Bitten (The Wiccan Way Book 7)

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Bitten (The Wiccan Way Book 7) Page 11

by Nicole Coverdale

  “Fine,” Josslyn growled. “But I don’t like it.” She pushed through the trees, breaking free, and walking along the padded trail, going upward. “Hey look. There’s the birch tree with their mark on it,” she said, pointing.

  “It’s a mark I won’t soon forget,” Ashwin said, as he stared at the claw mark with the X slashed through the middle of it. “They murdered all my friends!”

  “We’ll get justice for them,” Jade whispered, laying a hand on his arm. “One way or another.”

  Josslyn swallowed, turning away, giving Ashwin his moment. She continued along the path, stopping when she got to the fork in the road. “So… Micah said go right, right?”

  “Seriously?” Elijah laughed at her. “Josslyn, you are still so bad with directions! He said go left. He told us not to go right, remember?”

  Josslyn rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She turned, glancing down the right fork in the road. “I wonder why he told us not to go down here.”

  “A mystery for another day, Josslyn,” Matthew said, brushing past her and continuing along the trail. “Right now, we have more important matters to attend to.”

  “Yeah, like saving our sister!” Jade cried.

  “And saving my daughter,” Matthew added.

  “And keeping Ashwin safe.”

  “And keeping the vampires and werewolves apart!”

  They all fell silent, walking along the path, once again continuing upward. They curved around a large rock, and stopped, glancing down into the meadow below them.

  “Whoa…” Jorja pressed her hands on the rock in front of her, staring down into the meadow at the dozens of men and women as they wandered about gathering supplies. “Those are the Rogues?” she asked, pointing to the half-man, half-wolf creatures down below.

  “Indeed they are,” Ashwin said, nodding. “But look there.” He pointed to the humans mixed among them. “Those are believers.”

  “Who are believers.”

  “Humans who want to become werewolves.”

  “Seriously? Those really exist?”

  “Absolutely! Immortality is everything to some people, but it’s hard to tell the humans from the regular werewolves. The werewolves can be anyone.”

  “How are we going to sneak past them?”

  “You’re not.”

  The deep voice sounded behind them, and they all swung around. Jorja gasped, wincing, as a stick jabbed her in the back, and she glanced over her shoulder at the half-man, half-wolf who stood behind her. A Rogue.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” The Rogue asked as he stared at each of them in turn. “Some intruders?”

  “We’re not intruders!” Josslyn said, lifting her chin and flicking her fingers. “We’re looking for something.” She grinned, watching as ice shot up the stick the Rogue was holding.


  He let out a shout, the stick dropping from his hands, as the ice touched his paws. “My hands! You froze my hands!”

  “Be lucky that’s the only thing I did to you,” Josslyn told him, smugly, just as a shout sounded below. She turned, staring at the other werewolves and Rogues, as they headed their way. “Ah, guys. We have company!”

  “Then let’s go!” Jorja cried, grabbing the stick up off the ground and stabbing the wolf in the chest with it. He grunted, tumbling to the ground, and they turned, racing down the hill.


  Werewolves lunged toward them, reaching forward, and they ducked as they zigzagged between the tents, turning right.

  “They’re gaining on us!” Elijah shouted, glancing over his shoulder. “Jorja?”

  “No problem. I got this,” Jorja said, sliding to a stop and opening her mouth.


  A loud scream sounded from her lips, and the wolves stumbled back. They screamed, clutching their ears, and she spun on her heel catching up with the others. “Do we have any idea where we’re going?” she asked.

  “To the cave!” Elijah shouted, turning and tossing a fireball behind them. It hit the ground, the ground shaking underneath them.

  “Elijah!” Jade stumbled, falling to the ground. Ashwin quickly grabbed her by the hand, pulling her to her feet. She glanced behind her, watching as the wolves also tumbled to the ground. “Watch it!”

  “It gave us a little time, didn’t it?”

