Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1)

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Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1) Page 11

by Shen Hart


  I woke up shivering on the damp grass with the birds squawking around me. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, not entirely convinced that I wanted to see where I was. I knew I didn't want to face the day. I cracked one eye open and immediately wished I hadn't. Patches of the pink sky peeked between the dense canopy overhead, giving a rosy tint to the dark old bark of the oak trees. That was the nice part. Unfortunately, the Sisters, all three of them, were standing over me. Their pristine white dresses hugged their slender figures while their pale blonde hair fell about their faces as they looked down at me. One had a look of mild amusement. The other two, however, had deep scowls. I stretched and slowly sat up, refusing to take my eyes off them.

  I reached the conclusion that the one with the look of amusement was my safest option, so I smiled innocently and said, "And what brings you out here?"

  The one with the deep green eyes and wavy hair, who also happened to be the one with the deepest scowl, replied, "Do you think this is some game, Thalia? Do you think you can go gallivanting off whenever you damn well please? We gave you a task!"

  I stood and looked at her with my arms crossed. "You're more than welcome to just use Alex you know. I'm not attached to this whole, Wyrd Bound, thing."

  She and the other miserable-looking one snarled at me, their porcelain complexions shifted to a pale bluish-grey for the briefest moment. I hadn't forced them to show their real forms before. Part of me wanted to push harder so that I could get a better look. The raven reminded me that, as they were the Wyrd Sisters who quite literally controlled the fates of everyone and everything, it would be in my best interests to behave. For once.

  I sighed and brushed the dirt off my clothing. "What did I do wrong, this time?"

  One of them snorted, which was an odd sound coming from such an elegant and refined woman. "You were off cavorting with the fae instead of focusing on the task you were given. That was after you took the risk with the murdered demon. You should have stayed away rather than getting close to him and then watching what happened. You should have left with Dan and kept your packmate safe."

  I curled my lip, "Fine. Fine. I'll go back to Alex and be a good girl."

  I didn't see anything wrong with my actions. I hadn't put anyone at risk, and that feather should have been returned properly. It was only right and respectful. It wasn't as though I was brushing off potential leads or flaunting what I was to all and sundry.

  They just stood and glared at me before I finally broke and said, "And...?"

  The softer one, who appeared to be amused by the entire thing spoke that time, "We put you in that situation for a reason. Stop being a pain in the ass, open your eyes, and focus! You’re good as a Wyrd Bound creature, and you’ve had your little vacation. Stop screwing around and pretending you're a petulant cub. We know better. Just as you know there is no escaping your role or binding to us. Your life would be much easier and happier if you behaved yourself."

  Part of me liked the idea of being a petulant cub, especially if it meant pissing them off. The reminder that there was no escaping my shackles to them stung, but I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I'm going back to Alex."

  They couldn't help themselves. I barely had a chance to blink, one second I was surrounded by the peace and tranquillity of the woods, the next I was in the bedroom with the cubs shouting and laughing next door. I took a deep breath and took a moment to adjust while biting back the curses sitting on the tip of my tongue. I swore I could almost hear them tittering somewhere.

  I muttered, "one day."

  I reminded myself: It wasn't forever. One day, I'd be free of them. I had to be. I had to cling onto that hope. Alex sat up slowly and looked at me, bleary eyed. The blanket slipped down to reveal dark purple bruises on his upper arms and ribs. Dark red slashed his chest and lower arms. I sat next to him on the bed and began running my fingertips over the bruises, slowly pressing soothing energy into the angry injuries. It was an automatic act. I didn’t like seeing him injured. I never had.

  I wasn't much of a healer, but I could do enough to ease his pain and quicken the healing process. The tendrils of energies slipped through my fingertips and slithered along his warm skin, slinking down into the damaged flesh to ease the pain. It felt odd for a brief moment to share that intimacy with him. I wanted more, but I couldn’t. Thoughts evacuated my mind to try and keep me focused and to save me from myself. There was nothing but the energies, the relaxing peace it brought to feel the pain move from him to me.

