Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 22

by Bethany Shaw

  Lark closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. She didn’t want to think about what kind of questioning was going on. Then there were the rules. It wasn’t that she didn’t value rules. It was the types of rules these people had that worried her. If only she could get her phone she could text Devon or, wait a second.

  “Where is my purse?” Lark questioned, her hands shaking with nervousness. They may have gotten her phone, but she had something else in there — something far better.

  “Your phone has already been removed from the front pouch.”

  “I have-” think, think, think! “-medicine. I need my purse. My blood pressure medicine,” Lark gasped, placing her hand to her chest. Seriously? Is that the best you could come up with? She berated herself. Would they have checked the inside of her purse, she could only pray they hadn’t.

  Claire gave her a skeptical look, but nodded slowly.

  “I’ll have it brought to you. First, the rules.”

  Lark acknowledged the other woman with a slight tilt of her head.

  “You’re not to try and escape. You will do what is asked of you. Finally, you will join us for dinner this evening and meet with Mr. Juarez. He is the gentleman whose home you will come to live in,” Claire said as she stood and walked to the door. “I’ll send Emily to you, and have your purse brought up.”

  Lark watched her leave and waited for the lock to click shut. After several long moments she realized that it hadn’t been locked. Chewing her lip, she twisted the cool metal knob, the door pulled open. Devon and Gene had been right. But where could she go? For the moment following the rules and waiting for Emily seemed like the best option. With a sigh, she flopped onto the bed. How the hell am I going to get out of this?


  “I swear, Dev, I had no idea,” Daniel said as he answered the phone.

  Devon scrubbed a hand over his face. In a split decision he decided not to argue with his brother.

  “Fine! What is going on?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”

  “How could you not know?” Devon threw the comforter back onto his bed as he paced the length of the bedroom. He needed to do something, sitting and waiting was not his style.

  “I was setting everything up for a midwife to come to the manor. Natalia, the other wolf, will deliver any day now.”

  “She’s pregnant?” Devon asked, halting his movements. “Why is this the first I’m hearing of it.”

  “I’m not entirely sure we can get her out whenever you follow through with whatever your plan is. She’s skittish, and doesn’t trust anyone. We have to consider Maddie and Amelia too,” he said referring to the two teenage wolves.

  “Where is Lark?” Devon growled, he would concern himself with the other wolves after Lark and Emily were secured.

  “She’s fine. Mom has her in your old room. She hasn’t been hurt. She came to a few minutes before I left to make this call.”

  “Vincent and Marcus?” Devon held his breath waiting for the answer.

  “Alive, for the moment. Father is-” he paused and Devon heard him inhale loudly over the phone causing it to crackle. “-questioning them.”

  Devon sat on his bed, it creaked as it dipped beneath him.

  “Fernando Juarez will be here this evening. I don’t suppose you have a plan in place?”

  “Of course not,” Devon mumbled, throwing himself backwards and staring at the white spackled ceiling.

  “I’ll do what I can. Father will be trying to charm the alphas this evening and tomorrow. Whatever you and Gene come up with needs to be done before Sunday morning.”

  “I’m on my way, meet me at Taco Tico at eight tonight.”


  “Just be there,” Devon growled. “I’m sure you can find away.” Seething with anger and annoyance, he hung up the phone.

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a plan.”

  Devon looked up to see Gene standing in the doorway.

  “Daniel’s always been better at taking orders than giving them. He’ll show up.”

  “I suppose that is why you’ll be an alpha, and he’ll be a beta.”

  “Yes well, I’ll rally my troops.”

  “I’m going to send some of my men with you, Dev. This needs to end now before it gets further out of hand.”

  Preston cleared his throat popping his head into the room. Sarah stood next to him, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. Her arm shook as she blinked up at him.

  “Please get my sister back,” Sarah pleaded, her blue eyes rimmed with red from crying.

  “I plan to,” Devon replied giving her a slight nod. He would get Lark back.


