Their Royal Compromise: Paranormal Dating Agency (OtherWorld Shifters Book 2)

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Their Royal Compromise: Paranormal Dating Agency (OtherWorld Shifters Book 2) Page 10

by Godiva Glenn

  “With damn good reason,” Reese agreed.

  “What reason?”

  “You’re an outsider. Maybe had you been around since before everything started. But your arrival is already suspicious.” Reese glanced around and lowered her voice. “We know who and what you are, and the rest of the shifters have heard rumors, but come on. Think about it. If we put you mediating negotiations, no one will believe you’re unbiased. You can’t even enter a room without changing the atmosphere, can you?”

  “No… I suppose not. I’d just be a magical being interrupting politics on the dragon’s behalf,” Fianni added. “Damn.”

  “Damn is about right.”

  Fianni stared out the window, eyes following a golden figure streaking across the darkening violet sky. It seemed like every other night Liam was out there, alone. She’d asked around and learned that there was a grotto outside the castle, for him alone.

  Tonight, something stirred in her. She’d promised not to leave the grounds alone, but she was tired of hiding away. Days passed by and she did nothing. She spent less time with the men than seemed reasonable.

  Liam needed someone, and she wanted to be that someone. Grabbing a shawl, she headed from her room and down to the gateway. By now she’d learned the layout of the castle, and she made her way to the courtyard exit within minutes.

  “Fianni,” the guard said, greeting her. He stared down at her, six-foot-something inches of muscle and intimidation.

  She smiled into the glowing green eyes of the guard and flipped through her memory. “Craig… alone tonight?”

  “Klara is making a quick round.” His eyes narrowed on the darkness falling. “Of course, that used to be code for a bathroom break. Now, not so much.”

  Fianni didn’t know what to say. The day before, Rask had revealed that many of the clans were gathering forces. They were preparing to fight, not just file complaints.

  She glanced at the closed gate. “I was hoping to take a walk.”

  “That’s not advised.”

  “But is it allowed?” she asked innocently. Please don’t let Liam have actually told them I can’t leave.

  Craig looked her over. “I can’t forbid you from leaving. But I strongly encourage you to take your walk within the walls.”

  “I’ve been within the walls since I arrived.”

  “Then why wait until night to start adventuring out?”

  She sighed.

  “What’s going on,” a gruff feminine voice called.

  Fianni gave a small wave as Klara appeared out of the shadows.

  “She’s wanting to take a walk outside,” Craig said.

  Klara balanced her weight on one leg and looked between the two of them. Her blue eyes weren’t discernible in the dark, but during the day they were like pools of tropical sea water. She was one of Fianni’s favorites because she was as tall as most of the men and often joked about it. Resting a hand on her waist, she asked, “Then why’s the gate still closed?”

  “His Majesty requested—”

  “His Majesty asked us to treat Lady Fianni with all respect given to royal ambassadors. Which to my understanding means if she wants to leave the castle, we allow her to.”

  “It’s dangerous,” he insisted.

  “She’s a goddess. Got magic and whatnot, right?” she asked Fianni. “Older than dirt, on top that.”

  “Well… not a goddess, but yes. Magic and… whatnot,” Fianni replied. She wasn’t touching the ‘older than dirt’ comment, which was something that she may have said herself, but sounded entirely different coming from someone else.

  Craig muttered something under his breath and turned to unlock the reinforced steel gate.

  “Thank you,” Fianni gushed.

  “Don’t mention it,” Craig murmured.

  “Follow the path, left on the fork, straight through the clearing even though the path disappears, then follow the sound of water,” Klara said peering at the sky.

  Fianni guessed that Klara had just given directions to the grotto. So much for being sly and private with her dusk walk.

  The walk wasn’t long, but it wasn’t short, either. Fianni was used to traveling by foot on Prism, but there the magic atmosphere made long walks feel like nothing. By the time Fianni heard water, she was nearly out of breath.

  So much for magic and whatnot.

