Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 26

by Bethany Shaw


  “But you’re okay?”

  “I will be.”


  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Lark asked, standing in the doorway to his bedroom. She had a bundle of clothes in her arms and was chewing her bottom lip.

  “Yeah,” Devon said though he wasn’t entirely sure.

  Lark set the clothes down in the empty laundry basket on the dresser and gave him a small smile.

  “I’m sure I’ll be able to go home soon anyway.”

  Devon frowned, he wasn’t sure he liked that idea either. Not to mention Juarez wasn’t going to just let Emily and Natalia walk away. He didn’t know enough about the other man to know what his true intentions for Lark and Sarah were either.

  “We’ll figure it out later,” Devon yawned. He’d been awake for far too many hours as had Lark. The c-section had been successful. They’d waited for Louie to get to the ranch to take over care before they’d finally made their way to the shower.

  Lark adjusted the curtains, making sure no light was coming in before climbing into the bed.

  “Do you think Natalia will freak out waking up in a strange room? Maybe I should’ve stayed with her. I could have stayed in my bed.”

  “No,” Devon said adamantly. “She could be dangerous. My guess is she’ll probably freak out when she comes to. You could get hurt. Now that she is no longer pregnant, she can shift again. I think it’s best for everyone if she and the baby just take that room.”

  “So we’ll share a room then? Cause there is kind of a room shortage in the main house now.”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Besides, some of us will be moving to the farmhouse once the renovations are complete.”

  Devon shifted so Lark had room to get into the bed. He wrapped an arm around her drawing her closer.

  Lark nestled into him, her finger tracing a line up and down his chest.

  “It’s not going to be safe for me to go home is it?”

  Devon blew out a long puff of air, and fixated on the ceiling.

  “Juarez is the leader of the Gulf packs. Emmett went to great lengths to get you, Emily. Who knows what Natalia’s story is! I don’t want to even think about what Juarez is capable of.”

  “I know I’m not supposed to know about werewolves, but why did they take me anyway? I mean, why go out of the way to come here and take me? Why take me to Santa Fe? Why me?” Lark asked quietly.

  Devon pulled her a little tighter.

  “For Emmett, it was about getting back at me,” he paused certain of his answer, “but Juarez, I don’t know why he’d want you.” He ran a reassuring hand down her arm, but felt a tick form in his own jaw as the realization dawned on him.

  What was Juarez’s interest in Lark?


  “Where are you going?” Devon grumbled as the bed shifted and squeaked. He blinked his eyes open to see Lark hopping into a pair of jeans.

  “I was going to run to The Cookie Jar real fast, make sure it’s still in one piece. I need to see what I’m going to have to do to get things back in order tomorrow morning,” Lark said through gritted teeth, a black hair tie dangling from her mouth. “Sarah follows the recipes, but she has no clue how to do the books or anything else for that matter.”

  Devon watched as she used her fingers to pull her hair into a messy up do.

  “Is someone going with you?” He asked, sitting up glancing at the red illumination on the alarm clock. Six pm - they’d slept a few hours. It was probably a good idea to get up now, otherwise they would throw their bodies way off track.

  “Not yet, but I’m sure there will be some takers since they’ll get first dibs on leftovers. Did you want to come?” She turned from the mirror to look at him.

  “Yeah.” He wiped a hand over his face and through his hair. Getting up he grabbed a pair of jeans and a black shirt.

  “I wanted to check on Natalia too.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  Lark shook her head.

  “I know. It’s just; it must be hard for her. Even if she won’t admit it, she’s probably terrified. She’s been a prisoner for who knows how long and is in a strange place with people she doesn’t know.”

  Devon hadn’t really thought about that but could see where Lark was coming from. He admired Lark’s compassion for others, it was a wonderful and endearing quality.

  “You should, as long as she isn’t dangerous. She does seem to have taken a liking to you. You’re the only person she’s actually spoke to.”

