Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1)

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Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1) Page 9

by Jason Chapman

  Berkshire looked at Watson. ‘Set a course for the Roosevelt, order our escorts to do the same. Send a message that we are on our way to assist in any way we can.’

  Watson scurried back towards the command deck. A short time later the Illustrious started to turn her bow towards the American Aircraft Carrier.

  Frederick couldn’t help smiling at the irony that the situation presented. He glanced at Berkshire. ‘Still think it’s a load of old cobblers?’

  Chapter 24

  Full Steam ahead


  Admiral Berkshire glared at the enormous object which had manoeuvred between the HMS Illustrious, the USS Roosevelt and the fast approaching USS Midway. The object hovered about 200 feet up and a low pitched humming noise filled the air, and static crackled all around. A frigate lay underneath the shadow of the craft. To Admiral Berkshire it looked like a model boat compared to the size of the object. But it was what was happening in the area of the Roosevelt that caught his attention. The four smaller objects were hovering just above the flight deck of the carrier. The Illustrious was still too far away for Berkshire to get a clear view of what was going on.

  ‘This static interference is what happened at Church Fenton, it doesn’t seem to be affecting our instruments.’

  ‘I don’t know whether to take that as good or bad news Professor.’ Berkshire said still peering through his binoculars.

  Several minutes past as the Illustrious sped towards the US Carrier. The objects still hung over the Roosevelt’s flight deck. The larger object had moved off and hung motionless at the edge of the fleet. Berkshire and Frederick returned to the bridge to get a higher vantage point. Whilst on the flight deck Frederick had used all the film in the still camera he had brought with him.

  ‘Sir I’m receiving a message from the Roosevelt, they’re ordering us to change course and remain at a distance of seven miles.’ One of the communication officers relayed.

  ‘Ask them why.’ Berkshire ordered.

  The com officer shook his head. ‘I’m not getting a response sir, they just keep repeating the message, maintain a distance of seven miles.’ The colour drained from his face. ‘Or they will open fire on us.’

  Berkshire stared at the carrier in the distance, he drew a deep breath. ‘Maintain our speed and course.’

  ‘With all due respect sir.’ Commander Watson said. ‘What if they carry out their warning?’

  ‘I said maintain our course and speed!’ Berkshire barked.

  Frederick looked at Berkshire but remained silent.

  The Illustrious carried on its course for a few minutes before the communications officer spoke again. ‘They’re still repeating the warning sir, and I’m picking up five targets heading for our position.’

  Berkshire grabbed his binoculars again and scanned the horizon. Five US navy jets were approaching the Illustrious and her escorts. Another bridge officer approached Berkshire and Watson holding a piece of paper which he handed to Watson.

  ‘According to this sonar is tracking three objects in the water.’

  ‘Subs?’ Berkshire stated.

  Watson nodded. ‘But they’re ignoring all attempts to contact them, and our subs aren’t due to rendezvous with us until Wednesday.’

  Berkshire sensed his stomach tighten. The US jets were now on top of the British fleet. Berkshire looked on as they fanned out, then without warning the lead jet screamed by the Illustrious strafing the water with its machine gun. Berkshire cursed under his breath, he was hoping the Americans were just bluffing. Taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds contemplating the situation he finally spoke. ‘All stop!’

  ‘All stop!’ Watson repeated. ‘Contact our escorts and tell them to take up defensive positions.’

  ‘Sir, off our port bow, submarine surfacing!’ A bridge officer shouted pointing.

  Berkshire glared at the surface water breaking as the top of a submarine glided silently from beneath the calm sea. Everyone on the bridge could make out the unmistakable Red Star which was clearly visible on the submarine’s side.

  Frederick stared at the submarine. ‘Why do I have a feeling things are about to get a little more interesting.’