  She wiped her brow, clearing the sweat-sticky hair away. There was a breeze, thankfully, and as she slowed her steps she was able to take in the refreshing scent of the outdoors as it cooled her damp skin.

  The gurgle and rush of water pulled her forward, and she reached a fence dripping with vines featuring large thorns and pale blue blossoms. She followed the fence in one direction until she found a gate and carefully slipped through.

  “This is the king’s private property,” Liam called from across the way.

  She scanned the darkness, hearing but not seeing him. “Should I turn around?”

  “Not at all. I just thought you deserved the warning.”

  “A warning for wh—oh!” She averted her eyes as she came closer and found him seated on a large rock, completely nude. While he laughed she turned around. “Why wouldn’t you just ask me to wait while you dressed?” she shrieked.

  “Because I have no intention of getting dressed. It’s my pool and my rules,” he replied.

  She stared up at the sky. “This makes a conversation difficult.”

  “Fine.” There was some movement, then a loud splash. “You can turn around now.”

  She peered over her shoulder carefully before spinning to face him. He was chest deep in the water now and reclined to one side. She approached and looked down at him, unsure of how to seat herself. There was only dirt and wet grass around the pool edge.

  “You’re welcome to join me in the water. It’s a natural hot spring,” he said, looking her over. “It feels wonderful.”

  “I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

  He pouted playfully. “If you aren’t here to catch me naked, then to what do I owe this visit?”

  Fianni skimmed the area and caught sight of a seemingly empty bottle. Alcohol would certainly explain this stress- and inhibitions-free Liam.

  “I simply thought you could use the company. You’ve been busy. I feel like it’s been forever since we were last even in the same room.”

  “I’m aware,” he said with a strange tone. “Really, you should join me.”

  “I have no spare clothing, and I’m not about to strip.”

  He lifted his chin towards the rock he’d been perched on earlier. “I keep spare clothing here. Grab a tunic for the water and drape your dress over the rock for safekeeping.”

  She hesitated but didn’t want to explain that the tunic solved only half the issue. She had no underclothing.

  “We can’t converse with you standing and me half-sunken into the ground,” he pointed out.

  She looked over at him and for the first time in a week, saw him as a man, not a busy king. Not just any man, either, the one who had kissed her and brought her wine. The one who filled her closet with dresses and welcomed her into his inner circle and private council meetings.

  A man she was still ridiculously, indisputably, attracted to. And he wanted her in his hot spring with him.

  She bit her lower lip as she inspected the area next to the rock. Sure enough, there was a slightly hidden satchel with clothing. She picked out a large shirt that had a dark bronze color and squatted on the other side of the rock, quickly yanking off her navy dress and slipping on the tunic.

  Standing, she brushed the fabric down. The lower hem hit her past the knees, providing enough coverage for her modesty, and she’d hoped the dark color would give her protection even when wet.

  Liam gave a whistle as she stepped from hiding and came to the edge of the pool. She toed her sandals off and swished a foot through the warm water.

  “There’s no shallow end. Just step in and prepare to hold the edge. You’re no
t as tall as me,” he instructed.

  She sat and slid her body down into the water, one cautious inch at a time. With her elbows tucked behind her, she managed to remain buoyant while grasping the grassy ledge.

  “How is it?” he asked.

  She kicked her legs. Any fatigue from the walk seemed to have disappeared amidst the heated spring. “Nice, actually. I’m not sure what I expected, but I’m pleased.”

  “It’s an ancient mineral spring. The first king claimed it, and it’s been a royal privilege ever since.”

  “You never share it?”

  “Arron and Rask are welcome to it, but a hot spring isn’t something one shares with his brothers. Or at least, it’s not what we would choose to share.”

  She nodded and tilted her head back to look at the sky again. The twin moons sat in a bevy of distant stars.

  “What does it feel like to fly?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure words could explain. It’s freeing. Magical. Beautiful. But saying a word falls short of the feeling.” He edged closer to her. “I could take you flying someday. If you promise to hold tight.”

