and flowery.

  Two weeks. That’s all it’s been and already I can’t stand to be away from her for more than a few hours. My limbs ache from want as my mind replays our time together last night. The feel of her tight cunt gripping me like a glove as she rode me so wildly. The taste of wine on her lips when she kissed me just as she came so hard I thought she’d strangle my cock. The sound of her voice when she told me how much she’d miss me when she was leaving.

  I know I should slow things down between us. The warning signs are all there. She’s tender and sweet, and when she finds out the monster addiction makes me, she’ll run away. I won’t be able to let her, but she’ll want to. She’ll say it’s too much—too fast—too overwhelming. I’ll tell her I can’t live without her and mean every syllable.

  What I don’t know is how she’ll react after that. The problem is that I do know how I will react. As much as heroin or alcohol, I’m addicted to her, and just like with them, she controls every moment of my day.

  And I can’t imagine a day without her.

  I take a deep breath and hold the air in my lungs until I can’t hold it anymore, letting it out slowly until there’s nothing left to release. I feel the tiny bit of control I still possess begin to slip away.

  * * *

  Sheila’s office reminds me of what I imagine a study in a college professor’s house would look like. The predominant color is brown. Dark walnut wood bookcases line the walls to each side of her desk, which is also dark walnut. The three leather chairs, including the one she sits in, are a caramel brown with black metal studs that look brown.

  The room has a warm feel I’ve never found anywhere else in the world, no matter how many beautiful homes I’ve been in. That’s pure Sheila, though. Warm. Comforting. Nurturing.

  She’s summoned me to her office to talk about my next book, which in fact doesn’t even exist as the kernel of an idea yet. I haven’t decided what I’m going to tell her when she gets around to asking about it. Right now, she’s going on about the dozens of calls she’s been fielding for another of her authors who committed the cardinal sin of sounding off on social media about some reviewer or something. This is why I pay people to be me online. I don’t have the time for that bullshit.

  “So I’ve been putting out fires for the last twenty-four hours, and Ian, you have no idea how big this might have gotten if I hadn’t reeled her in,” Sheila says frantically, her eyes darting left and right over the edge of her desk as she looks for something.

  “You know how it is with the new ones,” I say in my most comforting voice as I pretend to care. “And it’s ten times as hard nowadays with everything you say being scrutinized. Better to say nothing at all, but then you’re not social enough. It’s a Catch-22. She’ll find her way.”

  “A hundred times harder than when you got into this business a decade ago. Thankfully, I don’t have those issues with you. You’re smart enough to delegate your social
media presence to those two girls, who I must say do a wonderful job. Maybe I should find a couple like them for Eva.”

  I’m not listening closely, but just to be polite I mumble, “Sounds good.”

  What I’m thinking about is how long this is going to take and when I’m going to see Kristina again. Just five more hours.

  “So, we need to talk about your next book. The publisher isn’t going to wait forever, Ian. They’re dying to know what’s next. Nero’s Nightmare was a huge success, so capitalizing on that is key. What do you think you might want to do?”

  I have a brand new three book deal that I have to honor, based on the early sales of Nero’s Nightmare. Within the past three months, I’ve thought of exactly zero ideas for the next book. I know Sheila understands, but the reality is that writing isn’t something like factory work. You don’t just churn out ideas every day. At least not good ones. Good ideas take time. Great ideas take even longer.

  But the publisher doesn’t give a fuck about good or great ideas. They want books that will make money. Not that I’m against money, mind you. I’m a capitalist, so money is fine with me. But their wanting more money doesn’t coincide with my ideas coming any faster.

  However, if I don’t tell Sheila something and make her think I’m working on the third book, she’ll worry and then I won’t have a moment’s peace until I give her an idea.

  So I lie.

  “I’m thinking something with Marc Antony.”

  There. That should make her happy.

  But it doesn’t. Not really. I watch her unattractive face twist into an unsatisfied grimace. “Marc Antony? Are you sure?”

  “Is there something wrong with Marc Antony? I’m not tied to the emperor idea as I was with the last two books. This is an entirely new series. When you pitched them the idea for this one, you told them it would be ancient Rome as the setting. So what’s wrong with Antony?”

  “He’s just been done a lot in the past. What about that Pontius Pilate book you once mentioned to me? Now that would be a bestseller for sure.”

  Her enthusiasm for my jumping into some ugly religious fray makes me smile. “I did have some ideas for that, but that was years ago.”

  Sheila leans forward, a clear sign she wants to encourage this whole Pontius Pilate thing. “Why not explore it? An historical fiction book involving Pontius Pilate would be a hit!”

  “I wrote the last two from a crime and political scandal perspective, Sheila. That wouldn’t work for this, although I have to admit I’m no Pontius Pilate scholar.”

  I’m not trying to be self-effacing or humble. I truly only know marginally more than the average human being does about this historical figure. When I first mentioned it to her, I think I had just gotten out of rehab for the first time and was ingesting a healthy dose of religion to keep myself from going back to my old ways. Normally, I’m not really a religious person at all. Spiritual at times, but not religious.

  “Well, think about it. I’ll mention it and feel them out about it to see if it works for them.”

  That statement right there bothers me. Crossing my arms, I say, “How about an author writing what works for them? Does it always have to be what the publishers want?”

  She sits back in her chair and sighs. No doubt, I’m becoming more difficult, like her young author who can’t keep her mouth shut on Twitter. I don’t care. Something about being a pawn who’s supposed to write whatever the powers that be deem interesting has gnawed at me for a long time, and now that I’m secretly writing something on the side, their demands chafe me more.

