Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5)

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Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5) Page 22

by Bianca Sommerland

  He hadn’t given up on her. His saying, “say red if . . .” might have got her wondering if she’d need to, but instead it brought her to the scene mentality. She trusted him. She could let go.

  “That’s it.” Cort stroked her side as she let the muscles in her thighs relax. “Such a good girl.”

  The thickness of him spread her open. She was wet enough to let him glide in half his length easily, but she had to force herself to relax to take more. The full sensation was exquisite, but a shallow thrust made her lips part. He hit something inside her that hurt.

  “There we go. You don’t need to say it.” Cort kept one hand on her hip and fisted the other at the base of his dick. “Deeper than this is too much, but you feel so good, it doesn’t matter. Move with me, baby.” He gave her a positively evil smile as she moved to drop her hands to his chest. “Keep them there. Let those strong little legs do all the work.”

  Oh God! All the muscles in her thighs worked as she rode him, but it was that tone that almost set her off. The tone of a Dom taking over, using her exactly as he pleased. Leaving her only the power to hand herself over to him, to sink into that place where she knew only her surrender would satisfy him.

  Or her.

  Fingers twined behind her neck, she rose and fell, faster, harder, moaning as he dug his fingers into her skin and lifted up to meet her. The feeling of his fist keeping her from going too far somehow added to the rough ride, almost bruising as she slammed down on him. But the pain was so damn good. Raw and brutal as they both gave in to what they’d been wanting for days. Pleasure laced through her like a fiery, silk ribbon, whipping in and around her core until it burst out and she dropped down on him, grateful for the arm that held her as she came apart.

  The arm was like a steel bar across her back as Cort joined her, letting out a soft curse into her hair as he came hard. He didn’t move the hand that kept him from going deeper until his dick grew slack inside her, and when he moved it, he didn’t pull out. Which allowed her to take the rest of him. To slowly glide over him until a second climax shuddered through her. Her heart stuttered again, but this time, it wasn’t from her body and mind working against her. Her whole being seemed to have come to the same decision as she lay in his arms.

  This was where she belonged.

  “Fuck, Akira.” He spoke quietly, kissing her cheeks and holding her close as he rolled to his side. “How can I ever let you go?”

  “Don’t.” She nuzzled his neck, hissing as he slipped out of her, only now realizing how tender she was. “I give you permission to never ever let me go.”

  “It’s too soon to say that, Tiny.” He released her, sliding over to the edge of the bed to remove the condom and wrap it in a tissue from the box on her night table. Then he dropped it into the small trash can by her bed, keeping his back to her for a few long moments. “I’ll hang on for as long as I can, but maybe he’s right.” He shook his head, laughing. “Fucking awesome time to bring him up.”

  She knew exactly who he meant, but had to ask anyway. “Him?”

  “Ford.” Cort took a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. “We should have discussed this before. He’s the reason you didn’t tell me your name.”

  “Not the whole reason.” She pursed her lips, not too happy that she was having this chat with Cort’s back. “Look at me. Did you talk to him?”

  He turned and met her eyes. “Yes.”

  “And he said something to piss you off.” Typical Ford. And, naturally, he’d pretended everything was fine when he’d called her. She brought the sheet up to cover her breasts, scowling at her bended knees. “Let me guess. How dare you take what’s his?”

  “No.” Cort took her hand between his and stroked his thumbs over her pulse. “He’s worried that I’m using you. Because I’m bored of the biker chicks I usually go for.”

  “But you’re not. And he’s your best friend, so he should know better.” She was a little surprised that Ford’s concern was more about her than about some kind of territorial BS. But she didn’t want to give him too much credit. “I want to be friends with him—for Jami, if nothing else, because they’re still close. That can’t happen if he can’t accept me and you.”

  “I’m not all that concerned about what he accepts.” Cort dropped back down onto the bed, bringing her with him. “He’s my boss, that’s it. He’s made that clear.”

  “He. Did. What?” She shoved away from Cort, sitting up and placing her hands on her hips. “Oh, no. You two are not losing your friendship because of me.” She moved to get out of bed. “I’m going to talk to him.”