  Chapter 25

  Unholy Alliances


  Admiral Berkshire picked up the small shot glass of vodka which had been placed in front of him taking a sip. Shortly after the Russian submarine had surfaced the HMS Illustrious had received a message from the commander requesting a meeting with the senior ranking officer on the carrier. Despite Watson’s protests Berkshire and Frederick decided to go meet with the sub’s commander.

  With six armed naval personnel, Berkshire and Frederick boarded a small boat and headed over to the Soviet Foxtrot Class submarine. They were greeted by the sub’s commanding officer. Both Frederick and Berkshire were told that a high ranking Soviet official was on board ready to greet them.

  Colonel Yuri Konev gripped his glass and swallowed the contents in one gulp before pouring out another glass. The compartment that Frederick and Berkshire were shown to was cramped and the heavy smell of diesel hung in the air. Konev stared hard at the admiral, he downed another glass.

  Unlike admiral Berkshire Frederick declined a glass of vodka. He noted the way the colonel bolted his glass. ‘I like a tipple every now and then Colonel but the way you consume that stuff, it’ll be the death of you.’ He said politely.

  Konev smiled. ‘This submarine will be the death of us all if we remain on board too long.’

  Berkshire sipped from his glass again.

  Konev stared at Berkshire. ‘I must say Admiral I am surprised to see such a high ranking officer on a naval exercise. And who is your companion?’

  ‘This is Professor Ralph Frederick, he is a guest of mine and an expert in international affairs. As for me being here Colonel, you know how it is; I like to stretch my old sea legs every now and then. I thought this little exercise of ours a perfect opportunity.’

  Konev poured another glass. ‘Hmm, since when does a naval exercise include visitors from another planet?’

  ‘We don’t know what’s going on yet I think it’s unwise to jump to any outlandish conclusions don’t you colonel.’ Frederick stated.

  Konev slammed his glass down hard on the table, glaring at Frederick. ‘I take it you’ve seen what’s taking place over on the Roosevelt?’

  ‘We have.’ Berkshire replied unmoved by the colonel’s dark tone.

  ‘Are you also aware of who’s on board the carrier?’

  ‘I don’t quite follow you Colonel.’

  Konev poured yet another glass, he put it to his lips and looked at Berkshire. ‘None other than General Eisenhower.’

  Berkshire glanced at Frederick then looked back at the colonel. ‘And how is it you know this Colonel?’ he enquired savouring the taste of the vodka.

  ‘The Soviet Union is not as backward as you British think. I have been given direct orders from comrade Stalin himself to intervene in this meeting. Surely it’s no coincidence that the former commander of allied forces in Europe is aboard that aircraft carrier and is now making contact with an intelligent species from another planet.’

  ‘As I’ve just stated colonel it’s a little too early to go jumping to conclusions.’ Frederick added.

  ‘And yet Professor Frederick it’s happening as we speak. Not to mention that the US navy just opened fired on your carrier.’

  Berkshire was unable to respond, and admitted to himself that the shot across the Illustrious’ bow had rattled him.

  ‘How we came across this information is unimportant, what I can tell you Admiral is that this so called naval exercise NATO has put together is more than just a jolly jaunt. The Americans knew exactly what was going to happen and now they’re playing you for fools.’

  Frederick admitted to himself that the colonel was right, and that time was also passing quickly. ‘So what is it you expect us to do about it Colonel?’

  ‘We form
an alliance.’ Konev replied.

  ‘I beg your pardon.’ Berkshire could barely stop himself from laughing.

  ‘We blockade the Americans from leaving the area and demand they tell us everything.’

  ‘You realise the American’s will see this as an act of aggression, and with all that’s happening in Korea at the moment I’m not sure that’s a good idea.’ Berkshire said.

  ‘And what do you suggest Admiral, we just sit here while America conducts negotiations for its own interests?’ Konev stood. ‘Come let us see what is happening up top.’

  Berkshire set his glass down and followed Frederick and Konev through the cramped submarine hull, their armed escort not too far behind.

