Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) Page 18

by Melville, J. A

  “You’re wetting the bed.” He told me, his voice husky sounding and I smiled.

  “Well, it’s not entirely my fault you know.” I laughed, my eyes shifting over his incredibly handsome face. He looked quite relaxed, the tension gone from around his eyes and I hoped that was because of me and not just because he’d got his rocks off so to speak.

  “Hmmm.” He murmured. “So we got to fuck without your witchcraft my beauty. I have to say, I enjoy it greatly when you’re not using a spell on me.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t use any more spells on you Fabian.”

  “You have your spell in place to keep me away from Cassandra and Chloe I noticed.” He frowned. “Still, that proved to be beneficial to me in the end. It kept me away from you.”

  At his words, I felt pain lance through me. So he wanted to be away from me? Well what the hell was I doing in his bed now? I sat up and crawled to the edge ready to get up. I needed to get out of here now. Fabian didn’t want me around him. He’d helped me out and probably saved my life last night, but he wasn’t looking to have me around him for too long obviously from what he’d just said.

  “If I could just take a shower and then I’ll be on my way.” I said quietly, looking over at him, trying not to notice how gorgeous he looked sprawled out in his bed.

  He frowned at me. “What? Why are you leaving? You can shower of course, but why do you suddenly wish to leave? I thought you enjoyed being here with me? We just fucked and it was amazing. I had hoped we might do it again.”

  “I thought you were saying you wanted me to leave? You said that the spell I have on Cassie and Chloe to keep you from doing anything to them was good, because it kept you away from me.” I said turning away from him again, trying to keep the hurt I was feeling out my voice.

  I let out a squeal when arms suddenly closed around me, pulling me back down onto the bed, the beautiful scent that was Fabian rising around me as he rolled over, pinning me beneath him. His hands cupped me, either side of my face, holding me still as he gazed down at me.

  “You misunderstood me Sirene. The spell you put on your housemates did help me. It helped me stay away from you for a couple of reasons and one of those reasons being that for a long time, I wanted to kill you. You have no idea just how angry I was at you for what you did to me. You hurt me and unmanned me and you had me furious with you. If I had been able to come to the house with no spells to make life difficult for me, I may have given into my more basic instincts and taken your life. I wanted to stay away from you too because you make me feel things I am not accustomed to feeling. It makes me uncomfortable. I have made it over 500 years without a woman managing to get under my skin, but somehow you have done what no other woman has been able to do, you make me feel things I’ve never felt before. For fuck sakes, I haven’t been able to properly fuck a woman in a month, even when I’m feeding off her. This thing,” He grabbed at his still partially erect cock. “This has stayed soft with nearly all the women I’ve fed from. The most I’ve been able to do is get semi hard. I tried to fuck, dammit but it was embarrassing and I would be forced to wipe their memories completely so I didn’t get a reputation for being a soft cock. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is to a vampire? How humiliating that is to me? Then I run into you in the club, or you run into me and suddenly I’m hard as a fucking rock. That blonde woman I was with when I was watching you sing, she tried to get me to fuck her, but I couldn’t. Damn you woman, you unman me constantly. You cast your spell over me and you don’t have to use fucking witchcraft to do it. What is it about you?” He reached out and ran his fingers down my cheek.

  “I love you.” I whispered, my eyes locking on his and I saw his close, his hand falling from my cheek. My heart skipped a beat at my admission. Fuck, I’d just told him I loved him. Was I mad? I didn’t love him, it was just a case of my emotions being scattered all over the place after our intense sexual encounter. That’s all it was. I didn’t love Fabian, I couldn’t.

  I looked up at his beautiful yet frowning face. My admission appeared to have troubled him. That made two of us. I felt like everything was unravelling around me. My normally controlled life was coming apart. I never let anyone get too close to me. I moved around and kept me emotions out of the equation; so what the hell had happened with Fabian? He was supposed to be the enemy and giving him my heart was going to be a mistake, I knew that. I loved him, it was time to admit it to myself too, but I knew it would end badly. He would break my heart, of that I was certain.