  Cort grabbed her and dragged her to him, shaking with laughter. “Not so fast, Tiny. Pretty sure his nurse will have a fit if you wake him up this early.”

  She glanced at the clock, then sighed. “Fine, but I am going to speak to him.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “You don’t get a say.” She pressed her hands to his massive chest, happy that he let her hold him down, needing to make something very clear. “See this bed? You’re only in charge when we’re in it.”

  “Really?” He chuckled, flipping her over onto her back, pressing himself between her thighs, hard again. “What about when I take you in my bed. Or my car. Or up against any hard surface I can find?”

  “Then too.” She gasped as he thrust his fingers into her, blazing again as though his touch was a match dropped into a pool with oil floating on the surface. “But not with him, Cort. I need you two to be okay.”

  Cort grabbed his wallet, found another condom, and quickly rolled it on. He wrapped his hand around the base of his dick, then filled her with one hard thrust. “For me, or for him?”

  The way he took her, as though she belonged to him, made it impossible for anything but the truth to cross her lips. She cried out as he restrained her wrists in one of his hands over her head, never letting up on his solid thrusts. “Both. I need it for you both!”

  His pace faltered at her words, and she almost wished she could take them back. But then he dragged one fierce orgasm out of her. Continued until she had another.

  “A Dom gives a sub what she needs.” He growled into her ear as he came. “So I’ll give you this. But I meant what I said.”

  “I know.” She wasn’t sure which part, but she believed him. Right now, she was pretty sure he could say anything and she’d believe him. “I know, Cort.”

  “I’m not letting you go. Not for anyone.” His tone was rough. A little broken as he held her close. “Not unless I have no other choice.”

  * * * *

  Cort waited two days to go see Ford, distracting himself with crap work at the auto body shop, taking out dents and changing windshields until his muscles told him to back the fuck off. A call from Ford’s nurse letting Cort know Ford had been released prompted the visit. The man being strong enough to go home was perfect. Sure, Ford wasn’t in any condition to go a few rounds with him physically, but he could stand on his own two feet. Wouldn’t lash out as much because he wouldn’t feel so vulnerable.

  Maybe, this time, he’d be speaking to his best friend, and not the boss’s son. Either way, he had to talk to Ford before Akira felt like she had to step in.

  And he couldn’t put her off much longer.

  “Cort,” Ford said, his tone cordial as he let Cort into his apartment. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “It was either me or Akira.” Cort tried to keep his tone level, but by Ford’s frown, he wasn’t pulling it off. He shrugged. “Don’t think it’s right for her to have to get involved.”

  Ford shook his head, scratching his jaw. “Too easy. I could say she shouldn’t be involved with you at all, but why bother? You want a beer?”

  It was just after noon, but what the hell. This was normal-like, and he could work with that. Cort nodded. “Sure.”

  Bringing their beers to the kitchen table, Ford sat, almost managing to hide the tension of pain as he lowered into his chair. Cort felt rage flare up as Ford pa
led, wishing he could go after the assholes who’d hurt the man he’d protected for so long.

  As angry as he’d been at Ford’s attitude, that protective instinct hadn’t gone away. But all Cort could do was make sure Roy never hurt Ford again. And see if he and Ford could be civil-like. He opened his beer. “Where’s Cam?”

  Lips quirking, Ford sat back. “Checking the block to make sure no one’s watching my place. He somehow found out one of the orderlies was listening in to his calls to his brother. Made him paranoid.”

  “That’s good.” And that explained how Roy had known Cort was filling in for Ford. He hadn’t thought too much about it at the time—Roy had his ways to get whatever information he needed—but if Cam had inadvertently been the leak, it was good to have that patched up.

  “Hey . . .” Staring at his beer bottle, ripping off little pieces of the label, Ford cleared his throat. “You know, some of the shit I said—I was an asshole.”

  An apology? Cort opened his mouth, ready to make a joke about the whole deal, not wanting to rehash all the bullshit. But then he pressed his lips shut, mentally going over how he’d considered their friendship over. Maybe they both needed this to fucking clear the air. “You were, but I kinda expected it.”

