Ian's Story (The Immortal Clan Keith Book 1)

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Ian's Story (The Immortal Clan Keith Book 1) Page 2

by Ardent Rose

  He trailed down her body with kisses. He rubbed his beard over every inch of her creamy skin. He rucked up her gown and she sighed deeply. He spread her body to its limit. His teeth nipped inside her thighs from knee to knee. She wiggled beneath him and begged for mercy. He circled his tongue on her swollen clit.

  “Aye, my darling. No fruit ever was sweet as you. Pour your juices upon my tongue that I may bring you pleasures unknown.”

  Ian’s praise made her quiver under his touch so light and perfect. He continued to tease her clit before he sucked it in. She screamed his name and came on his tongue, just as he had asked. She moaned and writhed in ecstasy. The louder she moaned it became an aria to the heavens.

  Ian rose on his knees between her thighs. “As sweet as you are, lass, I must be inside that warmth to ease my own affliction.”

  He growled and rubbed his cock all around the juncture of her thighs and painted the perfect picture of passion. He slipped in between her swollen lips slowly feeding in a bit of himself at a time.

  Her body tightened around him, and she gasped when he stretched and filled her completely. His arms rested upon the bed on each side of her body. He pushed his cock in balls deep. The full grip of her body on his startled them both. They fit together perfectly.

  Patricia moaned and lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. With her head thrown back, she met him stroke for stroke. Ian leaned forward and gently kissed her. “You are most beautiful to watch when you come, my sweet. Let’s dance this one together.”

  She whispered breathlessly. “Ian, yes. Please.”

  They began the movement of two people in absolute tune with each other. The building of something so explosive it can only be realized by two people in love.

  “Ian, oh darling. Don’t stop. Now darling. Oh, my God. Now.” The throbbing of his spurted release and the constriction of hers covered them both in a sticky mess.

  Patricia heard Ian declare his feelings for her.

  “My darling Tricia, how I love you.” His spent seed languished deep inside her body.

  She relaxed into the softness of the bed. Ian cradled her face in his palms and repeated, “I love you, my Sweet Tricia.”

  His mouth covered hers with a lingering and passionate kiss. He laid beside her catching his breath. She scooted over to his shoulder. “I, too, feel love for you Ian, but this is a dream. Isn’t it? It’s not real, is it?”


  Disoriented she sat straight up and stared at the fire. A cursory inspection of the room had her dazed. She touched her face, she was flushed. She checked her gown, it was undone and red streaks covered her breasts. Her nipples were tender to the touch.

  “Holy Cow! If that wasn’t real that was a helluva dream.”

  She fell back on the pillows and ran a hand down her body. It was not just wet it was swollen and damned, if she wasn’t sore.

  Patricia was determined to get some answers. Another trip to Dunnottar Castle was on her agenda today.

  Part Four

  Patricia hailed a cab to the castle and avoided the dining area. She had no desire to explain anything to her friends. They feared she was daft anyway, this might get her committed or worse, fired. She needed answers.

  The breeze from the sea caressed her with renewed ambition. A calming peace steadied her mind. She continued along the stone path that led to the tower.

  Surreptitiously, she put on her sunglasses and pretended to search in her bag. She sensed someone watching her. She didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, and yet her body tingled madly.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Patricia gazed out over the breakers. A soothing voice beckoned her. She shook herself free from the illusion, but the scene before her was oddly familiar.

  Upwards she trod, although about halfway up the steps she stumbled. Patricia gasped, the wind seemed to say, ‘your dream’. She turned toward the sea again. “Of course, I saw this from the window in my dream.”

  Her brain raced through the ‘film’ of colors and features and sounds that unfolded in her dream. It flooded her mind and compelled her feet forward. She held tightly to the railing and quickened her pace up the steps to a heavy wooden door. Patricia gulped and knocked loudly on the door, until it creaked open and allowed her inside.

  The darkness covered her like a blanket and her intuition became acute. “Who is there?” She spoke timidly.

  An aroma asserted itself, the cinnamon and the sea. She smelled him before she saw him. Her body reacted with certainty that it was Ian close by. But how?

