Bred by the Alpha

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Bred by the Alpha Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Their gazes all landed on him, and he sighed. “So I met someone.”

  “A human someone,” Jake said, inhaling the air. “She sweet? She smells sweet.”

  “It’s been a couple of days. How the hell are you still smelling her?” With hands on his hips, he glared at the three mated males. If they’d not had females of their own, tonight could have ended differently.

  “There are only two possible reasons,” Jake said.

  “Number one, she was wearing way too much perfume and it’s kind of seeped into your pores and you need an extra shower,” Eli said.

  “Or two, she’s your mate,” Ben said.

  “I’d go with two. He’s been behaving like a mated male lately,” Jake said.

  “Which now makes us wonder, why you’ve been hiding her.” Eli faced him. “We’re part of your pack. We’re not going to try and take her from you.”

  Staring at the three members of his pack that were also his friends, Liam felt guilty. They’d each come to him when they found their woman that they loved, and yet he’d kept his a secret.

  “Rebecca’s not like any other woman. She’s not pack. She’s different.”

  “All of our women are different, Liam,” Jake said.

  “Rebecca struggles in social situations. She’s not good around lots of other people. It’s why I’ve not pushed the issue. Also, she hasn’t called me again.” He shrugged.

  “You’ve been so damn busy with hunting things in the woods, would you have even answered?” Eli asked.

  “Look, it doesn’t matter. Until I know every single inch of this forest is safe, I’m not bringing her around. She seems to draw danger, and I’m not willing to risk her life for me.” He saw his three friends wanted to argue, but he took off, tracing every step through the forest, trying not to think about how good she’d felt in his arms, or what he wanted to do to her when he finally got her alone.

  For years, his pack had been left alone. Being a fierce alpha, not willing to be stepped on, he’d done right by his pack. They were loyal to him and him alone. He made sure they all had a good life without interference from the outside world.

  Ben, Eli, and Jake had all become mated recently, and he was in the process of building their homes for them. Whatever they wanted, he’d make sure they got, and he was like this with all of his pack.

  He may be alpha, but they were his family, and that meant he stuck by them.

  His pack was worried about him. He smelled their concern but ignored it as he made his way out to the edge of the forest, taking a turn that allowed him to look down from the highest peak. Right there, above the tree line, he looked back, seeing his land and the town just past it. It was a thing of beauty to him. If he got the chance to have Rebecca here one day, she’d love it. He just knew she would. He wanted to open her world up to so much more.

  She loved everything he’d shown her so far, and she’d not wanted their date to end. He’d been the one to bring it to a close for her own safety.

  Glancing around the forest, he took a deep breath, and tried not to think about her. Rebecca was proving to be a distraction, albeit a good one.

  “It’s all clear,” Jake said, startling him.

  “When did you sneak up on me?”

  “You think none of us remember what it was like to find our mate? How distracted we were? You’re our alpha, and we won’t let anything happen to you.”

  He stepped back through the thick set of the forest and stared at Jake.

  “I won’t let anything happen to the pack,” Liam said.

  “It’s not wrong or weak to have someone watching your back. If for whatever reason our enemies are near, they’ll use your distraction to their advantage. We can’t allow that to happen.”

  “I won’t ever allow any harm to come to any of you,” Liam said.

  Jake sighed. “Why is it so hard to accept help?”

  “It’s not hard.”

  “Then why won’t you allow us to help you?”

  He stared at his friend. He’d protected Jake a lot over the years. When they were little they’d been running out by the lake when a bear had stumbled onto them. Jake had a scar across his chest because the bear attacked before either of them could do anything. Liam recalled being scared. They’d only been nine at the time, but he’d attacked that bear and carried his friend back home where the pack nurse had healed him, and Jake made a full recovery. Just the sliver of an old scar remained on Jake now of that time.

  It wasn’t that he was afraid to take help.

  To him, being the alpha, he was the one that protected, that made sure all of his pack were safe. They couldn’t afford for him to be out of the loop.

  “What do you suggest I do?” Liam asked.

  “You know, pretending to take advice doesn’t cut it.”

  “I’ve never had a mate before. I’m willing to take any advice that will help me with her. I don’t know what to expect. How to deal with what I’m feeling. It’s all new to me.”

  “Then in that case, you need to relax, and you also need to spend some time with her,” Jake said.

  “I will. When she calls.”

  “If she’s your mate, your wolf won’t allow prolonged distance.”

  This made Liam turn to Jake. He was the alpha, but being unmated, this was all new to him.

  “How do you mean?”

  “You said it’s been a couple of days since you last saw her, right?”


  “Your thoughts are about her? Have they diminished to nothing or are they getting stronger? Are you finding yourself thinking about her all the time? Those thoughts becoming more of a sexual nature? You want her more than anything else in the world?”

  “What are you getting at?” Liam asked, feeling a little uncomfortable with how apt he was.