  Lark shot up at the soft knock on the tan door. She bit her lip, not entirely sure she wanted to invite whomever it was inside. Unfortunately, as the knob turned it didn’t appear she would have a choice.

  Emerald eyes and pin straight brown hair peaked inside.

  “Emily,” Lark smiled, vaulting off the bed and rushing to the other girl.

  Emily embraced her, squeezing so tight Lark thought her insides might burst. She let out a thankful breath when Emily released her to shut the door.

  “I’m glad to see you. I just wish it were under different circumstances,” Emily gushed, a tight lipped smile on her face.

  “We’ll figure this out,” Lark murmured.

  “My mom said you needed your medicine,” Emily’s eyebrow shot up as she held up a floral Vera Bradley bag.

  Lark snatched the bag from Emily and tossed it on the bed. Closing her eyes, she unzipped it, and dug through the contents to the bottom. Her hands shook as she burrowed through her items.

  Please, please, please.

  Her hand connected with the cool metal surface, slowly, she pulled the weapon from her purse.

  “Oh god,” Emily gasped, her eyes widening, a hand flying up to cover her mouth.

  “Shhh.” Lark put a finger to her own lips shushing the other woman.

  “Where - where did that come from?”

  “Gene gave it to me when I went with Devon, back when Sarah and you were first kidnapped. I just never took it out.” Her heart steadied as she opened the chamber. It was still loaded.

  “You can’t use that.”

  Lark frowned, shoving the gun back into her purse in case someone came in the room.

  “Why?” That had to be the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard.

  Emily’s face paled, eyes intent on the purse.

  “We don’t use guns, ever. It’s against our code. Hands, teeth, and claws, but not weapons. It’s…its wrong.”

  Too bad she’d depleted her supply of pepper spray. That would have been handy now too.

  “I’m not one of you,” Lark said, tugging Emily’s hands into her own. “You don’t have to use it, I will.”

  Emily nodded, tears swirled in her eyes.

  “I don’t like guns, they’re dangerous. Why did Gene have it? Packs ban those types of things.”

  “Emily, look at me,” Lark commanded.

  Emily’s green eyes met hers as her hands shook inside Lark’s.

  Lark clasped the younger woman’s hands tighter. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “I’m just so scared, Lark. How are we all going to get out? I don’t know what your guy’s plan was, but this couldn’t have been in it.” Emily’s resolve crumbled, and Lark pulled the sobbing girl into a hug.

  She didn’t have an answer for Emily, whatever they did, they were going to have to wing it.

  “Where are Vincent and Marcus? Do you know where they are?”

  “Yes, but they’re locked in a cell. We can’t get them out without a key,” Emily sniffled, tears streaming down her ghastly pale face.

  Lark forced her mind to think. She was nowhere near ready to give up.

  “What about Daniel? Can he get a key?”

  Emily pulled back, her face tear streaked, she swallowed, nodding.


nbsp; “We have to help Natalia too.”

  “The other wolf?”

  “Yeah, but she’s pregnant, and she’s so scared of everyone. It’s going to be hard.” Emily wiped the back of her hand across her cheeks. “Then there is the other two girls, everything is so messed up.”

  Lark bit her lip.

  “Emily, Emily,” she said gaining the other girls attention. “We need to stay calm. We’re just going to have to play it by ear and figure this out.”

  Emily took in a deep breath.

  “I just keep thinking about Marcus, and if I’ll ever see him again,” Emily said between hiccups.

  Lark hugged Emily. She couldn’t begin to imagine how she must feel right now. “It’s going to be okay,” she soothed.

  Knock knock

  Both girls jumped away from each other as the knob on the door jiggled, then opened. Claire appraised them both a forlorn look on her face.

  “Dinner is in a half hour, best start cleaning yourselves up.”

  Chapter 22

  Lark followed Emily and Claire down the wooden staircase to the dining room. Her eyes scanned every inch of the peach colored walls, searching for any exits. The front door was exactly forty two steps from her room. She doubted she could go undetected through the house, even if she could she had no idea how to get off the property once she stepped outside.