  Confidence reared up within her. “Please speak to me. Is it you, Ian?”

  A lantern sprang to life in the far corner of the room. His thick brogue dimpled her skin and the tingle increased. “Aye lass, ‘tis I who ye seek. Doo’nna be afraid. I wish ye no harm. It is time I reveal mah’self to ye. Come to me, darling Patricia.”

  She was captured in his spell again. He had woven himself inside her mind, she couldn’t fight it, nor did she want to. “Am I still in the dream or are you real?” Her feet moved forward of their own accord.

  He strode the space between them and took her hands. “I am no dream. But I had been, to be sure of ye afore I could show ye me identity.”

  Patricia’s knees buckled beneath her. Ian held her aloft, pressed into his body. Her body recognized his instantly. She sighed deeply and gazed into his golden eyes. “It really is you from my dreams, and the tapestry. But how?”

  Ian brushed his thumbs across her cheeks. “I am Ian Keith, of the Clan Keith, they speak of me as the Immortal One.” He searched her face and waited a moment before he continued. “My darling Patricia, I’ve been sent to share a great secret with ye. You are not a mere mortal woman but ye possess great powers. I am to take ye as my bonded mate.”

  “My visit here was planned out? You appear nightly in my dreams, fucking the life out of me, all that was all part of an elaborate scheme to get me to Scotland?” She pushed away from Ian and paced the small room.

  “I could think of no other way to bring ye to me, or show ye how much we ‘re meant to be together. Patricia, doon’t fight it. Too much time has passed without ye. I draw my strength from ye. Our souls have been mated, now ‘tis time for ye to know.”

  Ian stopped behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He kissed the bare spot on her neck. His hands took her hair down. She moaned involuntarily. “Ian, I don’t know what to do. I know you have some hold over me that I can’t resist.”

  He whispered in her ear. “That is our bond, ye cannot fight it. We are made for each other.”

  Patricia closed her eyes and gave in to her baser instincts. She didn’t want to fight it, in her heart the knowledge of what he said rang true. Ian regarded her relaxing against his chest as an invitation to carry on. He needed to mark her before the others discovered her.

  He slid his hands down her soft curves and raised her sweater over her head. Her soft hair tickled his chest. The scent of her body stirred the beast within him. He licked up her shoulder to the juncture of her neck. There he prepared the skin with a hard suck before he bit down and drank from her. She cried out, but only for a moment.

  Her eyes glazed over and her body contorted in an orgasmic pose. One hand held her shoulder and the other slipped inside her pants and gripped her wetness. She bucked against his fingers and came, mewling sweetly falling from her euphoria. The bulge in his trousers pressed mightily against her bottom. Quickly, he pushed her pants down and freed his hot swollen cock. He picked her up, bent her over the nearest table and thrust into her dripping lips.

  “To the fates, you are so beautiful … we fit together perfectly, my darling Patricia. May you this day become filled with my seed and produce an heir.”

  She heard him but could not comprehend the meaning of his words. Her own mind was lost in the raw ecstasy of the moment. He commanded her body with his will and desire. She melded into him and gave back every bit.

  He spanked her bottom and she cried out his
name. He jerked and panted in his release. He kissed her up and down her back. “My beautiful Patricia. We are mated and bonded from this day forth. You bear my mark. Will you carry my name?”

  Patricia raised her head but did not answer. Ian righted his clothing and carried her to the bed. He stroked her face and stared into her eyes. “Lass, ye didn’t answer me? Do ye not wish to be mine and learn the ways of the fae?”

  She fondled the beard growing on his face. “I am overwhelmed at the events of today. You are real, not a dream. I am some kind of fairy or witch, not human. You aren’t human, but immortal. We are soulmates? That’s a lot for me to absorb so quickly.”

  He kissed her lips and hugged her close. “Aye, I know, but there are other things ye don’t know that could put ye in danger. Time is not on our side, Tricia my love.”

  She sat up, shocked at his revelations. “Danger? From who? To the world, I am only a history teacher.”

