Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 11

by Wendy Soliman

  Ashley locked herself in the bathroom, the only place safe from Eve’s prying ears, and pulled her mobile phone from her bag. She had promised to call Matt no later than six o’clock, and it was now six-thirty. Their conversation would have to be a brief, whispered explanation, but it would put his mind, well … if not at rest, at least he’d understand her predicament. He might even have some idea as to Eve’s true purpose.

  She couldn’t get a signal.

  Thumping the side of the bath in frustration, feeling more than a little apprehensive, Ashley washed away the grime of the day under a hot shower. She stood there for a long time, wishing she could wash away the unease she felt at Eve’s presence as easily. Her mind worked furiously. Matt would be frantic by now. They’d agreed that she would ring him, but when he didn’t hear from her, she wouldn’t put it past him to ring anyway. That would be a disaster. Eve was so assertive that she might even grab her phone and answer it before Ashley could get to it. Ashley emerged from the shower and switched her mobile off, trusting to luck that Matt wouldn’t risk ringing the landline at the flat.

  Searching for something to wear, Ashley felt a fresh wave of anger wash over her as she discovered that Eve really had unpacked her bags and hung all of her work clothes in an orderly row in the wardrobe. Her sweaters were neatly folded on a shelf, and her underwear—some of it purchased for her by Matt—had been matched up, bras and knickers folded together in drawers. Ashley never folded her lingerie, and certainly never took the time to match the respective pieces. She tended to throw them from the dryer straight back into the appropriate drawers without giving much thought to tidiness. Didn’t everyone?

  The thought of Matt’s wife touching her most intimate garments was particularly unnerving. Was she trying to tell Ashley that she was one step ahead of her all the way? Damn it, what was it that she wanted? Uncomfortably aware that she was being manipulated, Ashley forced herself to return to the sitting room.

  “Ah, there you are,” Eve said, poking her head round the kitchen door. “I expect you feel tons better for that. The wine’s open. Why don’t you pour us both a glass? Dinner’s almost ready.”

  “Should you be drinking in your condition?”

  “Oh, a glass or two won’t do any harm.” She moved into the dining niche, bearing a serving dish of vegetables. “I drank my way through my last two pregnancies and produced two strapping boys. They don’t appear to have inherited the need to get plastered at every opportunity.”

  “Oh well, I suppose it’s all right then.”

  But Ashley knew it was very much not all right. Was Eve punishing the innocent baby she was carrying just to score some obscure point with Ashley?

  “This is going to be such fun!” Eve said. “I just know that you and I are going to be really good friends. We must have lots in common.”

  Ashley’s smile felt strained. “Perhaps,” she said neutrally.

  “Oh, I’m sure of it. I can always sense these things. I’m never wrong about people.”

  “Eve.” Ashley followed her back into the kitchen. “This is very kind of you, but you really didn’t need to do this, you know. Just a microwaved meal and slumping in front of the tele would have been fine for me. I’ve had a busy day, a lot of new things to absorb, and I’m tired.”

  “All the more reason to eat properly,” Eve said, sounding much older than she actually was. “Besides,” she added in an over-bright voice, “I enjoy cooking, and I’m good at it. With Matt in Reigate so much and the boys away at school, I don’t bother just for myself. You being here gives me the perfect opportunity to keep my hand in. Come on now, it’s ready.”

  Reluctantly, feeling as though her willpower had been sapped away, Ashley sat across from Eve and pushed food round her plate. She’d been starving when she arrived home but now felt that anything she tried to eat would choke her. Eve, totally unaware of Ashley’s dilemma—or was she?—ate heartily.

  “You’re not eating, Ashley.” Eve frowned. “Is there something wrong with it?”

  “No, not at all.” Ashley forced a mouthful of breaded veal into her mouth and chewed, finding it almost impossible to swallow. It tasted like cardboard, and she hastily took a swig of wine to help it on its way. “I’m just not used to eating much in the evenings.”

  “Oh, did you have lunch?”

  “Yes, a working lunch with Charlie.”

  “Ah, Charlie.” She smiled. “Such a charmer. Probably wanted to make you feel at home.”

  “That must be it.”

  The meal eventually came to an end. It was after nine o’clock, but Eve said nothing about leaving. Ashley’s mind was in turmoil, focused on Matt and the anxiety he must be suffering, not knowing what was happening to her. Ashley let out several ostentatious yawns, but Eve appeared not to notice.

  “You know, this flat could do with brightening up with a coat of paint,” she said, frowning at the dull beige walls.

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Ashley hastily. She was now so paranoid that she half-suspected Eve to magic up a tin of magnolia and a roller. “I’ll only be using the place to sleep. Talking of which, if you don’t mind, Eve, it’s been a long day and I could use an early night.”

  “Oh no, you’ll never sleep if you go to bed this early. And there’s a detective programme that’s just starting,” she added, reaching for the remote control, “that I would hate to miss. Do you mind?”

