The Native American Experience

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The Native American Experience Page 49

by Dee Brown

  West, G. Derek. “The Battle of Adobe Walls (1874).” Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, Vol. 36, 1963, pp. 1–36.

  The Westerners. Potomac Corral, Washington, D.C. Great Western Indian Fights. New York, Doubleday, 1960.

  White Bull, Joseph. The Warrior Who Killed Custer … Translated and edited by James H. Howard. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1968.

  Winks, Robin W. “The British North American West and the Civil War.” North Dakota History, Vol. 24, 1957, pp. 139–52.

  Wright, Peter M. “The Pursuit of Dull Knife from Fort Reno in 1878–1879.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 46, 1968, pp. 141–54.


  A | B | C | D | E

  F | G | H | I | J

  K | L | M | N | O

  P | Q | R | S | T

  U | V | W | Y


  Adobe Walls fight, 265-66

  Afraid-of-the-Enemy, 444

  Albuquerque, N.M., 28, 34

  Alchise, 409-10

  Allerdice, Susannah, 173-74

  Allison, William B., 279, 282

  Almy, Jacob, 214-15

  Alvord, Henry, 256-57

  American Horse, 302-03

  Anthony, Scott J., 83-87

  Apache Pass, 193-200, 212, 392-96

  Apaches, 11, 20-22, 191-217, 257, 368, 372-413; (Aravaipa), 192, 200-05, 213-17, 393, 412-13; (Chiricahua), 192-96, 208-17, 392-413; (Coyotero), 193-94, 201, 214; (Jicarilla), 389; (Mescalero), 20-22, 197-201, 399; (Mimbreno), 194, 198; (Pinal), 202; (Tonto) 207-08, 213-14

  Arapahos, 10, 68-69, 74-118, 126, 132-37, 148, 158, 160-72, 188, 243, 257, 265, 268, 276, 280, 297, 340-41, 389

  Arawaks, 2

  Armijo, 16, 28-29, 34


  Baker, Eugene M., 178

  Barboncito, 15-16, 22-25, 28-29, 32-34

  Bascom, George N., 193-94

  Battey, Thomas, 258, 262, 271

  Battle Butte, 307

  Battle of the Big Hole, 324-25

  Battle of the Little Bighorn, 291-97

  Battle of the Rosebud, 288-91

  Battle of the Washita, 167-69, 243

  Bear Paw mountains, 326

  Bear Tooth, 144

  Beard, Dewey

  See: Wasumaza

  Beckwourth, James, 87-94, 130, 133

  Beecher, Frederick, 166

  Beecher Island fight, 164-66

  Belknap, W. W., 284

  Bent, Charlie, 72-73, 86-92, 96, 98, 100, 107-08, 148; death, 150

  Bent, George, 72-77, 83, 86-88; wounded at Sand Creek, 91-92; portrait, 93; at Platte Bridge, 98; 105-08, 117, 148-50, 158-61, 167

  Bent, Robert, 87-91

  Bent, William, 69, 72-76, 86-87, 92, 100, 108, 150, 167

  Benteen, Frederick, 297

  Betzinez, Jason, 406-10

  Big Bow, 253

  Big Eagle, 38, 42-48; portrait, 49; 50, 52-57; imprisoned, 61-62

  Big Elk, 355

  Big Foot, 188, 308, 434-36, 439-42; photograph at Wounded Knee; 443; 444-45

  Big Hole river, 324

  Big Mouth, 123-28, 142

  Big Rascal, 137

  Big Snake, 363-66

  Big Tree, 250-70

  Birch Coulee fight, 52-53

  Black Bear, 104, 110-14, 132

  Black Coyote, 442, 444

  Black Eagle, 324

  Black Elk, 290, 292, 296, 446

  Black Hawk, 5

  Black Hills, 105, 113-18, 122, 273-85, 289, 297-305, 333-34, 416

  Black Horse, 131

  Black Jim, 234, 236, 240

  Black Kettle, 10, 67-78; speech in Denver, 79-80; portrait, 81; 84-87; at Sand Creek, 88-101; 148-50, 158-67; killed, 168-72