  The three men stood on the submarine deck looking over at the US aircraft carrier. The objects still hovered over her flight deck. US jets could be heard in the distance as they patrolled the fleet looking for signs of any approaching ships. The HMS Eagle had moved closer to the Illustrious.

  Berkshire looked over at the activity on the Roosevelt. The four objects suddenly lifted up into the air and then shot across the bow of the Illustrious at break neck speed. They headed towards the huge object which sat motionless the whole time to regroup, then in a blink of an eye all five objects accelerated vertically and disappeared into the cloud layer.

  Berkshire thought for a few seconds before speaking. ‘Colonel how many subs do you have at your disposal?’

  ‘We have three which you have probably detected plus five more at the edge of your fleet.’

  ‘I want you to contact them and deploy them in a circle around the fleet, but under no circumstances are your subs to take any further action you must be absolutely clear on that.’ American jets screamed overhead, heading back to the Roosevelt where they landed on the flight deck. Berkshire raised his binoculars and peered through. ‘It looks like they’re getting ready to go.’ He lowered his binoculars and looked at Konev. ‘Send that order, then join me on the Illustrious.’

  Chapter 26

  The Blockade


  ‘Are you sure this is a good idea, teaming up with the Russians?’ Frederick asked when he got the chance.

  ‘What do you suggest we do Professor, you just witnessed what happened, what’s your take on this?’

  Frederick pursed his lips. ‘We’ll have to tread carefully. Relations between America and the Soviet Union aren’t exactly rosie, we cannot afford an incident.’

  ‘Your concern is noted Professor.’

  The Illustrious had turned her bow towards the Roosevelt, which was now heading out of the exercise area. Captain Watson glared at Konev and the two Russian officers flanking him. Berkshire looked out over the ocean at the Stern of the Roosevelt. ‘I Take it you’ve contacted the HMS Eagle.’

  Watson looked away from Konev and the two men. ‘Yes sir she’s standing by, as are our escorts.’

  ‘Good.’ Berkshire replied. He glanced over at Konev who was looking around the bridge. ‘Taking everything in are we colonel?’

  Konev smiled. ‘I have to admit this carrier is very impressive.’

  ‘The best in her majesty’s fleet.’ Berkshire boasted. ‘I take it your subs will be in position by now.’

  ‘Yes they should be.’ Konev nodded.

  ‘Ok then, Watson contact the Eagle and have her and her escorts move into position.’

  ‘Sir we’re getting a message from the Roosevelt.’ A com officer called out. ‘They’re ordering us to break off pursuit and re-join the fleet.’

  ‘Maintain our course and speed.’ Berkshire commanded. ‘And send a message to the FDR, this is Admiral Berkshire of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. You are to come to a complete stop and your commanding officer is to come aboard immediately.’

  The Roosevelt continued her course, but cutting across her bow the HMS eagle came into view with four frigates as her escorts.’

  ‘Sir the FDR is sending another message ordering the Eagle to move aside or they will open fire.’

  Berkshire walked over to the com officer and grabbed the microphone. ‘This is Admiral Anthony Berkshire of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy I’m ordering you to come to a complete stop.’

  No answer.

  The Illustrious sped on flanked by the frigates, in the distance American jet fighters could be seen taking off the FDRs flight deck.

  Berkshire spoke again. ‘I repeat this is Admiral Berkshire of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy, you are ordered to come to a full stop.

  Still no answer.

  Berkshire looked at Konev and signalled him over. He handed the colonel the mike who leaned over and flicked a switch and slowly turned a dial. A few seconds of silence followed before the Colonel gave an order in Russian.

  Frederick looked on, not sure whether to believe what he was witnessing, this was definitely going to make interesting reading in his report.

  The HMS Eagle was now blocking the path of the FDR which cut through the grey sea, her fighters screaming towards the British carrier. Suddenly the water in front of the Eagle began to churn and two black Russian submarines surfaced. The admiral peered through his binoculars and smiled. ‘They’re slowing.’