  She shrugged watching him through hooded eyes as he slipped into his clothes.

  “She doesn’t like Daniel.”

  Devon laughed, remembering the red claw marks on his brother’s face. “I gathered that much. Between the two of you he had a rough night with women.”

  Lark flushed and bit her lip. “Oh, he told you about that.”

  Devon blinked studying her, he hadn’t really heard the story, and Daniel had been vague on the details.

  “I was so flustered and mad. I know he was just doing what Emmett asked, but I smacked him. I should probably apologize for that, he did so much to help out last night.”

  Devon grimaced. “I’m sure he deserved it. What did Emmett do to upset you?”

  Lark shivered and shook her whole body.

  “Ugh! I was so pissed. Planning my future and talking about me like I wasn’t there.” Red crept across her face as she spoke.

  Her gaze stayed on the floor for a long moment before trailing up to his.

  “You know what, I don’t want to think about that. It’s over and everything’s good. I’m just glad Emmett got what was coming to him. Are you ready?”

  “Let’s go.” Devon walked to the door and opened it for her.

  “How is Daniel taking everything? He seemed pretty freaked out when he thought I was going to shoot Emmett. I can’t imagine how he feels now,” Lark murmured.

  Devon sighed, “I’m not sure. Regardless of who Emmett was, he was still Daniel, Vincent, and Em’s father. I imagine they will grieve him in their own way. I think deep down he knew what was going to happen though.”

  Lark nodded. “Are you guys going to try to work things out?”

  “I don’t know, maybe,” Devon said after a long moment. He didn’t know that he and Daniel would ever be close, but maybe they could at least work on being civil to one another.


  Lark walked up to the ranches door, boxes in hand. Devon behind her with more containers. While she was glad that Sarah had taken over the bakery for her, her sister had overestimated the number of baked goods they needed.

  The guys at the ranch would be enjoying leftovers for a few days.

  Gene pushed the door open for her, a small tight lipped smile on his face as he looked at the boxes. Preston and Sarah trailed behind with even more.

  “Dev, when you’re done with that, we need to talk,” Gene said as they walked past.

  Lark sighed seeing the worry lines on Gene’s face and the tension in his stance.

  Gene turned to her.

  “And, if you don’t mind trying your charm on Natalia, Lark, it would be appreciated. According to Emily and Claire, Natalia never spoke to anyone her entire stint at the McKinley house. And she hasn’t spoke to anyone or let anyone near her or the baby since she woke up an hour ago. I want to make sure she is okay.”

  “Yeah, of course, let me just set these down.”

  Lark hurried into the kitchen, setting the boxes on the counter.

  “I’ll see you in a bit,” she said as she passed by Devon.

  “Hey.” Devon caught her arm. “Take Em or Vincent in there with you.”

  Lark gave him a small smile. She knew he meant well and was worrying over her, but didn’t think it was necessary. She hurried up the stairs to her old room and hesitantly knocked on the door.

  “Natalia,” she called when there was no answer to her knocks. “It’s Lark, can I come in?”

; Still no answer. Lark shifted on her feet unsure if she should go in or come back in a few minutes. Deciding the woman should at least be checked on since she wasn’t making any noise whatsoever, Lark pushed the door open.

  Natalia shot daggers at her as Lark entered the room.

  “Hi, I just wanted to check on you, make sure everything was okay?” Lark mumbled. Her eyes drifted to the baby who slept in the bed next to its mother. She’d seen him briefly last night. Claire and Emily had whisked him away while herself, Devon and Gene tended to his mother.

  “We’re fine,” Natalia said after a long moment.

  Lark shut the door, the woman wasn’t being overly friendly but she wasn’t attacking her or yelling for her to get out either.

  “He is adorable,” Lark said gazing at the sleeping baby. He looked like his mother, with his honeyed skin and head full of dark brown hair. “Have you thought of a name?”


  “I could pick you up a name book from the store tomorrow. Or we could bring a laptop in here and search online,” Lark suggested.