  “You’re not a goddamn employee.”

  “No kidding?”

  “Fuck off.” Ford grinned as he finished stripping his beer bottle. “You need me to tell you I love you and all that, or are we good?”

  Cheesy motherfucker. Cort rolled his eyes. “We’re good. Need it in fucking writing, man? You know the people I hold grudges against aren’t still walking.”

  “Very true.” Ford cleared his throat again. “So . . . how did I come into the conversation?” His tone was relaxed, but Cort sensed some hope there.

  The man wanted to know Akira hadn’t forgotten him. That he still had a way in.

  And everything inside Cort wanted to cut that off. Crush it. Except for the part that still cared about Ford. That part wanted to break it gently.

  But break it nonetheless. “She doesn’t want to be the reason we’re not friends anymore. She won’t listen to me when I tell her she’s not.”

  “That’s because she’s smart.” Ford gave him a tight smile as the doorbell sounded. “Speaking of which—she called just before you showed up. Guess she doesn’t trust you to ‘deal with me’ on your own.”

  “Don’t go there, Ford.” Cort stood as Ford slowly eased out of his chair. “I’ve earned her trust.”

  “She’s a sweet girl, but obviously she gives her trust too easy.” Ford moved past him to answer the door. “Hey, horty.”

  Akira looked over at Cort, seemed to read his expression, then hiked up her chin. “We need to talk.”

  “Come to the kitchen,” Ford said, his tone guarded. Maybe he was finally getting it. “We’re all friends, right?”

  “Yes.” Akira took a seat at the small kitchen table, then folded her hands in front of her. “Let’s make one thing clear. This is my fault.”

  No. Cort refused to let Akira take this on herself. He pulled his chair close to her before sitting. “Tiny—”

  “Tiny? Really?” Ford let out a bitter laugh. “’Tiny’ and ‘shorty.’ Glad you were all original, man.”

  “Ford, you need to shut up.” Akira took one of Cort’s hands in hers and faced Ford. “Neither of us did this to hurt you. I’m sorry you don’t see that. It happened, and you need to deal with it.”

  “Akira, listen to me. As a friend.” Ford waited for Akira’s nod, then continued. “He’ll hurt you. That’s what bothers me, not that—”

  “That I’m not with you?” Akira’s bottom lip trembled, which had Cort sitting up a little straighter. Seeing Akira and Ford in the same room was very different than hearing about it. There was an undeniable pull between them. Almost painful to see, like flesh stitched together being torn apart. He pressed his eyes shut even as Akira spoke. “You’d hurt me, Ford. You hurt me when you do this. When you try to fight everyone in the world because I didn’t choose you.”

  Ford’s chair scraped across the floor as he stood. “Then don’t choose me! But choose someone worth you! That will be good for you!”

  “He is! He’s everything I need!” Akira shoved her chair back and it fell with a solid Thunk! on the floor. “Be my friend and be happy for me! Be his friend despite everything, because otherwise, what kind of friend are you? One who leaves when he doesn’t get what he wants?”

  “He’s like my brother! He always has been and I don’t want that to change!” Ford glanced at Cort, then swallowed hard as he brought his gaze back to Akira. “But I love you, and I can’t stand by and let him destroy you!”

  Akira took a step back and put her hand over her mouth. Cort shot out of his chair, catching her elbow as she stumbled. “Please don’t say that. How are we supposed to be friends if you say that?”

  Ford held still. “Your other friends don’t love you?”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “Let it be the same.” Ford returned to his chair, looking defeated. “I’m not sure I can forgive him if he hurts you, but until then, I’ll stay out of the way, all right?”

  “That’s what friends do. But you have to promise me one thing.” Akira swallowed audibly as Ford nodded. “Things won’t change between you and Cort. I couldn’t live with that. I can’t be the reason you lose what you have.”

  “You won’t be.” Ford finished his beer and pressed his hand to his side. “Hate to cut this short, but I gotta take my meds and they knock me out.”

