Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South
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Boorman, John, 369
Bower, George, 80–81
Bread riot, in Jonesville, N.C., 208
Breckinridge, John, 106
Bristol, Tenn., 17, 30, 105
Brown, John, 20–21, 245–46
Brown, Joseph E., 30, 276
Brown, Mary Taylor, 216–17
Brown, W. Vance, 216–17
Brown, William Vance, 82
Browne, Junius, 176, 186, 192–93, 327
Brownlow, William G., 28, 107, 109–11, 115
Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, 32
Bryson City, N.C., 270
Buffalo Forge, Va., 51–52
Bull Run, battle of, 183
Buncombe County, N.C., 86, 220
Burke County, N.C., 49–50, 56, 105, 215
Burkes Garden, Va., 134
Burns, Ken, 282
Burnsville, N.C., 67, 71
Burson, William, 186–87
Bushwhackers, 127, 131, 166–67, 180–81, 214, 271, 273, 308, 312, 326–27, 334–38, 341
Cabbell, Edward J., 17, 363n11
Cabins in the Laurel (Shepherd), 317
Cades Cove, Tenn., 134, 190
Cain, Sarah Bailey, 218, 219
Caldwell County, N.C., 87, 88–90, 94, 124–25, 180
Calley, William, 291–92
Campbell, John C., 18, 70, 236, 256, 269–76
Campbell, Olive Dame, 272, 365–66
Camp Sorghum, S.C., 127, 177, 193
Carnesville, Ga., 184
Carolina Mountains, The (Morley), 265–68
Carroll, Edith, 129–31, 134
Carson, Logan, 210–11
Carter County, Tenn., 325
Cash, W. J., 17–18, 71, 238
Cashiers, N.C., 190
Caudill, Harry, 21, 247
Chapman, Verena, 213, 219
Chappell, Louis, 356–57, 362n6
Charleston, S.C., 83, 86–87, 92, 112, 163, 304–5, 310
Charlotte, N.C., 209–10
Chattanooga, Tenn., 17, 30–31, 67, 74, 105, 184, 265–67, 276
Chattooga River, 376
Cherokee County, N.C., 144, 167, 318
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, 351, 357–58
Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 84
Chickamauga, battle of, 274
Civil War Trails project, 293, 301n21
Clark, Walter, 306
Clay County, Ky., 48–49
Clingman, Thomas L., 106, 112, 118–19
Cobb, Irwin S., 233
Cold Mountain, 135, 298–99, 303–19, 328, 365, 370–75
Cold Mountain, N.C., 304, 309
Coleman, David, 151–54, 171n23
Colonization, African, 73
Columbia, S.C., 177, 179, 209
Confederacy, 206
support of in Appalachia, 89, 111–12, 219–20, 264, 274–75, 312–13
Confederate currency, 89–91, 95
Confederates in the Attic (Horwitz), 282
Conference of Southern Mountain Workers, 272
Confessions of Nat Turner, The (Styron), 19
Conscription, 150, 170n19, 331–32, 334
Cooper, Alonzo, 176, 187–88
Cooper, Gary, 376
Corpening, Joseph, 87
Cotton, 89, 104
Cowles, Calvin J., 80, 85–86, 87–88
Cowles, Mary, 94–95
Cranberry, N.C., 138–39
Crane, Susan A., 342–43
Crawford, Martin, 134, 334, 341–42
Cripps, Thomas, 242
Crockett, Davy, 242
Cumberland Mountains, 14, 21, 23, 104
Cunningham, Rodger, 27
Dahlonega, Ga., 324
Danville, Va., 177, 185
Davidson, Allen, 86
Davidson, Samuel, 245
Davis, Jefferson, 83, 148–49, 165
Davis-DeEulis, Marilyn, 54
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 27
Deaderick, David, 20
Degler, Carl, 26
Deliverance, 303, 352, 365–73
Democratic Party, 105–6, 116
Denver, John, 370
Desertion, 136, 148, 154, 178, 181–82, 186, 214, 280n34, 288, 309, 312–13, 316–17
D’lea (slave), 47, 54
Dollmaker, The, 365, 371, 373
Douglass, Frederick, 20, 60–61
Drake, Madison, 124–25, 136, 176, 180, 191–92
“Dueling Banjos,” 376
Dugger, G. W., 138–39
Dugger, Shepherd, 139
Dunaway, Wilma, 245
Dunn, Durwood, 134, 245
