The Complete Kate Benedict Cozy British Mysteries

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The Complete Kate Benedict Cozy British Mysteries Page 24

by Carrie Bedford

  “So what happened when she told us her concerns? We didn’t pull out of the project?”

  “Apparently not. Did Rebecca say anything to you about any of this?”

  “No, nothing. I would have told you if she had.”

  I thought back. She and I hadn’t talked about work much at all. I’d told her a little about what I did, but she’d never really described her job. She said she liked it, that she enjoyed the challenge. But that was all.

  “And the vast majority choose to ignore scientific fact,” shouted one of the students, slamming his fist on his table, pulling me back to the present.

  “So should we be worried?” I asked Josh. “Are our jobs at risk? Alan called me this morning, asking me to come back. He said there’s loads of work to do. Of course, we do have other clients apart from Montgomery, so maybe he meant that I’d be working on some of those.”

  “He told me the same thing,” Josh said. “For now, at least, I think the company is safe and solvent. But losing the Montgomery project would take a serious toll.”

  “Talking of Montgomery,” I said. “He called me.” I told him what he’d said. When I’d finished, Josh looked stunned. “So he was Rebecca’s boyfriend. Did he kill her?”

  “Inspector Clarke thinks not. He has an alibi for the time that Rebecca died.”

  I sipped my coffee. “I wanted him to be the killer. I really dislike him.”

  “I suppose being an awful human being doesn’t make you a criminal.”

  We sat quietly for a minute.

  “Er, how’s the aura thing going?” he asked after a while. “Any more sightings?”

  “Yep. Still there, not that it’s doing me any good.”

  “You saved Aidan,” he said. “That has to count for something.”

  “But not Rebecca and not Nick.”


  I invited Josh to come to Leo’s for dinner, but he said his mum would kill him if he didn’t get back home soon. Finishing our coffee, we linked arms for the walk back to the station. Now he’d been out for a while, his limp seemed more pronounced and he looked tired.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked.

  “Soon. I told Alan I’d come back to work in about a week.”

  The train was at the platform when we reached the station and I was irrationally annoyed. Trains ran late all the time. Why not today, to give me a few more minutes with Josh? I knew he needed to go home, but I was reluctant to let him leave. He made me feel safe, dispelled my doubts, and made me believe that one day I would be able to forget the trauma of Rebecca’s death and the attack at my apartment. But there the train was, with a conductor walking along the platform, slamming the doors closed. Josh got into the nearest carriage and turned back to wave goodbye. I watched until the train disappeared around a bend in the tracks.


  The following morning, after an early start, I got to the office just before nine. Annie waved at me from the reception desk, looking pleased to see me. I’d chat with her later. For now, I wanted to get to my desk quickly, to demonstrate my good intentions to Alan.

  He’d left a sticky note on my computer screen telling me to go see him as soon as I arrived. With some trepidation, I walked to his office.

  “Come in,” he said. “Bloody mess this has been, losing you and Josh at the same time.”

  “I’m doing much better, thank you,” I said, smiling sweetly.

  He flushed. “Well, I’m sorry about that attack in your apartment, and not just because it’s fouling up our projects. You look okay. How’s Josh?”

  “Good. He’s looking forward to being back next week. So, what do you want me to work on?” I hesitated. “Is the Montgomery project still going ahead?”

  “Of course it is,” he said. “Montgomery might be a jerk, but we can lower our standards to work with him.”

  “What makes you so sure he’s a jerk?”

  Alan raised his hands. “Gossip. Rumor. Apparently, he was having an affair with that young woman who was his Financial Director.”

  “News does get around quickly,” I said. “I only found out about that a few days ago.”

  “Yeah, well, the police have been crawling around here, asking everyone questions, wasting time. Bloody inconvenient.”

  “They do have a murderer to catch,” I said.

  Alan muttered something under his breath.

  “I’m glad the project is still on,” I said. “Although Josh mentioned a problem with Montgomery’s finances.”

