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Scammed Page 4

by Morgan St. James

  “Hey, darlin’, you look a little tired. Are you feeling okay?”

  She assured him she was fine. “I’ll just get my jacket and we can be on our way. I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening while we’re in the car. I know I asked to go somewhere upscale and active, so what’s on the agenda?”

  He smiled at her, then helped her on with her jacket. “Oh, you’ll like this place. It’s new and everyone is talking about it. We have a nine o’clock reservation, so we’ll just about make it.”

  “Beverly Hills?”

  “Nope, Manhattan Beach. The financial partner is one of your favorites—Van Martin. They only opened a few weeks ago and he’s been at the restaurant every night. His working partner is a young guy he discovered working as a dining room manager right here in Venice. The kid has a personality like a magnet and just the right touch with celebrities. Ha. I say kid, but he’s about thirty-five. To me, that’s a kid. Anyway, Van was a regular at that restaurant and was really impressed. If I gave you the name of the restaurant, you would know in a heartbeat who it is, but I want it to be a surprise. Van has great instincts. I guess he got the idea of teaming up with him to open a place because he was pretty sure it would be fun with good food. You’ll see. People in the business can hang out here without being gawked at. Anyway, with Van’s money and the kid’s personality it can’t miss.”

  “Sounds like just the right thing for tonight. So, the only clue is we’ve been to the restaurant where the kid worked. We’ve eaten on Abbot Kinney so many times. I need more.”

  Milt answered in a single word. “Nope. My lips are sealed.”

  They walked to Milt’s car which was parked behind Cameron’s garage. He opened the door for her with a flourish. A shudder coursed through her body as she slid into the seat. Although the alley behind her house was quiet, with the Shady incident fresh in her mind she felt a little nervous.

  “Okay,” Milt said, “You know how hard it is for me to keep any secrets from you. The partner is Jaden from Marco’s.”

  She squealed with delight. “Jaden? Oh my God. I love that guy.”

  “So does everyone. That’s why Van made him a partner instead of just trying to hire him. Van said Jaden has had so many offers from so many restaurant owners that he wanted to make sure no one would pirate him away. Smart move.”

  Milt turned onto Washington, then headed to the 405 Freeway. Traffic had calmed down, so they were able to travel at a reasonable speed. Cameron settled back in the seat and closed her eyes, vowing to tell Milt about the crisis in their neighborhood in a rational way. Not in the disjointed sentences of her earlier conversation with Kate.

  He made a little small talk and then asked about what had her looking tired.

  “I know you don’t like me being involved in anything dangerous. I swear, I didn’t go looking for this. It just happened.”

  The concern in Milt’s voice was obvious. “This? What kind of a this? What happened? Are you alright?”

  Struggling to keep her voice level she said, “No. Don’t worry. I’m fine. Just a little exhausted. You know we had the HOA Board meeting last night. Well, Al Shady didn’t show up and his wife was concerned so she left early to check on him. When the meeting was over, we still hadn’t heard anything from either of them. The Colonel brought one of our neighbors to the meeting and we all walked home together. He’s a former FBI guy turned author. Danny Garrett. Ever heard of him?”

  “Sure. Good writer. I didn’t know he lived here. Go on.”

  “We passed their house and decided to check on them to make sure everything was okay. It wasn’t. The front door was ajar and the place looked like it was ransacked. Both of the Shadys are missing and the cops are on it. Danny is trying to find out what the cops know, and Kate is coming in tomorrow.” She left out the part about the blood.

  Trying to sound positive, Cameron said, “So, that’s it.”

  “That’s plenty. You will be staying out of it, won’t you? After all, you said the cops are on it.”

  “Um, I wish I could say I am, but you know I won’t lie to you. Danny thinks the scene was staged and something isn’t right. Kate said it sounded that way to her, too, but the cops don’t seem to think so. The four of us—the Colonel, Danny, Kate and me—are going to put our heads together tomorrow night. I promise I won’t put myself in danger.”

  Milt didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Then he said, “Was Kate coming down anyway, or did you ask her to? And, this Al Shady, does he happen to be a doctor?”

