Twice Upon a Roadtrip

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Twice Upon a Roadtrip Page 6

by Shannon Stacey

  Finally he turned his attention to her breasts. His tongue toyed with her nipples, lavishing equal attention to each, until she thought she would scream. She clawed at his shirt, trying to pull it up as his hands worked at tugging her jeans down over her hips.

  Ethan pulled back from her to divest himself of his clothes. The shirt she hadn’t been able to get over his head went first, and then he went for the snap of his jeans. Jill held her breath as the zipper rasped and he pushed the denim down. By scooting a little sideways on the bed, she was able to reach out and caress the length of his cock through his boxer briefs.

  He kicked his jeans the rest of the way off and knelt on the bed. “If you keep doing that I’m going to come. I’m too close, and I want to be inside you.”

  She reached for the nightstand and fumbled in her purse for a little foil packet, which she set next to his knee. After a moment’s pause and the crinkle of packaging, he grabbed the bottoms of her jeans and pulled them off with one hard yank. Her cotton panties followed.

  The abruptness and her sudden nakedness made her gasp and Ethan grinned down at her, looking for all the world like a pillaging pirate right then. He certainly didn’t look like the white-collar office slave she was sure he was.

  Then he got very still, and his grin faded. He looked for all the world like he was struggling with some moral dilemma, and boy, was she going to get pissed if he’d suddenly decided vacation sex was on his list of no-nos.

  “Now’s the time if you’re having second thoughts. You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked, and she almost laughed at the desperation on his face. She was half-tempted to say no just to see him suffer.

  But that would only prolong her own suffering. She wanted him now. “I’m very sure that if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to tie you to the bed and have my own way with you.”

  Jill didn’t even have to time to admire the hard planes of his body, the impressive swell of his erection before he lifted her hips, forcing her knees apart. He pressed against her, teasing her clit until he gleamed with her juices. Then he plunged his cock deep into her, filling and stretching her, and she didn’t care anymore. She’d explore him at leisure later.

  He filled her completely and Jill could feel her muscles tensing already. She’d been dreaming of Ethan’s cock pounding into her since the first time she saw him, and it seemed far too long to wait. But better than she’d ever imagined. She hadn’t expected the tenderness.

  Each slow stroke brought her a breath closer to release. She felt his hot, ragged breath on her neck and caressed the taut muscles of his back as he fought for control. He was going to make sure she came first, and that knowledge alone was nearly enough to send her over the edge. He moved his hips, grinding his shaft against her clit before burying himself deep in her again.

  “Jesus, Jill,” he groaned into her neck. “Your cunt is so hot. I wish I could fuck you forever.”

  His words inflamed her, and she raised her hips, meeting each stroke and taking his cock to the hilt. She gasped when he grabbed her ankles and draped them on his shoulders. He tilted his hips, and the angle and depth of his penetration sent her over the edge.

  He quickened, pounding into her, and she matched his rhythm, the hot friction sending wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through her body.

  She felt him jerk against her, pulsing inside of her. She cried his name as her body gave in to his with exquisite intensity.

  Ethan collapsed on top of her and they were silent for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath. Jill idly ran her fingernails up and down as his back, smiling when a slight aftershock shook his body.

  “Oh damn,” Ethan whispered.

  Jill stiffened. Here it comes. Now he would roll away, sorry he’d gotten himself involved in a one-night stand with the kind of woman who’d have a one-night stand—not his usual type, she’d bet. Just, please not yet. “What?”

  He lifted his head from her breast. “I forgot the best part.”

  She frowned even as his lips turned up in a smile. “That wasn’t the best part?”

  “No,” he whispered just before his lips touched hers.

  The kiss was gentle and Jill felt the uh-oh echo deep into her soul. Their breath mingled and it felt so…right. Damn, that wasn’t good.

  Ethan lifted his head and stared down at her, his chocolate eyes serious—questioning. She didn’t have any answers so she wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down. Her kiss wasn’t gentle—she pushed him, devouring his mouth with her own.