  “Perhaps in the states, but here in Scotland the supernatural world knows of you and you might not be able to spot them yet. Be glad Robert at the inn is a mate of mine. But others are not as they appear.”

  Patricia worried who she may have told her secret. “Who are these others who want to harm me?”

  “Trolls, my love. They seek to rid you of your powers and mate me to their goddess Morganna.”

  “Here I thought I was in the land of highlanders and hags. Never thought of trolls and fairies.” She settled cross -legged on the bed. “What fae am I?” She laughed at the thought of wings and sparkle dust.

  “How do ye feel when near water?” Ian turned onto his side and studied her eyes. They were the bluest blue reminiscent of clear waters.

  “Calm. Serene. At home, I take every chance to be near a lake or ocean. Here the sea calls to me, even by name.”

  Ian caressed her face and she nuzzled his hand. “Aye, ye are home, me love. Tis the nymph in you being called upon, the fae in your heart.”

  Patricia remained quiet and thoughtful. The information somehow didn’t surprise her. She remembered her mind niggled at some points in history she had studied.

  She shrugged her shoulders and picked at the blanket beneath her. “Now, that you have shared all of this with me, what now? Is this where I live? Can others see you or just me?”

  Ian chuckled lightly and raised her chin. “My sweet Patricia, I am your soulmate, bonded to you. I wish for you to remain here with me.”

  He rubbed his strong hands on her exposed thighs. They had talked long enough, he wanted to make love to her again on this special day.

  He moved to the floor and bent on one knee. “I have a cottage, not far from here. Much warmer and more private. It is to be our home, if you accept our bond.”

  Ian kept one truth from her. He had already marked her as his, their fate lay in her hands.

  Part Five

  Anita and Helen stopped by the front desk and inquired about Patricia’s whereabouts. She wasn’t in her room and they hadn’t seen her for a couple of days.

  Anita leaned over the counter and caught Robert’s attention, her long hair and turquoise eyes distracted most men. “Robert, have you seen Ms. Callahan? We are concerned for her, she’s been gone for several days now.”

  Robert smirked at the beautiful woman. “Aye, I know exactly where she is and I’ll not be sharing it with the likes of you.”

  Helen hissed back at him. “Whatever do you mean? She is a dear friend.” Both women became agitated at this attitude. They then realized he knew who and what they were.

  Robert grabbed a nearby dagger and held it aloft. “I know by the stench of ye … troll glamour is fading. You need to regenerate and I’ll be no part of such carnal magic. I run a respectable inn for human and fae. You two just checked out, now be off with ye.”

  Both ladies gasped in horror. They had hoped to feed off the magic of the inn a little longer. They trudged back upstairs to pack. Suddenly, Helen stopped in front of Patricia’s door. “Nita, let’s see if he left a signature behind. Maybe we can get a lead on her location.”

  Anita nodded her head in affirmation. After they glanced around, the glamour was dropped. The women’s transformation included curly horns on their heads and long talon- like nails. Their skin was silky smooth and alabaster white. Robert was correct in his assessment of their strength. They needed to feed and soon.

  Once inside Patricia’s room, their horns tingled and both ladies felt a sexual energy pulsate around them. They were drawn toward the bed. It seemed to be the epicenter of the immortal one’s power.

  Helen voiced the severity of the situation and continued forward toward the bed. “His power is strong. If he bonds with her it will take great strength to destroy her.” She lost herself in the lust-filled aura of the epicenter and grabbed Anita and pulled her down on the bed.

  Anita fell gracefully into her mistress’ arms. Magically, entrapments disintegrated and left nothing but bare sensuous skin. Her nipples hard and round rubbed sensuously against Helen’s and she moaned her approval. Her tongue wielded a sword fight with Helen’s. Both women were lost in the potent surge of the highlander.

  Helen bit into Anita’s breast and she cried out, yet held her head tightly against her and begged for more. She continued until her breasts were bloodied bright red and her hips ground against Helen’s mound seeking release.

  “My beautiful Nita, shall I make you come my love? Do you seek my tongue on your weeping pussy?”

  Anita rubbed Helen’s horns to stimulate her further. “Yes, my mistress, please.”