  “I want it to be special.” Natalia smiled as she grazed a finger down the infants face.

  “I’m sure whatever you choose will be nice,” Lark offered smiling at the sleeping child.

  “What will they do with him?” Natalia asked suddenly. Her bottom lip trembled and mist flooded her brown eyes.

  Lark frowned confused. “What do you mean?”

  “Fernando Juarez, I’ve seen what he does to women who have male babies. He takes them and sends them away. What will they do to him here?” She said, her voice breaking with emotions, a stray tear slipping down her face.

  “Nobody's going to take your baby,” Lark said horror slicing through her. She walked to the bed cautiously sitting down. “It’s not like that here. Gene and Devon are good guys. Your son will stay right here in the room with you.”

  “The fake alpha’s son and wife are here, I don’t trust it,” Natalia grasped the infant to her, briefly jostling him awake. “They cannot be trusted.”

  Lark paused trying to think of what to say to comfort the other woman.

  “Daniel helped us to escape remember? Even if you don’t trust him, I know Gene. I’ve known him since before I can remember. He’s like a brother to me. He’s not going to let anything happen to either of you. And though I haven’t known Devon long, I trust him with my life and my sister’s life. I…” Lark paused the L word at the tip of her tongue.

  Do I love him? Surely it was too early for that. Then again, she had gotten to know him, really gotten to know him these past few weeks.

  “How did you end up here? I’ve never seen a human infiltrate a pack before,” Natalia said quietly.

  Natalia’s question drew Lark from her thoughts.

  “My dad was the doctor for the pack before he passed. Speaking of doctors, you should let Louie look you over, and make sure everything is okay. We started you on antibiotics and some other medicines but-“

  “I am fine,” Natalia cut her off.

  “Is there anything I can get for you?” Lark wanted to help the woman, especially since it appeared she was the only person she was willing to communicate with.

  “I am a little hungry,” Natalia admitted.

  “I’ll go get something and bring it back up,” Lark offered, standing up.

  Chapter 26

  Devon got comfortable in the arm chair as Gene went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out two glasses and some whiskey.

  “I’m guessing it’s not good news,” Devon surmised.

  Gene poured the two drinks and handed one to Devon. “No, it’s not.”

  Devon closed his eyes, lifting the tumbler to his mouth and took a long swig, coughing slightly at the burning taste. Gene followed suit, draining the entire contents of his cup.

  “I got a call while you and Lark were out,” he paused to rake a hand through his hair. “From Fernando Juarez.”

  Devon growled, finishing the whiskey in one gulp. “What does he want?”

  “He requested an audience here on Sunday.”

  “You told him no, right?”

  “I said I would think on it,” Gene replied pouring more of the amber liquid.

  “Why didn’t you tell him where he could shove it?” Devon snapped, his closed fist thumping on the desk.

  “Because we need to think this through, Dev. I don’t want him here anymore than you do. But, we need to be diplomatic. Even with Derek’s help, we wouldn’t stand a chance against an attack from them. The Gulf packs are huge. I can’t even begin to imagine how many men are in their ranks.”

  Devon blew out a long breath and leaned back in the chair. “You know what he wants.”

  “I’m well aware of the fact that we now have four fertile females living amongst us. I have no intentions of turning over any of them,” Gene assured downing more of the alcohol.

  “What about Lark and Sarah. What do you think he wants with them?” Devon asked curiously.

  “It’s not completely unheard of for human women to conceive. There have been a few instances where it has occurred,” Gene said with a grimace. “In a way my father and I let them down, by allowing them to know our secret.”

  “Preston and Sarah seem pretty serious even if they’re young, and Lark takes everything in stride. She is really curious about us. I can’t imagine them not finding out sooner or later anyway,” Devon said. Lark was too nosy for her own good at times. Though he didn’t mind telling her things, in fact, he enjoyed it.