  I couldn’t believe I’d stupidly voiced my feelings out loud and when I looked up at Fabian, I could see he was not happy. His brows were drawn together as he frowned and with a muffled oath, he closed his eyes. He stayed like that, frozen, obviously deep in thought and I wished with everything in me, that I could take my confession of love back again. Perhaps I could, with witchcraft?

  Suddenly his eyes opened, his pale stare meeting my mine. “You should not say that to me my beauty. There is nothing about me to love. I am not a good person. Hell, I’m not even a person. I have never cared about anyone but myself. Giving me your love is a big responsibility and one I’m not worthy of.”

  “You are to me.” I whispered before falling silent as I stared at him. I knew it would more than likely lead to heartache confessing my love to him. He’d said it often enough that he’d never cared about anyone else and I knew he wasn’t good, but I no longer believed him to be evil, despite his attempt on Dominick and Allegra’s lives. He had done some bad things in his life, he’d been selfish and self-centred, going after whatever he wanted, but he’d been there for me last night, he’d saved me. Despite what I’d done to him, hurting him, he still helped me. I knew he was certainly no saint. He was arrogant, bossy, rude, controlling and at times a bastard but regardless of all that, he’d still wormed his way into my heart. I just hoped that now I’d handed it to him, he didn’t crush it in his hands and cast it aside like a piece of trash.

  “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?” He asked and I turned my attention back on him.

  “Nothing important.” I wiggled under him. I wanted to distract him from the turn in our conversation before I potentially scared him off. “Fuck me.” I said huskily.

  Fabian’s eyes met mine, and I could tell he was searching for something in my expression, but I stared back, keeping my features as neutral as possible and finally he groaned, lowering his head, his lips closing over mine.


  “So have you thought about what you want to do to him?” Fabian asked Sirene as they both stood in the dungeon of his home looking into the prison like cell where the man who’d beaten her was being held captive.

  Fabian still saw red, literally when he looked at the asshole who had hurt his little witch. When he’d seen the bastard’s fist slam into her face, he’d been consumed with a rage unlike anything he’d ever experienced and if he hadn’t been occupied trying to help Sirene, he’d have killed him.

  If he hadn’t turned up chances were she would have been raped as well. That was the turning point for him. Seeing her so beaten and feeling helpless, he’d finally conceded that his feelings ran deep for this woman, and he was kidding himself if he thought he could pretend otherwise.

  Where they were going, he couldn’t say. Nothing had changed. He was still vampire, she was still a witch. He wondered if she would consider becoming a vampire. A vampire witch would be a very powerful addition to his unique little family.

  If Sirene was vampire, she would stay young and beautiful forever, and she would not be able to be harmed by anyone again. Together they would be a formidable team.

  “Ok, I’ve decided what I want to do to him.” Her voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned to her, one eyebrow raised.

  “So what form of revenge do you have planned for this animal, my beauty?” He reached out and took her hand in his, raising it to his lips.

  He watched her face, seeing anger and hatred marring her beautifu
l features as he waited to see what she was going to do.

  She merely raised her hands towards the crumpled body of the unconscious man who’d hurt her. “Be gone.” Was all she said, and sparks like lightning shot from her fingertips. They hit the man lighting him up in a halo of dazzling white light, which seemed to hover around him for a moment, before the light exploded, sending shards out in all directions. They both ducked as flaming sparks shot towards them, and when they all cleared, there was nothing left; the man was gone.

  “What have you done with him?” He asked.

  She gave him a tight smile. “He’s gone. Every single one of those shards of light was a piece of him.”

  Fabian grinned; his little witch was a cold blooded murderer, he loved it, he lo…fuck no! His brain shut down before the rest of that sentence could be voiced in his head. He didn’t love her, he didn’t love anyone. He was just excited because Sirene had proven that deep inside her, like anyone if they were pushed hard enough or threatened, that she was capable of murder. She would make a great vampire and he knew he had to try and persuade her to agree to him turning her one day.


