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BloodSworn Page 3

by Stacey Brutger

  Trina stooped and picked up the blade, closing and stuffing it in her pocket. When she glanced up, her rescuer stared down at her. Uncomfortable at the attention, she shrugged. “I should be going.”

  When she turned to pick up her pack, he beat her to it, scooping the bag up in his big mitt and falling into step next to her without a word. She paused, her fingers itching to snatch her backpack to her chest. That bag carried the last of her meager possessions and had been her constant companion for the last three weeks.

  Common sense reasserted itself. It wasn’t like he would run off with it. She followed, her heartbeat kicked up a notch.

  Did he know she’d been living on his property?

  He must.

  Dare she go back or would it be smarter to leave? What kept her from running was she didn’t have anywhere else to go.

  “You’ve been following me.” Way to state the obvious. She winced. People were not her strong suit. Give her petri dishes, test tubes and mass spectrometers any day.

  Those broad shoulders shrugged. Her gaze dropped, and she noticed his limp.

  “You’re hurt.” She stopped short, unable to move as she realized he’d been injured protecting her.

  No one would be safe around her until this was over.

  Even this indomitable man.

  Chapter Four

  Leo took a few more steps before he noticed the girl had stopped. When he followed her tonight, he had not intended to reveal himself. Not until he saw her in danger. Then he’d had trouble preventing his lion from taking over and eliminating the threat permanently.

  Now he didn’t know what to do with her.


  He liked the way her name sounded in his mind. It suited her. Knowing more about her eased a little knot in his chest. She wouldn’t be able to disappear without a trace anymore. Not when he held her bag. The adrenaline from the fight wore off, and his back twinged with every step.

  “You’re a witch.”

  Calmness descended over the girl, and she advanced toward him. “Doctor,” she corrected. “Well, not a witch doctor. Just a doctor. Shutting up now.”

  Her earnestness was endearing, and a smile tugged at his lips. She rolled her eyes, but the dust of red highlighting her cheeks begged him to touch.

  Then she crouched at his feet

  Every thought evaporated at her suggestive pose, all the blood heading to parts south. He cursed that damn ever-present stocking cap. It sat perched on her head, and he wanted to yank it off to see all of her.

  When she laid her hands on him, ran those long fingers over and up the inside of his thigh, he sucked in a sharp breath and concentrated on keeping his legs locked. His mind battled his body’s demand to snatch her up in his arms and strip her naked.

  It took a precious few seconds for her words to penetrate his befuddled mind.

  “I don’t see any wound or blood. There doesn’t appear to be any deep tissue damage. Where were you hit?”

  Deep brown eyes gazed up at him, and he had to clear his throat twice before any sound besides a growl would emerge. “Not.”

  Sirens rose in the distance. He grabbed her arm and hauled her upright, his long strides carrying them quickly down the street. It annoyed him to find bulky clothing under his hand and not skin.

  “Hey.” When she tried to tug away, his grip tightened for a fraction of a second. He didn’t want to release her and had to force his hand to let go.

  “Sorry.” He dropped back, crowding close to her body, unable to not be near her. He locked his hands behind his back to prevent himself from swinging her up in his arms and physically removing her from the danger of being out in the open. “Cops.”

  Without a word, she increased her stride, not looking either right or left as they departed. Three blocks later, she finally slowed then stopped.

  “You’re still limping.” Her brows furrowed. “I really am a doctor. I can help you if you allow me to examine you.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed painfully. No matter how innocent, every word out of her mouth sent his mind straight into the gutter. There was no way he could allow her hands on him. He wouldn’t survive being touched and not being able to return the favor in the many varied ways his mind supplied. Him, the legendary control freak, unable to control himself around a little slip of a woman.

  “Old wound. We need to get off the streets.” He scanned the area and inhaled deeply. He scented nothing but humans. Any traces on the pathway were hours old.

  The buildings in this section of town were run down, most of the businesses had long since been abandoned. A tic started in his jaw, and he clenched his teeth against the need to take her to task for putting herself in danger in the first place. She had no business being in this part of town without protection, especially at night. Just thinking about what could’ve happened to her without him there to rescue her nagged at him.

  She scowled, but didn’t refuse. “Where?”

  “How about home?”

  Damn. So he knew she’d been trespassing on his property. Heat stung her checks, but she didn’t back down. “How long have you known?”

  All she received in answer was a shrug. Would he force her to leave? Where would she go? She knew practically no one in the magical community and with the bounty on her head, they were no longer trustworthy.

  Taking her courage in both hands, she blurted out her proposal. “Allow me to stay under your protection, and I’ll give you access to my research material.”

  She bit her lip as the giant just stared at her with those eyes of his. As before, she felt as if he were stripping her bare with that look of his, reading the fine print of her soul. It took all of her nerves not to fidget.

  “Do you know what you’re asking?”

  Trina nodded then admitted the truth. “Not exactly.”

  “Come.” He grabbed for her arm then hesitated, ultimately settling his hand at the small of her back. The innocent touch stole her breath and fractured her thoughts.