  She smiled at the thought, and as she looked at him, his eyes glittered in the moonlight. “I’d like that.”

  His hand slid around her waist and pulled her to his side. The action startled her, and she started to protest, but he covered her mouth with his and stole her surprise. Memories of their first kiss tumbled over her as his tongue swept against hers.

  The taste of sidaii wine laced with something stronger awakened her senses, and she pulled away licking her lips. “You’re not thinking clearly,” she insisted.

  “Of course I am.” He nibbled her chin and traced his lips across her jaw. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’ve been drinking.”

  “I’m a dragon. I can handle my drink,” he replied playfully.

  “You wouldn’t be doing this were you sober.”

  He paused and furrowed his brow. “Yes, I would. You truly believe I’m only drawn to you when I’ve been drinking?”

  “I didn’t mean that… exactly. I just meant that this isn’t… you,” she said, fumbling with her reason.

  His look of confusion morphed into one of amusement. “This is me, I promise. When I’m not arguing with my brothers or threatening stubborn bears or listening to the cases of a hundred shifter clans, this is me.” His hand dug into her waist in emphasis. “And when I’m alone and far from those stresses, when I’m holding a remarkably beautiful woman, this is me.”

  She felt her cheeks warm and wondered if the moon showed her bright red flesh. “I had no idea.”

  “I know. That’s entirely my fault,” he said sincerely. He tucked a hand under her chin and forced their eyes to meet. “I never meant to appear disinterested. When you’re around I can’t focus. You distract me.”

  “I don’t mean to. I’m only trying to help.”

  “I love your help.”

  She shook her head. “Before tonight you’ve rejected my touch, repeatedly.”

  He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “You steal my edge.” Kissing her fingertips, he closed his eyes. “Your magic is comforting, but lately I’ve needed to tap into my anger and frustrations. You may be able to find the balance within me, but that doesn’t change my situation. I’m still ruling a kingdom on the verge of collapse.”

  “That’s not everything, though.”

  “I have to prove my strength. My resolve. I can’t do that when you’re clouding my thoughts.”

  “And I repeat, I’m only trying to help,” she promised. “It’s not like I am trying to thwart your efforts.”

  “No. It’s not your fault that when it comes to you, I’m weak. It’s hard for me to prepare for what may be a gruesome future when all I want to do is sweep you up and hide with you. And harder still to risk losing sight of my goals and end up putting you in danger as a result.”


  His thumb covered her lips and a flickering fire reflected in his eyes. “I didn’t ask for you, but I wish I had. Whatever twist of fate brought you here, I’m thankful. I needed a queen, Fianni.”

  She didn’t have a response. Her heart pounded, caught up with conflicting emotions. She hadn’t thought of her feelings for Liam recently, and now she wondered why she was here.

  What really brought me to him tonight? Maybe it was this. An optimistic streak of her subconscious urging her to track him down when he was alone. Telling her that she needed to get below the surface.

  “You kissed me that first day,” she said finally. “Why didn’t you speak to me again afterward?”

  He grinned crookedly. “When you appeared, I thought you an apparition. The woman of my dreams out of thin air. Then your presence made the bears all but run away, and I thought you were certainly too good to be true.”

  “So you were, what? Checking to see if I was real?”

  “Yes. Because you also offered to help us all.” He studied her face. “When you first spoke, my heart flipped in its cage. I knew you were special to me. But I couldn’t accept you unless you had room for us all.”

  “I don’t think I’m the mate of all three of you, Liam,” she said sadly.

  The look on his face told her that he suspected the same. “Maybe someday that will matter. But for right now, can I just enjoy you?”

  “What does enjoying me entail?” she asked.

  “I’d like to taste your sweet nectar on my tongue. I want to swallow your desire and watch you shake when you come,” he whispered against her neck.

  If there were any reasons for her to decline, they wisely chose to stay clear of her thoughts. “I’d like that.”