  “So, why are we going to a cave?” Matthew asked, glancing over at Ashwin. “Isn’t that the last place we should go? Especially considering who’s following us?”

  “We don’t have a choice, Matthew,” Ashwin told him. “The cave is where the wolves will keep their most valuable goods, and where I’m betting are the rings. If we can get to them first, there’s no way this curse can be broken!”

  They rounded the corner, disappearing inside the cave, and Josslyn pivoted. She flung her hand out, ice slinging from her fingers and blocking the door.

  “Except, you’re wrong about what the rings are being used for.”

  A dark voice sounded behind them, and they all turned, staring at the wolves as they stepped out from the shadows, circling around them.

  “What do you mean?” Jade asked, gulping, as she stumbled backward. She flung her hand out, electricity zapping forward and striking the wolves. The wolves jumped back, and the alpha stepped forward, lifting his head.

  “The rings. They aren’t the key to unlocking the curse. She is!” the alpha shouted, jabbing a paw toward Josslyn.

  “That’s right. They need two halves of white and dark magic,” Matthew whispered. “That’s why that God told to keep you safe. But they need something else. A wolf and a vamp…”

  “Who are willing to drain the blood of the good witch. Yes,” the alpha said, nodding. “And we already have them. The chosen, who already have the blood of the witch of black magic inside of her. Which is why, you’re coming with me!” the alpha lunged forward.

  “Stay away from her!”

  Elijah struck his hand forward, and the four wolves attacked, knocking him to the ground. They raised up on their hind legs, slashing their paws forward, their claws ripping through his flesh.


  Jade flung her hands out, electricity flinging from her fingers, knocking the wolves back.

  “Ahh!” Jorja let out a loud scream, racing forward and dragging Elijah to his feet. “Elijah! You’re hurt!” she cried, staring at the blood oozing from the scrapes on his arms, his chest, and his face.

  “I’m okay,” Elijah said, wincing, as he held a hand to his ribs. “Although, I may have a broken rib.”

  “Get them!”

  The Alpha stabbed a large paw forward, and behind them the ice door shattered, wolves circling them and grabbing them from behind.

  “Ashwin, this was not a good plan!” Jade shouted, wincing, as the claws of one of the werewolves dug into her flesh, pulling her arms behind her, and shoving her out of the cave. “They’re going to kill us!”

  “Now, do you really think I would allow that to happen?” Ashwin asked, cocking a brow. “I have a plan, Jade. A backup plan, and he’ll be here soon.”

  Chapter 26

  “So, everyone's… gone?” Sky asked as they walked through the door, tightening his grip around Jasmine as he strode across the living room and gently laid her down on the couch. “The Gods? The angels?”

  “The Gods, yes. The angels, I’m not so sure about,” Jasmine said, wincing, as she struggled to sit up on the couch. “Liam made a deal with the vampires. In return for giving them what they needed for the beast in the casket, who we now know is Jax, they would give him…” She frowned. “Wait. I don’t know what Liam got in return. Do any of us?”

  Julie shook her head. “No. I suppose it’s a mystery we’ll solve sooner or later.”

  “But right now, you both need to rest,” Sky said, glancing between the two women, before pressing a kiss to Jasmine’s forehead. “Not solve any more mysteries. “Do you need anything, Jas? Maybe a glass of water?”

; Jasmine shook her head. “Nah. I think I’m good. Although, a drink does sound really good right now,” she said, batting he eye lashes at him.

  Sky shook his head. “Nah uh. Nice try, Missy, but you, are to stay away from alcohol for a while, at least until you’re healed.” He lifted the bottle of pills and set them on the table next to her. “Especially while you’re taking these. Last I knew, alcohol and pills do not mix well.”

  “Ugh. I hate pain meds,” Jasmine wined, crossing her arms over her chest and scowling. “They make me woozy!”

  “They’ll help with the pain, Jas.”

  “But can’t Jami just heel me?”

  Jam shook her head. “Nope. I’ve healed you enough times as it is, too much magic in the body is not a good thing. Plus, even if I were able to heal you, you’d still be in pain. Remember what happened to Jessi?”