Dykeman, Wilma, 317
Earp, Marlene, 294
East Tennessee, 14–15, 16, 22–23, 25, 27–28, 58, 72, 260
economy of, 104–5, 114, 116–17
escaped prisoners in, 179–96
racial violence in, 228–30
secession from Tennessee, 117, 263
stories set in, 228–30, 233–34
Union troops from, 103, 209
East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, 105
Eaton, John, 18, 34
Egan, Michael, 129, 136, 187
Eggers, Landrine, 336–37
Ehle, John, 242–50, 364
Elizabethton, Tenn., 67, 72
Ellis, Daniel, 192, 283, 306, 325–26
Ellis, John, 147, 150
Emancipation, 34. See also Slavery, end of
Emancipation Proclamation, 28
Enlistment, Confederate, 147–48, 267, 268, 308, 330
Equiano, Olaudah, 60–61
Erwin, Marcus, 82, 106
Families, divided loyalties of, 125–39, 267, 337–40
Faulkner, William, 14–15, 18, 227–38
Faust, Drew Gilpin, 165, 193
Fayetteville, N.C., 218
Featherstonaugh, George, 30, 146
Federal Writers Project, 50–51
Fee, John, 23
Fellman, Michael, 125, 136, 190, 314
Ferguson, Champ, 325–26
Feuding, 265–66, 271
Fields, Barbara, 20, 34–35
Appalachian women on, 250, 312–16
Appalachia on, 242–50, 253, 303, 312–16, 364–78
blacks in, 242, 313, 374
Flat Rock, N.C., 83, 97n3, 112–13, 127–28, 193, 268
Fletcher, Arthur, 340–41
Fonda, Jane, 365, 371
Fort Defiance, N.C., 88
Fort Sumter, attack on, 107, 126, 313
Foster, Stephen William, 341
Fox, John, 14–15, 22, 262–63, 275
Foxfire, 365, 369–71
Franklin, John Hope, 60–61
Franklin, N.C., 91, 146–47, 150, 166–67, 208, 333
Franklin, State of, 117
Frazier, Charles, 135, 298–99, 303–6, 313, 328
Fredericksburg, Va., 183
Free blacks, 17, 46–47, 52, 56, 59–60, 72–73, 189, 197
Freedman’s Bureau, 18, 236
Free Masonry, 212
Free Soil movement, 20
French Broad River, 112, 185, 206
Frost, William G., 202n55, 256, 259, 275
Fugitive prisoner narratives, 176–98, 305
Fugitive prisoners of war, 140n7, 327
Gale, Katherine Polk, 206–7, 217–18, 220
Garnett, Robert S., 262–63, 279n20
Garth, Ella, 370–71
Gastonia, N.C., 234–35
Gatlinburg, Tenn., 296
Genovese, Eugene, 65
Georgia, 16, 19, 24, 86, 112, 126, 309
racial violence in, 31–32
See also North Georgia
Gettysburg, battle of, 264
Ghormley, Nancy, 132–33, 138
Gillem, Alvan C., 210–17
Gilmore, James R., 1–2, 6–7, 188
Glatthaar, Joseph, 195
Gold rush
California, 49–50, 56
western North Carolina, 49
Gone With the Wind, 311, 312, 315
nbsp; Goodheart, Adam, 298–99
Goodrich, William, 21
Graham, William A., 205
Grandfather Mountain, N.C., 307–8, 317, 328
Grant, Ulysses S., 209, 274
Grapes of Wrath, The, 372, 374
Great Hanging (Cooke Co., Tex.), 296
Great Smoky Mountains, 104, 127–28, 132–33, 146, 179, 207, 267, 270
Great Wagon Road, Va., 46
Greeneville, Tenn., 52–53, 55, 110, 132
Greenville, S.C., 184
Greenwald, Maggie, 374
Greer, Jesse, 331, 336, 340
Greer family, 332
Gregg, Bill, 285, 291
Griffin, Larry, 4–5
Gudger, Sarah, 31, 50–51, 55
Guerrilla warfare, 5, 125–37, 180–81, 265, 271, 273, 276, 280n34, 288
on film, 312–16, 370
memories of, 282–98, 322–44
women and, 125–37, 207, 213, 273, 314–19
Gurney, Joseph John, 31, 33
Gwyn, James, 89–90, 135
Hadley, J. V., 193, 306
Halbwachs, Maurice, 342–43
Hall, Van Beck, 33
Hannibal (slave), 48, 57–58
Happy Valley, N.C., 307
Harper, Ella, 207, 215
Harpers Ferry, Va., 20–21, 245–46
Harris, George Washington, 233–34
Harris, Isham, 110
Hatfield-McCoy feud, 29, 134
