On the Streets of New Orleans

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On the Streets of New Orleans Page 13

by Lynn Lorenz

  The men stepped inside, and the waitress led them to a table near the back. Charlie let Devon slip into the chair facing the door, then sat across from him.

  “You remembered.” Devon grinned at him.

  “Yeah. Figured, what the hell.” Charlie shrugged.

  They picked up menus and scanned them. The waitress returned, and both men ordered the daily special, meat sauce and spaghetti with garlic French bread and a small Italian salad.

  They chatted for a few minutes, then Devon broached the subject he’d spent most of the day thinking about. “I want you to come to my place after dinner. Can you?”

  Charlie stared at him, eyebrows climbing to his hairline. “Wow! Your place?”

  “Yeah, is that so odd?” Devon fiddled with his iced tea glass.

  “No. Not normally. If I find out where you live, will you have to kill me?”

  Devon laughed. “No, but you have to wear a blindfold.” He took a sip of tea.

  Charlie joined in the laughter. “Okay, but I draw the line at handcuffs.”

  Devon nearly choked, and only a miracle kept him from spewing tea all over the front of his shirt. “No handcuffs. Got it.”

  “Bad memories, man.” Charlie rubbed his wrists as if he could still feel them on him.

  The waitress arrived with their salads. They thanked her and dug in.

  “I get it.” He reached out and touched Charlie’s hand. “It’s cool. I don’t want to upset you or push you into something you don’t want to do. I just thought we could be alone at my place, without fear of anyone finding us. That’s all.”

  Charlie nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” He cleared his throat. “I’m just jumpy, that’s all. Last night when you left, one of the homeless guys saw us. I think he figured out what was going on. I’ve been waiting for the priests to show up since then.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Damn. I’m sorry. That sucks.” Devon finished his salad.

  Charlie took his last forkful of lettuce, onions, and olives. “But, yeah, I want to go to your place, only I have to be back by closing to lock up. I got one of the guys to handle dinner.”

  “Closing is at ten, right?”


  “No problem. We have plenty of time.”

  Both men leaned back to let the waitress put their food on the table, along with a basket of bread. She gave them a broad smile, then headed to another table to take an order.

  “This smells great!” Charlie took a mouthful and chewed.

  Devon followed suit, and the conversation dried up as they ate their dinner.

  By the time the last piece of garlic bread had disappeared, both plates were clean, and the two sat back in their chairs, content and sated.

  “Great dinner.” Charlie patted his belly.

  “Now for dessert.” Devon winked.

  “Let’s pay and get out of here. How far to your place?”

  “Not far.”

  They divided the check and left a nice tip for the waitress, then got up and left. Devon led Charlie to his car and opened the door for him.

  He leaned down to steal a kiss. Charlie met him halfway. As they pressed their mouths together, Charlie ran his hand through Devon’s hair; then they broke apart. Charlie got in the car. Devon shut the door and trotted around to the driver’s side.

  The entire way to his place, Devon kept stealing glances at Charlie. He couldn’t believe he had the man in his car and was taking him home. It was crazy.

  Devon never brought men home. Never. But with Charlie, all bets were off. Devon was doing things he’d never thought he’d do.

  Other than being a little bit nervous, Devon knew it was the right thing to do.

  Having Charlie in his life was right.

  Chapter 11

  “WHAT? NO blindfold?” Charlie cocked his eyebrow at Devon as he slid into the car and started it.

  “Naw. Not until later.” Devon gave him a wicked wink, and Charlie suppressed a full-body shudder. The idea of being at Devon’s mercy was so out of his comfort zone, he didn’t know if he was turned on or frightened.

  Charlie didn’t say a word, just watched the streets slide by. Devon drove down Tulane, turned on Carrolton Avenue, and headed toward the park. When he reached Orleans Avenue, he turned. After a few blocks, he parked in front of a double shotgun with a porch that stretched across the front. A small yard, wrapped with a black wrought iron fence, kept it separate from the rest of the houses. He couldn’t make out the colors since it was too dark, but it looked freshly painted.

