Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) Page 5

by Melville, J. A

I shifted my focus to his face, watching the way he was closely studying Cassie and I struggled not to openly stare in case he noticed and became suspicious in some way. When I saw a frown draw his dark blonde brows together, I had to lower my head so he didn’t see the hint of a smile curving up my lips.


  Fabian followed Sirene into the living room of Cassandra’s home and his nostrils flared as he breathed in her scent. She smelled of something light and flowery, plus something else which must have been her natural scent. It was a heady combination and did nothing to ease his desire for her, a fact proved by his cock, when it started to harden. Silently cursing, he shifted his eyes from the raven haired beauty’s ass and over to the other two ladies, fighting to control his growing hard on. The last thing he wanted was to be dealing with an erection, when he couldn’t do anything about it right now.

  He was curious about Sirene’s reaction to him when he’d touched her. He’d seen something flare in her eyes just before she’d pulled away and he was intrigued by it and for just a moment, he wondered if she was as affected by him as he was by her.

  Her skin was so soft and smooth and it had taken everything he had in him, to not lower his lips to hers, to taste her. If he had been alone with her, he probably would have.

  The enthusiastic greetings from Cassandra and Chloe successfully distracted him. He stared at Cassie, trying to conceal his shock. Fuck she seemed completely normal again. No vague empty look, she was bright, bubbly, smiling, and perfectly fine.

  Perhaps he should have been relieved that she appeared to have recovered, but he wasn’t. A human didn’t just ‘get over’ the effects of mind control abuse. Something had changed her, but how and what?

  Was it possible he’d been wrong and he hadn’t affected her so much with all the mind control? Had she simply been grieving the loss of Allegra? It had only been a bit over seven months since they’d died and they had been friends for years. Maybe she’d just been suffering severe depression brought on by grief? He’d never grieved for anyone in his life, so he had no idea.

  It was surprising to see her not looking like an empty shell, with those vacant, staring eyes any more but a relief that he hadn’t totally fucked her up with all the mind control. He wouldn’t be trying to hide a body any time soon it seemed.

  He glanced away from Cassandra and caught Sirene watching him closely her eyes narrowed. When she realised he was looking at her, she turned away from him, dropping her head.

  He frowned as he stared at her. Something about her behaviour was odd. She wasn’t acting like she might be attracted to him; perhaps sneaking little glances. She was acting like she was looking for something, as if she was watchful, perhaps checking for his reaction. Something about her behaviour didn’t seem right, and that was enough to make him suspicious. He definitely needed to find out more about this woman.

  She drew his focus to her again, when she suddenly stood stretching, and his eyes followed every move of her petite beautiful body. The way her top parted from her low riding hipster jeans, had him wanting to touch her, when he got a glimpse of her smooth flat stomach. Fuck he wanted her, and with a sigh he gave in, and stopped fighting to keep his cock from hardening. It pushed against the denim of his jeans as his eyes moved over Sirene, finally settling on the sweet curve of her ass.

  “If you ladies and Fabian, will excuse me, I’m feeling tired, so I’m going to retire now.” She said and he nearly growled with frustration. His frustration was followed by disappointment, an emotion he was not accustomed to feeling. He didn’t want her to go, he wanted her to stay with them, so he could look at her beauty, get to know her and possibly even woo her into a fuck with some mind control thrown in to sweeten the deal.

  “I hope I haven’t driven you off.” He said and those jade green eyes of hers met his briefly, before skittering away.

  “Of course not, I’m just tired, and I’m sure you’re here to see Cassie and Chloe anyway.” She assured him, but he didn’t believe her. She could barely look at him, and he could see something behind those eyes. He wasn’t sure what, but she was hiding something, he was sure.

  With a smile to them all, she walked out of the room and Fabian watched her go, hating that he was weak enough to want her to stay; that seeing her go, left him feeling disappointed. Those were human emotions, and he didn’t enjoy that as a vampire, he was experiencing some feelings he hadn’t felt in over 500 years.