  What could Ashley say? At least with the television on she wouldn’t have to make conversation. But that didn’t work either. For someone who desperately wanted to watch the programme, Eve chattered the whole way through it, blithely indifferent to the fact that a pregnant woman had just been found murdered on waste ground somewhere in the north. Ashley, putting all thoughts of subjecting Eve to a similar fate out of her mind, was forced to pay attention to what Matt’s scary wife said and dream up suitable responses. By the time Eve finally took her leave at ten o’clock, Ashley was totally drained.

  Watching from the window until she was assured that her nemesis really had driven away, Ashley switched her mobile back on. Mercifully she could get a signal from the lounge, and she pressed the button that had Matt’s number pre-programmed into it. He answered on the first ring.

  “Ashley, where the hell are you? Are you all right? I’ve been going out of my mind.”

  “It’s okay, I’ve been—”

  “Let me guess. Charlie forced you to have dinner with him?”

  “No, much worse than that.”

  Matt groaned when Ashley related the events of the evening. She could picture him, running a hand through his hair and frowning.

  “What the hell does she think she’s playing at? It must have been intolerable for you, darling. We’ll have to get you out of there.”

  “No,” she said wearily. “If I run away now, it would only confirm her suspicions about us.”

  “You really think she does suspect?”

  “I’m sure she suspects, but isn’t absolutely certain.”

  “And she thinks if you hang out together and get all pally, you’ll actually tell her.”

  “I don’t know what she thinks. She’s very clever at hiding her true feelings.”

  “Tell me about it!”

  “Anyway, I can’t leave now. If I do, we’ll never stop Charlie.” Ashley paused. “Do you think Charlie sent her round just to unsettle me?”

  “It’s possible, I suppose. I never expected anything like this, so I can’t really say.”

  “Well, if he did, then he succeeded.” Ashley shuddered. “It was creepy.”

  “I can imagine. I knew what Eve’s like when she decides to do something. It would take a ten-ton truck to stop her.”

  “I’ve had Charlie on my coattails all day.”

  Matt let out a long sigh. “I did warn you to expect that.”

  “Yes.” Ashley tried to sound upbeat, already more in control now that she had Matt on the other end of the line. “What I want to know is how your wife k
new I was here, how she knew which flat I’m staying in, and how she got into it. She said you told her but—”

  “Course I didn’t. Charlie would have told her you were coming, and why. Charlie might think that you and I have broken up, but I doubt whether he’s told Eve that.”

  “Why not? I thought he cared about her.”

  “He does. Divide and conquer, that’s Charlie’s way.”

  “Ah, I see.” But she didn’t. Not really.

  “She would have asked at the porter’s lodge which flat you were in and taken the spare key from them. It would seem perfectly natural for the boss’s wife to look after you, given that you officially work for me.”

  “I suppose so.” Ashley hesitated. “The only thing I can’t stand is the thought of finding her here again when I come home, or worse, her letting herself in and going through my things when I’m not here. Can I change the lock?”

  “Yes, but you’d need to give a reason for doing so, and a spare key to the porters, which she could easily take from them again. They’d never think to question anything she might want to do. Don’t forget that as far as they’re concerned she’s entitled to go wherever she wishes.”

  “I hadn’t forgotten, as it happens.”

  “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded, babe. I’m just out of my mind with worry about you.”

  “There’s no need to be,” she said, smiling in spite of her growing anxiety. “Let me tell you what Charlie had to say today.”

  Ashley hung up ten minutes later, reassured by the sound of Matt’s voice and his loving words. She was totally exhausted and fell straight into bed.

  What seemed like five minutes later, something woke Ashley from a deep sleep. Disorientated, she caught sight of the illuminated face of her alarm clock. It was almost two in the morning. Still dazed, it took her a moment to realize a phone was ringing. Not the landline, her mobile. She switched on the bedside light and groped in her bag for her phone, expecting it to be Matt.

  “Hello,” she said cautiously, not recognizing the number on the display.

  Her blood ran cold as Eve’s voice sang down the line.

  “I just wanted to make sure that you’re all right and to say good night again. It was such fun this evening, wasn’t it?”

  “Eve, do you know what time it is?”

  “No, oh sorry, is it late? I don’t tend to need much sleep myself.”

  “Where did you get my number from?”

  Just as she’d done that evening when Ashley asked her awkward questions, Eve didn’t provide an answer. Instead, she changed the subject.

  “Shall we have lunch tomorrow?”

  “I’m sorry, Eve,” she said firmly, “but I’ll be too busy.”

  “Nonsense, I’ll clear it with Charlie.”

  “Not tomorrow, Eve.” In her sleep-disorientated state, it was difficult to be firm, but Ashley gave it her best shot. “I really have got too much on.”

  She hung up before Eve could protest or dream up another scheme to cement their non-existent friendship.

  Chapter Nine

  “I really can’t believe the nerve of the woman,” Ashley said aloud.

  An unnatural fear rippled through her as she lay staring at the shadows dancing across the ceiling in this unfamiliar room. She spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in the narrow, uncomfortable bed, her mind too active for sleep. Matt’s wife was either the most naïve person on the planet, or she was downright calculating, doing her best to undermine Ashley and send her scurrying.

  Did she but know it, she was doing a damned fine job.