  They rounded the corner into a pale blue dining room. The table was set for a large dinner party. The china was simple with a plain gold ring around it. The lacy curtains were opened allowing sunlight to filter in. Though the room was bright, it still felt like a dungeon. She was a prisoner here, even if they were going to wine and dine her.

  She followed mother and daughter to the very end of the table, taking a seat next to Emily.

  “Just let the guys do all the talking,” Emily mumbled as the door on the opposite end of the room opened and a group of men entered.

  Emily tilted her head down, staring at her plate. Lark swallowed. Her eyes drifting to the leader, defiantly holding his gaze. Her pulse drummed in her ears, hands clasped tightly together under the table.

  The man she guessed was Emmett McKinley narrowed his green eyes at her. If looks could kill, she’d be dead. He walked to the edge of the table, his broad shoulders and muscled legs filling out every inch of his grey suit.

  Lark clamped her bottom lip with her teeth to keep it from trembling. Fear and rage consumed her as her stomach twisted in knots. She just hoped she didn’t show it.

  “Well, she certainly looks like she is going to be a challenge,” one of the men said with a laugh.

  Lark slid her gaze to the elderly man who had spoken. He had to be in his sixties or seventies. Though he was old, he looked every bit capable of handling himself in a fight. He was the oldest of the men. The others looked to be closer to Emmett’s age either late forties or early fifties.

  The only exception was Daniel, and two others who looked closer to her in age.

  “Yes, this is the illustrious Lark Davies,” Emmett grinned. “I think you will find her quite satisfying.”

  Lark frowned, were they really going to talk about her like she wasn’t sitting right there? If so, she had no idea how she would make it through this dinner.

  “My lovely Claire has prepared us a stunning roast with carrots and potatoes.” Emmett beamed at Claire who sat quietly at the other end of the table next to Emily. “And what kind of pie?”

  “Peach,” Claire smiled up at the table of men.

  “I understand that you cook, Lark?” The elder man asked shoveling a bite of meat into his mouth.

  “I own a bakery in Abilene. It’s won some awards, considered one of the best in the city. No doubt, my customers are going to miss me,” Lark replied, her voice remarkably even, despite the anger warring inside her.

  Emmett laughed heartily. “It will be a tragic accident really. You see, in a few days time, your nice little SUV will have quite the collision. Lark and Sarah Davies will be killed instantly. It actually cleans up quite nice: no parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles. It’s just the two of you. No one left to ask questions. Even if the police suspect foul play, without family to pursue it, I doubt they’ll follow through.”

  “Stay away from my sister,” Lark snapped, pounding her fist on the table. The silverware and goblets wobbled on the table a loud clang slicing through the air.

  “I think I’m being quite accommodating. Do you know what happens to humans who inadvertently learn our secret?” Emmett’s lip curled into a snare. “Death, so you see, I’m being more than generous.”

  “Well, forgive me for not being ecstatic,” Lark retorted, rolling her eyes.

  “And she’s just as disrespectful as my bastard step son! You will have fun with her,” Emmett jested to the older gentleman, before turning his piercing gaze on her. “You’ll come to learn your place, child.”

  Lark shoved her plate away, knocking her glass of water over. It spilled, cascading across the wood table and leaking through the cracks, dripping onto the Oriental rug.

  Ignoring the gaping stares and outraged faces, she stood up.

  “Go ahead and make your plans, but that’s all they’ll ever be, plans-“

  “You think Devon will come for you?” Emmett roared, his laughter filling the air. His face flushed red, lip curled up in a sneer.

  Heat scorched her cheeks as she gripped the back of her chair.

  “He’s a better man and alpha than you’ll ever be.”

  Emmett shot up from his seat.

  “You think he gives a damn about you? Sure you’re a pretty girl, a good fuck. But girls like you are a dime a dozen. He’s never gave two shits about any girl he’s fucked, why would you think you’re any different? Get her out of here, Daniel,” he said, flicking his wrist in his son’s direction.