Hayes, Rutherford B., 194–95
Haywood County, N.C., 86, 88–90, 233, 295, 306–8, 328, 341
Hemp, 47
Hemphill, William, 50–51, 55
Henderson, N.C., 190
Henderson County, N.C., 28, 113, 193
Hendersonville, N.C., 83, 95, 112–13, 214, 216
Hennion, Horatio, 326
Hennion, Margaret, 326
Henry, John, 350–63
Heroes of America, 307
Hesseltine, William, 176, 196
Heth, Henry, 283, 288
Highlander Folk School, 23–24
Highlands, N.C., 268, 352–53
Hillbillyland (Williamson), 242, 315, 371
Hills Beyond, The (Wolfe), 16
Hinton, W.Va., 351
Holden, William W., 80
Hollinger family, 127–28, 134, 137
Holmes, William F., 32
“Holy Appalachia,” 21, 197, 247, 377
Home Guard, 162–63, 181, 186–87, 304, 306–7, 312–18, 327, 334, 341
Horwitz, Tony, 282–83
Hot Springs, N.C., 261
Howe, Irving, 228
Hsiung, David, 245
Humes, Thomas, 25, 27–28
Inman, W. P., 135–36, 304–10, 368–69, 375
Internal improvements, 104–5, 118
Invention of Appalachia, The (Batteau), 360–61, 377
Iraq, war in, 291–92
Ironworks, 57, 138–39
Jackson, Stonewall, 264
Jacobs, Harriet, 60–61
Joad, Ma, 372–74
John Henry Days (Whitehead), 350–63
Johnson, Andrew, 28, 55, 107, 110, 114, 132, 276
as slaveholder, 29, 52–53, 114
Johnson, Charles, 53
Johnson, Guy B., 355–57, 362n6
Johnson County, Tenn., 330
Johnston, Joseph E., 209
Johnstone, Andrew, 97n3
Jones, Alexander H., 28, 95
Jones, James Earl, 374
Jones, Loyal, 19, 70
Jonesboro, Tenn., 30, 117
Jonesville, N.C., 208
Joppa, Ala., 274
Journal of Negro History, 23
Journey of August King, The, 242–53, 364, 368–70, 373
Kazan, Elia, 365
Keith, James, 283, 286–90, 300n12, 301n17
Kellogg, John Azor, 182, 184, 188, 327
Kentucky, 14–15, 23, 47, 263, 264
divided loyalties of, 260
racial violence in, 32
Kephart, Horace, 236, 256, 269–72, 306
Kidman, Nicole, 312, 315, 371
King, August, 243–52, 369–70, 373, 375
King’s Mountain, battle of, 261–62, 264, 268, 279n15
Kinston, N.C., 88
Kinston, Tenn., 111
Kirk, George, 288
Kirk, John, 288
Kirke, Edmund, 189
Kirk’s Raid, 96–97n3
Klotter, James, 3, 16, 197, 257
Knox County, Tenn., 105
Knoxville, Tenn., 17, 22, 30–31, 105, 109–10, 116, 128, 132, 283
destination for fugitive prisoners, 179, 184
Kousser, J. Morgan, 34
Ku Klux Klan, 32
Lancaster, Pa., 46
Lanman, Charles, 33, 147
Last Ninety Days of the War in North Carolina, The (Spencer), 204
Law, Jude, 314
Lee, Robert E., 94, 209, 274, 306, 319
Lenoir, Lizzie, 208
Lenoir, N.C., 86, 207–8, 213–14
Lenoir, Rufus, 88–90, 94
Lenoir, Thomas, 88
Lenoir, Walter, 88–90, 94
Lenoir family, 88–91, 94
Lexington, Va., 51
Libby Prison, 189
Liberia, 22, 72
Lincoln, Abraham, 111, 150, 257
call for troops, 107, 263, 313
election of, 28, 29, 103, 106
inauguration of, 329
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The (Fox), 14–15, 22, 262
Little Tennessee River, 146–47
Livestock, 68, 104
London, Ky., 30
“Lost Cause,” 29
Lost Cause, 256–57, 295–96, 323–24, 326
Love, Dillard, 91, 93, 147
Loyalties, divided, 324–25
in Appalachia, 124–39, 256–77
Lumpkin, Grace, 233
Lundy, Benjamin, 22, 30
Lynchburg, Va., 67
Lynchings, 32, 249, 297
Mabry, Jeannette, 128–29, 137
Mace, Borden, 243, 253
Macon County, N.C., 90–91, 144, 147, 208, 307, 318
Madison County, N.C., 133, 261, 276, 283–95
Manley, Charles, 107–8
Mann, Ralph, 134, 328
Manumission, slave, 33, 49, 55–56, 115
Marshall, N.C., 283
raid on, 287–289
Mars Hill College, 282, 284–85, 292–93