  “She actually does have business here. To answer your question, she was planning to come anyway, so now she’s just coming a few days early. And, as a matter of fact, Shady does happen to be a retired doctor. Orthopedist. Why? Did you ever go to him?”

  “No, just asking. That’s all. The name sounded familiar. Maybe one of my clients was a patient of his. Shady isn’t a last name you hear that often, so you remember it. Hell of a name for a doctor.” He chuckled. “Like a dentist I had once named Dr. Payne. He was good, but I almost didn’t go to him because of that last name. Fine thing for a dentist to be named Payne. I would have changed it.”

  Cameron’s anxiety slowed down and she looked forward to the new restaurant and seeing Jaden. Milt always had the ability to relax her. A few minutes before nine they pulled into the parking lot of Van’s Place. The valet took Milt’s new Ferrari with a promise to treat it like a baby. Tantalizing aromas greeted them as soon as Milt opened the door to the new restaurant. None of the popular contemporary minimalist feeling was in sight. Deep red leather booths surrounded by walnut dividers with leaded glass inserts, patterned carpeting on the floor set the mood of old supper clubs of the fifties or sixties. Sinatra played in the background.

  “This is amazing. I didn’t know places like this still existed, unless it’s an old timer like Musso Franks up in Hollywood. What a great place to kick back and relax. I feel like I’ve just entered a time warp. My darling Milt. You always pick the right thing.” A quick glance around the room left no doubt it was filled to capacity. Cameron spotted several familiar faces.

  “Anything for you, Sweetie. Good thing I have some influence, because they were booked solid. Van said it’s been like that from the day they opened. That Jaden has quite a following.”

  Jaden appeared out of nowhere with a broad smile lighting his boyish face. “Mr. Rosenthal, Miss Harsen, I saw your name on the reservations. So glad to see you.”

  His magnetic personality was on full display. Gone was the ponytail he wore at Marco’s even after ponytails were out of style. Instead he sported a shaved head and an Armani suit. A small gold earring added to the look. The boy had grown into a man. His ocean blue eyes twinkled with sincere friendship.

  “Follow me. I have one of the best booths in the house for you. Van will be over soon to say hi.” Then he broke the formality and spoke with the excitement of a young man. “I am so jazzed. I never thought I’d be a partner in my own restaurant. Had to share that with you.”

  Cameron smiled at him. “Jaden, you are just what the doctor ordered tonight. So happy to see you getting what you deserve.”

  In no time a server dressed in black topped by a black floor length apron brought a bottle of excellent wine. “Compliments of Mr. Martin. Welcome to Van’s Place.”


  By the time the evening was over, Cameron felt much better. Between Jaden’s shtick and Milt’s calming and loving effect on her, not to mention a few glasses of the wine gifted to them by Van Martin, at least some of her anxiety had gone on hold, or at least put to rest for the present.

  Sleep came easy that night, but it was punctuated by dreams. Her body may have been asleep but Cameron’s subconscious was still hard at work. What did she really know about the Shadys? As a matter of fact, what did any of the neighbors really know about them?

  In one dream segment, the couple was clearing out a mansion in Beverly Hills on a dark night, but the truck wouldn’t hold everything. Furniture o
verflowed and Barbara, dressed in a sparkly evening gown and a tiara shook her fist at the dream image of Al, who was decked out in a yachting outfit. Their dialogue was all mixed up, but the gist of it seemed to be that Barbara was blaming Al for poor planning. She said, “This will fix you,” jumped into the driver’s seat of the truck and tried to run him over.

  Cameron awoke with her heart pounding. The clock on her nightstand read three twenty-three. She made her way downstairs for a glass of water. Was there was a message in her dream? It’s just nonsense, she thought. Dreams don’t make sense very often, and this one sure didn’t. The very image of glamorous Barbara dressed in a designer gown, driving a moving truck, made her laugh out loud. Definitely a huge stretch of reality.

  She finished the water and went back upstairs. At the top of the flight, what seemed like an insane thought hit her. Did my dream question whether Barbara did away with Al and disappeared? What if? Her imagination went on a rampage. She had to get it under control.