  Without a word, Anita rounded on Helen and rode her tongue. Anita buried her face in the sweet lips of her goddess. Both women were spread widely and moaned and slurped at the fountain of the other. Anita came first and spewed honey cum on her lover’s tongue with a grunt and a scream.

  Anita sucked Helen’s clit into her mouth and bit down. Helen jerked and pushed her head down. Anita added two fingers to her wet pussy and pumped her mistress until she felt the walls crushing her fingers.

  Helen slapped Anita’s ass when she came and licked her anew. Anita pushed back and Helen finger fucked her into another screaming orgasm.

  Anita climbed down and laid parallel to her lover. They tasted each other’s cum- stained lips. The bed trembled with the power being sucked into their sated bodies, increasing their strength.

  Anita grabbed her head. “Mistress, I can see them … where they are. It is the tower at the castle. We must hurry before she realizes what he has done.”

  Helen stroked her head and hugged her close. “Calm down, my love. What has he done?”

  She laid her head down on Helen’s breast. “He is waiting for her answer. She doesn’t know he has already bonded to her…” She turned away. “They are leaving. I see them …” Anita screamed in agony and fainted.

  Helen wrapped her arms around her and then they both disappeared.


  Ian watched Patricia sleep. She had hesitated to answer his question. He wrestled with how to explain the danger. His body shook violently and he wrapped his arms around his body to stop the movement. He understood what had happened. He had surrounded the bed at the inn with protective energy to safeguard Patricia. The trolls had found it. They had absorbed it and made themselves stronger.

  Patricia startled awake, she sensed by the expression on Ian’s face events had escalated. “Are you alright? Is something wrong? Tell me, please?”

  He reached for her, but she pulled away. He dropped his arms in desperation. “Yes, my darling Patricia. We are no longer safe here in the tower. We must go.” He took her hand and led her from the safety of his bed. “Dress quickly, love. We must hurry from this place.”

  Patricia was confused but obeyed him. The tone in his voice frightened her. “Wherever are we going?”

  Ian strapped on his sword. “To me cottage. Tis not far. Darkness will provide cover and the moon enough light. Come we must hurry.”

  She kicked into her boots and th
ey sped off into the darkness.

  Part Six

  Darkness surrounded them, a disorientated Patricia was blind to her surroundings. “Ian, where have you taken me? I can’t see anything.”

  He stopped in his tracks and comforted her. “Forgive me love, I hadn’t intended to frighten ye. We’re close to the cottage, ye may not see it because the pixie’s glamour has cloaked it.”

  Patricia shook her head and spoke sarcastically. “Of course, glamour and cloaks. If I am fae, why do I not recognize the magic?” She put her hands on her hips.

  Ian stroked her cheek. “Close y’er eyes and let y’er mind wander.” He paused. “Do ye feel a tingle itching at y’er brain?”

  Patricia snuggled into his hand. “Yes, I feel something. The fog is clearing. Oh, it is magnificent, Ian.” She focused on an ivy-covered cottage with a thatched roof.

  He kissed her forehead. “Now open y’er eyes to see for yehself.”

  She took a deep breath. Slowly her eyelids forced open. “It is still dark, Ian.” Disappointment rang through in her voice.

  Ian drew her closer. “Concentrate, as ye did afore. It might take a try or two, but ye can do it.”

  She steeled herself and gazed forward. A familiar tingle scratched at her brain. She gasped. “I see a waterfall, and heavy trees lining the path. The cottage lies just beyond. I did it, Ian.” She leapt into his arms and kissed him exuberantly.

  “Aye lass, we’d be having a tryst among the trees if ye keep that up.” Ian chuckled and placed her back onto the ground.

  Patricia giggled. “I am sorry. I just got carried away. Will you teach me more?”

  Her face beamed with excitement, but her tingle alerted her and her expression fell.

  “Tricia, what happened?” He listened for a moment. “Aye, we must hurry. Danger lurks nearby.” Ian scooped her up and raced to the cottage.

  Safely inside, Patricia collapsed into the first soft chair. “Ian, tell me about the trolls. Who are they and what do they want, exactly?”


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