  Black Moon, 115

  Blackfeet, 177-78, 180

  Board of Indian Commissioners, 180, 189

  Bogus Charley, 236

  Bonito, 406-07

  Bosque Redondo reservation, 21-22, 25-33, 197-200

  Boston Charley, 221, 225, 235-40

  Boutelle, Frazier, 224

  Bozeman Trail, 97, 105, 123-35, 140-45, 286

  Brady, Mathew, 183

  Brave Bear, 296

  Bridger, James, 112, 130-33

  Briesly, C. B., 204-05

  Brughiere, Johnny, 304

  Brunot, Felix R., 370-71

  Buffalo, slaughter of, 268, 336, 264-65

  Buffalo-Calf-Road-Woman, 290

  Buffalo Chief, 161

  Bull Bear (Cheyenne), 77-78; portrait, 81; 82, 105, 148-50, 153-56, 161-63

  Bull Bear (Comanche), 260

  Bull Head, 437

  Bureau of Indian Affairs, 180, 206, 222, 256, 268, 284, 332, 338, 355, 362, 368, 370, 376, 389, 394, 404, 420, 435-36


  Cadette, 21

  California Indians, 220

  Camp Grant, 200-02; massacre at, 204-06; 215-16

  Camp McDowell, 207-08, 213

  Camp Robinson

  See: Fort Robinson

  Camp Supply, 169, 172

  Camp Verde, 214-15

  Camp Weld, 79

  Canalla, 373, 379-80

  Canby, Edward R. S., 151-6, 24, 29, 228-37; killed, 238-39

  Canyon de Chelly, 23-27, 30

  Captain Jack

  See: Kintpuash

  Carey, Asa, 29

  Carleton, James, 20-26, 29-33, 192, 196-99

  Carr, Eugene A., 172-73

  Carrington, Henry B., 128-34, 137-38

  Carson, Christopher (Kit), 20-27, 100, 367-68

  Catch-the-Bear, 437

  Chato (Chiricahua Apache), 402, 406-09, 412

  Chato (Mescalero Apache), 21

  Cherokees, 7

  Cherry, Samuel, 386

  Cheyenne River Agency, 300, 417, 430-31, 434

  Cheyennes, 10, 105-18, 217, 327, 332, 389; (Northern), 70, 96-97, 126-40, 145, 149, 172, 176, 188, 276-306, 331-49, 358-59; (Southern), 67-102, 148-76, 243, 248, 265-70, 332, 334, 363-64; See also: Dog Soldiers

  Chief-Comes-in-Sight, 290

  Chihuahua, 406, 408-09

  Chivington, John M., 73, 75, 78-79, 83-94, 107, 137

  Civil War, 9, 39, 42, 69, 76, 80, 179-80, 196, 199, 213, 246

  Clark, William P., 333, 348

  Cleveland, Grover, 412

  Clum, John, 216-17, 393-98, 404, 412

  Cochise, 11, 192-94; portrait, 195; 196-200, 206-08; speech, 209-10; 211-13, 216; death, 217, 392

  Cody, William F, 427, 436, 438

  Cole, Nelson, 105, 113-18

  Colley, Samuel G., 74-76

  Collins, Caspar, 98

  Collins, John, 279

  Colorow, 373, 381-84; portrait, 385; 388

  Columbus, Christopher, 1-2

  Colville reservation, 330

  Colyer, Vincent, 206-08, 215

  Comanches, 11, 158, 160, 167-72, 241-71, 389, 413; (Kwahadi), 244, 255-60, 264-65, 268-70; (Penateka), 257-58; (Yamparika), 242, 248, 257-58

  Conner, Daniel, 198-99

  Connor, James, 86-87, 90

  Connor, Patrick E., 104-18, 122-24, 136, 173

  Conservation and the Indians, xvii, 7, 144, 248, 269, 299

  Coronado, 269

  Cox, Jacob, 184-87

  Cramer, Joseph, 86-87

  Crawford, Emmet, 278

  Crazy Horse, 10, 132-36, 140-41, 273, 278-79, 283-87; in Battle of Rosebud, 288-90; origin of name, 289; at Little Bighorn, 294-97; 300-10; pictograph of assassination, 311; 312-13, 332, 441

