Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 13

by Bethany Shaw

  Devon plucked the syringe out of his bag, tearing off the plastic and removing the guard over the needle. With the morphine bottle right on top, he carefully filled the syringe and stood up.

  He walked over to the porch where Marcus’ limp body lay. His eyes were glossed over and he panted heavily.

  “I’m going to give you a shot for the pain,” Devon said as he approached so he didn’t startle him.

  Marcus whined as Devon crouched next to his friend. This would be easier with Marcus sitting, but he wouldn’t make him move, his body was already under enough duress. Devon positioned himself so he could grab the excess skin around the back of the neck and pull it up. He sunk the needle in and injected the medicine.

  Devon rubbed at the injection site. “Relax, it will take a minute to kick in.”

  Marcus closed his eyes and whimpered. Devon opened his mouth to comment, but his attention was drawn to the tree line, hearing paws beating against the ground. His eyes scanned the trees, body tense ready to spring into action. Three wolves exited the woods and darted toward him and Lark.

  Lark stiffened and took a step back.

  “It’s Gene.” Devon motioned his head relieved to see him.

  Gene pulled up short, a snarl ripped through him as he came upon his father. He knelt his head down on Rick’s body giving it a gentle nudge a series of high-pitched whines erupted from his throat, followed by low throaty yowls.

  The onslaught of emotions hit him hard. Devon crumpled to the ground, his eyes closed. This was his fault, he’d brought them here. Guilt flooded him. He ground his teeth, a lump forming in his throat. Tears formed in his eyes and his hands balled into fists. The only father he’d ever known was dead.


  Lark sat numbly on the leather couch in the living room. The sun flitted into the darkened room through a crack in the drawn curtains. The house usually full of life was deathly quiet.

  After five long hours the chaos had finally ended. Twenty three men were dead, including Rick. Marcus and six others were in critical condition. To top it off, Sarah and Emily were missing.

  She’d cried until she couldn’t cry anymore. Her eyes and throat ached, burning with each swallow and blink. Her face stiff and puffy, every muscle throbbed throughout her body from the ridged stance she sat in. Numbness seeped through her fingers to her elbow from the vice grip she had on the couch. Still, she didn’t move. She kept waiting to wake up, deep down she knew that would never happen.


  Lark looked up to Gene’s somber eyes.

  “Dev and I are going to talk in my father’s office about getting Sarah and Emily back, if you’d like to join us.”

  Lark nodded and stood, following behind Gene. Her body moved with a purpose to the office. Sarah was her baby sister and she was more than ready to rescue her.

  Devon looked up with a frown as Gene motioned her ahead of him into the room. She walked to the arm chair closest to the desk and took a seat. Devon plopped down next to Lark, his eyes gleaming at her.

  Lark sat up straight, eyes trained on the empty spot behind the desk, Rick’s spot. She sniffled and swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. Gene sighed before he sat in his father’s chair.

  “I got a call from Preston a few minutes ago,” Gene started. Lark frowned and leaned forward, she hadn’t even realized he was missing with all the craziness. She’d assumed he was here somewhere since he wasn’t among the dead or injured.

  “He and a few other guys were able to follow the men who abducted Emily and Sarah. They chased them on foot until they could obtain a vehicle. They’ve stopped at a hotel outside of Clovis, New Mexico, and are caring for their injured. Preston doesn’t think they’re aware of their presence.”

  “How many are there? What hotel?” Devon stood up abruptly his chair flying backwards. It crashed against the floor with a deafening thump. “Why Clovis?” He asked frowning. “That’s not on the way to Guymon.”

  “Preston was doing recon, I don’t know yet. Regardless, Dev, it’s a four hour drive. Even if you left now…”

  “What hotel?” Devon interrupted.

  “If they’ve stopped for the night, we can still intercept them.” Lark stood up. Sarah was the only family she had left.

  Devon turned to her an irritated look on his face. “We?”

  “I can’t just sit here and twiddle my thumbs. If you’re going, so am I.” Fury enveloped Lark, she was tired of being underestimated.