  When the final deep cut just above his hip had been healed as much as it was going to be, I turned and pushed the dark, bitter pain energies down into the ground so as not to keep it all in my own body. I had no doubt that Ark would have something to say about my methods, but I was a battlefield medic at best. I was far from a genuine healer. Alex placed his hand on my knee and rubbed his thumb on my thigh. I wanted to push his hand away, to cut the contact with him, but I needed it. I needed the touch of affection and reassurance.

  "Thank you."

  I simply nodded. Whether I liked it or not, he was pack. He pissed me off, and the entire situation hurt more than a little, but I would deal with it. He gave me a half-hearted smile and his eyes shone with a vague sense of hope.

  I shook my head and stood. I didn’t want to hurt him by encouraging that hope. "What happened to you? Are the cubs ok?"

  He curled his lip and stood up slowly. "We got into a fight with some ferals. They had a stick up their ass because they felt we were looking down on them as they're ferals and we're shifters. You know what they're like; their delicate egos mean they find offense in everything."

  Ferals have the residual instincts of the animals they’re attached to, but no actual shifting ability. That often gives them an inferiority complex, which makes them easy and fun to pick fights with. I looked him over. The deep purple-black bruises had faded into an ugly brown and covered a good amount of his torso. The cuts were quite numerous and deep.

  "Did you take on an entire colony of them, or...?"

  He looked a little sheepish. "It started with six of them and the four of us. I couldn't help myself; I was pissed off at the situation and worried about you, so I riled them. Another couple of packs were apparently in the area and then the hellhounds joined in, the fae couldn't resist a good fight, and by that point the entire bar was in on it."

  I had to laugh. It wasn't like Alex to pick fights, and I was slightly sad to have missed all the fun. "And the cubs?"

  "They're not too bad, no worse than me. Nik can really pack a punch. He knocked a couple of big hounds literally on their ass with one punch." He turned and headed into the bathroom. "I was worried about you..."

  I shrugged. I didn’t want to acknowledge the sentiment, the caring. "You know I can take care of myself."

  With that, I left and headed towards the raucous laughter and shouts. The cubs weren't a subtle bunch. I looked them over as they were apparently recounting the previous night. None of them seemed to be lame or stiff, so it wasn't all that bad. There was a twinge of relief at that realisation. They were still irritating cubs, but like it or not, they were my cubs. I kept things to the point. I wasn’t ready for any sort of a real emotional connection. The run in with the Sisters and then seeing Alex like that had left me emotionally drained.

  "I heard about last night. How badly are you hurt?"

  They all stopped, and Ryan said, "Where did you appear from? Can you teach me to appear from thin air like that?"

  I laughed quietly at them. "I have many talents, skills, and connections. How badly are you hurt?"

  He winced a bit. "Well, I think I cracked a rib. There are some nasty bruises, and a few cuts."

  I nodded. "Strip and show me then. Same for you two."

  Dan gave me a cocky look as he undid his shirt. I rolled my eyes and walked to Nik first.

  They were all fit and well-toned, but I had never been interested in the incestuous pack thing. Some alphas, particularly lone females, di
d use that as a way to keep the bonds strong and the males in line. I'd always found it quite distasteful. They were closer to my brothers and would never be my lovers. Ryan and Nik were both quiet and kept their heads bowed as I healed them. They moved as I requested without trying to fight me. Dan, however, watched my every move. He remained stiff and cautious. I shrugged it off. I didn’t have the mental capacity or caring to argue with him. They thanked me and brought me a shot of vodka in appreciation. I laughed. They already knew me so well. I almost felt bad for my cool and aloof demeanour. They had been well-behaved, but my mind was elsewhere. I knocked back the shot and curled up on the sofa, exhausted. It had been a long time since I'd done such intensive healing work. I was fast asleep before any thoughts could form.

