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TheBigV Page 2

by Lolita Lopez

  “What exactly does this ritual involve?”

  “Like I said earlier, it’s about orgasms and the positive energy they produce.”

  “What about your orgasms? I mean, there are what, like, twelve of you in the senior class, right? Where is all that spunk going?” My mind was going to some pretty dark places.

  “Depends on your comfort level,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’ve heard that girls in years past asked for it on their bellies or breasts. Some girls didn’t want it to touch them at all. Others went down south.”

  “Like a group creampie?”

  Chris’ jaw dropped. “You know about creampies?”

  He looked so embarrassed. I tried not to laugh. “This isn’t a convent, Chris. It’s college. Of course I know about creampies.” I chewed my lower lip. “Do I have to have actual intercourse with all of you?”

  He shook his head. “Only with one of us—unless you want the others to join.”

  “You’ll be the one, right?” I didn’t even bother trying to hide my hopefulness.

  “I’ve waited a year for this moment, Ashley. No one else is going to touch that pretty pink pussy of yours before me.”

  A thrill of excitement rippled through my belly at his possessive tone. God, that was so dirty—and so hot.

  I chewed my lower lip. “But nothing rough?”

  “Nothing rough.”

  “And no anal.”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed. “That’s something that takes lots of prep work.”

  “Nothing too weird either, okay?”

  “Define weird. When it comes to sex, we all have different lines in the sand.”

  “Golden showers. Fisting. You know, weird shit like that.”

  “I can guarantee you that won’t be happening.” He hesitated and then added, “But there will be a little spanking.”

  My heart stopped. “A little spanking?”

  “As part of the ritual, we each get three whacks.”

  My ass clenched in fear. “You mean, like, with one of those scary paddles?”

  “Oh, no! No. No. We don’t beat women with paddles.” He shook his head. “No, with our bare hands. We’re not trying to degrade you. This isn’t about humiliation or pain.” Chris cupped the back of my neck and pulled me close. “It’s all about pleasure.”

  I nearly passed out when Chris teased his lips across mine. All those months of wanting and needing had finally culminated in this moment. This crazy-ass, totally out-of-this-world, never-in-a-million-years moment.

  My hands flew to his chest for support, my fingers curling around the faux leather of his costume as I tried not to slide right off the edge of the tub and onto the floor. He hauled me onto his lap and crushed me in his arms. His tongue stabbed between my lips. I expected to taste beer but there was only orange juice. It seemed, like me, Chris had taken a teetotaler stance tonight.

  I moaned as my body alternated between thrills and chills. The sensations Chris’ mouth evoked were insane. I’d been kissed plenty of times but never like this. He nibbled and sucked my lower lip before swirling his tongue over mine. When he pulled back, I grunted in protest. “I don’t want to stop.”

  Chris laughed. “Me either but my brothers are waiting.”

  His reminder brought me back to reality. “Right.”

  Chris ducked his head to catch my downward gaze. “Are you sure you want to do this? If you say no, it’s fine. I’ll take you home and we’ll continue this,” he kissed me lightly, “in private.”

  “I want to do this.” And I really did. I was practically vibrating with excitement. This was one of those once-in-a-lifetime chances to do something so tawdry and out of character. How many girls could say they lost the Big V in a ritual with a dozen hunky frat boys? Yeah. Exactly. I wasn’t letting this one go.

  Still, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen after tonight. “Is this a one-time thing?”

  “The ritual?”

  “No. I mean, like…us,” I clarified, embarrassed by how needy I was sounding.

  “I hope not.”

  “This is so surreal,” I said with a nervous laugh. “Ritual orgies. Finding out my best guy friend actually likes me in the same way I like him. Can this night get any weirder?”

  “Doubt it. But,” Chris said with a sexy smile, “I can guarantee it’s about to get a lot more fun.”

  Chapter Two

  I clung to Chris’ hand, trailing close to his back as he led me down a secret staircase into some kind of underground lair. My hair was just the slightest bit damp from the quick shower I’d taken. Chris had given me one of his black t-shirts to wear since my costume was sweat and beer soaked. While I showered, he’d slipped into a black robe monogrammed with the fraternity’s logo and his last name. Like me, he was totally naked beneath his clothing.