  I braced myself for Alan to rage about confidentiality of information or something. Instead, I saw him looking over my shoulder. I turned to see Jack in the doorway. Elegant as ever in his bow tie and expensive suit, he took a seat next to me.

  “Kate, my dear, how are you doing? I’m so sorry about the attack in your apartment. Dreadful. I hope you’re recovering? Have they identified the man who did it?”

  “No. But they’re confident they’ll find him. The sooner the better. He’s a lunatic. He killed Rebecca and Nick, and hurt Josh. I’d like to snap the cuffs on him myself.”

  Jack patted the back of my hand. “Very understandable. But let the police do their job. We don’t want you to put yourself in more danger. Are you sure you should be here? Don’t you need more time to recuperate?”

  “Oh, I’m doing so much better. I’m looking forward to working again. Thank you both for letting me come back.”

  “Well, if you’re sure,” Jack said. “You shouldn’t overdo things.”

  “Kate’s young and she can handle it,” interrupted Alan. “Speaking of which, we have lots to do and no time to sit around here talking. Here you are, Kate.”

  He handed me a piece of paper. “Those are the project codes. Check the status report for each one, create an action list and prioritize. You know what to do.”

  I stood up, excited to be back, thrilled to be needed. And I was relieved to hear that Alan wasn’t concerned about Bradley Cohen’s finances. Perhaps everyone had initially overreacted, or maybe Josh had misconstrued what Alan had told him.

  When I got to the door, I remembered something. “Alan, I promised Inspector Clarke that I’d go into the station some time today. It shouldn’t take long.”

  Alan frowned. “Really? What now?”

  “He wants me to look at a sketch of a man seen visiting Rebecca. A neighbor saw him on the stairs apparently. It will only take a few minutes. I’ll take a short lunch break and be right back.”

  “OK. I hope this investigation winds up soon. It’s taking up far too much of your time.”

  The morning passed in a blur of activity. Seeing that we’d fallen behind on several of our client projects, I created worksheets listing what needed to be done. Just before lunch, I was able to give Alan an updated project status and had started some catch-up work on a new shopping complex east of the City. As soon as that was done, I took a cab to the police station. Clarke wasn’t there, but a constable showed me the sketch that Gary had worked on. It was a good likeness of someone, I was sure, but not of anyone I recognized. Although I thought he resembled someone I knew or had seen somewhere, I couldn’t work out who it was. Rather irritated by the time I’d wasted, I hurried back, detouring to Alan’s office, where he and Jack were poring over blueprints spread out on the desk.

  “Just wanted to let you know I’m back,” I said. “It only took thirty minutes. I’ll stay a bit later this evening.”

  “Did you finger the bastard?” Alan asked.

  I shrugged. “No, he looked familiar, but I didn’t recognize him. Maybe it will come to me later.”

  The afternoon passed quickly. Alan called me at six to tell me he was on his way to a dinner meeting and would see me in the morning. I thought I heard him mumble ‘thank you for your help today’ but that seemed so unlikely that I decided I was imagining it.

  The overhead lights flickered as darkness gathered at the windows. A few team members dropped by to say goodnight.

od to have you back,” said Laura. “You want to go out for a drink?”

  “Tomorrow,” I said. “I’m going to get a little more done here.”

  I listened to their voices fading as they walked away towards the elevators. There was something eerie about the empty office building. I’d worked late nights and weekends a few times before, but usually preferred to take my work home with me. I was glad to hear the sudden roar of a vacuum cleaner further up the hallway. At least the janitors were around. I decided to leave when they did.


  I jumped, feeling a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my chest and stomach.

  “God, Jack, you scared me.”

  He was standing in the doorway of my office, leaning against the doorjamb.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Why are you working so late? You should be resting, you know.”

  “I’m feeling good, really. And there’s so much to catch up on.” I glanced at the time. “But you’re right, I should go home. I’m starving.”

  “Good, I’ll walk down with you. You need to be taking more care of yourself after all you’ve been through.”

  I gathered up my papers and stuffed them into my briefcase.