  He turned back to the other two women, but now Sirene had gone, he’d lost interest in them, or even being in their home. Still, what to do now? He needed blood and his cock was still hard thanks to his mysterious raven haired beauty. He was going to have to settle again, drink from them and fuck one or both of them. They weren’t his first choice of course. His first choice, the one he desired the most, was upstairs, but he needed blood and he had no intention of walking around all night with a fucking hard on.

  He locked eyes with Chloe and gave her the command he normally did, that would put her into a controlled state. She didn’t respond, instead, she remained smiling up at him. Frustrated, he tried again, and felt a stab of pain behind his eyes, that made him wince, and rub at them.

  Dammit, what the hell was wrong? Chloe always responded to his mind control. She was so easy to put under. She always had been.

  Momentarily giving up on her, he turned to Cassie who was watching him, a puzzled look on her face. He quickly gave her the command to put her under, but with all the force of a freight train and with the severity of a white hot lance to him, pain exploded through his body. It took him by surprise, as it seemed to escalate, stabbing at him, until he doubled over.

  When the pain shifted, he cried out. “Fuck, what the fuck!” He bellowed, clutching himself when the pain seemed to centre on his groin. Again it began to build, agonising in its intensity, making him feel like someone was slicing through his cock. He could hear the concerned voices of the women and hands briefly touched him, which he shook off again. He didn’t need a human attempting to comfort him. This was embarrassing and confusing to him, but fortunately whatever caused the pain, didn’t linger.

  As soon as it eased, he turned to Cassie and tried again to control her, but immediately the pain ripped through him. He screamed, clutching his cock which had gone soft as soon as the second round of searing, agonising pain shot through it. It was unrelenting and unable to cope with it; he fell to the floor, writhing on the carpet, still with his hands pressed against the zip of his jeans in a futile attempt to stop the torture. What the fuck was wrong with him?

  Cassie dropped down by his side, a look of concern on her face. “What’s wrong Fabian? God, what’s happening to you? Are you ok?”

  He couldn’t answer her; the pain still had too strong a grip on him, but fortunately, he could tell, it was starting to ease. This was so humiliating to him. He hated any form of weakness and as a vampire, he rarely had to deal with it, but he’d just made a fool of himself, rolling on the floor of Cassie’s home, like he was little more than a damn dog.

  Ignoring her offered hand to help him up, he dragged himself to his feet, relieved the pain had finally gone away.

  “Are you alright? God what happened?” Chloe and Cassie’s voices started up together and he raised his hands, just wanting them to shut up.

  “I’m fine, thank you. I will leave you now.” He struggled to nod to them, before brushing past Cassandra and striding quickly to the front door. With an angry growl of frustration, he stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.


  Up in my room, I grinned in the darkness. I had known the moment Fabian tried to mind control Chloe and Cassie. I’d deliberately put a more powerful spell on Cassie, given she was the one who had suffered the most from the vampire’s control. When I heard the angry screams of pain, I knew the spell was working. He couldn’t feed or use either of them for sex any more.

  I climbed off my bed and moved silently to the window, watching one pissed off looking
vampire walking away from the house. He stopped and spun around suddenly, his head tipping back as he looked up towards my window.

  I shrank back to the side but he must have seen me as he lifted one hand and waved to me. Even in the darkness his eyes burned with that strange pale stare and I felt my heart skip a beat, before beginning to pound in my chest. He’d seen me and acknowledged me the arrogant bastard. What was I going to do to him? I’d won this round. He couldn’t hurt my housemates anymore but what to do with him next?

  I watched him turn and walk away disappearing into the night, and a slow smile spread over my face, as an idea began to formulate in my head. He was an asshole, I knew that. Getting involved with someone I was supposed to ruin was not wise, but I wanted him. Dammit for feeling the way I did, but I wanted him. I wanted to be fucked by him.