  “Oh, Ford.” Akira moved away from Cort and approached Ford, reaching out to him, then dropping her hands to her sides. “Get some rest, but . . . call me if you need anything. I need to know we’re real friends.”

  “We are.” Ford gave Cort a hard look as he spoke. “Don’t get me wrong, shorty. I’m not just around when I get what I want. I’m in for the long run.”

  “That is what I need from you.” Akira’s soft face was tight with the need for more, and Cort had a feeling she wanted to hug Ford.

  That she would have if Cort wasn’t there. And fuck, he wouldn’t have her holding back for him. He wouldn’t have Ford coming between them, and the easiest way to do that was to make their friendship perfectly acceptable.

  He smiled, placing his hand on her back and easing her closer to Ford. “Go ahead, hug him. I’m glad we finally hashed this out.” His smile broadened slightly when Ford’s brow shot up. “Look, I get it, ki—man. It’s not like I’ve always been a nice guy. She makes me wanna be one.”

  “Good.” Ford swallowed hard, putting his arms around Akira as she carefully hugged him. “I . . . ah, I’d appreciate it if you’d keep things going at the bar for a bit. I’ll swing by when I’m feeling up to it, and you can catch me up on the goings on with the team.”

  “Sure,” Cort said.

  Akira took Ford’s hand, squeezing it and gazing up at him so sweetly as she whispered, “Thank you.”

  Ford inclined his head, then trailed them to the door. He put his hand on Cort’s shoulder before Cort could follow Akira out. “Well fucking played, Cort.”

  Cort didn’t bother commenting on that. He’d won this round.

  No goddamn need to rub it in. He wasn’t even tempted after taking one last look at Ford’s bruised face.

  Not knowing what Ford had lost.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They had about an hour before the team was meeting up for the road trip, first up Vancouver, then LA. A couple days rest before the game in Nashville, then the last stop in Detroit before heading home. The men were never called in even a minute early when they were going away for that long.

  Which was Max’s first clue that something was up.

  His two days with Oriana had been well spent giving Sloan a chance to play the voyeur on Skype. A pair of nipple clamps while he’d told his wife and best friend about the idea of Sloan piercing her nipples had Oriana going off like a firecracker, shu
ddering deliciously as she finally came down and asked, “How soon?”

  Nothing but good consequences for him from the boys’ night out. He smiled as he recalled how Sloan’s face had lit up. The way the man had completely opened up as he’d asked Max to give him some time to learn from a piercing expert in the area. He’d even brought up the house prospects Max and Oriana were looking in to, a wicked gleam in his eye as he mentioned space for a dungeon in the basement. A soundproof dungeon.

  Ever since Max and Oriana had gotten married, things had changed between him and Sloan. He’d wanted to make sure Sloan felt included in every way, but that often led to him stepping aside so his wife could get her needs met by the other man. Without Max. It excited him to consider taking a step in a different direction, to become part of fulfilling those needs.

  Losing Dominik should have given him the incentive to take that much-needed step, but there was no point in looking back now. All he could do was focus on the present. On how incomplete things felt without Sloan. And how good it felt to know he’d be coming home to them soon.

  The Flames had fallen to last place. It shouldn’t be long.

  Max stepped into Tim’s office, frowning as he looked around the room and saw Vanek and Carter sitting in front of the desk like two boys called to the principal’s office. Demyan stood at the other side of the room, leaning against the wall by the whiteboard with his arms folded over his ribs. Tim was reclined in his seat behind the desk, a casual smile on his face as he gestured to the chair closest to his.

  “Sorry to call you in early, Perron, but I want this cleared up before we head out.”

  “No problem.” Max sat, casting a questioning glance at Tim. “I haven’t heard anything from Chicklet. Or Ramos. Is this why—?”

  “Seb was cool with it.” Carter ran his tongue over his teeth, leaning forward to rub his hands on his thighs. “He loves the piercings and the tattoo.”

  “Is that what he said?” Tim’s tone was relaxed. Casually curious. “I only spoke to him briefly.”


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