  “Stairs?” he asked.

  “Elevator,” I replied. “I’m tired and this case is heavy.”

  We walked to the end of the darkened hallway and waited for the elevator to arrive. I could still hear the vacuum cleaner, but no one was in sight. Jack was unusually quiet, so I tried to draw him out on the subject of an upcoming marathon. Questions about running usually elicited an enthusiastic response.

  Once we were in the elevator, Jack leaned against the back wall and I looked at him curiously, wondering what was wrong with him. The lights recessed in the ceiling above him flattened the angularity of his cheekbones, casting a rubescent glow on his skin and hair.

  I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach. A short gasp escaped me and I tried to conceal it by coughing loudly. In this light, his resemblance to the man in Gary’s sketch was obvious.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I hope I’m not getting sick.”

  He straightened up, giving me a quizzical look. “What’s wrong?”

  “Jack, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you have an aura. You’re going to die.”

  It wasn’t true. There was no aura, but I wanted to distract Jack, find an excuse to use my phone.


  I felt in my pocket for my phone. “I’m calling for an ambulance.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re doing, Kate, but I don’t need an ambulance.”

  Fumbling with my phone, I hit the speed dial for Clarke’s number and got his voicemail.

  “Emergency services?” I said. “I need help urgently at Bradley Cohen, in the lobby.”

  Jack was suddenly right next to me, yanking the phone from my hand. It tumbled to the floor. He stepped on it with the heel of his black, polished shoe.

  “What are you playing at?” he said.

  “You look terrible, Jack. I can see auras that predict death. Rebecca had one, and so did Nick. And you know they both died. You will too.”

  The elevator stopped in the lobby. This was my chance. I had to make a run for it. But when the doors opened, my exit was blocked by the man in the black wool coat.

  “Get in, Ernie,” Jack said, pressing the button for the garage in the basement.

  The two men talked during the short ride down, but I couldn’t hear the words for the roaring of the blood in my temples. My heart was trying to break out of my ribcage. When the elevator stopped, I inched towards the door. Making a run for it seemed like the only option. I swung my briefcase at Ernie’s knees. Barely flinching, he slammed a gloved hand against my mouth.

  “You’re a hard person to kill, Kate,” Jack said. “But I think this time we’ll succeed. Put her in the car, Ernie.”

  Ernie dragged me out of the elevator. The garage smelled of oil and fuel, and was lit with orange lights that cast a creepy glow across the expanse of empty concrete. There were only three vehicles left, two Mercedes parked next to each other, and a van I thought must belong to the janitors. One of the Mercedes’ was Jack’s and the other was Alan’s. Alan hated public transport, but sometimes used taxis to get to restaurants in town when he was meeting clients. Maybe that’s what he’d done this evening.

  Jack seemed to be consciously detaching himself from the scene, keeping a distance between himself and Ernie, refusing to look at me. So Ernie would do the dirty work while Jack kept his hands clean? That was what had happened before, I could see it all now. But why? Why would Jack need to kill Rebecca? And me.

  I realized my thoughts were rambling. I needed to concentrate, to work out how to get out of this mess. Ernie, knife in hand, grabbed my arm, dragging me towards Jack’s car.

  “This won’t work,” I said to him quietly. “Jack will get away with everything and you’ll be the one who gets arrested.”

  “Shut your mouth.” He aimed a punch at the side of my head.

  I staggered back against the car nearest to me. The alarm went off, strident and terrifying in the low-ceilinged space.

  “Turn that off,” Ernie yelled at Jack.

  “I can’t. It’s Alan’s car.”

  “Fuck,” said Ernie, and pushed me towards the other Mercedes. Jack clicked it open. Ernie threw me into the back seat. Something had to happen, I thought. Alan would come back. Someone would hear the alarm and come to investigate. Clarke would get my message in time.

  But right now, it appeared that no miraculous rescue was coming my way. Pulling some handcuffs from a pocket, Ernie tried to clamp them on to my wrists, but I slid across the seat to the far side.