  He rolled, dragging Jill with him. She straddled his hips, her lips still crushing his. If she couldn’t come up with answers, she’d simply take his mind off the question.

  Chapter Five

  Why the hell did I have to go and kiss her?

  Ethan opened his eyes, squinting against the ray of sunshine that slipped between the heavy drapes and fell across his face. Jill’s body pressed against him, soft and warm, reminding him of how her lips felt under his own.

  He could tell himself the sex—both times—was just for fun, but that kiss…

  There was nothing playful about it. Even now, the feelings kissing Jill had stirred in him made little beads of sweat pop up on his forehead.

  It wasn’t the insatiable lust he felt for the woman curled against his side that bothered him. It was the unfamiliar, unwelcome feeling of completion. Suddenly, despite the chaos of his life, all his ducks were lining up and he felt something alarmingly close to contentment. That bothered the hell out of him.

  Allowing the feeling to take root in his heart or his mind because of the sex would be a huge mistake and he knew it. Contentment with Jill Delaney was out of the question—so far out of the question it was nearly an oxymoron. Even if he could put aside the fact that she was the oil to his water, she had made it quite clear she was only out for a little fun.

  She’d certainly succeeded there. Sex had never been more fun. And the sudden resurgence of desire so soon after release had been a pleasant surprise. It had been a while since he pulled off that little trick.

  The phone rang, its old-fashioned blare nearly stopping his heart. Before he could stop her, Jill reached out and snagged the receiver.

  “Hello,” she said in a low, husky voice that made his customary morning stiffness a bit stiffer. “Oh…hi, Mrs. Cooper. Yeah, he’s right here.”

  No, no, no. Could she have made it any more obvious they were in the same bed? He swore under his breath. Jill passed the receiver over her shoulder and closed her eyes again.

  He took a deep breath, then greeted his mother. “Are you okay, Mom?”

  “Am I okay?” she shouted, and Ethan jerked the receiver away from his ear. His mother was fairly loud in person—she was absolutely deafening on the telephone. “Where on Earth did you get to? I’ve had the hardest time tracking you down.”

  “We got off the bus to use the restroom and the driver left without us. This motel had reservations for a tour group, but it was the wrong group.”

  “Oh yes, the driver is very sorry about that.”

  Jill murmured something unintelligible and stretched like a well-fed cat. His mother’s voice faded into the background while Ethan watched, mesmerized. He bit back a groan when the sheet slid down over her firm breasts, then forced his gaze away. His mother was practically in the room, for goodness sake.

  “Ethan, you did use a condom, didn’t you?”

  “What? Mother…what?”

  “Did you find a condom somewhere?”

  Ethan knew there was no chance he would ever be able to scrub his mother’s chipper voice saying…that word out of his mind. And this was Jill’s fault, dammit. If she hadn’t come into his life, he could have gone to his grave without ever having discussed birth control with his mother.

  “I do have your wallet dear, and I’m sure you didn’t go stocking up on them to take a trip with me and my old fogey friends. You know how much I want grandchildren—like all my friends had years
ago—but I hope you’re smart enough not to fool around without birth control.”

  Ethan gripped the receiver. “I am not going to discuss contraception with you.”

  The warm lump next to him giggled and he slapped it in the vicinity of its ass. He felt like a damn teenager busted necking on the couch, and she was laughing? She deserved more than a slap on the ass. What she needed was a good old-fashioned, facedown over his lap spanking.

  An image of her ass, slightly rosy from the palm of his hand and sorely in need of a kiss to make it better, almost made him drop the receiver. He rolled over to face the wall. He was turning into a pervert after one night with the woman.

  “The young lady who answered the phone—she was sitting across from you on the bus?” his mother asked, once again embarrassing the hell out of him. Now he had an inkling of how boys felt when their moms walked in and caught them with Dad’s magazines.

  “Yes, that was her.”

  “That’s funny,” she mused. “I somehow got the impression you didn’t even like her.”