  “Nobody is going.” Gene stood up to his full height, his hands resting on the desk, as he leaned forward.

  “Excuse me?” Devon glared, his nostrils flared as he stepped toward Gene.

  Lark shrunk back in her seat, the testosterone radiating from the two of them set her nerves on edge. They glared at each other, eyes locked on the other, with jaws set firmly. The tension crackled between the two of them. The hair on her arms rose and a chill rippled down her spine.

  Gene stepped around the desk his eyes trained on Devon’s. “I am the alpha of this pack now. You’re not going. Preston will head up the rescue.”

  “No.” Devon growled.

  Lark swallowed as the silence stretched between the two of them. An unspoken battle raged as her eyes flicked back and forth. She wondered if they were going to come to blows, it really looked like they might.

  All three of them jumped when Gene’s phone rang. Gene growled and pulled it from his pocket.

  “Preston,” he answered. He took a step back and walked to the window, phone pressed to his ear.

  Lark let out a relieved breath, releasing her death grip on the desk she stared at Devon a moment longer before her eyes trailed off to Gene. She couldn’t hear the conversation, and Gene was doing more listening than talking. What is going on?

  Devon growled and she turned her attention back to him, his fists balled at his sides, and eyes narrowed at Gene. Her head swiveled back to Gene as he said goodbye and clicked his phone off.

  “I’m going.” Devon started toward the door.

  “Wait! What is going on?” Lark yelled in frustration, anger coiled inside her as she rushed to stop him. One of them was going to explain this.

  “Preston is organizing a strike as soon as some of them leave to get medical supplies and food.”

  “These are Emmett’s most elite men. Tell him to wait till I get there.” Devon walked to the door.

  “No, the best chance we have is to take them by surprise, and you know it.”

  “Preston is a child! Who is he even with?” Devon snapped.

  “He’s with his friends, Thomas, Andrew, and James. They can handle this.”

  “What about your brother?” Lark interrupted. “Would he help?”

  “Daniel?” Devon asked skeptically. “When did you see him?”

  “Right before the attack. He stopped Vincent and I before we got to the end of the driveway.”

  “Even if he wanted to, he’d never betray Emmett. I’m going to Clovis, Gene.” Devon opened the door.

  “Damn it, Devon.” Gene stomped toward him. His nostrils flared. Gene closed his eyes and sighed. “You can help escort them home, but, I’m not calling Preston back. I can’t afford to be challenged right now, please don’t put me in that position.”

  Devon closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

  “I’m going with you,” Lark declared. There was no way she would sit here and wait.

  “Lark, it’s dangerous,” Gene turned his attention to her, his eyes softening.

  Lark crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m going.”

  “No, you’re not,” Devon snapped his hand grasped the open door tightly.

  “Take her, Dev, but, please don’t make this difficult for me,” Gene said quietly, his eyes firm as they held Devon’s.

  Devon’s jaw tightened and the wood frame creaked under his grasp. “Fine. I’m leaving in five minutes. With or without you.” Devon threw the door open the rest of the way slamming it against the wall
. The bookshelf rattled against the wall, sending books plummeting to the floor.

  “Lark, I have something for you.” Gene closed the door and walked back to his desk. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a box. “This has never been used and is old. My father bought it when my mother was pregnant. Wolves can’t shift while they’re pregnant. He wanted her to be safe, just in case.”

  Gene opened the box and pulled out a small gun.

  “I want you to take this with you. I know you know how to use it.”

  Lark swallowed and nodded. She hoped she didn’t have to.

  “Just try not to use it on Devon,” Gene smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. She could see the emotion swirling below the surface. He was probably fighting to keep it together.

  Lark smiled, tears pricked her eyes as she met Gene’s brown eyes, the same hue as his fathers. “Are you okay?”

  Gene faltered for a moment, tears shining in his eyes. Lark maneuvered around the desk and pulled him into a tight hug.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. She knew the words didn’t help, in fact she hated when people said that to her when her parents died. There wasn’t any right thing to say though.

