Desired by the Billionaire 3: Taken From Him (Lust, Love and Power Series)

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Desired by the Billionaire 3: Taken From Him (Lust, Love and Power Series) Page 3

by M. G. Morgan

  She could imagine it now. Mortification burning on her cheeks as Will buried his shaft inside her dripping body. Aidan watching their coupling from the other end of the plane. Watching as Will pushed her to the edge of pleasure and tipped her over into the abyss. She would have felt shame at such an exhibition but she would have let him do it.

  It confused her. How could he have such a hold over her? How could one man push her buttons so much that she would allow him to do such things to her? Paige had always tried to be a lady. But Will brought something else out in her. Something primal, raw and sexual.

  She crossed her legs and threw her gaze out the window to the rolling blue seas below. She needed to clear her mind of such thoughts. What lay ahead would be difficult enough without clouding her mind. Paige knew she needed to stop Will from having such a hold over her. If she was to survive what was coming she needed to be in control of herself.


  As the plane touched down Will pulled his phone from his pocket and began tapping out messages onto the bright screen. Paige found herself staring out the window at the beautiful surroundings. She wanted to ask Will where they were. It was like no place she had ever been before.

  "Where are we?" She couldn't keep the awe from her voice.

  "Chris has an island. He uses it for deals and well some of the other 'business' things he is involved in."

  "You mean one man owns all of this?" Paige asked. She stood and hurried after Will as he made his way to the door of the plane. The steps took them down to the scorching hot asphalt. Paige could practically feel the heat radiating up from the ground into her legs. A single bead of sweat wound its way down her spine to the waistband of her panties. Although everything looked beautiful the heat was almost unbearable.

  "Yes, all of this belongs to him." Will took her hand and squeezed it tight. The look he shot her made her knees tremble. He had not forgotten what they had shared on the plane, that much was obvious.

  Glancing over her shoulder Paige caught sight of Aidan watching her from the bottom step of the plane. His eyes were obscured with the sunglasses he wore but she could feel his cold gaze mentally undressing her. Uncomfortable wasn't enough to cover how he made her feel.

  Will towed her towards the car and helped her slide in ahead of him. The moment he sat in beside her he placed his hands across her knees possessively. Paige turned to Will, "Aidan won't be travelling with us?"

  Will narrowed his eyes and watched her carefully. Before he could open his mouth to answer the door on the other side of the car opened and Aidan slid into the seats opposite.

  He positioned himself so that his body was facing Paige, his knee brushing against hers. Try as she might to move discreetly and put her body out of his reach it was impossible. Each time she moved Aidan would subtly shift and his legs would once more be pressed against hers.

  "Didn't think you'd be travelling without me now did you?" His voice was cold and the question seemed to be aimed directly at Paige but she couldn't be sure. The way his glasses covered his eyes made it difficult to read his expression or to judge who he was addressing.

  "Of course not." Will answered, his tone equally cold. "Do you plan to share our room& too?"

  "Only if you insist on putting yourself in danger."

  The car was filled with tension as it pulled away from the runway. At the moment Paige would have wished herself anywhere but where she was. She didn't want to be caught between both men. One who seemed to care for her and the other who had every appearance of hating her guts. Even though the heat beyond the car was practically unbearable if she could have, Paige would have walked to wherever they were going. If only it meant that she was out of the tension.

  The car drove slowly and carefully through the tree lined dirt roads. Although it was smooth Paige still found her stomach rolling uncomfortably. The car drove over a pothole and tossed Paige from her seat. The seat belt caught her before she was thrown to the floor. Will's hands on her waist and Aidan's hands on her knees caused her to blush furiously. It was too much. And Paige fought back tears. Her feelings for Will were complicated enough without adding an insecurity about Aidan.

  The way he behaved around her made her skin crawl. He was dangerous of that she was certain. But why she had the feeling she didn't know. Surely he was only dangerous to the people he was chasing?

  Settling back against the seat Aidan released his hold on her legs slowly. She closed her eyes in an attempt to ignore both him and Will. If she had known things would get so messy this quickly then she would have refused to come. The part that confused her most was knowing that Aidan needed her help. She was the one who was supposed to know what Chris's deep dark accounting secret was. Without her help what else did Aidan have? Without Will's help what did he have? He was an enigma and one Paige didn't want to figure out.

  The car rolled to a stop in front of a large white condo. A man dressed in a white uniform of polo shirt and shorts stood on the porch waiting. The moment Will stepped out of the car and helped Paige out the stranger hurried down to where they stood on the path in front of the house.

  He held out his hand as he gave Will a beaming white smile. The tan on his face emphasised the whiteness of his teeth and Paige found herself wondering how he managed it. He pumped Will's hand up and down before turning to Aidan. He shot him a sideways glance before returning his gaze back to Will.

  Catching sight of Paige standing slightly behind Will he coloured a little. "Sir you are very Welcome to Freedom Island, but I must warn you. It must wear its collar at all times. We wouldn't want any mishaps to occur."

  Paige found herself bristling. How dare he. She had never in her life been spoken to in that way. She wasn't a thing. She was a human being with rights just like everyone else.