  “You know I’m a champion of artistic integrity, Ian. You know that. You also know that money is what makes this industry go ’round. If your books don’t sell, I won’t be able to get you those advances you like. I would never let them tell you what to write, but understand my job here. I need to make you as marketable as possible.”

  I wonder aloud in frustration, “What happens to all those people who have great ideas that the publishers don’t like?”

  “They self-publish. It’s all the rage. I’m not sure anyone writing historical fiction is terribly successful yet, but some are doing fantastic numbers. I know agents who are representing these authors and their numbers are impressive.”

  “Are we talking paying to print a book and getting stuck with boxes and boxes of them in someone’s garage?”

  Sheila smiles and her awkward appearance softens. “No. I’m talking about ebooks. You know, the Kindle and Nook. Millions of people around the world read books like that these days.”

  “Not until they come with the ability to produce that book smell I love.”

  “Well, you’re old fashioned, Ian, but many people love them.”

  Suddenly, an idea comes to me. “You say there are people selling their own books without publishers? What genres?”

  “Romance and science fiction, mostly, I think. The Kindle basically exploded because of erotica and romance, and they’ve led the way. Those readers buy ebooks by a much greater margin.”

  “Hmmm…interesting.” Now the wheels in my head are really turning.

  “Oh, my God! Ian, you aren’t thinking about that for your books, are you?” Sheila asks in that panicked voice she used just a few minutes ago when she was talking about that other author. “Please tell me you’re not.”

  Shaking my head, I work to put her mind at ease before that vein in her forehead explodes out from under the skin. “No. Don’t worry. I was just thinking that’s going to be something that will make publishers have to change and maybe authors will be able to write more of the books they want.”

  Sheila exhales and hangs her head for a moment before she looks up at me with a look of pure relief on her face. “Thank God. You gave me a scare for a minute there. Can we get back to the reality of your next book with a publisher? Can I tell them about Pontius Pilate?”

  “Tell them I’m mulling over ideas and deciding between Marc Antony and Pontius Pilate.”

  “Okay, okay. I just don’t want to see you become complacent, Ian. You have real talent. After all you’ve been through, I’d hate to see you let it all go because you lost your passion.”

  I stand and give her a wink. “Not to worry, Sheila. I haven’t lost my passion. Trust me.”

  “Good. And I hope you don’t mind me saying that you look great. I was worried after our last phone call, but I’m glad to see you’re looking healthy and happy.”

  “Thanks, Sheila. Nobody worries about me like you.”

  As I head toward the door, she yells after me, “I’ll call you when I hear something. And don’t forget about the film deal. It’s almost done.”

  I wave goodbye and head out the door with my mind already moving on from what she wants me to think about to what I want to focus on.


  * * *

  I hop in a cab to head back home and as we get stuck in midday traffic, I think about Sheila’s comments about self-publishing. Could it work for Silk? A bigger concern is using my name on the book. As an author of historical fiction, I likely don’t have many fans who also read erotic books. Talk about an interesting Venn diagram for that group.

  No, I’m going to need a pseudonym. I have no idea what I might want to call myself. Should it be something clever or sexy like names in porn? Maybe something like Ian Cox? Or Ian Cumming? I chuckle as I say the names to myself. No, they won’t work. Maybe something with an initial and some generic name.

  The cab passes a bank truck with the name Anderson written on the driver’s side door. Nice common name. Now for an initial. My mind quickly moves to memories of watching Wheel of Fortune in my freshman dorm room at college with my roommate who was so obsessed with Vanna White he could barely get through a whole show without heading to the bathroom to jerk off. The most common letters are given in that final round—R, S, T, L, N, and E. I go through each letter, disliking the sound of most of them, but T doesn’t sound bad.

  T. Anderson. I like the doubl
e entendre of T and A in the name of an erotica author. Chuckling to myself, I decide that name will work. Silk by T. Anderson.

  I finally reach my building and jump out of the cab, happy I’ve got a name and a possible means of publishing the book. The sun has finally found a way to peek out from behind the clouds that have obscured it all day, so I choose to go for a walk instead of shutting myself up inside. It doesn’t take long for me to know where I’m headed.

  Ten minutes later, I’m standing across the street from Kristina’s building staring up at her second floor windows into her living room. I think about that first night together in that room and how she’d been so afraid I didn’t like her because of what happened with some asshole. I still had no idea who he was. It hadn’t occurred to me to bother to find out.

  He was the past, and in this case for me, I didn’t give a fuck about the past.

  As I stare up at that room that holds such sweet memories for me, I wonder if she’s home. My mind weaves a scene of her sitting on her leather sofa, her beautiful legs curled up under her as she reads a script. Or a book. One of mine. Her soft brown hair falls over her shoulders, teasing the tops of her full breasts so sensitive to my touch. Those cornflower blue eyes I fell in love with as I watched her films intently read the book in her lap, her perfectly shaped pink lips occasionally moving to mouth a word as the story comes alive for her.

  I crave that mouth. I crave every part of her. In just a few short weeks, I’ve become a slave to my need for her. Addicted. Obsessed.




  I arrive at Ian’s apartment to find him deep in work on our book, his dark eyes flashing with inspiration as his fingers fly across the keyboard. I love watching him create like this.

  After a few minutes, he sits back and smiles at me. “Just finished another chapter. I love how it’s coming. Take a look.”

  He opens his arms for me, and I sit on his lap to read what he’s written, sure it’s as wonderful as everything else he’s written. Before I can read a word, Ian pulls my face to his and kisses me long and deep. My body yearns for his touch, yearns for him to make love to me right now.


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