  Strangely enough the next morning she actually felt refreshed. Even with the crazy dreams, a good night’s sleep did do wonders. She dressed in her favorite Calvin Klein outfit, took extra care with her hair, chose a bright lipstick and swiped on an extra layer of mascara. When Cameron left the house she felt pretty and energized. Even creeping along in bumper-to-bumper traffic didn’t bother her.

  Ramona noticed the change immediately. “Hey, Boss. You look great this morning. Besides a nice cup of coffee, what else can I do for you?”

  “Not much. Any urgent calls I need to deal with?”

  A pleased smile lifted Ramona’s full lips. “Nothing urgent. Your friend Kate left a message that she was on her way to the airport and will see you soon. Someone named Marsha Whitnaur would like to talk to you about a possible campaign for her Sexy Senior Stretch workout tapes. She said Craig Upton gave her your name.”

  “Craig Upton, ah what a dear man. I worked with his account for so many years at Reed/Cunningham. He was one of my first clients when I opened this agency, and he always tries to send me clients. Do me a favor. Give me a few minutes to get settled, then place a call to her. Anyone Craig refers is always good.”

  Around eleven Ramona buzzed her. “Your friend Colonel Thompson is on the phone and he sounds kind of upset. Should I put him through?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Cameron said, “Of course. He doesn’t rattle easily. I wonder what’s going on.”

  The minute she heard the catch in the Colonel’s voice she was on instant alert. “Hold on a sec. Let me close my door.”

  She placed the receiver on her desk and closed the door for more privacy. It was hard to explain. The same kind of uneasy feelings she had during the escapades with Kate and Kim a year or two ago were suddenly repeating full force and she didn’t like the feel of it. What had happened to her peaceful life? Only two days before, her greatest concern about the HOA was presenting her plan for the gala. Now she didn’t know what to think with the frustration of so many loose ends, unanswered questions, and nervous energy.

  She spoke into the phone, concern all over her voice. “Is everything okay? Are we still on for our meeting tonight?”

  The old man’s voice cracked. “I’m fine, but the detectives were here this morning. Apparently, someone they questioned told them about all of the disagreements I’ve had with Shady and his wife. Truth is, I haven’t told you everything. You’re certainly familiar with how despicable those people are. Well you might as well know. I’ve gotten into more than a few shouting matches with them. They had the nerve to call me a crotchety old has-been. That’s why I stopped paying any attention to them at the Board meetings.”

  She was astounded. Sweet, gentle Colonel Thompson? “You never said anything about it.”

  “It’s true. For one thing a few days ago Barbara confronted me about Clarence. Shouted at me that my dog pooped on their little lawn. That’s ridiculous. It so happens he didn’t, but anyway I always carry poop bags and clean up after him. But that Barbara, what a wicked woman she is. Why, she called me and Clarence all kinds of names. Then even threatened to call Animal Control. Forget that they didn’t have anything legitimate to report.”

  He took a deep breath while Cameron waited for him to continue. “She was still ranting when Al came out and got right in my face. Raised his fist and shook it at me, he did. The name calling escalated to shouting and some people walking along the path stopped to listen. One woman I didn’t recognize stood there staring at us with her mouth hanging open. I—well, dammit—I gave it right back to that pompous jerk. Raised my cane and threatened him with bodily harm, as if I could actually do anything at my age. Might even have said I’d kill him if he didn’t back off, but just as a figure of speech.”

  “Surely they don’t think you had anything to do with his disappearance.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. I told those cops I was with you guys all of the time before, during and after the meeting and couldn’t have done anything to the Shadys. Maybe they believed me, maybe they didn’t. They actually asked me if I wanted to get revenge and then they gave each other some strange looks. Now I don’t know what to do. Thinking back, it was almost as though Barbara picked that fight with me on purpose.”

  They talked a while longer until Cameron had to take another call and told him to stay calm. She assured him that between Danny Garrett and her friend Kate they would explore everything when they got together that evening. “Maybe by then Danny will have found out something more.”