  “Because if she’s your mate and if your wolf accepts that, it’s only going to get worse. Distance doesn’t help with a mated couple. You’re going to have to spend time with her, a lot of time. I don’t know if this is the same with human women. For us, me, Eli, and Ben, we’ve talked. We were all consumed with our need for our woman. It was like a fire burning beneath our skin, and we couldn’t put it out. Only when we were around our woman would it help. If you don’t visit this female soon, your wolf could snap, and make that decision for you. Last time I checked, one of us with our wolf in charge is not a pretty sight.”

  “I’d never hurt her.”

  “No, but seeing your wolf before she’s ready, could damage her for life. You know this.”

  “She loves wolves.”

  Jake laughed. “When they’re pretty, furry animals, not when they’re trying to mate you.” Jake slapped his shoulder. “Think about it.”


  Rebecca glanced at her cell phone and gritted her teeth. She’d been wanting to call Liam several times now, but each time she was worried that she’d sound more like a stalker. Were women supposed to make the first move after a date? How did she know the date went well? Did it go well? Toward the end of the night, he seemed to want to end it quite quickly.

  Was that normal?

  “Shut up!” She pressed her hands to her face. The computer screen glared at her with the next edit she must complete, and still, she was dragging her ass. She couldn’t focus when all she could think about was Liam.

  Tipping her head back, she took a deep breath, and tried to relax.

  It was impossible to do.

  How could she relax, not knowing what to expect?

  There was no way she’d be able to finish her work. Leaving her computer, she walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Uncapping the lid, she took a long swig, all the time staring at her very silent phone.

  Women weren’t supposed to make the call, right? Would he just show up Thursday?

  Rubbing her forehead, she tried to think of something else, of anyone else. Even the hero in the story she was currently editing had started to look like Liam. In fact, most of her t
houghts were dominated by one man and one man alone.

  “Stop being crazy.” She walked back over to her computer, sat down, and stared, her fingers poised over the keyboard. She read the first line and nothing.

  For thirty minutes she kept reading over that first line, and still she couldn’t think of what to edit or write. None of the words were sinking in. This edit had been sitting in her inbox for three days. She normally had edits completed in no time, especially first round edits.

  Picking up her cell phone, she ran her thumb across the screen, and brought up his number. Even as she shook her head, she pressed the call button, waiting.

  If he didn’t answer she’d either hang up or leave a message.

  Starting to sound desperate.

  Do you think other women call their dates?

  What if he doesn’t like me? Was he brushing me off by bringing me home early?

  He felt that connection. I know he did.

  “Hello,” Liam said. His deep voice made her melt in her chair.

  She’d never been connected to any man in her life, but just hearing him talk was enough to get her going. With being socially awkward, dating was out of the question. With no dating, sex was also out of the question. She could watch all the porn she liked, or dating shows, but not once had she gotten the chance to actually be with someone.

  Liam, however, featured in a lot of her fantasies.

  “Hey,” she said. “It’s me, Rebecca. You know, we went on a date the other night.” Please stop rambling, or you’re going to make me sound like a loser.

  “How could I forget? I’ve been wanting to call you. I’m so sorry I’ve not been in touch.”

  “You did? Don’t worry about it. I know we’ve got a lot on our plates. I’ve got this edit I really need to do.” She was rambling again. What a way to bore a guy.

  “I want to go out with you again,” he said.

  “You do?” Don’t act so surprised. You had an awesome time.

  “Do you want to go out with me again?”

  His voice sounded so good. Delicious and deep. Her pussy grew slick just by listening to him, and not only that, she didn’t want him to stop talking.


  “Yes, I’d love to go out with you.”

  “That’s good, because I’m standing outside your door right now.”

  “Wait? What?” She looked behind her and stumbled across her living room, heading out into the corridor to check through the peephole. He was there. Holy shit! Liam stood outside her front door. He looked so sexy in the jeans and shirt he wore. The shirt was short sleeves, so she got a good look at his very muscular arms.

  Her tits felt heavy, and the nipples tightened. She didn’t know what was happening, but she opened the door, smiling at him. Turning off her phone, she didn’t avert her gaze, not once. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here. I was just passing through.”

  “You were?”

  “No, I wasn’t. I’m not very good with these things.” He held up his cell phone. “They tend to piss me off, and when I want to see someone, I like looking them in the face. You’re a very beautiful woman. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I tend to prefer these things, but for you, I’m more than happy to make an exception.” She glanced down at her sweatpants and shirt. Her hair wasn’t even brushed. She’d pulled it up on top of her head in a messy bun. “Shit, erm, I’m not dressed for you right now.”

  “You’re going to send me away for you to look different?”

  “I look like a slob.”

  “You look more than okay for me.”

  “Okay, no one can be that charming all in one.” She rested her head against the door, watching him.

  “Will you invite me in?”

  “Are you a vampire?” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “You know what, scrap that. I don’t seem to be thinking quite so clearly today. I’m putting it down to a lack of sugar.”

  “I’m not a vampire.”

  “Come on in then.” She stepped behind the door and rubbed at her temple.

  He’s hot, and you’re going to send him away with your weirdness. Get a grip, Rebecca.

  Closing the door, she leaned against it.

  Struggling around people made the most basic things seem like a challenge. Forcing a smile to her lips, she tried to figure out what to say next.