  As the low hum of voices met my ear, the panic of the unknown took hold. My legs trembled. My heart clamored in my chest. I wondered if I could get a drink of water for my dry mouth.

  Chris paused outside a heavy wooden door that was just barely cracked. He smiled encouragingly. “Ready, sweetheart?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I answered honestly.

  He chuckled and placed a tender kiss on my lips. Still holding my hand, he led me into the shockingly massive room. I marveled at the sumptuous décor. There was an antique wooden banquet table along one wall laid out with fruit, cheese, crackers and water. It didn’t seem as if anyone was interested in the food though. There was no alcohol, I noticed with satisfaction. Chris had mentioned there was a zero-tolerance policy among the senior classmen taking part in the ritual. Everyone had to be totally sober and completely willing.

  Thick white candles mounted on iron sconces provided a soft glow. In the far corners, there were tall lumps covered with white and black sheets. Furniture, maybe? The gorgeous white marble floor was inlaid with gleaming black and red stone that formed a wide circle. Around the circumference of the circle were twelve spots marked by roman numerals. As I entered the room, the brothers moved into place, stepping onto their numbers and clasping their hands in front of themselves.

  Chris led me around the circle and introduced the brothers. I knew most of them already. As I stopped in front of each guy, he knelt and took my hand, kissing it and thanking me for bestowing my blessing. It was a surprisingly moving experience. Typically, these guys were all about banging tail and bragging about it to anyone who would listen, but I got the feeling these frat brothers viewed this orgy as a sacred and significant moment in their lives.

  It dawned on me as I smiled back at them that eventually I’d run into them again. How fucking weird would that be? Or maybe it wouldn’t. Conceivably, the fraternity had hosted hundreds of these ritual orgies. I’d never heard of any bizarre bust-ups. That was the kind of juicy gossip that would make the rounds too. So maybe, just maybe, this wouldn’t be too weird in the cold light of morning.

  Chris walked me to the center of the circle. He kissed me again, gently, chastely, before leaving me there and taking his place at the top of the circle. Derrick, one of the brothers I wasn’t too familiar with, stepped forward with a huge, leather-bound journal and acted as a bookstand. Chris opened the book to a marked page, flipping aside the green silk ribbon and addressed his fellow fraternity members in a language I barely recognized as Greek. Talk about old school…

  Every now and then, the brothers would chime in with a unified response. It reminded me of Mass on Sunday morning. A second after that thought occurred, I felt a terrible urge to run to a confessional for such a sacrilegious notion. My god, what would my Sunday-school-teachin’ mama think?

  I perked up as four of the frat brothers came toward me. I shot a nervous glance at Chris. He smiled reassuringly. I swallowed hard and waited to see what would happen. Tyrone, one of Chris’ fellow football players, loomed over me. “I’m going to take off your shirt. Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” I put my arms up and let him drag the big shirt up over my head
. I quivered with fear as the circle of men got their first look at my naked body. I wasn’t rocking the most toned or voluptuous physique. Choosing a late night of gaming over an early morning gym session hadn’t done me any favors.

  Yet, as I looked around the room, I saw only lust reflected in the eyes of the frat boys. Not a single one of them seemed the least bit interested in the ripple of cellulite along the backs of my thighs or my barely B-cup breasts.

  Brothers Matt and Jack carried over a massage table draped with a white sheet. I squeaked with surprise when Tyrone swept me off my feet and carefully deposited me on the table. Flat on my back, I stared up at the four robed men, my eyes probably as wide as moons.

  “We’re going to rub you down with oil,” Tyrone explained as he offered his palms to Jarrod, who held a glass bottle. Tyrone warmed the drizzled oil between his huge hands before applying it to my front. The other two brothers, Matt and Jack, slicked their oiled hands along my legs and arms.