  "Because she is not your wife, the collar will be her only form of safety if she is outside unescorted. If at any point she fails to satisfy you, we will be happy to send someone down with a selection of others for you. We want you to enjoy your stay." The stranger smiled again.

  When he looked at Paige he looked straight through her as though she didn't even exist. Will frowned. "She has a name. She is just as important as I am. You would do well to remember that her comfort is just as important as mine."

  The stranger studied Will for a moment before bursting into raucous laughter. "Yes, Sir, of course. I understand completely." He winked and moved down the steps and onto the path. He turned back and smiled at Will once more. "I hope you enjoy your stay, my boss has been very particular about preparations." The smile didn't reach his eyes and the look he levelled on Will was cold.

  He turned and moved down the path, disappearing quickly into the tree line road.

  Will gripped Paige's hand tightly in his. The look in his eyes filled with apology. "I'm sorry about that but..."

  Aidan cut him off as he moved up the steps to the door of the condo. "I'll do a sweep of the place before you go inside. You shouldn't have argued with him. You know what their policy is on women..."

  Will bristled and moved up after Aidan. He caught the other man by the shoulder and spun him around to face him. "That might be their policy but it isn't mine and it shouldn't be yours. You of all people should know that." Will's voice was seething with anger and he bunched his fists by his side.

  Aidan's eyes flashed with something other than pure rage for a split second. It intrigued Paige and she found herself wondering what Will had meant when he said Aidan should basically know better.

  Aidan shrugged out of Will's grip. "If you don't mind I have a job to do." His voice was flat and devoid of emotion. But as his eyes fell on Paige she felt the familiar prickle of his distaste wash over her once more. Whatever had happened to him, he certainly hated Paige. Only something truly terrible could have made him behave the way he was...

  Paige moved up to where Will stood and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's alright..."

  Will turned to her his eyes still filled with the spark of anger. "It's
not. I shouldn't have brought you here... But..." The anger switched just as suddenly as it had arrived. The look in his eyes darkened and became predatory. He grabbed Paige suddenly and she had just enough time to let out a small yelp of surprise.

  His mouth crushed down on hers. Drawing the breath from her lungs until she was left gasping for air. His tongue sought entry to her mouth, brutal and punishing the kiss was filled with all of the rage and passion that Will had shown just moments before. Paige melted against him. Her knees weakening as she threw her arms around his neck.

  Will wrapped his hands into her hair. His fingers gripping tightly and tugging her head back, exposing the column of her white neck. Paige whimpered as the pain flared in her skull. But it was a different kind of pain. A pain borne of passion, submission and desire. He jerked her head back and trailed fiery kisses down the length of her neck. His teeth grazed against her soft skin and when he nipped her she cried out in surprise.

  She opened her eyes as he pulled her face back up to his. She wanted to tell him to stop that others were watching but the words wouldn't form in time. Will's mouth closed over hers once more. The kiss all consuming as he tried to devour her. He sank his teeth into her lip as he growled with need.

  Paige could feel herself submitting to him completely. It was a heady experience. She held onto him with her hands. Her legs had long since given out and it was Will's strength that held her upright. His tongue dove into her mouth and tangled with hers. Their kiss deepening and becoming more urgent.

  When Will finally broke free he swept Paige up into his arms. She could barely open her eyes and see through the fog of desire and lust that had descended upon her. If he had wanted to take her on the porch she would have let him.

  The emotions and feelings swirled within her. Far more than she had experienced on the plane or even in his bed the night before. What he was doing to her was beyond anything she had ever experienced before. She was lost. She was his. He wanted to posses her, own her, but what he didn't realise was that he already did. Paige had no defences left to hold up against Will.

  That kiss on the porch had finally sealed it. The thought hit her and it was almost sobering. It didn't stop her from lying in his arms as he carried her into the house. She wanted it. Wanted what he would give her and what he would in turn take from her. In that moment Paige knew she would give up her free will to be with him. She would do anything for him. Anything he wanted. She really did love him. She had known it all along but had tried to hide from it. But his kiss had been her undoing. There was no way she could hide from it anymore.

  Even if after all of this he let her go? The thought was painful but necessary. It told her everything that she needed to know. Even if Will discarded her after everything was done she would still allow him to own her.

  He kicked the door open and strode into the main reception area of the house. Aidan was nowhere to be seen. Will carried her to the stairs and took them two at a time to reach the upstairs landing. Aidan was leaving one of the bedrooms and the look of shock on his face would have at another time given Paige a thrill but not now.

  Now she was more consumed with her need for Will. She didn't care what Aidan or anyone else thought. All she knew was the feel of Will's hands on her body. The way he held her tight against his chest. The feel of his breath on her cheek as he climbed the stairs. And the sting in her lips from where his lips had pressed mere seconds before. She had often heard of a bruising kiss on the lips but she had never truly experienced it. Until now. Her lips were on fire, tingling, they felt fuller than before.

  Without thinking she lifted her fingers to her lips and pressed them against the warmth. It felt right somehow.

  Will walked straight past Aidan and into the room he had left not seconds before.

  "I'm not finished in there." Aidan called out after him.