  He lifted himself from the water and held out his hand, helping her out. She averted her eyes, but there was no avoiding the thick length that hung between his legs. If she weren’t feeling so lost, she’d have stared.

  This wasn’t the situation she’d expected. A naked, horny king. All this water. She shivered and helped herself to a chaste glance at his broad chest.

  “Like what you see?” he asked.

  She bit back a laugh. The shirt clung to her and his eyes glowed as his gaze lowered to her breasts. She crossed her arms, oddly uncomfortable with the way he stared.

  “Modesty?” he asked.

  She bit her lip and looked down. “No… I’m not sure.”

  Reaching out, he unfolded her arms and pulled her along as he walked backward. “How did you find me?”

  “Directions and the sound of water…”

  “And did you wonder where the water was?” he asked.

  She frowned and looked over her shoulder. The sound of jostling water echoed around them, but the pool was still. “I hadn’t thought of it.”

  He turned, still guiding her with one hand. They walked through dirt and soft mossy ground cover, following the rocky landscape while the rushing sound grew louder. Turning the corner, her jaw dropped at the sight of the previously-hidden waterfall.

  “Is this real?” She walked forward, entering the shallow stream that flowed away from them. “You have a private waterfall?”

  “Being king has perks.” He stood in front of her, his muscled frame leaning over her. His fingers teased the hem of the wet tunic up, tickling her thighs. “Can I get this off you?”

  “I just put it on,” she said teasingly.

  “And it looks wonderful, but see…” He dragged the fabric farther up, revealing a few more inches of her skin to the cool night air. “I have this image in my head, of you naked underneath this waterfall.”

  “It’ll be cold,” she whispered.

  “I’ll keep you warm.”

  She nodded and lifted her arms, allowing him to yank the shirt free. He held her arms to her sides and looked her over, his eyes molten and hungry.

  “Lovely,” he murmured. “I’ve been imagining this moment forever.”

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  He led her to the edge of the fall, whe
re the blush-colored water fell in a white cascade. They walked through, doused clean by the chilly flow. Behind the fall was a tiny alcove, and he pressed her back to the wet stone.

  The water was a deafening roar and she felt his lips against her ear.

  “Just enjoy,” he said.

  She looked down at him but saw nothing but pitch black and heard nothing but crashing water.

  Yet she felt every careful touch of his mouth against her skin and the reverent caresses of his hands as they trailed down her skin. Heated kisses pressed against her neck, small teases interlaced with hungry licks. He travelled down, dragging his lips across her collar bone and not stopping until he found her breasts.

  His hands cupped the heavy weight while his tongue circled each straining tip. Drawing her nipple into his mouth, he sucked and teased it with the edge of his teeth. Once it was aching and sensitive he switched to the other, his hands massaging the mounds while his mouth worked.

  She was still blind to their hiding place, even though she desperately wanted to see him. Yet, feeling but not seeing was a sensation that left her tingling and begging for more. She whined under the raging water, her breasts sore yet needy, and once his mouth was gone the air hit them with a cold slap.

  Warm and wet, his tongue traveled between her breasts and followed the gentle curve of her stomach, dipping briefly into her navel before vanishing. Rough fingertips dug into her waist and his breath was a whisper on her waiting pussy.

  Sweeping his touch around her hips to her thighs, he urged her to spread her legs, and the moment she slid them apart he was there, his warm tongue bathing her.

  The darkness and overwhelming white noise intensified every lick and suck. It was as if she’d never been tasted before. Every sensual touch was a first. There were no thoughts in her mind except for what she desired from him. This was the passion she wanted. The fire and lust that dragons seemed to drip with, and she was overwhelmed to have his attention.

  Her lower belly fluttered in pleasure. She was wet and eager, bordering on desperate. His mouth engulfed and explored her, teasing her slit open then tormenting her clit with infuriating nips.

  She moaned, but her sounds were swallowed, vanishing as the air escaped her throat. In her head she could hear herself, whimpering and begging, calling his name.


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