  I was surrounded by pitch black with the image of a pale cream mask floating in front of me. It tormented me. Raspy laughter accompanied it as I twisted and turned, trying to get away from the mask. No matter what I did, it remained there, taunting me. Panic began to rise as I fought to free itself of my presence. I woke with a start. Strong arms were wrapped around me and two rough hands were on my shoulder and upper arm. I felt the odd mix of ice cold and blazing hot energies running over me. Pain ran through every inch of me, it lapped at my consciousness as I groaned and opened my eyes. Alex had me in his lap with his arms around me, while his energies ran through mine like small streams. Dan was the owner of the set of hands on my shoulder, he had his eyes closed tightly while he focused. The pain subsided and slipped away leaving me to relax down into Alex's arms and breathe a sigh of relief.

  Alex looked at me. "You forgot to ground the pain after you healed them."

  His voice was tinged with a slight growl and a touch of sadness. I had to laugh quietly. It was such a stupid mistake to make, but exhaustion had claimed me. If I didn’t laugh at myself and accept my mistakes, I’d just crumble. I wriggled to be free of his arms and Dan's contact.

  "Thank you both."

  Alex gave a small nod. He didn’t look at me and pulled his hands away from me. A small stab of guilt struck me. I was tempted to curl up back in his lap and take sanctuary there. To feel the security of his arms once more and hide from the dream that he had saved me from.

  Dan gave me that little smirk. It bothered me that the smirk was growing on me. He wasn’t such a bad cub, not really. It was interesting having another like me around, if nothing else. I didn't have quite such a strong urge to smack the smirk off his face. I had no doubt that one day I would smack him for it, though. It was that bit too cocky and pushy. Yet, that was part of his growing charm.

  I tucked my knees up to my chest and settled next to Alex on the sofa where I leaned on him, taking some comfort in his strong form. "Where are we on the meeting your contact thing, Dan?"

  He looked to Alex and back to me again. Slight confusion on his face as his hands lingered somewhere close to the edge of the sofa. I stretched out and rested a hand on top of his, a silent thanks. "I'm ready to leave when you are."

  I brushed my hand over Alex's as I stood and said, "Thanks."

  I was torn in how to feel about the entire thing. Offering such contact with both of them was a big gesture given my exhausted and broken state, yet they’d dragged me out of that situation. I had to give them something, and I couldn’t hide in Alex’s strong arms as I so desperately wanted to. There was no sanctuary for me there, not then.

  I looked over myself and realised I was a complete state. The jaguar was appalled. "I'll get a shower and fresh clothes. We'll leave in twenty minutes."

  It gave me something else to focus on. A reason to leave the situation and untangle my emotions and thoughts. I wasn't sure how I'd managed to not only forget to ground the pain after the healing, but also not notice how vile and dirty both myself and my clothes were. I cursed the Sisters. It was their fault. They’d thrown me into the apartment and sent my thoughts into chaos. I stripped as soon as I got into the bathroom and scrubbed myself clean. A dirty jaguar was not a happy one.


  The walk through the city with Dan was stilted and awkward. He kept going to say something, but then tucking his hands in his pockets and let the tense silence between us continue. I was still hurting over the lecture from the Sisters, and the sting to my pride over having to have him, a cub, help me ground the pain was not something I was handling very well. I'd said thank you a couple of times and he’d nodded and accepted it. I wanted to say something to lighten the mood and bring about some bond or... something, but I couldn't find the words or the topic. The jaguar was curled up in the back of my mind, hiding in her tail. The raven was sulking over the lecture from the Sisters, and the wolf just wasn't interested in what was going on. I felt slightly odd and alone. It wasn't often that all three of my aspects were buried in the back of my mind. They were still there, but they weren't pushing and barging to have their say.

  Finally, as we were making our way through the dirty alleys of the more downtrodden part of the city, I said, "How long have you known this contact?"