  “This is it. It’s not much, but it’s been gutted and rebuilt.” Charlie could hear the pride in Devon’s voice.

  “Was it yours before the storm?”

  “Yeah. There wasn’t much choice for me but to rebuild. I couldn’t afford to walk away, and the bones of the place were good. I’ve spent most of my free time getting it in shape. I rent the other side out.” He got out, and Charlie followed him.

  Devon held open the gate to the fence, and Charlie went in and up the brick steps.

  “You’ve done a lot of work here.” Charlie had never even hoped to live in so nice a house. Not once his family had kicked him out. Ever since then, it had been the streets, prison, or the shelter.

  Sadness filled Charlie’s heart. Devon lived in the real world. What the hell was Charlie doing trying to fit in it? He didn’t belong here.

  He belonged in jail, serving the sentence he should have gotten—life.

  Now, standing on Devon’s front porch, more than anything Charlie longed for a place of his own. A place like this one.

  “How much is the rent? If you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Why? You want to move in?” Devon smiled and flashed the dimple.

  “Nope. Just curious.” Charlie shrugged. “Besides, I don’t make any money, not enough to afford a place this nice.”

  Devon stared at him for a moment, then put the key in the lock and opened the door. “Sure you do.”

  “No way. Not on what I’m paid at the shelter.”

  Charlie entered, and Devon closed the door behind them. He turned on the lights, and Charlie stood frozen to the spot.

  Gleaming wood floors. High ceilings with crown molding. Tall windows with white wooden shutters. Very nice.

  “It’s lovely.”

  “Thanks.” Devon led him deeper into the house. “This is the living room. I have a kitchen, a bathroom, and another bedroom. It’s small, really.”

  They stood in the kitchen. “Can I get you a beer?”

  “No. Ex-addict, remember?” Charlie bit his lip.

  “Right. How about a soda or a water?”

  “Water is fine.”

  Devon opened the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water and handed one to Charlie.

  “Look. I don’t want this to be weird between us.”

  “It’s not.” Charlie shook his head. He cracked open the water and drank.

  Devon moved closer and took the bottle from him, placing it on the counter. “Hey, babe.” He ran his hand over Charlie’s arm and pulled him close. They kissed, and Charlie’s dick took notice.

  “Dev,” Charlie whispered. Devon pushed against him, and Charlie’s backside hit the counter. He wrapped his arms around Devon and let himself go with the kiss. Opened his mouth and let Devon inside, just like he planned on letting Devon inside his ass.

  God, he wanted this so bad. He wanted to feel alive again.

  “Come on.” Devon broke away, took Charlie’s hand, and led him to the bedroom.

  Once there, Charlie looked around. It was so very nice. Rich woods, a soft comforter, an upholstered chair against the wall, and a nightstand next to one side of the queen-size bed.

  “Whatever you do, you make good money.” Again the niggling doubt of whether he should trust Devon invaded his thoughts.

  “I do okay. I had some savings, and the feds gave me some money to restore the place.” Devon shrugged, then caught Charlie’s chin in his h
and and raised his head to meet his eyes. “Charlie, I don’t sell drugs.”

  “I know.”

  “No, you don’t, or you wouldn’t have tensed up like you did.”

  “Did I?” Charlie hadn’t noticed it.

  “Yeah, you did.” Devon moved closer and tackled the first few buttons on Charlie’s shirt. “Let’s get naked.”

  “Yeah, you right,” Charlie murmured. Getting to skin on skin sounded like heaven to him right now. He unbuckled his belt and popped the button on his jeans.

  Before he realized it, they were naked and tumbling down onto the bed, with Devon kissing him.

  God, it felt so good, their bodies pressed together. Devon petted him, soothing him with touch, murmuring soft words into Charlie’s ears as he laid tender kisses on his throat.

  Devon rose up on his arms and looked down at Charlie. “I don’t want to hear one single word about how you don’t deserve this, babe. You do. End of story. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve paid your dues. You’ve done something positive with your life. You’re helping people less fortunate than you, and that’s something special, man.”