  “Speaking of Lark, what exactly are you doing with her? If you’re not serious about her don’t lead her on.” Gene said his brown eyes boring into him; his brow creasing with what Devon assumed was worry.

  “I like her, Gene,” Devon answered honestly, at this point he wasn’t sure like was a strong enough word for what he felt. “I thought we already had this conversation.”

  “We did. It’s just she’s like my sister and you my brother-“

  “And now you’re making it sound gross,” Devon concluded taking another sip of his liquor. “What do you want to do about Juarez?” He asked, changing the topic back to the matter at hand.

  Gene groaned and covered his head. “I’m not sure. I know we don’t want to piss him off, but we need to make our stance clear too.”

  “I think we need to do some leg work of our own. We have friends. No doubt they are at the same risks as us with the Gulf packs. We need to be more strategic in speaking with them,” Devon said thoughtfully.

  “I agree, but they are still miles, even states away from us. In the event of an emergency, they would never get here in time.”

  “Then we train here. Get our men and women ready,” Devon said.

  “What about Claire? She’s been around Juarez the past few months-“


  “Why not?”

  Devon spun his tumbler around on the desk, irritation settling over him.

  “All the things she let Emmett get away with, I just, I can’t trust her, Gene,” Devon stammered, the words making his gut wrench and twist with nausea. There was more to it than that, but that was it in a nutshell. Devon wasn’t up for a full blown heart to heart with his cousin. They had more important things to discuss.

  “Maybe she had no other options.”

  Devon stood up, the chair scraping against the hardwood as it slid back.

  “I don’t know, Gene. Let’s think on this Juarez thing for the night and discuss it more in the morning.”


  “What did Gene want?” Lark questioned as she strolled into the bedroom. She undid the ties on her robe, sliding it off her pale slender shoulders, and hung it on the back of the knob turning to him.

  Devon sucked in a breath some of the anger fleeting away as he stared at her. She was wearing the ridiculously short shorts and a tank top again. Her long legs taunted him, begging to be touched.

  “Why didn’t you take Emily or Vincent with you?” He replied forcin
g his mind to focus.

  Lark shrugged and came to sit on the bed.

  “I didn’t think it was necessary, and besides Natalia probably wouldn’t have spoken to me if I had. She’s fine by the way.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He was also glad to see she was as well.

  “I think it’s going to take her a while to feel comfortable here. So, what happened with Gene?”

  Devon closed his eyes, the situation had him flustered and pissed.

  “Fernando Juarez has requested an audience here. He wants to sit down and have a formal meeting.”

  “What?” Lark stiffened, eyes widening as she gaped at him. “Here? What does he want?”

  “He asked to come this weekend. I imagine he wants at least Natalia back and possibly Emily too.”

  “You guys told him no, right?”

  “Gene hasn’t told him anything yet. We were discussing the best options. I don’t want him anywhere near either of our homes.”

  “He’ll take the baby from Natalia,” Lark whispered.

  “What?” It was his turn to be stunned.

  “That’s what she told me. If it’s a boy they take them away,” Lark said, her eyes widening as she shuddered.

  “Probably off to start training them,” Devon said anger and disgust seething in him.

  Lark shook her head, her face mirroring what he felt.

  “She’s terrified, Devon. That man shouldn’t be anywhere near her or the rest of us.”

  Devon agreed. He didn’t like the idea either. “Gene wants to confer with my mom in the morning. Since Emmett spent so much time with him recently he thinks she might be able to give us some insight.”

  “I’m guessing you don’t like that idea either?”

  “She sat aside and watched Emmett do unspeakable things to me…to a bunch of people, and no I don’t like it,” Devon spat.

  “Have you talked to her since the car ride, maybe there is-“

  “Please don’t try to defend her. I get enough of that from Emily and Vincent.” Devon ground out fisting his hands into a tight ball.

  Lark crossed her legs as she got comfortable on the bed.

  “It’s probably not as easy as just telling Juarez no, is it?”


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