  As tempting as it was to stay with Fabian in his home, I couldn’t. Things had changed between us, obviously. We had reached a level of understanding, we were having a relationship, or so it seemed anyway. I couldn’t stay with him though. I needed sleep and my poor aching body needed a rest. He was so intense and for a vampire who had done everything he could to avoid any kind of relationship, he seemed to be embracing all that it involved now. He needed to get some rest but first; I needed him to drive me to the club since my car was still parked there.

  I studied his face as he drove me to the club where my car was. He was so stunningly good looking and for now at least, he was mine. I didn’t seriously believe I could hold someone like Fabian, not for any length of time. He didn’t do relationships, he’d admitted that, and despite him confessing that he felt something for me, I wasn’t going to kid myself that it would last. It did secretly please me that he’d had issues with sexual performance during the time we had kept away from one another. That had to mean something surely? He’d had trouble getting it up and I could well imagine how frustrating and embarrassing that would be to someone like him. He certainly had no problems getting it up for me. I could feel the delicious aches in my body from the numerous times he’d taken me, but it still wasn’t enough for me to start thinking happily ever after thoughts for us.

  “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?” His deep voice flowed over me and I smiled at him.

  “I’m just wondering why you have to be so ridiculously good looking.” I replied and it was his turn to smile.

  “You’re the beauty here Sirene and my appearance is one of the perks of being vampire.”

  “So are you trying to tell me you were an ugly man before you were turned?” I gave him a dubious look.

  “Well, I don’t know my beauty, and there’s no one around to ask if I was considered a good looking man when I was human. I guess I did manage to find some ladies who were happy to have me fuck them, so I can only assume that meant I was not too hideous to them.” He grinned at me briefly before returning his attention to the road.

  “I can well imagine.” I smirked and fell silent for the rest of the drive to the club.

  When we finally arrived at the club’s car park, Fabian pulled up not too far from my car. There were only a couple of other cars in the car park. I couldn’t help staring at one of them as it had just pulled up not long after we did. It was parked not too far from us, facing towards our cars. It was a huge black car. Some sort of American model I suspected. The windows were all blacked out and it looked almost intimidating as it sat there in the early morning light of the new day. There was a trace of smoke out of the car’s exhaust so it was still running but no one appeared to be getting out of it. I stared at it curiously before Fabian distracted me offering his hand to help me from his car.

  He pushed me back against the side of it, leaning his body into mine. When his lips closed over mine, I sighed into his mouth. He nibbled his way along my bottom lip before thrusting his tongue inside, immediately seeking out mine. He kissed me with a slow building passion, arousing me, making me wet for him and I moaned, my tongue duelling with his.

  Somewhere in the haze of desire that clouded my brain, I heard the distant sound of squealing tyres and staggered when I was suddenly and forcefully thrown to one side, hearing Fabian shout at me to get to my car.

  I ran as fast as I could to where it was parked and spun around to see what it was that had my vampire so distressed sounding. The black car I’d noticed arriving not long after us, was hurtling towards Fabian’s car, right at him and I screamed, leaping towards him again. His eyes shifted from the car to me for a second or two, and he raised his hand to warn me to stay back. It was at that moment that I realised distracting him was the worst thing I could have done, he was in serious danger now because of me.

  I watched the scene play out before me, feeling closed off to it, like it wasn’t real, wishing with everything in me, that it wasn’t. Briefly I tried to think of a spell, but there was no time, it was happening too fast.