  “Of course I remember,” Jasmine said, wincing at the memory. “She got smooshed by this big assed demon. She nearly died!”

  “And it took me weeks to recover,” Jessi added. “Jami might have healed the wound, but I was in so much pain!” She glanced at Jasmine. “Maybe let yourself heal naturally this time, Jasmine? I think it would be good for you, and your body.”

  “Something I agree with,” Sky said, glancing over at Jessi. “You were smooshed by a demon?”

  Jessi nodded.

  “And there are still some things, I apparently don’t know,” Sky said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at her with concern. “You’re okay?”

  “Oh yeah! I’m good as new!” Jessi cried.

  “Good. Let’s keep it that way.” Sky lowered his eyes, guilt filling him. “You guys are going to have to fill me in on exactly what happened down in the wasteland. The fact that I wasn’t there, to help you through any of it…”

  “Sky.” Jasmine wrapped her hand around his arm, squeezing. “We’ve been through this. It’s okay. None of us are mad. We’re just thankful you’re here now.”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be,” Sky said, squeezing her hand. “Julie, get your butt to bed.”

  “What?” Julie glanced over at him, he eyes wide.

  “You heard me,” Sky said, narrowing his eyes on her. “You’re supposed to be resting, remember?”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “Aunt Julie,” Josi planted her hands on her hips, regarding her aunt. “You are supposed to be taking care of my cousins. How are you doing that, by worrying about everything, and not taking care of yourself?”


  “Upstairs. Now!”

  “You are just like your mother,” Julie said, trudging up the stairs as Josi and Jordyn followed her up the stairs. “And Sky. I will remember this!”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Julie!” Sky called back, laughing. Man, I have missed this! he thought. I’ve missed them.

  “Glad to be home?” Jasmine asked, looking at him with a knowing look.

  “You know it,” Sky said, as he drew the blanket over her. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Get some rest, okay? I’ll come check on you later.”

  “Okay, Dr. Sky,” Jasmine whispered, her eyelids fluttering closed, and Sky chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry. I missed you too.”

  He flipped off the lights, making his way up the stairs with Jessi and Jami right on his heels.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Jessi asked, as they climbed the last of the stairs, walking down the hallway.

  Sky nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “That was so scary!” Jami added, as she followed them. “The sound of that gunshot…” She shuddered.

  “What’s important is everyone is okay,” Sky said, as Josi and Jordyn slipped out of Julie’s room, closing the door behind them. “Is she asleep already?”

  Jordyn nodded. “Yeah. She was out like a light the moment her head hit the bed.”

  “Its been a trying day for all of us.”

  “So what are we going to do?” Josi asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you know how stubborn Jasmine can be…”

  Sky threw his head back, letting out a loud laugh. “I know how stubborn all of you women can be,” he said, looking pointedly at the four girls behind them. “But as long as she rests, and takes her meds, she’ll be just fine. Now, why don’t you girls follow me?”


  “To the attic.”

  “What are we going up there for?”

  “What do you think? So I can get up to date on everything that’s been happening, since I’ve been gone,” Sky said, as they walked into the attic. He opened the book, flipping to the back. “Oh, look, here’s Jax.”

  “What?” the girls crowded around him, staring at the image of the young, redheaded woman in the book. “Whoa. She looks just like Josslyn, doesn’t she?” Jordyn asked, glancing at her cousins.

  They nodded.

  “She does,” Sky said, as he stared down at the photograph of her. “But there are also some differences. Her hair is lighter then Josslyn’s. There’s a scar on her left cheek, and her hair is shorter. They’re not identical, but they are definitely related.” He traced a finger down the page. “Hey. Who’s this?” he asked, pointing to the image of a toddler at the bottom of the page.

  “Oh! I think that’s Jezebel!” Jami cried. “She’s our cousin!”

  “You have another cousin?”