  Crook, George, 206-08; first Apache campaign, 213-17; 278-79; fights Plains Indians, 285-91; 302-12, 333-35, 342; dealings with Poncas, 358-62; 373, 386; second Apache campaign, 392, 402-10; resigns command, 411-12; dealings with Sioux, 428-31

  Crow Creek agency, 300, 417, 428-29

  Crow Dog, 420, 429

  Crow King, 292, 294; portrait, 295; 296, 420

  Crows, 68, 133, 144, 249, 288-89, 307

  Curly Headed Doctor, 221, 225-26, 233

  Curtis, Samuel R., 79

  Custer, George Armstrong, 138-39, 151, 154, 157, 166-70, 173, 243-44,
253, 274-78, 288-90; at the Little Bighorn, 291-98; 427



  See: Sioux

  Danforth, E. H., 372

  Davis, Jefferson C, 238-40

  Dawes, Henry L., 422-26

  Delgadito, 16, 22, 25-28, 34

  Delshay, 11, 192, 207-08, 213-15

  Denver, Colo., 68, 75, 78-79, 83, 96, 99, 367, 373, 376-78

  Dog Chief, 442

  Dog Soldiers, 10, 70, 73-74, 77, 92, 148-50, 157-63, 172

  Donehogawa See: Parker, Ely

  Douglas See: Quinkent

  Drum, William F., 437

  Dull Knife, 10, 97-98, 106-10, 117, 124, 128, 131, 140, 188, 305, 331-35; portrait, 337; 338-49, 358

  Dundy, Elmer S., 359-60, 362, 364

  Dyar, L. S., 228, 230, 236, 238


  Eagle Heart, 253

  Edmunds, Newton, 122-23, 298, 421-22

  Egan, James, 286

  Ellen’s Man, 221, 227, 236

  Elliott, Joel, 169

  Eskiminzin, 192, 200-02; portrait, 203; 206, 213, 215-16, 393-94, 412-13

  Evans, John, 74-80, 82, 86, 94, 367


  Fairchild, John, 231

  Fast Bear, 253

  Fetterman, William J., 136-37

  Fire Thunder, 141

  Fleet Foot, 124-25

  Forsyth, George A., 163; scouting command, 164-66; 401-02

  Forsyth, James W., 441-42

  Foster, Charles, 428

  Fort Abraham Lincoln, 276

  Fort Apache, 214, 402, 404

  Fort Atkinson, 72

  Fort Bascom, 269

  Fort Bowie, 216-17, 402, 410

  Fort Buford, 420

  Fort C. F. Smith, 133, 140, 145

  Fort Canby, 24, 27-28

  Fort Clark, 263-64

  Fort Cobb, 166, 170, 172, 243-44

  Fort Concho, 264, 269

  Fort Connor (See also Fort Reno, Wyo.), 108, 118

  Fort Defiance, 15-16, 24

  Fort Dodge, 269

  Fort Fauntleroy, 16

  Fort Fetterman, 286

  Fort Keogh, 303-04, 307, 326, 332, 348-49

  Fort Klamath, 240

  Fort Laramie, 68, 96, 105, 114, 118, 123-31, 143-46, 176-77, 182-88, 279

  Fort Lamed, 70, 72, 150-53, 156, 158, 162-63

  Fort Lyon, 72-76, 83-86

  Fort McPherson, 139

  Fort Marion, 270-71, 412

  Fort Omaha, 358-59

  Fort Pembina, 64

  Fort Phil Kearny, 131-35, 140, 145, 180

  Fort Randall, 177, 182, 355, 420-23

  Fort Reno (Okla.), 334-36, 341, 364

  Fort Reno (Wyo.), 118, 128, 130, 145

  Fort Rice, 293

  Fort Richardson, 249, 252-54, 260, 269

  Fort Ridgely, 45-46; attacks on, 47-49; 51

  Fort Riley, 151

  Fort Robinson, 188, 278, 280, 283, 300, 310-11, 327, 331-46; Cheyenne outbreak, 347-49; 358-59