  “Forget it,” Jack said. “The alarm’s going to attract attention. Let’s get out of here.”

  Ernie slammed the door closed and got into the driver’s seat. Jack sat on the passenger side. I tried to open the back door, but it was locked. I kicked the seat in front of me in frustration.

  Ernie reversed out of the space and accelerated towards the exit. I slid over to the seat behind him, leaned forward, grabbed hold of his short dirty-blonde hair and yanked his head back against the headrest.

  Jack reached over to slap my hands away, but I hung on, moved my fingers down to Ernie’s neck, and squeezed the soft flesh. Ernie lifted his hands off the steering wheel, tried to peel my fingers off one by one. He used his knees to steer, but the car was weaving, coming dangerously close to the painted concrete pillars that supported the garage ceiling. Jack grabbed the steering wheel, but that only seemed to make things worse. Ernie eased up on the accelerator.

  Jack undid his seat belt, turned around and clawed at me. “Jesus, Ernie, you should have tied her up.”

  I pressed hard on Ernie’s windpipe. He gagged and coughed. Whether deliberately or accidentally, he suddenly accelerated. The car shot across the garage at an angle, clipped the side of a pillar, spun around and slid head-on into the pillar again. The impact threw me back in my seat and knocked the breath out of me. Ernie’s head, freed of my grip, struck the window; blood flowed down the glass. Ernie slumped forward over the steering wheel. Jack threw his door open and jumped out. He ran across the garage towards the staircase that led back up to the lobby.

  I was having trouble breathing and my neck hurt, but I scrambled between the seats and out through the passenger door. Ernie might be unconscious, but I didn’t want to spend another second in the car with him.

  I stumbled out of the car, heading for the exit. I needed to find a phone, call emergency services.


  I turned to see Jack sitting on the stairs that led to the lobby. One arm hung limply at his side.

  “Kate. I need a doctor.”

  “You destroyed my phone, remember?”

  Wary, I took a few steps towards him. He had a cut on his brow that dripped blood on to his starched white shirt. His blue bow tie was undone, a strip of crushe
d silk hanging around his neck. Wincing, he moved his good hand, found his cell phone in a pocket. He held it out towards me. “Please, call for an ambulance.”

  I stood still, ten yards away from him, leg muscles twitching, ready to run. He put the phone on the ground and kicked it towards me. “For Christ’s sake, Kate. I could die here. I think I’m having a heart attack.”

  His face was ashen, starkly white against the red of the blood on his forehead. He didn’t have an aura, but I didn’t want to risk it. Whatever he’d done, he had been my friend. The phone was just out of reach. I dashed forward, retrieved it, backed up. After I’d made the call, I put the phone in my pocket.

  He patted the step next to him. “Come and sit. I can’t hurt you.”

  After hesitating for a few seconds, I accepted his invitation. My legs were wobbly, my knees felt like jelly. Sitting down seemed like a good idea. The coldness of the concrete seeped through my wool pants.

  “Why, Jack? Why did you kill Rebecca?”

  He shook his head. I couldn’t tell if it was meant to be a denial or a sign that he was too beaten up and ill to talk. He clutched at his chest.

  “I feel like I have a goddamn elephant sitting on me.”

  Taking off my jacket, I rolled it up and put it behind him. “Lean back,” I advised. “The ambulance will be here soon.”

  He did as I suggested, closing his eyes. After listening to his erratic breathing for a minute, I jumped to my feet, and pulled the phone from my pocket, trying to decide who else to call. The ambulance should have come by now. Just then, I heard a siren, distant at first and suddenly deafening as an ambulance appeared at the top of the ramp, washing the garage with blue and red light. With a squeal of tires, the vehicle pulled up behind me, disgorging two paramedics in yellow vests. One ran to the crashed car, the other towards Jack. Feeling sick, almost faint, I sat on the concrete floor, resting my head on my knees.

  A hand on my shoulder made me jump. I looked up to see Alan staring down at me, with a look of utter confusion on his face. “What the hell is going on?”


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