  He didn’t know how to respond to that. Did he like her? Of course. He’d certainly enjoyed her company last night. But did he like her like her? He didn’t know. She hadn’t stopped aggravating him long enough to find out.

  When in doubt, change the subject. “We’re near a car rental place, so I’ll rent one and meet you at the hotel in North Carolina, okay?”

  Jill’s sex-tousled hair emerged from under the sheet and he looked over his shoulder at her. “You mean I’ll rent a car.”

  “Wonderful,” his mom said. “Kenny can’t wait to meet you.”

  Her words penetrated, distracting him from the fetching picture Jill made. “Kenny? Kenny who?”

  “Kenny Sanford—my new gentleman friend.”

  Gentleman friend? What the hell did that mean? And how fast did the guy move? Considering his mother had been in a sound, chemically-induced sleep when he got off the bus with Jill, pretty damn fast. “You’ve got a boyfriend already?”

  “Don’t take that tone with me, Ethan Ulysses Cooper.”

  “Don’t call me—”

  “The bus driver is waving at me,” she interrupted. “He said we can’t wait for you here, so I’ve got to run. Bye now, dear.”

  “Wait! Let me grab a pen so I can take down the name of the hotel in North Carolina,” he said.

  He started to throw back the sheet, then froze. There on the desk—on the far side of the room—were the small pad of paper and stub of pencil stamped with the hotel name. What kind of place put them as far as possible from the phone?

  Jill’s skimpy panties were the only article of clothing within reach. Those wouldn’t do—red wasn’t his color. And at some point during the incredible night, they had kicked the blanket off her side of the bed.

  Sauntering naked across the room wasn’t exactly his style. He could steal the sheet with a hard jerk, but that would leave Jill sprawled naked on the bed. The last thing he needed was that kind of distraction with his condom-endorsing mother chattering away in his ear.

  Maybe he could sneak over there and back before she even noticed. Ethan glanced down to find her staring up at him, her hands tucked behind her head and an amused smile curving her lips. She looked over at the pencil then back at him, daring him to go get it.

  The little minx. Bunching as much of the cheap fabric as possible into his fist, he gave it a hard yank. His breath caught in his throat when the sheet tore away, leaving her bare.

  He tried not to look. He really did. His mother was practically in the room with them. Preaching safe sex, no less. He wrapped the sheet around his waist, then looked down. It didn’t hide a thing.

  “Did you learn how to make tents like that in the Boy Scouts?” Jill asked before she rolled onto her stomach, her delectable bottom shaking with laughter.

  “Ethan?” his mother yelled in his ear, dragging him back to the task at hand. With the cord stretched to within an inch of its life, he wrote down the information she read off to him, then promised to meet her at the hotel as soon as possible.

  Ethan walked around the bed to hang up the phone, and then slapped Jill hard on the butt. She yelped and turned over, somehow managing to snag the sheet on her way. Pulling as hard as she could, she managed to get almost all of it before he recovered.

  He jerked it back, dragging Jill with it. When she was close enough he caught her arms and hauled her up against his body. The sheet slipped to the floor unnoticed. His kiss was hard and punishing.

  “I don’t have any more—”

  “No, don’t say it!” he interrupted. Good grief. What could be worse than forever associating the word condom with his mother?

  “Don’t you have one in your wallet?”

  “Yes, but my wallet’s on the bus, remember? I wonder if room service stocks them. I wonder if they even have room service.”

  “I bet we can have some fun without one,” she whispered against his lips as her fingers trailed down his stomach and closed around his cock, driving thoughts of hotel services right out of his mind.

  Ethan looked at her soft, warm mouth and groaned. “That’s a fool’s bet.”

  * * * * *

  Jill smiled and let his hot flesh glide across her palm. She wasn’t ready to leave this room and their agreement behind quite yet.

  Ethan was already fully erect and she closed her fingers around him, squeezing lightly. His hips rocked, urging her to stroke him. She loosened her grip, allowing him to fuck her curled fist while she kissed and licked her way down to his nipples.