  Fort Sill, 172, 244, 249, 252-58, 262-63, 268-71, 336, 413

  Fort Snelling, 60

  Fort Sumner, 21, 28-29, 32

  Fort Thomas, 396, 402

  Fort Wallace, 150

  Fort Walsh, 417-18

  Fort Wingate, 16, 22-28, 31-33, 399

  Fort Wise, 69

  Fort Yates, 437

  Fort Zarah, 150

  Free, Mickey, 408


  Galbraith, Thomas, 40, 42, 54

  Galvanized Yankees, 107, 118, 123, 130

  Gall, 10, 132, 293-94; portrait, 295; 303-04, 420, 426, 428

  Gatewood, Charles, 411-12

  Gentles, William, 312

  Geronimo, 11, 197, 392, 394; portrait, 395; 396, 398, 401-02, 405-12; dies, 413; 417

  Ghost Dance religion, 416, 431-42

  Ghost shirts, 434, 436

  Gibbon, John, 288, 290, 323-25

  Godfrey, 59

  Granger, Gordon, 208-10

  Grant, Ulysses S., 177-90, 205-06, 212, 257, 276-77, 318

  Gray Beard, 148, 150, 156, 159

  Graydon, James, 21

  Grass, Chief, 188, 423

  Grass, John, 423, 426, 428, 430-31;

  portrait, 433

  Great Sioux Reservation, 416-17, 420-22, 428, 431

  Greenwood, A. B., 69-70, 88

  Grierson, Benjamin, 244-45, 249-53

  Grouard, Frank, 302

  Guerrier, Edmond, 86-88; portrait, 95; 159, 340

  Guitan, 263-64


  Hairy Bear, 365-66

  Hancock, Winfield Scott, 150-59, 248

  Harney, William S., 100, 142-46, 161

  Haworth, James, 260, 262-63, 270

  Hayfield fight, 140-41

  Hazen, William B., 167

  Heinmot Tooyalaket See: Joseph (Nez Percé)

  Herrero Grande, 16, 28-29, 31-32, 34

  High Back Bone, 133-34, 140

  High Hawk, 429

  Hinman, Samuel, 42, 45, 279, 298, 421-22

  Hodt, Nicholas, 18

  Hollow Horn Bear, 429

  Hooker Jim, 221, 225-40

  Howard, E. A., 356-58

  Howard, Oliver Otis, 211-13, 320-28

  Hump, 132, 135, 294; portrait, 295; 307


  Indian Territory, 240, 329-30, 333-42, 351-59, 362-66, 376-77, 381, 387, 422

  Iron Shell, 138

  Iron Thunder, 292

  Iroquois, 178-79, 182, 186, 190

  Isatai, 265-66


  Jack (White River Ute) See: Nicaagat

  Jackson, Andrew, 5

  Jackson, James, 222, 225

  Jeffords, Tom, 211-13, 216-17, 392, 394, 398

  Johnson (Ute) See: Canalla

  Joseph (Nez Percé), 12, 316, 318; portrait, 319; 320-27; surrender speech, 328-29; dies, 330