  Even though she tried to sound positive to the Colonel, Cameron knew how the police were when they focused on a revenge theory. She was afraid they had laser beam sights aimed at her friend, targeting him as a main suspect.


  Worried about the Colonel, anxious about what Danny might uncover, and totally clueless as to what might have happened to the Shadys, Cameron was half out of her mind when Kate arrived. The thought that the old man was capable of violent revenge was ridiculous. He was a war hero, not a thug. Besides, Danny said the whole thing looked staged.

  Kate breezed in as beautiful as always. Her lovely face was framed by long auburn hair and her emerald green eyes sparkled. Often mistaken for a movie actress, Kate carried herself with the pride of a woman who was self-assured. This day she was wearing an emerald green silk jumpsuit and stiletto sandals. Chunky gold hoop earrings and a matching necklace completed her outfit.

  Even though they had been friends for years, Cameron always marveled at the fact that Kate had hardly changed at all. She easily looked much younger than she was.

  “Ready for lunch?” her friend said in that low, sexy voice. “You look kinda lost in thought. Everything okay?”

  Cameron got up and gave Kate a welcome hug. “Yes, I’m ready. And, yes, I’m lost in thought, and no—everything is not okay. I’ll tell you about it over a salmon salad at Craft. I just might have a stiff drink, too.”

  “Great,” Kate said. My agent is at CAA right by Craft. Of course. You knew that. Is that why you chose it?”

  “Um, yeah, I thought it would be convenient, but frankly I need a change of scenery and that’s just the place to have it. If we take your car, I can walk back and you can go to your appointment. I need to blow off some of this nervous energy.”

  She opened a desk drawer, took out a pair of flat sandals and put them in her large handbag.

  Fifteen minutes later they were seated at the upscale restaurant located on Constellation. The bar up front was filled with office dwellers who were probably swapping war stories. Cameron loved the dining room with tables spaced far enough apart to do business deals or have private conversations in peace.

  She said, “I don’t think you’ve eaten here before, have you?”

  Kate looked around at the mixture of businesspeople and celebrities. “No, this is a first for me. Great choice.”

  “Yeah. Quite a few of the people here are either in the entertainment business or something to do with it. You know. Agent
s, entertainment lawyers—hey, your agent probably eats here.”

  Cameron ordered the Salmon Salad and Kate decided to try the Diver Scallops and Vermouth Butter. Kate added a glass of Reisling, but Cameron wanted vodka on the rocks. It had been a rough week so far.

  After a few sips she said, “Boy, am I glad you’re here. You won’t believe everything that happened even after we spoke. Tonight we’ll be getting together with Danny Garrett, the retired FBI agent I told you about, and the Colonel.”

  Kate leaned forward, interested to hear what Cameron would say next. “What about the couple you said disappeared. Has anything further happened there?”

  “Well, they’re sort of an enigma. We know he was a pretty hotshot orthopedist in Beverly Hills, apparently very wealthy, who thinks he’s better than everyone. It turns out he was being watched by the cops, but we have no idea why. We don’t know much about her. She claims to be a CPA, but I’m not even sure about that. Somehow she doesn’t fit the picture. Maybe you can dig up more information through some of your sources. Danny is pulling some favors to check them out, too. I will say, though, something about her makes me uneasy. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s quite the bitch. Pretty and capable, but with a nasty disposition.”

  During the rest of the lunch Cameron filled her in on the phone call from the Colonel, offered some of her own theories and confessed that she was really worried. It was bad luck that several people had seen the old man threaten Shady. With very little for the police to go on, or at least that was how it seemed unless Danny had more to add, she was certain they had cast the old war horse in the role of a suspect. Hopefully the fact that he could account for all of his time would clear him, but cops loved it when they could consider revenge a motive.

  The talk turned to Danny Garrett. Although Kate never had a problem getting dates, and in fact was more challenged refusing them, she didn’t have a steady boyfriend, either. There had been a brief fling with a detective she met while the trio of sleuths were in a precarious situation with a Mexican drug cartel in LA, but it didn’t last and that’s another story anyway.


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