  The car struck Fabian, slamming him into the side of his car and I screamed when he disappeared from view, somewhere between the two cars. The black car backed up and my heart leapt into my throat when I couldn’t see him. As it sped backwards, I spotted him, pinned to the front of it for a few moments, before he collapsed to the concrete, barely moving. There was still hope though, he was vampire. That wouldn’t kill him, but before I could make a move towards him, the car hurtled along again, hitting him. I watched it buck up as it passed over him and as it shot past me, I could see Fabian trapped under it being dragged along. I buckled with fear when his body was suddenly flung free; collapsing to my knees when I was confronted with the horror of seeing that he had been decapitated. Before I could do anything, his body burst into flames and suddenly he was gone, leaving nothing but a brief shower of ash and his clothes. I threw back my head and screamed, over and over again, my heart feeling like it was shattering into a million pieces, tears streaming down my face, blinding me temporarily.

  I crawled on my hands and knees, unable to even get to my feet as I desperately tried to get to where Fabian’s jacket lay, smouldering slightly in the glow of the early morning sunrise. I didn’t notice that my knees were torn and bloody, I just had to get to his jacket and when I could finally touch it, I took it into my arms, cradling it like it was him, and I began to sob uncontrollably. My beautiful vampire was gone. Fabian was dead.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I sobbed; gut wrenching sobs, so overcome with shock and grief that I didn’t hear the approach of footsteps.

  “How can you weep for that bastard?” A man’s voice said next to me and I looked up into the chubby face of one of Fabian’s killers. He looked to be of Italian descent, olive complexion and I couldn’t control the shiver that ran through me. He looked like he was from the Mafia or something.

  “Why, why did you do that? What had he ever done to you?” I cried.

  “That bastard vampire you waste your tears on killed my baby sister.” He snapped. “He took her blood and her virginity. He fucked with her and he broke her. He destroyed her body, her soul and her mind. She got more and more depressed and ended up taking her own life, she fucking shot herself.”

  Shock stopped my tears momentarily. “What? When? How can that be? How old was your sister?”

  “It was a bit over a month ago. We saw him, that filthy vampire you weep for now. He lured my little sister outside; he took her blood and her virginity. He fucked with her brain and he left her with injuries to her body. That filthy blood sucker gave her some of his dirty fucking blood. It mustn’t have been enough though, or something went wrong, because it didn’t work. By the time doctors realised what was wrong with her, it was too late and she couldn’t take i
t any longer. She shot herself. All because of that bastard vampire, she killed herself, and now my baby sister is gone.” He bent down towards me, anger burning in his eyes. “I knew I had to pick the right time to get that prick and I did, so don’t you go wasting your tears on him. Do you mix with filthy blood suckers do you?”

  “He was alright. He wasn’t bad. He might have made a mistake and your sister died, but he wasn’t evil and I’m sure he wouldn’t have deliberately killed her. You just took his life without talking to him first. He was good, he saved my life last night and…and…now…now he’s…gone.” I began to weep again.

  “Hey Big J, we gotta go, come on, leave that stupid bitch to cry for her bastard vampire. That’s one less piece of shit in this world.” Another man had stuck his head out of the car and I raised my head again, to look into the eyes of the second person who had been responsible for Fabian’s death.

  I felt an all-consuming, overpowering, burning rage build up in me. It momentarily pushed my grief aside and I watched, starting to shake as the one that had mouthed off at me, Big J, got back into the car. Once he’d closed the door and they were all inside, I raised both hands towards it.

  “Reduce.” I screamed and bolts of white light like lightning charged out from my fingers, hitting the car. It lit up, the whole vehicle encased in a blinding white light. With a loud crack, the light exploded and when the smoke cleared, the car with its occupants had been reduced to the size of a matchbox car.

  I staggered to my feet, walking over to the car and my lips curled up, feeling a kind of sick satisfaction when it started to move, as the driver tried to make a getaway in it. I bent and picked it up, leaning in for a closer look at the driver and two passengers inside. “Seal the doors, seal their fate, let them die, because of their hate.” I chanted and watched a film form over the car’s doors like a vine, which made it impossible for them to be opened. I then walked to the end of the long jetty by the club, and with nothing but the wide expanse of water in front of me, I reached back to get maximum leverage before I threw the car and its occupants as hard as I could.


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