  Charlie’s throat tightened, and he couldn’t get a word out. Instead, he tried to look away, but Devon held his jaw and pulled him back. “Oh no. None of that shit. I want you, babe. I want Charlie MacAfee. All of him. His past, present, and his future.”

  Then Devon kissed him like he’d dreamed of being kissed—devoured by his lover, with every ounce of desire and want passing through their lips.

  Devon touched his cock, and Charlie nearly lost it. “Oh God, Dev!”

  “Like that?”


  “Has it really been years since you’ve let a man touch you like this?” Devon’s voice had grown thick and husky and damn sexy.


  “Then I’m glad you’ve let me be the first one.” Devon trailed kisses down Charlie’s chest as he stroked Charlie’s hard shaft. “I want to be the last.”

  Charlie just about died. He’d never expected such sweet words. Or tender kisses. He’d expected a hard and fast fuck, but it looked like Devon had other plans.

  Thank God.

  He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve the kindness Devon gave him, but he was grateful for it.

  Devon reached for the nightstand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. He placed them on the bed next to Charlie. Charlie’s ass clenched at the thought of being breached, with both excitement and dread.

  He remembered his first time, and it had hurt like hell, until it felt good. After so much time, this would be the same, and he knew it.

  “I think, for our first time, you should do the honors.” Devon smiled down at him, his fingers trailing along Charlie’s chest, circling a nipple and then continuing over to the other one.


  “I want you inside me, Charlie.” Devon leaned down and kissed him, catching the surprise on Charlie’s lips as they opened and delving inside.

  Charlie buried his hands in Devon’s hair and groaned. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Can’t stop thinking about you fucking me, babe.”

  “Me too. Since I’ve met you, you’re all I’m thinking about. And it’s—”

  “Stop it! Don’t say it’s wrong. I’m not wrong, and you aren’t wrong either. Can’t you feel how right this is?”

  This time, Charlie couldn’t deny it or come up with any excuses. Devon wouldn’t let him. Devon really and truly wanted him… and for more than fucking.

  Maybe Devon saw something good in Charlie he couldn’t see for himself?

  Maybe if there was a speck of good in him, just maybe, others might see it too?

  Like his parents?

  Devon kissed him. “Stop thinking. I want you. You want me. It’s that simple.”

  “Yes. Simple.” Charlie laughed. “Turn off my brain. Right.”

  Devon leaned down, grabbed Charlie’s cock, and swallowed it down. Charlie groaned, arched into the bed, and clutched at the sheets.

  What had he been saying? He couldn’t remember. Okay, he’d discovered the secret to stop thinking….

  Chapter 12

  STUNNED, CHARLIE watched as Devon rolled over onto his stomach, offering his ass to Charlie.

  He nearly strangled on his own spit, the sight was so beautiful.

  Devon pushed the lube and condom toward him. “Go on. Get us ready.”

  “Okay.” Charlie didn’t know what else to say, except maybe thank you. His cock was hard and throbbing, and Devon’s ass was tight and firm and—

  Devon shifted, bent his knee, and a flash of pink pucker stopped Charlie in his tracks, wrapped condom in his hand. “Damn, Dev, you’re fucking beautiful.”

  Devon chuckled. “You’re getting a view not many have had, Charlie. Enjoy it.” He slapped his ass cheek, then pulled one side apart. “Like it?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Then what the hell are you waiting for? I need you, babe.”

  Charlie ripped the condom open and slid it down over his cock. Just the touch of his own hand had him nearly whimpering, and he had to avert his gaze from Dev’s invitation. Once he had the condom on, he took a deep breath to calm himself, then picked up the lube.

  Touching Dev—there—almost made him blow his load at the thought. But if this was going to happen, he had to do it. He flipped the lid, squirted some lube onto his fingers, and then ran them over Dev’s hole.

  The damn thing clenched as Dev groaned. “Damn, babe.” He shuddered, and his reaction emboldened Charlie.

  Charlie worked around the tight hole, then, using one finger, he pushed in, met a ring of muscles, and forced his way through it. Dev’s ass pulled his finger deeper, and it was Charlie groaning over the sensation of Devon’s body surrounding his finger.

  Devon panted, head buried in his arm.