  The sensual massage felt amazing. The soothing scents of chamomile and lavender filled my nose. Their big hands worked my tense muscles until the knots disappeared. Tyrone’s dark hands presented such a beautiful contrast to my pale skin as he caressed my small breasts. His massive palm seemed to span the entire width of my belly. I could just imagine the huge baton-like cock he had hidden under those robes…

  When the other two started working on my feet, I launched into an uncontrollable giggling fit. Jack and Matt grinned as they teasingly rubbed and kneaded my soles. Tyrone didn’t seem to want to miss out on all the fun and tickled my sides. They finally let up when I had tears in my eyes.

  Very gently, Tyrone turned me over on my belly. This time, Jarrod joined the massage party too. He and the other three massaged my arms, legs, back, shoulders and buttocks. I hid my face in the crook of my arm as a pair of hands squeezed and rubbed my fleshy cheeks. It took a lot of trust to let four strangers touch me like that. Only the knowledge that Chris stood nearby kept me from bolting. I knew he’d take care of me.

  As my massage neared its end, Chris started reading from the book again. I heard the sound of something heavy being plunked down nearby. When the massage ended, Tyrone helped me sit up. The four of them knelt and kissed the tops of my dangling feet. I wasn’t sure what to say. “Um…thanks.”

  Tyrone smiled and winked up at me before trailing Jack, Matt and Jarrod back to their spots. Two new brothers, Kale and Wes, baseball players who were also good friends of Chris’, stepped forward. Kale scooped me up in his big arms while Wes cleared away the table. Kale carried me over to a wooden chair that had appeared inside the circle, probably the source of the loud plunk earlier, and set me on my feet.

  All around me, brothers disrobed. I was stunned by the sheer amount of ripped, toned man flesh before me. Holy hell, had I hit the jackpot of sexiness! I knew the frat’s membership was athlete heavy but I had no idea they were this deliciously yummy under their clothes.

  And they were all packing some impressive heat. My eyes skipped from stiff cock to stiff cock. A couple of them were frighteningly large. I felt like Goldilocks as I mentally catalogued the penis offerings in front of me. Too big, too wide, too thin.

  My gaze fell on Chris’ hard cock. Ah, just right. Not too long, not too wide. It would be a stretch but I was fairly confident we could make it work.

  Chris sat on the chair and opened his arms wide. “Come here, Ashley.”

  I glanced around nervously. “Is this the spanking part?”

  “Yes, this is the spanking part.”

  “Non-negotiable?” I had to ask, just in case.

  He chuckled. “Non-negotiable.”

  I sighed loudly and reluctantly draped myself over his lap. This was way outside my comfort zone but I’d made a promise to Chris and this ritual was important to him. I was extremely conscious of the thick erection jutting into my lower belly as I bent forward and let my feet come up off the ground. Awkward much?

  The chair was higher than most, so my fingertips barely touched the ground. Clearly it had been built for gargantuan men and not teeny-tiny things like me. My loose hair fell around my face and obscured my vision. The hair curtain gave me some semblance of privacy. Probably a good thing, since I was about to have my ass spanked by a bunch of horny frat boys.

  Goose bumps erupted on my skin the moment Chris’ big, strong hand settled on my lower back. He petted me like a cat as the members began a strange chant. They could have been reciting Lil Wayne lyrics in Greek, for all I knew. I didn’t really care. My anxiety level was skyrocketing as I waited for the first whack. I started to wonder what the hell I’d been thinking, agreeing to something as batshit as this. I was thinking about throwing in the towel when the weight of Chris’ forearm pressed down just below my shoulder blades. I wiggled a bit but Chris’ arm kept me firmly in place. There was no moving or running now.

  “Wait!” I said in a full-on panic.

  “It’s okay,” Chris cooed. “I have to make sure you don’t get hurt by moving at the wrong time.”

  “Don’t get hurt? You’re about to spank me, you jackass!”

  “Yes, I am.”

  There was a split-second of warning before his flat palm cracked against my ass. I cried out in shock more than pain. Yes, it hurt. It stung like hell, actually, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d been imagining. Chris rubbed the stinging spot with his hand before spanking me again, twice in rapid succession.