  Chapter 27


  Rear Admiral Sidney Souers glared at Konev who sat across a large table. There were just four of them in the room, Souers had come on board the Illustrious with a heavily armed escort and had protested the minute he boarded.

  ‘You realise what you have done can be considered as an act of war.’ He continued to glare at Konev.

  ‘And so can firing on one of her Majesty’s aircraft carriers Admiral.’ Berkshire commented.

  Souers looked at Berkshire. ‘We were never going to fire directly at your carrier.’

  ‘But you did fire across our bow.’

  ‘A warning shot.’

  ‘I’ve never heard such nonsense even from an American.’ Konev Scoffed. ‘This is ridiculous, just tell us what happened on your carrier earlier this afternoon. And why Eisenhower is not here instead of you.’

  ‘Just who invited you to this party comrade?’ Souers seethed. ‘I don’t recall the Soviet Navy being part of this exercise.’

  ‘Neither were those creatures from another world you made contact with.’

  Souers remained silent for a few seconds before answering. ‘What you saw Colonel was a highly classified military project involving a new kind of aircraft we’re developing.’

  ‘As you American’s like to say Admiral, horseshit!’ Konev stated. ‘We know Eisenhower is on board, like I have said to the British, Russian intelligence is not that backward.’

  ‘Let’s not let things get out of hand here gentlemen.’ Frederick interrupted, he looked at Souers. ‘Admiral Souers we know that it wasn’t experimental aircraft you were in contact with. We all witnessed what just transpired and now have the events on film. There are hundreds if not a few thousand witnesses on board the ships in the fleet. It would be beneficial for us all if you share what you know with us.’

  Souers stared into emptiness and took a deep breath. ‘I’m afraid Professor Frederick I am under strict orders not to reveal anything about what you witnessed.’

  ‘Huh, typical American selfishness.’ Konev barked.

  ‘Fuck you, you commie prick!’ Souers shot back.

  Konev jumped to his feet. ‘You are treading on thin ice Admiral, I have eight submarines at my command I could sink your carrier in a heartbeat.’

  ‘And risk all out war, go ahead we both know who will come out on top.’

  Berkshire slammed a clenched fist down on the table causing both men to jump. ‘I will not have this sort of behaviour aboard a ship of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. Colonel sit down please.’

  Konev slumped down in the chair like a sulking child.

  ‘If you are not willing to share vital intelligence on what these objects are General then take this message back to your superiors. Both the governments of the Soviet Union and Great Britain will be laun
ching a full enquiry into the events which have transpired here today, a very public enquiry with film reel and all.’

  Souers smiled at the Admiral. ‘I’m afraid you’re not a very good poker player Admiral, we know both your governments have covert projects involving flying saucers. By exposing us you’ll be exposing yourselves.’

  ‘There, you admit they are not of this world!’ Konev announced triumphantly.

  Souers smiled then got to his feet, looking over at Konev he put on his officers cap. ‘It’s been a real pleasure gentlemen.’ He then headed towards the door.

  Konev also stood and glared at Berkshire. ‘This isn’t over admiral, not by a long shot.’ He then strolled towards the door.

  ‘Colonel.’ Berkshire called after him. Konev spun to face the Admiral. ‘He’s right you know we cannot afford another world war, not after what we went through with the last war.’

  Konev took in a lung full of air and nodded before disappearing out of the door.

  Chapter 28

  The Showreel

  Whitehall – London – 12:13pm

  Wednesday 1st October 1952

  All ten committee members sat in silence staring at the projector screen which displayed the film which was taken a few days earlier on the flight deck of the Illustrious. After the incident with both the Americans and Russians Berkshire ordered the Illustrious home. Despite being without sound the film spoke volumes to the men in the room. After the film had finished Frederick left the heavy curtains shut and turned on the light.

  ‘What do you suppose we do about any witnesses?’ Dr Alan Good asked. ‘With all those ships in the immediate area news of this encounter is bound to get out.’


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