  "I don't care." Will slammed the door behind and moved to the bed. He stood Paige on the floor and stared into her face. His thumb going to her lips he stroked it across their tingling surface.

  Paige's eyes fluttered shut and Will took that as an invitation. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her again. This kiss was more tender. As though his walk up the stairs had mellowed him out. But Paige could feel the passion that he barely held in check. It bubbled beneath the surface and she longed to release it. She wanted him to claim her.

  His hands slowly worked their way down the buttons on the front of her blouse. Opening each one slowly, almost deliberately. When it hung open his hands slid inside the material and across her aching skin.

  When he cupped her breasts in his hands she moaned. The sound pushing Will past the point of no return. His kiss deepened claiming her mouth and Paige let him. Her body melting in against his as their clothes fell away.

  He pushed her back onto the bed and climbed over her. His erection hard and demanding as it pressed against her belly. Paige couldn't resist gripping it in her hands, feeling the silky smooth skin that would soon be inside her. How could something so silky cause such intense pleasure?

  Paige's hand travelled up and down its length stroking and testing. She watched as Will's eyes closed and he sucked in a deep breath through his teeth.

  "If you keep that up I won't be able to do as I've promised." He half growled the words. His hand closed over Paige's halting her exploration. He pinned her arms above her head and she whimpered.

  He held his body above hers, poised. It reminded her of a predatory animal about to strike. The calm before the storm. He pressed the tip of his shaft against her opening and Paige whimpered again. She needed to feel him inside her. She wanted that moment of completion. That perfect moment as he filled her body and she was one with him. Nothing between them. No barriers. Just their bodies joined and fulfilling each others pleasure.

  "Take me." Paige whispered the words as tears slid from her eyes. There was no going back. Will looked at her. His eyes searching hers for the answers to the questions he had yet to ask. The smile that curved his lips let Paige knew that he understood what she was giving him. She was giving him her all. Submitting to him, utterly.

  He thrust into her and Paige's eyes fluttered closed. She clawed at thin air as he stroked back out of her body before pushing deeper inside. He held her hands above her head.

  She was pinned beneath him, like a butterfly in a pin she couldn't escape and she didn't want to.

  He drove his body into hers and Paige cried out. The pleasure and the pain of his intense love making drawing ragged sobs from her throat. Part of her wondered if he could break her apart? If by forcing himself so deeply inside her that he could split her open and someone new would emerge.

  He pushed up into her again, the force bowing her spine upwards. She arched off the bed towards him and he chose that moment to kiss her. His lips found hers a hungry all consuming kiss. Nothing tender remained. It was as though their frustrations and fears had become manifest and were forcing them to this fiery passion.

  Will's mouth closed over hers, stealing her breath and leaving Paige dizzy. She wanted to cry out but she had nothing left. No air, no breath nothing but the spiralling pleasure building in her core. Sending waves through her, they crashed onto her leaving her mind blank.

  Paige was vaguely aware of Will's thrust becoming more fevered. Their breaths turning to pants and sobs as they urged each other to the edge. His body stiffened inside her, his body buried deep within her. He finally released her hands and Paige dug her nails into his shoulders. She needed something solid to hold onto. She feared that if she didn't anchor herself that she would simply dissolve and blow away on the wind.

  Her body reached its peak and Paige opened her mouth and screamed. One long ragged cry. To anyone that heard it they would know that she was giving her all. Everything she was now belonged to Will. His cry joined hers as he bucked and spilled himself inside her. The warmth spread within Paige. She could feel it and it was just as she had imagined. No she wouldn't spilt apart but everywhere that the warmt
h touched spread new life within her. She would have a piece of him inside her. He was a part of her and no one could change it.

  Will collapsed beside her. His body withdrawing from hers leaving Paige alone once more. If she could have kept him there with her she would have. It felt right to have him so close.

  His hand found hers and he lifted it to his lips. The kiss small and chaste. All the passion and fervour of earlier spent. Paige lay there her eyes barely registering her surroundings. Her body still tingled in the afterglow.

  Will sat up slowly and looked down at Paige. In his eyes she could still see the lingering of his lust for her and it sent a small thrill racing through her body. Even after what they had done to know that he still wanted her made her happy.

  "I know you're not going to like what I have to say next but..." Will paused and glanced around the room for a minute. "You're going to have to obey the rules here and wear the collar... In public..."

  All of Paige's happiness vanished in an instant. Sitting up she pulled the sheets in around her body. "Why say it now? After what we shared why bring that up now?" She was glad to hear her voice remained level and calm.

  Will rubbed his hands across his eyes. "I suppose because I thought you might be in a better mood after sex."

  Paige sucked in a breath and tried to keep her temper in check. "You know I despise wearing it. I'll wear it for you... But out there..." She gestured to the window. "Out there it's different..."

  A thought hit her then. The strangers words about her having to wear the collar and Will's strange insistence that she trust him and wear it... Everything was beginning to fall into place. He knew she would have to wear it here. It was far more than just a game. He had actually tricked her. Yes she trusted him but she had never thought that he would bring her some place where her free will was forfeit.


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