  Part of her argued that going into the Den without an agreement in place would be a bad move on her part, but his touch had her wanting to agree to anything if he would just lower his hand a fraction. She didn’t understand her intense reaction. She’d had men before and enjoyed the experience, but she’d never felt anything close to what this shifter could do with one touch.

  Her life was in danger, her sister had been captured, possibly mortally wounded, and all she could think about was getting his clothes off so she could see if he tasted as delicious as he looked. She shook her head at her own folly.

  She shuffled over a few inches to increase the distance between them, hoping the space would allow her to think, but he followed. She increased her pace, but he only matched her stride.

  “Stop.” Trina couldn’t take it anymore and halted, neatly stepping out of his reach. When he moved to follow, she lifted her hands.

  And found them plastered to his chest. She wasn’t frightened, more bemused by his attitude. “What are you doing?”

  “Doing?” Her rescuer only narrowed his eyes, playing all-innocent.

  Trina dropped her hands and went to step away, only to find her back square against the wall. Could he really not know what he was doing and his effect on her?

  That boggled her mind.

  Just think what he could do if he put his mind to it. She shivered then cursed herself for even putting that thought in her head.

  “Hands to yourself.” If anything, his brows lowered more ominously. He stepped closer, those large hands settled on either side of her head as he stopped a breath away from her.

  “Do you have a husband?”

  “What?” Startled, Trina glanced up at him, completely at a loss to understand this conversation and the way her body urged her to rub up against him. “No.”

  “Lover?” He growled the one word. He appeared taller, his shoulders broader as he towered over her.

  She shook her head, mute. Something in his posture eased, and the
darkness around his eyes lessened. She nervously licked her lips. Part of her thrilled to see his gaze drop to her mouth as if he wanted to devour her.

  He tipped his head to the side, studying her in a way that left her shivering and hungry for his warmth. When she found herself shuffling forward, he quickly backed away and turned.

  Her brows lowered at the distance he put between them. It had seemed like a good idea to stay away from each other. Keep it business and not get involved. Now that he wasn’t within reach, she didn’t like it at all. “This is ridiculous. I don’t even know your name.”

  Silence filled the air for a second. He shoved his hands in his pockets, his shoulders hunched a little, his back to her as he surveyed the street. “Merrick.”

  Chapter Five

  Leo had no idea what prompted him to tell her his real name. Only a handful of people knew it and no one dared use it. But he didn’t want her to call him by his title, couldn’t stand to see her eyes change when she found out the truth.

  Oh, she’d learn of it soon enough but for these few precious minutes, he wanted to enjoy simply being no one else but Merrick. He hadn’t had that luxury since he’d become Leo so many years ago.

  When she started walking, he fell into step beside her, his fingers twitching to touch her again. Not wanting to upset her, half-afraid she’d bolt when he wasn’t watching, he restrained himself.

  “You’re a witch.” He saw her wince and grimaced at his lack of finesse. He was so used to demanding answers that small talk felt awkward. The desire to know everything about her was more of a physical need. He clenched his jaw, trying to think of something to say that didn’t sound like a command.

  “Doctor,” she corrected again.

  “Why were those guys after you?”

  This time, she just shrugged. She stole a glance at him from the corner of her eye then went back to surveying the streets like someone who had been on the run for a while. She didn’t elaborate.

  “They wanted you for something. They were going to take you and do whatever necessary to find that scepter.” He didn’t know why he persisted when it would only push her further away, but he had to know what he faced. Now that he’d touched her and had seen her fight, his fascination with her increased.

  If she attempted to leave, he would find her and follow. She desired him as well. Even now, he smelled her scent. It was part of what calmed him down enough not push for more. Just a brush of her fingers made him hard.

  Beast rose beneath his skin as if as curious as him, the movement painful after so long. He found his hand reaching up to tug at her cap. Only to have her pull it firmly back into place. She threw a glance over her shoulder at him, and he raised an eyebrow in question.

  She turned around with a cute little frown between her eyes that he wanted to smooth away. He’d bedded his share of women in the past, but none he’d ever wanted to take his time and learn what made them tick. All the other women in his life had been selected mistresses for the Leo. Women deemed appropriate to be his lover and expect nothing more from him than enjoyment.

  Trina was different.

  This witch, though she desired him, wouldn’t willingly consign herself to that role. She asked for his protection, but she clearly didn’t know that providing protection gave him certain rights. And until he had her safe at the Den, he had no intention of enlightening her.

  They would come to an honest agreement.

  Then he would seduce her.

  He found himself walking a step behind her. He’d intended to watch her back in case they were being followed. Instead, he was fascinated by the liquid way she moved. Even in those bulky clothes, her curves couldn’t be hidden. They stole his focus when he should be watching for danger.

  As he inhaled, her light scent of wild flowers wrapped around him, leaving him trailing her like a lost pup, inching closer until he’d bump into her if she stopped.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t ignore the tantalizing scent. It wasn’t that his body hardened at the slightest whiff that interested him at the moment. No, it was that it faded in and out. One second there, then gone the next, like she’d vanished.

  She made no sound as she moved. If she weren’t walking a pace in front of him where he was able to see her, he would never had known she was there. No wonder she slid past his guards so easily.