Martin, Brenden, 296
Martin, James G., 210, 217
Maryville, Tenn., 251
Maryville College, 16, 263
Mason-Dixon line, 36, 262
Massey, Mary Elizabeth, 164
Masur, Louis, 175
Matewan, 365, 372–75
Mattocks, Charles, 179, 185
McCaslin, Richard, 296
McCrumb, Sharon, 284
McDowell, Tom, 148–49
McDowell County, N.C., 207, 210–11
McElrath, Robert, 49–50, 56
McKenzie, Tracy, 134
McKinney, Gordon B., 33–34, 166, 284
McNeil, W. K., 259
Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 262, 264, 279n18
Memminger, Christopher, 84, 113, 128
Memory, 7–8, 355, 361
and guerrilla warfare, 294–98, 325–44
historical, 294–98, 342–44
Mexican War, 76
Miles, Emma Bell, 256, 265–69, 274
Mind of the South, The (Cash), 17–18, 71, 238
Minghella, Anthony, 312, 313, 319
Mississippi, 227, 228–30, 233, 263, 357
Missouri, 190, 314
Mitchell, Elisha, 112, 285
Mitchell, Robert D., 245
Mitchell County, N.C., 19, 71
Monroe, Ada, 304–11, 369, 374
Mooney, James, 306
Moonshiners, 32, 265–66, 270
Moravians, 46
Morgan, John Hunt, 137, 325–26
r of, 132
Morgan, Rick, 285
Morganton, N.C., 104, 210, 214–15, 244
Morley, Margaret, 265–69, 276
Morris, B. T., 284
Mountain Born (Gowen), 233–34
“Mountain Victory” (Faulkner), 227–30, 237–38
Murphy, N.C., 67
Music, Appalachian, 259, 374–75
My Lai massacre, 291–92
Nashville, Tenn., 110, 116–17
Natchez, Miss., 30, 69
Nations, Annie, 370, 375
Nelson, Scott R., 362n6, 363n11
Nelson, Thomas A. R., 107, 109–10, 116
Nevels, Gertie, 368–369, 371–73, 375
New Orleans, La., 84
Newport, Tenn., 47–48
New River Valley, 30
Newton, Thandie, 243–44, 252, 370
New York City, 50, 75–76
Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 47
Noe, Kenneth, 194, 257
Nolichucky River, 192
Nonslaveholders, 184, 271
in Appalachia, 67–77, 112–13, 227–32, 247–49, 271
North Carolina, 204
secession of, 313
Sherman’s troops in, 209
See also Western North Carolina
North Carolina regiments. See Regiments, North Carolina
North Fork, N.C., 131, 322–44
North Georgia, 15, 23–24, 29, 30, 67, 235, 341
Lost Cause in, 324
racial violence in, 31–32
tourism in, 370–71
Unionism in, 180–82
Northwest Territory, 27
Norwood, Joseph, 214
Norwood, Laura, 212
Oberlin College, 259
O’Brien, Sean, 284
O’Connor, Flannery, 16
Odyssey, The (Homer), 305
O’Hara, Scarlett, 319
Ohio Valley, 54
Old Fort, N.C., 31, 243
O’Leary, Sean, 285–89, 297, 299, 301n20
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 7, 25–26, 33, 65–77, 81–82, 251
Olson, Eric, 31, 34
Osburn, Tom, 334–35
Our Southern Highlanders (Kephart), 236, 269–72
Page, Geraldine, 372
Palmer, William, 210, 212
Paludan, Philip, 284, 288, 307
Parish, Peter, 59
Parkins, W. H., 176, 192
Patric, Jason, 243–44, 252
Patriotic Gore (Wilson), 175
Patsy (slave), 92–93
Patterson, Rufus, 95
Pearson, Robert C., 215
Petersburg, siege of, 304
Philanthropists, northern, 274
Phillips, U. B., 13, 65
Piedmont College, 272
Pierson, Mrs. D. L., 261–62, 276
Pigeon Forge, Tenn., 296
Pikeville, Ky., 30
Pinter, Harold, 295, 324
Polk, Leonidas, 84
Polk County, Tenn., 67
Poor whites. See Nonslaveholders
Potter, Andy, 330–32, 339
Potter, Jack, 332, 334
Potter family, 330–34, 339, 348n27
Presbyterian Home Mission Board, 263
Presbyterians, “New Light,” 22, 251
Prisoners of war, 206, 211, 288
Prisoners of war, fugitive, 7, 28, 124–25, 140n7, 176–98, 218, 305, 313