  It was the idea that popped into my head that made me decide that I would go ahead and take what I wanted. I could use him but still fuck him right up. I hadn’t had sex in a very long time. I wanted to have sex and something told me, sex with Fabian would be incredible.

  I could have incredible, mind blowing sex and make sure; I fucked him over really well at the same time. The more I thought about it, the more I decided it was the perfect solution. Oh it would really piss him off. It was genius; it was exactly what that arrogant asshole needed.

  As my head filled with images of him in the grip of what I had planned for him, I grinned. My grin became a chuckle, which in turn became laughter, and before I knew it, I was doubled over, laughing so hard, tears welled over and began to stream down my cheeks.

  Hell, this assignment was suddenly sounding a lot better. It was going to be fun, and hopefully extremely pleasurable. Well, pleasurable for me, maybe not so much for Fabian, and as I thought of it again, I buckled over in another round of uncontrollable laughter.


  Fabian was pissed, confused, frustrated, hungry and seriously pissed. What the fuck just happened? Something was definitely up in Cassandra’s home. Something was up with Cassandra herself. Suddenly the woman who looked like she’d been lobotomized was all animated and bloody well back to normal? How could that be? He thought she might have been mourning and that her cloud of depression had lifted. That she was now fine and he hadn’t nearly made her brain dead from too much mind control.

  The more he thought about it though, the more he realised, that didn’t seem right. It was too sudden anyway. She’d gone from dull, dreary and nearly dead to cheery, happy go lucky in a couple of days? No, that didn’t seem right at all.

  Then there was the agony he’d suffered. What had caused it? Why had it only happened when he’d tried to mind control the ladies? Why the fuck had it been a stabbing pain in his cock? Fuck that hurt. His poor cock still throbbed and nothing killed a raging hard on faster than stabbing pain shooting through it.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He snapped, slamming his fist into the mailbox of someone’s house, as he headed home and the post it was on snapped, causing it to crash noisily to the ground. “Fuck!” He mouthed off again and increased his pace. He needed to get out of this area and he needed to find someone to feed from.

  He was so pissed and he sure as fuck wanted answers. What the hell was going on in that house? What was different? What had caused things to change? He fumed as he sped towards the city and then it hit him, Sirene. She was the different thing in that house, and he already suspected something was different about her, although he couldn’t figure out what. She wasn’t scared of him or intimidated by him that was for sure. Sometimes people were because of his size but Sirene was different and there was something in her eyes, a look that he didn’t altogether trust. Something was going on with her, and as much as he wanted her, he had to find out what, and soon.

  Finally he made it into the city and headed for the nearest night club, his nostrils flaring when he smelt all that wonderful sweet blood, mixed with the scent of arousal. He grinned, mix humans with alcohol and their need to fuck was heightened. It was the same for vampires but the blood was like the alcohol. When they fed, they wanted to fuck. The two went hand in hand.

  That’s exactly what he wanted now; blood and sex. He needed to find a willing woman he could feed from, but one he could fuck too. He did feel a moment’s uneasiness at the thought of trying to mind control a woman to use for his needs. Would it hurt again, or was it just Cassandra and Chloe that caused the blinding pain when he tried to control them?

  As he headed downstairs into the packed and noisy night club, he glanced around at the young blood filled women. Once he found exactly the kind he was looking for, he would know soon enough, if the pain he suffered was only connected to Cassie and Chloe.

  It didn’t take long and he found a woman that looked suitable. She was clearly inebriated, leaning against the wall, her eyes partially closed. She was tiny, about the same height as Sirene; dark hair which as he drew closer to her, he could see had streaks of red and purple through it. Her skin looked pale under the club’s lighting and a faint sheen of perspiration gave her face a slightly shiny look.