  “Erm, coffee?”

  “I’ll take a tea, if you have any,” he said.

  “Yes, tea. Awesome. Okay, so I’ll go and make it. Make yourself at home.” She took a step away and grimaced. “Actually, don’t make yourself at home.”

  “You are strange at this, aren’t you?”

  “Well, socially I’ve given you permission to do what you’d do at your own home. What I want you to do is sit and relax while I make us both a drink. I am completely ruining this moment right now, aren’t I?” She pressed her lips together.

  “Did you go to high school?” he asked.

  “No. I was home-schooled. I’ve never been good with crowds. It’s why I work from home, and you’re the only person I’ve ever allowed here besides my parents. I try not to have them around all that often because they constantly tell me that I should be out and about, and they want grandkids.”

  “How about I come with you to the kitchen?”

  “That would work.”

  She turned on her heel and left the room. Closing her eyes, she clenched her hands into fists, angry with herself. This was why she avoided everything to do with everyone. Her cheeks were on fire.

  Filling up the kettle, she placed it on the stove. Turning toward him, she found him sitting on the kitchen counter, his hands together, thumbs twiddling around.

  “If you want to leave, you can. I won’t be offended.” I’ll just cry because I’m not normal.

  “I’m here for you, baby. Why would I leave?”

  “I’m just me, and no matter how much I wish I was different, I can’t seem to stop this, and it sucks. It sucks to be me right now, and I hate that I feel this way.” Her cheeks had to be bright red, and her eyes filled with tears. Everything felt a little too much right now.

  With Liam at the coffee shop the other night and in the forest, she’d truly felt a connection. Like she was fighting whatever her problems were, but now, in her home, with him, everything was the same. She fucking hated it.

  Suddenly, he stood in front of her. His hands cupped her face as he tilted her head back. She exhaled as he ran his thumb across her lips, and everything seemed completely frozen in time. She didn’t want to move. Glancing from his eyes, which had taken on an amber glow, she looked at his lips. They were so firm.

  More than anything she wanted those lips on her. To feel him kiss her, to take what he wanted. To make her forget how awkward she was acting.

  Did he want her?

  “I promised myself I’d give you time, that I’d let you get used to me.”

  “Time is overrated,” she said. Placing her hands on his chest, she felt his rapidly beating heart. So powerful as it thumped beneath her fingers.

  “I’m glad you said that.”

  Chapter Five

  Liam couldn’t keep away.

  Jake had been right. The longer he spent apart from Rebecca, the more feral he became. His wolf was agitated beyond recognition, desperate for its mate. Their mate.

  He kissed her in the middle of the kitchen, and she clung to him, his shirt bunched up in her little fists. The scent of her desire was potent, perfuming the air in a dizzying fog that had him nearly salivating for her pussy. Her sweet, virgin pussy.

  “You smell sweet.”

  “It’s my strawberry shampoo. I just took a shower.”

  He released the elastic from her hair and ran a hand through her long waves. It was only slightly damp. Her shampoo had nothing to do with her feminine signature, the scent calling out to his wolf.

  Rebecca may be socially awkward, but once the heat turned up, her rigidity faded away, alo
ng with her nerves. Right now, she was putty in his hands, and after going days without seeing his woman, his body was pent up and hard for her.

  Her tits pressed against his chest, soft and tempting. He’d been dreaming about stripping her naked and drowning in her softness. All he knew was she had to be marked by him. Until she was properly claimed, he’d obsess over another male stealing her away. His wolf demanded he fuck her and brand her with his bite.

  “Forget the tea,” he said. He leaned over and turned off the stove. “I’d much rather have you for a snack.” Liam nipped her earlobe, before suckling it into his mouth. She moaned and tossed her head back.

  “That feels good,” she whispered.

  “Then you’re in for a surprise, beauty.” He’d wanted to take her home and fuck her in his own bed now that his packmates had moved out of the house. But he had no doubt it would be happening here and now.

  Liam teased her erogenous zones, determined to get her deeper into that sweet spot.

  “I—I’m not good at this,” she stammered. “I’ve never done any of this before.”

  “I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” He reached around and cupped her ass cheek. She had lush curves he could grab hold of. He squeezed the soft flesh. “Just relax for me.”

  It would be a challenge claiming a virgin when he wanted to fuck her hard and fast. He’d have to take his time, easing her into life as a mated woman. Liam wouldn’t have it any other way, though. Knowing she was untouched by other males pleased him more than he imagined. His claim of ownership would be uncontested.

  She held onto his biceps as he kissed along her jawline and neck, unable to get enough of her. When she started testing his muscles, he stepped back briefly and tugged off his t-shirt. “I’m all yours. Don’t be shy.” He took her hands and placed them on his chest, loving how her hands felt on his skin. She smoothed her fingers up over his shoulders, her eyes wandering all over his body. As she trailed her hands back down, she stopped at his belt and looked up at him.

  “Your muscles are hard.” She squeezed his arms again. “Strong.”

  “All the better to protect my woman.” He tilted her chin up. “And you are my woman, Rebecca. You, this body, it’s all mine.”


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