  Daniel got up, striding toward her quickly. He snatched her arm, yanking her backwards. Lark shoved away, but he was much too strong. Another arm shot around her waist as Daniel drug her out of the room.

  “Get off me,” she said, jabbing her elbow backwards, connecting with firm flesh. His grip loosened and she spun around quickly without thinking, rage consuming her.


  Daniel’s eyes gleamed yellow. He spun her, pushing her to the wall.

  “Stop,” he spat out. Lark calmed her fighting. She chastised herself; they were supposed to be on the same side. “Come on,” he said tugging her arm again but nowhere near as roughly.

  Lark let him lead her back to her bedroom. He opened the door with a sigh and motioned for her to go in. He dug into his pants pocket pulled out his cell typing something in. Then handed the phone to her.

  I am meeting Devon tonight.

  Lark nodded. “Sorry,” she mouthed noticing the deep red mark blazing its way across his cheek.

  Daniel glared, a hand gingerly touching the tender skin.

  “You need to watch your tongue,” he said sternly as if reprimanding her. “I’ll see if I can get some leftovers sent up later,” his voice lowered to a whisper.

  “Thank you,”

  Daniel tipped his head to her moving backwards to the door. The door shut, the backwards lock clicking into place.

  Locked in, great! Guess that’s what happens when you stand up for yourself and smack the alpha’s son across the face. So much for free reign.

  Frustrated, tired, and pissed, Lark flung herself on the bed. Emmett was wrong about Devon in every way. Not only was she certain he cared about her, he was a better man — better leader than his stepfather could ever dream to be.


  Devon paced the parking lot at the Taco Tico. Eyes on the lookout for any of Emmett’s men. The restaurant was on the opposite side of town and far away from the house. This area was considered neutral territory, but he couldn’t risk being spotted.

  Daniel’s blue Camaro pulled into the parking lot. The music so loud the ground vibrated. Devon leaned against the car waiting for his brother to find a pa
rking spot. The ten men he brought with him were fanned out at different vantage points, all on the lookout for anything out of place.

  Daniel climbed out of the car and plucked his sunglasses from his face. A red mark, tinged with blue marred his left cheek.

  “What happened to you?”

  He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something than shook his head.


  Devon inhaled; Lark’s cinnamon-vanilla aroma invaded his senses.

  “You smell like her, why?” Devon balled his hands into fists.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking,” Daniel replied, touching his cheek. “She’s fine.”

  “You better hope so.” Devon grasped Daniel by the lapels of his polo. “If I find out you hurt her-“

  “I didn’t, I promise. I’ve done some questionable things, but I’ve never hurt a woman.”

  “How is she?” Devon ground out, shoving his brother away. Lark was a weakness and he hated it. He needed to focus. But he needed to know that she was okay.

  “She’s fine. Lark’s strong willed, but we don’t have much time. They leave first thing in Saturday morning,” Daniel explained.

  Devon slid the envelope from his back pocket. “Then you’d better make sure Juarez finds this tonight. I’m not waiting till the last minute.”

  “What is it?”

  His brother extended his hand for the letter. Devon hesitated, unsure if he should trust his brother.

  “Just make sure Juarez finds this letter. If nothing else do something to get the alarm to go off. This needs to happen tonight, I’m not waiting another day,” Devon said. He refused to give Daniel all the details of the plan. He doubted Daniel would follow through with the arrangement if he knew it would most likely get Emmett killed.

  “I will. I know we don’t see eye to eye on many things, but I don’t want this happening to Em anymore than you do.”

  Devon slapped the letter into his brother’s palm. “Don’t screw this up.”

  “I’ll slip them out as soon as the alarm sounds. You get Vincent and Marcus. We’ll need help though; Natalia and Lark won’t be able to shift.”

  “Where are Marcus and Vincent being held?” Devon asked.

  “The brown barn. They're in the cells.”


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