  Gene rested his forehead on her shoulder for a long moment before he pulled away. “Thanks, Lark. Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter 13

  Emmett walked into the kitchen exhausted and starved. His body was tense and achy. He had been up since four this morning and he was feeling it. The morning had been eventful, but everything was starting to fall into place. By midday tomorrow, he would have Emily back and the Gulf packs would be appeased.

  He’d even secured an extra present for the leader. Granted, the young woman was not a wolf, but that didn’t always matter to them. If they were lucky she might even produce them a child or two. When he’d first learned of Lark and Sarah Davies, the mission was to kill them. He wanted to send a message to Rick Harris about crossing him. However, women were women, and they did have their uses.

  Regardless, the gift would secure his wife a few extra weeks with Emily. A little mother-daughter time before she was sent away. Hopefully, it would ease the growing tension between him and Claire.

  “What happened?” Claire asked from her perch at the table. Her eyes fixed on some object out the window.

  “Emily will soon be here,” he said squeezing her shoulder gently, tears stained her face. A pang of guilt shuddered through him, but he pushed it away. He was doing the right thing - what was best for the pack.

  “Devon and Vincent?”

  Emmett sighed. “They remain at the Harris ranch. They’re alive.”

  Though they wouldn’t be for long if he had his way. He should strike again while they were weak, but bringing Emily home was his first priority. Once she was home, he would send out another team and this time they would finish off the remainder of the Harris pack. Vincent and Devon included.

  “Rick and his boys?” Claire asked her voice hollow, eyes still transfixed on some unknown thing outside.

  “His boys are fine. I told you, Claire, anyone who gets in the way would suffer the consequences.”

  Claire laughed bitterly. “Don’t I know it.”

  Emmett squeezed her shoulder a little tighter, but not quite to the point of pain. “Come now, Claire, there is no reason to bring up the past now.”

  “I agreed to this marriage and stayed in it to protect my son. You’ve gone back on your word. It’s bad enough you took my husband from me. Now you intend to take my children, one who is your own son. You swore you wouldn’t hurt Devon,” Claire said through gritted teeth.

  Emmett yanked Claire up, setting her on her feet. “Your son defied me, and led our son astray.”

  “Thank god for it! At least he isn’t afraid to do the right thing.” Claire wrenched her arm free. “That is more than I can say for every man remaining in this pack.”

  “Enough, Claire,” Emmett snapped his voice a low throaty snarl.

  “No,” she yelled. “I have sat by too long and watched you destroy my family. Don’t you think I saw how you treated Devon all those years? But I bided my time, held my tongue, because you gave me your word. You wouldn’t kill him if I behaved. I won’t do it any longer. What you intend to do with our daughter is disgusting. The way you’ve treated Devon and now Vincent-”

  Emmett snapped, his hand flew up and smacked her across the face. He relished in the sting as Claire stumbled and fell into a chair at the table. Her widened hazel eyes glared up at him through strands of her grey-brown hair. An ugly red mark marred her face from where he’d hit her. He blinked away the concern and let the rage in.

  “I won’t allow you to talk to me like that, Claire,” he bellowed, hovering over her. She had never defied him like this before and she wouldn’t again, he thought. He assumed the defiance had to do with protecting her children. “I am the leader of this pack, and you will respect that. You will obey me. I offered Devon a home here, took him in, he chose to go against me. I even let him live after he challenged me for my position as alpha — I did all this for you! I could’ve killed him. You promised you would contain him, to keep him under wraps. You brought this on yourself; you chose not to heed my warnings. I can no longer let him live, when he so blatantly disrespects my authority. If I see him again, he will die.”

  Emmett sneered at her a moment longer, his eyes boring into hers waiting for her to look away. After an eternity, she averted her eyes to the floor.

  “You will not speak to me like this again, Claire. This discussion ends now.” Emmett walked to the stove and pulled the lid off the pot, setting it on the counter. He inhaled a sharp breath letting the anger dissipate. “This looks good, what do you say we have some lunch?”