  “Where did you train?”

  “What?” She stopped short, sending him plowing into her. He caught her around the waist before she went sprawling. Though her body was slight, the muscles were well defined. His hand automatically sought the hem of her shirt, only to curse as he found another layer of clothing underneath. He brushed his fingers against her stomach, enjoying the way the muscles tightened and trembled under his touch.

  Some of his disgruntlement faded at her telling reaction.

  He released her the instant she gained her balance, unwilling to risk getting sucked under her spell again or frightening her off with his hunger.

  Once on her feet, Trina watched Merrick retreat, very conscious that she’d caught him blatantly staring at her ass. Instead of embarrassment, he gazed at her like catnip. His question about where she trained faded into the background until he asked again.

  She bit her lip, debating how to answer him without revealing more about her past. “I spend a lot of time at the gym.”

  He narrowed his eyes as if he sensed that though it wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t the complete truth either. Thankfully, they neared the Den, and he didn’t pry further.

  When they rounded the corner, the Den remained silent and still. That wasn’t necessarily unusual as shifters were stealthy buggers, but the absolute nothingness surrounding the place didn’t feel natural. The haunted feel she so loved about the house had turned menacing.

  Trusting her instinct, she halted, trying to pin down what set off her radar.

  “Wait.” She was absurdly grateful he stopped.

  A half-smile touched his lips as he gazed at her with those green eyes that saw too much. “You don’t have to be afraid. No one here will bother you.”

  Her brows furrowed at his odd comment, but she waved it away. Then she pinned down what bothered her. No sound. The insects she fell asleep to nightly had vanished. The pungent scent of lilacs that surrounded the Den was smothered, leaving behind no scent at all. “There’s something wrong with the house.”

  Even before she finished speaking, shapes shot over the fifteen-foot wall surrounding the house. Burly humans armed with knives, only no human could jump that high or move that fast.

  Merrick tossed her bag over the wall, shifting positions to keep her protected. Three shapes torpedoed toward Merrick with terrifying speed. She’d been so centered on watching Merrick that she nearly missed the shape that launched out of the darkness aimed at her.

  Training kicked in. She dropped to her back and thrust her legs into her attacker’s gut. The momentum propelled her attacker over her head. Blades flew toward her face. She twisted away and barely missed having her right cheek cleaved down to bone. The body beamed into a parked car with a sickening thud. Cursing at the gravel gouging into her shoulder blades, Trina wasted no time rolling to her feet and drawing her own blade.

  The image of a hulking human shimmered as her attacker struggled to stand, and Trina caught a glimpse of the true form beneath. Dressed in black, the slight build suggested a female or a youth. Gone were the knives. In their place were teeth and claws that, if they got close enough, would kill her just the same. A shifter, though she couldn’t distinguish what breed. The image wavered again, blurred and a gleam of gold around her attacker’s throat caught her attention. An amulet.

  “You’re spelled.” Magic splashed along her skin, and she resisted the urge to brush away the annoyance.

  It was the amulet. Not only did it mess with her vision but also left her magical senses distorted. She wasn’t able to get a clear picture of her attacker. Something only high-end money and a powerful witch could perform.

>   Trina narrowed her eyes, fighting the instinct to break the illusion. It wouldn’t save her. Instead, she brandished her amathe. “The blade’s pure silver.”

  Though concerned at the near silent scuffle behind her, she trusted Merrick to protect her back, and focused on her opponent, not on Merrick or his injuries.

  The shifter lunged too quickly to block. Trina threw herself sideways and lashed out with her knife. Resistance met her blade, confirming that she’d hit something. The same instant, the left side of her body erupted with fire. Four sets of claws shredded her clothes and raked through flesh. The blow glanced off her ribs instead of eviscerating her.

  As they parted, Trina tangled her hands in the necklace and yanked. The chain bit into her fingers. The metal seemed to stretch before finally snapping, and a gray dust exploding as the spell broke.

  Trina stared at the shifter before her, knowing that if they came together again she wouldn’t survive without the use of her blood. Remnants of the spell made identification difficult, but the hazy image of her attacker resembled a wolf.

  The woman groped at her throat, her gaze on the chain. Fury darkened her face before she took off running.

  Trina followed a few steps before halting. Even if she caught up with the shifter, which was unlikely, what could she hope to gain but a painful death? She didn’t have the physical strength to take her out.

  Pain struck hard when she straightened. Rivulets of blood saturated the side of her shirt, plastering the material to her body. Her blood burned as it came exposed to air like a thousand fire ants burrowing under her skin, nipping and biting, as her magic worked to heal her.

  Grunts behind her caught her attention.


  By the time she pivoted, seven more shapes leapt over the wall. Her gut dropped. She tightened her grip on the knife as they advanced, and she cursed herself for not running.

  Now it was too late.

  If she wanted to get out of this alive, she needed to use her magic and cast. But anything more intricate than a simple spell and she’d be useless, if not outright unconscious. She had to get this right. She pressed her palms to her ribs, sucking in a sharp breath when it felt like her whole side had been filleted.


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