  “Are you okay?” Charlie didn’t want to hurt Devon.

  “Fine. Keep going.” Dev’s voice dropped into a deeper register, making Charlie’s belly flutter and his nuts draw up.

  He nodded and continued. Charlie pulled his finger out and then pushed back in, repeating until the movement felt less invasive, until there was less resistance. He added a second finger and worked Devon’s hole again until it loosened.

  “Enough, babe. Do it. Now.” Devon’s pleading hit Charlie hard in the chest.

  Charlie pulled out and added more slick to his fingers, then covered the condom with a layer. Once done, he leaned forward, touched his cockhead to Devon’s hole, and grabbed his lover by the hips.

  As Devon’s muscles resisted his entry, Charlie closed his eyes and breathed slowly to keep calm. He’d be ashamed if he’d lost his load now, before he’d even made it inside.

  He pushed again, breached the tight ring, and slipped inside.

  Devon groaned and pushed back. “Give it to me.”

  Charlie didn’t need much more encouragement. He sank all the way in, the heat of Devon’s body surrounding his cock, the tightness holding him in place, capturing him deep inside his lover.

  “God, Dev. Oh fuck. It’s so good.” Charlie bit his lip to keep from crying out, from yelling more and embarrassing himself.

  “Me too. Fuck me hard, babe. I want to feel you; want to remember tomorrow how you rode me tonight.”

  Charlie couldn’t keep his control. He pulled out and thrust in, speeding up with each entering. He clutched Devon’s hips, as he slammed into Devon’s ass and mastered Devon.

  He’d own Devon by the time he was finished.

  All the self-sacrifice, the self-denial, the years of never touching another man like this, all burst from Charlie and flowed into Devon through his lovemaking.

  Sweat dripped from Charlie’s brow, and his hands slipped on Dev’s damp skin. He moved his grip to Dev’s shoulders and leaned closer to his body, riding his back. Plastering his chest to Dev, their slick skin slid back and forth, adding to the friction.

  Devon’s b
reath sounded harsh, but Charlie couldn’t see if he was in distress.

  “You okay?”

  “Fucking fine. This is so good, babe. So good. I’d forgotten how good it could be with the right person.”

  Well, didn’t that make Charlie’s cock swell? He wouldn’t last much longer, but he wanted Devon to come. He raised up and had to stop so he could adjust Devon to how he wanted him. When he pulled out, Devon cursed.

  “Hold on, Dev.”

  He got Devon on his knees, pushed his legs apart so he could fit between them, then buried his cock in that tight heaven again.

  “Yeesss!” Devon shuddered. “Fuck me. Make me come.”

  Charlie knew he could do this—make Devon crazy and make him explode. But he’d need to remember all the tricks he used to know so well.

  He angled his cock and raked over Devon’s prostate. Devon yelped and swore. He did it again, and Devon begged for more. Charlie grinned, then leaned down, reached around Devon, and grabbed his stiff cock.

  Devon had leaked so much precum, the head and shaft were damp with it. Charlie scraped more from Devon’s cockhead and rubbed it all over his shaft.

  “Jack me. Jack me. Hard, babe.” Devon sounded nearly incoherent, and it drove Charlie wild how he could do that to such a badass as Devon.

  Charlie ran his hand up the hard, yet so soft, shaft, up over the head and back down, each pass squeezing tighter than the last one, as if he could push the orgasm out of Devon.

  With no more than a few strokes, he had Devon coming. He fucking whimpered, and that just set Charlie off. He came, gritting his teeth to keep from yelling at the top of his lungs because it just felt that damn good.

  They collapsed on Devon’s bed, Charlie gasping for breath, and Devon giving a soft groan as he rolled over.

  “Man, that was fucking intense.” Devon wiped his brow and then slapped Charlie’s belly. “I’d let you do that again, babe. Any time.”

  Charlie laughed. “You’d let me, huh?” He glanced over at Devon and snorted.

  Devon rolled his eyes. “Don’t get cocky.”

  “I think I just did.” Charlie pointed at Devon’s spent dick.

  “Babe, you got the best of my cock, for sure.”


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