  She played with him, nibbling at his chest and lightly stroking his cock until he growled in frustration and put his hand on her shoulder to guide her lower. Jill knelt in front of him, still running her fingers ever so lightly over him.

  “What do you want?” she asked in a low voice, eager to hear him unleash the Ethan the rest of the world didn’t get to see.

  “I want you to suck my cock,” he said through gritted teeth, holding himself still as if too much eagerness might scare her off.

  “I wonder if room service would deliver a piña colada. A nice creamy tropical drink would be soothing, don’t you think?”

  Ethan put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her toward his throbbing cock. “I’ve got creamy for you. Just open wide.”

  She flicked her tongue over the head, licking at the drop of fluid gathered there. Then she pulled away and sat back on her heels. “I think you should ask me nicely.”

  Ethan threw back his head and groaned, making her want to laugh. He was so much fun to torment. She licked her lips and waited, peering up at him through her eyelashes.

  “Please, baby. Please take me in your mouth.”

  She rose back up onto her knees and put her mouth to the head of his cock. With her tongue she teased for just a moment, then she took him deep into her mouth. With each thrust her saliva lubricated him and she let him push a little farther, until finally she had him nearly to his balls.

  “Oh…sunshine,” he groaned. “Fucking your mouth is almost as sweet as fucking your pussy.”

  She moaned a little, feeling herself grow wet with desire at his words, and the vibration made him buck against her, ramming his cock into her mouth. She let him slip out from between her lips, then traced a line with her tongue from the head to the base of his penis. His entire body shuddered when she nuzzled his sac, gently nipping at his balls with her teeth.

  “Do you like that?” she asked, stroking him firmly with one hand.

  “Oh yeah.” He tightened his grip in her hair, pulling her mouth back to the head of his cock.

  She teased him some more, alternating between running her tongue around the head and drawing him completely into her mouth. His fingers flexed against her scalp and she knew he was getting close.

  She caught his cock in a tight fist, using the moisture her mouth left behind to lubricate his flesh. She sucked him into her mouth, using both her hand and her lips to pleasure him. His
hips moved against her, and he pressed at the back of her head, holding her close.

  She quickened her rhythm, sucking a little harder. He pumped his cock into her mouth, groaning. Then he jerked, filling her mouth with his salty come. She pulled back enough to swallow, then took him deep into her mouth again. He pulsed, emptying himself, and then gently pulled her to her feet.

  Capturing her in his arms, he fell backward onto the bed, taking her with him. She nuzzled his chest and he kissed the top of her head. “That was…incredible.”

  Her heart swelled at the contentment she heard in his voice. He’d given her an amazing night of sex, and it thrilled her to be able to please him as well as he’d pleased her.

  He squeezed her and chuckled into her hair. “You’re such a pervert. I might just have to keep you around a while longer.”

  * * * * *

  “It was my credit card,” Jill said an hour later, trying to snatch the keys away from Ethan.

  “I’m driving.” He unlocked the passenger door, then moved around the white Ford Taurus.

  “Are you still mad about the T-shirt?”

  Ethan looked down and plucked at the fat, orange cat adorning his chest. “Did you have to get Garfield?”

  Frankly, she’d barely noticed the cat since he pulled the T-shirt over his head. The way the white cotton stretched over his shoulders and back was far too distracting. The man either pushed some serious files or spent a lot of time at the gym.

  “What’s wrong with Garfield?” she asked.

  “Get in the car.”

  When he got in and started the engine, the meaning was clear. Get in or get left behind. She slid into her seat and snapped her seat belt closed. While he concentrated on pulling out of the lot and finding his way to the highway on-ramp, she stared out her window.

  “I’m a grown man,” Ethan said when he’d merged into traffic. “Did you pick this one purposely to make me look like an idiot?”

  “Look, it was a convenience store, not a department store, okay? It was either Garfield or a shirt listing the top ten signs you may be a redneck. I looked, but I couldn’t find one that listed the top ten signs you’re an asshole.”


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