  Juanita, 19

  Juh, 401

  Julesburg, Colo., 94


  Kaws, 353

  Kayitah, 411-12

  Kemble, Edward C, 353-55

  Kicking Bear, 431-32; portrait, 433; 434-35

  Kicking Bird, 11, 248-49; portrait, 251; 252, 254-56,

  260-64, 268, 270; dies mysteriously, 271

  Kill Eagle, 294

  King Philip, 3, 4, 7

  Kintpuash, 12, 219-22; portrait, 223; 224-39; executed, 240

  Kiowas, 10-11, 101, 150, 158, 160, 167, 169, 172, 241-71, 389, 413

  Klamath reservation, 221-22, 228

  Klamaths, 221

  Kowtoliks, 324


  Lame Deer, 287

  Lapwai reservation, 320-21, 330

  “Laramie Loafers,” 123-24, 128, 133, 142, 177

  Lava Beds, 225; first battle, 226-27; 228-33, 236-37; second battle, 238-39

  Lawton, Henry W., 333-36

  Lawyer (Aleiya), 317-18

  Lean Bear, 69-72, 77, 82

  Le Claire, Peter, 352

  Left Hand (Arapaho), 78, 83-84, 87, 89, 91, 94

  Left Hand (Cheyenne), 340, 343, 346

  Leg-in-the-Water, 94

  Lewis and Clark Expedition, 316, 323, 352

  Lightning Blanket, 46-48, 50

  Lincoln, Abraham, 59-61, 70

  Little Big Man, 279; leads demonstration, 283; fights at

  Battle Butte, 307; portrait, 309; agency policeman, 312

  Little Bighorn river, 290-97

  Little Crow, 9, 39-40; portrait, 41; 42-43; speech, 44-45, 46-49; wounded, 50-51; 52-56; farewell speech, 57-58; flight to Canada, 62; killed 63; 123, 421

  Little Horse, 110-12, 136

  Little Raven, 10, 68-70, 77-78; portrait, 85; 83-84, 99-100, 149, 158, 160

  Little Robe, 160, 167, 170, 172, 243

  Little Wolf, 135, 145, 188, 286, 306, 331-35, 338; portrait, 339; 340-43, 348

  Little Wound, 138, 422

  Loco, 398, 401-02, 407

  Logan, John, 425

  Lone Wolf, 11, 243-46; portrait, 247; 249, 252, 254-56; visits Washington, 257-58; 260-66, 268-70; dies, 271
r />   Looking Glass, 320, 323-24, 328

  Los Pinos agency, 368, 370-71, 387

  Louderback, David, 86, 88

  Low Dog, 286, 292, 296

  Lower Brulé agency, 300, 417, 428-29


  McGillycuddy, Valentine, 422, 437

  McKenzie, John, 64

  Mackenzie, Ranald, 260, 269-70; attacks Dull Knife’s village, 306; 332, 334, 336

  McLaughlin, James, 426-27, 430-31, 435-37

  MacLeod, James, 418-19

  Magpie, 92, 149, 167

  Mamanti, 250, 252, 271

  Mangas (son of Mangas Colorado), 407-08

  Mangas Colorado, 11, 194-98; killed, 199-220; 211

  Manifest Destiny, 8, 23, 31, 189

  Mankato, 42, 46, 50-53; killed, 57

  Manuelito, 11-12, 14-16; portrait, 17; 18, 22, 27-32; surrenders, 33; speech on return to homeland, 34-36

  Manypenny, George, 298

  Martine, 411-12

  Mason, Stanton A., 364-65

  Massasoit, 3

  Maynadier, Henry, 123-26

  Mazakootemane, Paul, 55, 58

  Meacham, Alfred B., 228, 230-33, 236-38

  Medicine Bottle, 42, 47, 58, 62, 64

  Medicine Lodge Creek Council, 158-162

  Medicine Lodge Treaty, 243, 248

  Meeker, Arvilla, 374, 388

  Meeker, Josie, 374

  Meeker, Nathan C, 372-88

  Miles, John D., 334, 336, 338, 340

  Miles, Nelson, 269, 304-07, 312; fights Nez Percés, 326-29; 332; pursues Apaches, 411-13; opposes Ghost Dance, 436-37

  Mills, Anson, 302

  Minnesota river, 38, 42, 46, 48, 51, 58, 60

  Modocs, 12, 219-40

  Morning Star See: Dull Knife

  Mount Vernon Barracks, Ala., 412-13

  Murphy, Thomas, 157, 159

  Music, 36, 102, 146, 313, 413, 447

  Myrick, Andrew, 40, 45, 54


  Naiche, 211, 217, 394; portrait, 397; 398, 401-02, 410-11

  Nana, 11, 200, 398, 401-02; portrait, 403; 407-08

  Navahos, 11, 14-36

  New Ulm, Minn., 46; attack on, 50-51; 60

  Nez Percés, 12, 310, 316-30

  Nicaagat, 367, 372-73; portrait, 375; 377-88

  No Heart, 299

  Nordstrom, Charles, 170

  North, Frank, 108, 113, 173

  Northern Pacific railroad, 426

  Norton, A. B., 33


  Oakley, Annie, 427


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