  Jessi nodded. “Yup. Jezebel is the daughter of Jax and Matthew, but Jax kidnapped her for Talia. She’s one of the sacrifices she needs for the ritual.”

  “How do you know all of this?” Josi asked.

  Jessi shrugged. “I might have been listening to Julie’s thoughts.”


  “What?” Jessi asked. “I wanted to know.”

  “Man. This family just keep getting bigger and bigger, doesn’t it?” Sky asked, rubbing his temples. “Ugh.”

  “You okay?” Jordyn asked, looking over at him with concern. “You’re looking a little pale.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just trying to process all this information,” Sky said, slamming the book shut and leaning against the podium. “You know, the last month, not knowing who I was, was torture. I wanted to know what I had forgotten, but at the same time, it was nice being normal for once. Not having to worry about demons.”

  “I understand exactly what you’re saying,” Josi said, softly. “It’s been nice the last few weeks, being able to get into the routine of school, without any demons interrupting. It felt like we actually had a normal life.”

  “And hopefully, you’ll get more days like that, Josi,” Sky said, tracing the star lying on the cover, then each of the J’s. “You shouldn’t have to worry about demons yet. You’ll have plenty of time to worry about them when you’re older. When it’s your turn to take over the Morgan destiny.”

  “We’ll be taking over?”

  “Well yeah. Every generation of Morgan witches has taken over one way or another.” He shuddered, a chill suddenly washing over him. Dang. It’s cold in here! he thought, rubbing his hands up and down his arms, gazing around the room.


  The voice floated through the air, and he turned, frowning as he glanced around the room.

  “Sky. I’m coming. I’m coming home.”

  The soft, feminine voice echoed through the room, and he glanced at the girls. “Girls, there’s something in here.”

  “What?” They all jerked around, staring around the room.

  “I don’t see anything,” Josi said.

  “It’s not for you, Sky said. “It’s…”

  He trailed off, as a red-haired woman suddenly walked through the walls, racing toward them. “Girls, get back!” he shouted, jumping in front of them, just as the woman wrapped her arms around him and shoved him backward. He gasped, stumbling backward, his body slamming through the window behind him and falling far below.

  Chapter 27


  Jade groaned, creaking
her eyes open, and staring around at the rest of her family, their hands tied behind their backs behind the poles they were tied to. “What happened?”

  “The wolves knocked us out and tied us up out here to burn,” Ashwin muttered, his eyes trailing downward, a growl escaping his throat when he caught sight of the crystals buried in the ground just below him. “Fantastic.”


  “They’ve got crystals buried here. Our powers will be of no use here.” He raised his head to the skies, watching as the full moon rose high above them. “Well, would you look at that. Looks like the full moon’s finally here.”

  “And that means…”

  “That the werewolves will be at their strongest,” Matthew said, sighing. “They're vicious on the night of the full moon. Especially the Rogues. They’re going to tear us to bits.”

  “Would you stop being such a downer!” Jorja cried. “We can get out of this. I know we can.” She struggled against the restraints around her wrists. “We just have to have a little faith.”

  “Kind of hard to have faith, when we’re being threatened by sharp teeth!” Jade snapped.

  “Hey, guys, you may want to be quiet,” Josslyn cut in. “I think I hear footsteps.”

  They all quieted, listening to the footsteps as they came closer.

  “Hey, Jorja?”

  “What?” Jorja asked, glancing over at Josslyn.

  “Do you think Elijah’s okay?” Josslyn asked, pointing to where he was leaning back against the pole. “He doesn’t look so great.”

  “If you’re wondering if I’m dead, the answer is no,” Elijah said, roughly. “But I need to take care of these wounds soon, or I might be.”

  “It’s the same thing that killed the Gods,” Jorja whispered. “With help from the black angel, Talia has on her payroll.”


  Jorja bit her lip, narrowing her eyes, startling when she saw a young man race around the corner toward them.

  “Hey. Are you the ones the Rogues captured?” the man asked, rushing forward and working on untying the rope around her wrists.


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