  “Ow! Ow!” I squirmed but it was no use. Chris’ arm kept me clamped down. Before I realized what was happening, a second hand delivered three hard smacks to my bare bottom. “Ow! Ow! Ow!”

  A seemingly endless stream of eager brothers lined up to take their turns whacking her bare ass. After the first three, my bottom throbbed and ached. My ass wasn’t used to this kind of abuse. Several more whacks later, I considered telling Chris I wanted to stop. But then I figured I was probably halfway through the spanking session, so what was the point?

  “This fucking hurts!”

  “I know it does,” Chris murmured apologetically. His free hand soothed my derriere in between brothers. Every now and then, his fingers drifted lower and brushed against my pussy lips. I tried to ignore his wayward hand but found myself inching my ass up a little higher every time he stroked.

  I gulped as tears spilled down my cheeks. The stingy heat was nearly unbearable now. Even as I wriggled in pain, I felt the familiar tingle of arousal down there. I’d always heard a good spanking made a girl’s pussy wet and set the nerves on fire. Whenever I’d read spanking scenes in books, I’d discounted them as weird kink but now, experiencing it in the flesh as it were, I had to agree. There was something about a spanking that amplified every feeling down south.

  “You keep squirming like that and I’m not going to be able to hold back,” Chris warned, his voice low and tight.

  I went completely still. His cock poked my belly, the blunt tip smearing pre-cum all over my skin. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who found a spanking enhanced sensations in the nether regions. “Sorry.”

  I held still during the last three brothers but let my mouth go. I couldn’t move, but I could whine and cry and cuss all I wanted. One of them took it easy on me for the first two spanks but put a little oomph into the last one.

  Throughout the entire ordeal, the chanting continued. After the last whack was administered, the chanting changed to something faster and louder. Chris gently lifted and turned me so that I was perched across his lap. I hissed as the crisp hairs on his legs scraped against my tender butt. The rough pads of his thumbs swept the tears from my face.

  When he kissed me, the background noise faded away and it was just the two of us. Yes, I’d just had a dozen frat boys spanking my bare bottom, but I felt more connected to Chris than ever. What in the world was that about? Maybe I really should have taken the full psychology course instead of that condensed summer semester. I could have really used all that psychobabble right about now to diagnose my obvious menta
l problems.

  Turned on by group sex and spanking? Yeah. Page Dr. Freud, please.

  “Are you ready for the pleasure part?” Chris stroked my cheek and smiled down at me. “I promise it will make you forget all about that sore ass of yours.”

  “Don’t think you’re getting off easy, Chris.” I squinted with annoyance. “I’m not the only one going home with a red ass tonight. I can guarantee you that.”

  He laughed and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Fair enough.”

  I jumped when the unexpected sound of music filled the air. There was a definite sexy vibe to the tunes. Not bow-chicka-bow-wow porn music, mind, but more sensual with a trip-hop feel. Definitely the kind of music a girl could get down and dirty to.

  My gaze was drawn to a trio of brothers carrying something heavy and cloth-covered to the center of the floor. Like a magician unveiling an empty cage after making his pigeon disappear, Brent (or was it Scott?) whipped off the black-silk drape.

  I stared at the strange chair. It had kinky written all over it, with its black-leather upholstery, silver studs and those peculiar moveable leg things…

  Stirrups, I realized with a jolt of fear. I glared at Chris. “You said nothing weird. That looks like something in my…my…lady doctor’s office!” I couldn’t bring myself to shout out “gynecologist” in a room full of guys.

  “It’s for your comfort.”

  “My comfort?” I asked, incredulous.

  “Yes, your comfort. You’ll want your legs supported while we lick your pussy.”

  My stomach dropped. My mouth went dry. “We?”

  “Like I said, this is all about your pleasure.”

  I looked around the room. Hungry faces stared back at me. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m not so sure about this.”

  “Aren’t you?” Chris’ hand slipped between my thighs. I sucked in a surprised breath when his fingers probed my slick cunt. “You’re dripping wet just thinking about all of us licking and sucking this sweet pussy.”


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