  Only when it was time to get up did she finally drift into a deep sleep, which was interrupted once again by her phone ringing. With some trepidation, she reached for it, vowing not to answer if she didn’t recognize the caller’s number. Her heart lifted at the sight of Matt’s name. She pushed the green button.

  “Hi, gorgeous.” His velvety brown voice echoed down the line. “Sleep well?”

  “You disturbed an erotic dream, as it happens.”

  “Missing me that much, huh?”

  “Hey, I’m an independent career woman, in case you’d forgotten. I’m married to my work.”

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  So much for trying to fool him. “It’s nothing really.”

  “How could nothing make you sound so edgy? Come on, Ashley, give.”

  “Well, all right, I wasn’t going to tell you this—”

  “You have to tell me everything, especially if it upsets you. I need to know.”

  “I was woken up at two this morning by my mobile ringing.”

  “Good heavens.” She could hear concern in his voice. “Who’d ring you at that hour?”

  “Your wife, actually.”

  This admission was greeted by a penetrating silence.

  “Say something, Matt.”

  “I didn’t trust myself to speak for a moment.” He sighed. “What did she want?”

  “She said she wanted to make sure I was all right. Well, actually I think she just wanted to chat. I pointed out what time it was, but she pretended she hadn’t realized it was so late. Said she doesn’t sleep much herself.”

  “Bullshit!” Anger resonated in Matt’s tone. “She goes to bed and dies. I don’t like this, Ashley. She’s obviously got some warped agenda of her own, and you’re in the direct firing line.”

  “Very possibly. Presumably she thinks she can make me feel guilty by befriending me and by flaunting her pregnancy. Either that or she really doesn’t know anything about you and me and is just being kind.”

  “Doubtful. Eve doesn’t do good deeds unless it suits her purpose.”

  “Where did she get my mobile number from? I haven’t given it to anyone down here yet, not even Charlie. I asked her, but she didn’t answer. She appears to be very good at evading anything she doesn’t want to confront.”

  “You’re right about that. And as for the number, I guess she must have taken it from my diary. I’m so sorry, darling. I don’t know what she thinks she’s about. I’ll talk to her.”

  “No, don’t do that. It would look like I’d run straight to you, and that would only convince her that she’s right about us. Don’t worry.” Ashley tried to sound upbeat. “I’ll immerse myself in work and keep out of her way. The weekend will be here before we know it. Besides, I’ve got a vague theory about how Charlie’s fixing the claims.”

  “Already.” He imbued the one word with a wealth of surprise. “You didn’t waste any time. How’s he doing it?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it until I’ve had more of a chance to look into it. It’s just a theory right now. I need to delve a bit deeper.”

  “Okay. I’ve got to dash off now to an early meeting, but I’ll ring you tonight.”

  “No, I’ll call you. After last night, we don’t know what to expect, and I don’t want to risk blowing it now.”

  “Okay, but I’ll be thinking about you every second. Just remember that I love you.”

  “That’s good to know,” she said lightly. “And if that insignificant little fact should slip my memory, I’ve got your emerald on my finger to remind me.”

  “Hmm, have you thought of any ingenious ways to thank me for it yet?”

  She smiled, even though he couldn’t see her. “Perhaps.”

  “Go on then. Give me a hint. Does it involve whips and sexy underwear?”


  “Ashley, you’re killing me.” He growled down the line. “Now I shall have to sit here and think about dead cats, or the starving millions in Africa, before I can go to that bloody meeting.”

  She chuckled. “You brought the subject up.”

  “That’s not all that’s up.”

  She was still smiling when she hung up.

  * * * *

  Ashley emerged from the shower, glanced in the mirror, and winced. The ravages of a largely sleepless night were evident on her face. Even the skilful application of base ma
keup couldn’t completely disguise the damage. Her confidence wasn’t boosted when an impeccably turned-out, fresh-looking Charlie stopped by her desk at ten o’clock, did a double take when he looked at her, and elevated one brow.

  “You should see the other guy,” she quipped.

  Charlie laughed. “Rough night?”

  “No, not really, I just don’t sleep well in strange beds.”

  “Perhaps you were in need of company?”

  “I had some,” countered Ashley, deliberately misinterpreting. “Eve was at the flat when I got home, and she cooked dinner for me.”

  Charlie showed no surprise, leading Ashley to suppose that she’d been right to tell him what he already knew. It would have appeared strange if she hadn’t.

  “Eve always thinks of others before herself,” he said.

  “Doesn’t she have a social life?”

  “Oh yes, she’s very popular. Has a ton of friends. Just as well really because Matt’s never here and the boys are away at school.”

  “That’s hardly his fault,” Ashley said, regretting impulsively jumping to his defence when she was supposed to be conveying the impression that she’d fallen out with Matt. “Still,” she added reflectively, “I can see that it must be hard for Eve, especially in her current condition.”

  “Indeed. Now then, my lovely, where are you going to start today?”

  “I thought I’d go first with what I know best and sit in the general office with Brian. The two of us go way back, so I’ll get the lowdown from him on whose doing what. Then I’ll pick his brains and use the information I extract from him to see what can be cut.”

  “Good idea. I’ve got meetings on and off all day, but Gloria knows where to find me.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. You won’t be missed”


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