  Dan shrugged and said, "We’ve done quite a few deals over the years. He’s hardly my best friend, but I’ve known him for a good while."

  I nodded and hooked my thumbs in the back pockets of my shorts and focused on my surroundings instead, while we walked in painful silence. The brick buildings were covered in black grime and dirt, and half of the bricks were blown and broken, which together added an interesting texture to the place. The concrete was cracked and had small, determined signs of greenery trying to break through. Despite the dismal appearance of the place, there was no trash. It was kept tidy, just not entirely clean. Graffiti marked the walls, but it was artistic and carried layers of meaning. Brightly coloured territorial sigils peaked out from behind small bushes and broken windows.

  It was an interesting place. I was quite enjoying looking at the various layers of existence when Dan made a sharp turn and we were in a shadowy dead end. I wondered what had happened to the good old days when we met in a nice pub or a forest grove.

  I tried not to giggle as I felt two small shadows wriggle and twist around my feet before they slowly climbed upwards to sit upon my shoulders. I reached up and ran my fingertips over one, enjoying the comforting cool edge of the oil-slick sensation. They cavorted around me, dancing, playing, and giggling in quiet, almost sprite-like tones. I had a brief second of wanting to join them but I pulled myself together and remembered where I was. Shadows were quite happy to play with many beings, but I couldn’t afford to show any sign of actively controlling them. Dan was standing taller than usual, his shoulders were back, and a dark smile sat on his lips. The thing we'd come to meet stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself. I tried to keep my face blank when I saw that familiar blond hair and painfully beautiful bone structure. I sighed and held back my cursing at the Sisters. They were such bitches sometimes. Kit offered us both a quick nod of acknowledgement and Dan started the proceedings.

  "Keiran, I'll cut straight to the chase. We've heard about the siren murders..."

  The fae licked his lips and his eyes sparked. "I've heard about them."

  Dan stepped forwards a little, he wasn't much taller than Kit, or Keiran as Dan seemed to know him. "Do you know anything about them?"

  Kit's harsh laugh bit into the air around us. It carried a knife's edge to it that sat upon his lips in that dangerous smile. "I may know a little something."

  Dan sighed and allowed his wolf side forward making him bristle. "You know you owe me a favour. What do you know?"

  I so desperately wanted to grab onto his arm and drag him back while there was still a chance to save the situation, but I knew he had to learn. I adored fae, they were very much my people, but they had to be handled just right. Aggression and intimidation was not the correct route.

  Kit inspected his nails for a moment before he shrugged. "Maybe I don't feel this is the appropriate moment to return said favour."

  Dan stepped forward and wrapped his hand around Kit's throat a
nd pinned him to the wall. I wasn't sure if that was how he usually dealt with people, or if it was for my benefit. Either way, I made a mental note to give him some lessons.

  "We already agreed that you'd help me with this matter."

  Kit did not take kindly to that, as I expected. The shadows shrank back a little hiding in my hair as we all waited for Kit's response. He took a slow breath through gritted teeth before he head-butted Dan and shoved him backwards while shifting sharp claws which he raked down Dan's cheek.

  He took Dan's legs from under him and stood with one foot on this throat before looking to me. "You're with this... cub?"

  I smiled at him. "Unfortunately."

  He looked between us and pressed a little harder down on Dan's throat when he thought about struggling. "The information is for you?"

  I nodded and stroked one of the shadows idly. "It is."

  He grinned and stepped back off Dan. "You should have said so! There's been a guy sniffing around a few of the local markets asking odd questions about sirens. He wanted to know their habits, their territories, those sorts of things. It wasn't so much him asking; I mean, we all know that siren bits make good money. It was the way he asked. There was just something very off about him. None of us could put our finger on it, but he made shivers run down our spines, and you know the sorts we deal with."

  I tried not to smile at the drastic shift in his attitude and demeanour. He had gone from ready to kill Dan to very animated and happy to help in the blink of an eye. I loved fae.


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