  Lark grimaced as her head thumped against the window, her eyes blinking open. Realizing she’d fallen asleep she sat up straight, glancing at the clock on the dashboard. Just a little after three they still had another two or so hours in the car.

  Lark twisted her neck while massaging the stiff flesh trying to work out the kinks. The nap had been unrestful, leaving her sluggish. She yawned, and forced her brain to focus.

  “Have you heard from Preston?”

  “Not yet, either their plan was a failure or they haven’t been able to execute it yet.”

  “Wouldn’t it be easier to just call the police?” She asked as she attempted to stretch her legs.

  “No, outsiders aren’t supposed to know about our existence. Could you imagine what the government would do if they found out supernatural beings existed? We have a code that all of us follow regardless of what pack you’re from. You don’t expose yourself or others to humans.”

  “What happens if someone does get arrested?” Lark asked curiously.

  Devon shrugged his hands shifted on the steering wheel.

  “I don’t know of an instance where it has happened. If someone ever were arrested it would be for a minuscule crime. We handle things our own way, and take precautions to make sure we aren’t captured.”

  “Right, the way where you attack and kill each other.” Lark couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice. She bit her lip and shifted her gaze back out the window. She felt physically and emotionally drained. Worse, Rick hadn’t even been properly mourned, because of all the craziness.

  “We do have negotiations every once in a while. Men like Emmett, you don’t compromise with. He wants his way and will get it one way or another.”

  Lark turned to look at him, the anger in his voice evident. His jaw was set, eyes focused on the open road.

  “That must have been hard growing up like that.”

  “Is this the part where I tell you I had a horrible childhood, and was raised by a man who hated me, and a mother who turned a blind eye to everything he did?”

  “Is that what happened?” Lark whispered. Her heart ached for him, that explained so much, but she was certain there was more to it than that.

nbsp; “Does it matter?”

  “Of course it matters.” She wondered how he could possibly think it didn’t. Devon baffled her.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Lark wanted to come back with a retort, he had been the one to bring it up, but thought better of it.

  “What did Gene mean when he asked you not to make things difficult for him?”

  Devon shifted in his seat with a sigh. “He’s the alpha now. It passes from father to son, usually the eldest, unless the son is too young to lead the pack. Sometimes if another member of the pack doesn’t think the new alpha can lead, they challenge them. I…” he paused and looked out his window.

  “I challenged his authority in there. I shouldn’t have done that. It could cause him problems if someone else thinks he bowed to me, instead of enforcing his will.”

  “Is that what that whole staring thing was about, because that was…intense.”

  “Uh, yeah.” Devon sat up straighter.

  “So what, you just stare at each other until, what exactly?”

  Devon licked his lips, eyes focused on the road. “Alpha’s can exact their will onto their subordinates. Looking away indicates that you’re essentially bowing to their authority. Only a true alpha has the power to make others submit without intimidation or violence first.”

  “You didn’t look away.”


  “Does that mean you’re an alpha?”

  “I have alpha blood.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Lark,” Devon sighed.

  Heat crept across her face, she’d pushed too far.

  “I’m sorry, I was just curious, and wanted to get to know you more. We’re in the car, and everything is falling apart. I’ll stop rambling now.”

  Devon sat quietly for a long time and she looked back out the window. Great, now I’ve made it awkward.

  Devon exhaled, tapping his palm against the steering wheel, gripping and releasing the wheel as he flexed his hands.

  “A true alpha comes from a specific bloodline of alphas on the mothers and fathers side. The Harris’ are part of that bloodline. You can tell who is a real alpha by the color of their coat. Black fur indicates pure bloodlines. Other bloodlines were created by having offspring with humans and then those children having their kids with other wolves or humans too. Take Daniel for example, my mother is an alpha, but Emmett isn’t, so his fur is reddish-brown like Vincent and Em’s, because only one of his parents is an alpha. Whereas Gene and I come from what we call pure blooded alpha blood lines – both our parents were alphas, his coat is black like mine.”


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