  “Can I get you a drink?” He asked her and she stared up at him, her eyes suddenly widening when she got her first real look at him. Fabian had to fight not to smirk at her expression. It was always the same shit. They were dazzled by his appearance, proving women too, could be shallow creatures. They were so ready to fuck him and follow him anywhere, bore him with details of their lives, like he even gave a fuck. They didn’t know him or what he was, as he only revealed that he was vampire to women who looked like they could cope with that information. They either took the news well, and in some cases acted like he was fucking Edward Cullen to their Bella or they began screaming hysterically. It didn’t really matter how they reacted anyway. None of them would remember him the next day. He always made sure of that. He wasn’t interested in a relationship; he had no desire to be stuck fucking and feeding from only one woman. He loved variety, he loved women, and he’d proven that by fucking and feeding his way through as many as he could over the centuries. None had ever made him want them for something longer, or more meaningful, not since Carmella.

  An image of Sirene flashed through his mind. She was different, he wanted her, and he suspected he would want her more than once. Now was not the time to be thinking of her though. She could wait.

  He turned his attention back to the petite woman in front of him and once her eyes met his, he quickly put her under mind control, relieved when it didn’t hurt him. With a hand to her elbow, he steered her up the stairs and out of the club. When he found a laneway between two buildings that was shrouded in darkness, he pulled her down it, since it would give him the privacy he needed.

  Pressing her up against the brick wall of the building, he reached under her dress, sliding his fingers up her thigh until he reached her panties.

  He lowered his head and kissed her, forcing her lips apart and dipping his tongue inside but the taste of the alcohol was overpowering and he tore his lips from hers again, shuddering in disgust.

  His fingers tugged on her panties until he heard the fabric tear, and he whipped the scrap of satin and lace out from under her dress, tossing it to the ground. Hastily he pulled his zip down, releasing his straining cock and with one hand holding her dress out of his way, he lined himself up drove into her, hearing her cry out at his rough invasion.

  She wasn’t wet enough for him, but he had no intention of spending time trying to get her off first. She was tight too, so tight, it was not easy getting his cock into her, but he didn’t care. She meant nothing to him; he’d never see her again. Bracing his hands either side of her against the brick wall, he began to thrust hard, hearing her moan. The smell of blood filled his nostrils and he breathed it in, the scent of it, exciting him. Fuck, she must have been a virgin.

  With the smell of the blood driving him crazy, virginal blood too, which had a scent all of its own, and the tightness of her cunt squeezing him, his lips found her neck and when his fangs lo
wered, he buried them into her vein, groaning when her warm blood filled his mouth.

  He fed hungrily and as he fed he fucked until finally he reared back, growling at the intensity of it and began to come, pumping into the young woman. When he’d finally emptied himself deep inside her, he pulled out before biting into his wrist and force feeding her some of his blood.

  While she stood, swaying and shaking hard as if in delayed shock, Fabian tucked himself back in his jeans and pulled up his zip. He led the woman to the sidewalk and with a few quietly spoken words in her ear; he turned on his heel and left her to find her own way back to the club.


  “Dammit would you believe the bloody band we had booked for tonight has fucking well cancelled?” Tony, the owner and manager of the club where I worked stormed through where Chloe and I sat as we waited to start our shifts in half an hour.

  “What? Damn, sorry to hear that Tony. What will you do now?” I asked him, trying to keep my expression sympathetic while inside I was jumping up and down and fist pumping.

  The band had cancelled. What a shame but I guess a bad dose of gastro enteritis will cause that. I struggled to keep my face neutral but I was tired of waitressing, I wanted to sing and this was my chance to show Terry I could do it and not use witchcraft to get what I wanted. Well, not much. I mean the band might have contracted gastro all by themselves, right? It didn’t mean it was entirely my fault they were all sick.

  “So what will you do?” I asked waiting nervously to see what he was going to say.

  “Fucked if I know Sirene. Anyway, don’t you worry about it, it’s not your concern.” He sounded impatient and his look that he cast my direction certainly looked that way.

  “Well…actually…that’s what I wanted to speak to you about.” I began and Tony stopped and turned to me, his expression showing he was still really pissed off.


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