Only In My Dreams hp-5

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Only In My Dreams hp-5 Page 6

by Dana Marie Bell

  “I want to be asked out .” Gabe blinked in surprise at her fierce tone. “I want dinner. I want dancing. I want to know that I’m the only one you want to be with. I want a fucking bracelet for Christmas.” He winced. She didn’t know it, but he’d gotten her something much better than a bracelet, but since she hadn’t been home he’d held on to it. It wasn’t the kind of gift he wanted her opening by herself. She blew out her breath, running her hands through her soft, shining hair. “I may submit to you in the bedroom, but I will be damned if you treat me like an unwanted toy outside of it.” Her eyes narrowed. “When you’ve proven that to me, then I’ll claim you.”

  He clenched his teeth and nodded. As punishments went this one wasn’t all that bad.

  “And no sleeping together, either. You’d probably mark me right in the middle and I’m not ready for that yet.”

  Okay, it was rapidly getting worse. “What am I allowed to do on these dates?”

  “It’s simple.” She pulled out of his arms, her eyes weary and defeated, like she couldn’t believe that he meant what he said. “Show me you love me.”

  He stared, stunned, as she turned and walked away from him. Finally he just shook his head. “Fuck.”

  Show her he loved her? She was the goddamn Omega! Couldn’t she feel it? His entire being ached for her!

  He headed for Chloe, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from Jim Woods. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  She blinked up at him, startled. “What?”

  “When did we start dating, Chloe?”

  Her mouth flew open. “Aw crap. Sarah too?”

  Gabe looked over her shoulder to see Jim staring at them with a disgusted look. “Shit.” He turned his gaze back down to Chloe. “I wonder where they got that idea.”

  “Don’t you turn this back on me, Gabriel Anderson.” She shook her finger in his face, looking for all the world like his grandmother. “You’re the one who stopped calling your mate.”

  Fuck. She was right. “You’re the one who did talk to her. What did you do, tell her I was calling you but forget to mention all we talked about was her and Jim?”

  She grimaced. “She didn’t give me many chances. I tried telling her how you were doing, what you were doing, but she started shutting me down.”

  Because it had looked like he was opening his life to Chloe but not to Sarah. “Damn it.” He scrubbed his face. “And you were jealous of the time she spent with Jim.”

  Her face filled with guilt. “Maybe.”

  So whether they’d meant to or not they’d both screwed up their relationships with their mates. “We’re so screwed.”

  “I’m sorry, Gabe.” She put her hand on Gabe’s arm in apology.

  “I can make things up with Sarah, don’t worry.” He watched Jim stalk away, anger in every line of the other man’s body. “But I’m not sure what we can do to fix you and Jim.”

  “Double crap.” Chloe’s shoulders slumped. “What do we do?”

  He knew he looked like the predator he was when she shivered. “We claim our mates.”

  When the Pride leaders headed out the door of the club he followed, intent on one thing and one thing only.

  Winning back Sarah’s trust. Because whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not, he already knew he held her heart, just as she held his.

  Chapter Five

  She hadn’t been able to stay in there one moment longer. She didn’t know if anyone even noticed she’d gone. Gabe had gone straight to Chloe. Surprise, surprise . The other woman had immediately stopped dancing with Jim and gone off with Gabe, much to Jim’s obvious disgust.

  She stepped out of the club, breathing in the night air. She smiled at the milling people peppering Universal’s City Walk, wondering where she could go to release some of the lingering tension from her confrontation with Gabe.

  Ah, Rising Star. Just what I need. She pulled out her cell phone and texted Sheri and Belle, not wanting any of her Pridemates to worry about her.

  The response surprised her. Oh! Wait up!

  Within a few moments everyone was outside, including Chloe, damn it. She was talking to Gabe, her expression an odd mixture of chagrin and determination. Gabe’s gaze latched on to Sarah, but she ignored it. So much for showing her who he wanted to be with. Sarah held back her frustrated scream through sheer willpower. She put a smile on her face and looked around for Jim, hoping he was willing to continue the game if Gabe stuck by Chloe.

  “Ready?” Emma was grinning from ear to ear. Sarah wasn’t so sure she was ready for the rest of the Pride to hear her sing.

  “C’mon, Sare-bear, if you sing I’ll sing.” Belle put her arm around Sarah’s shoulders, Jim taking up position on Sarah’s other side. She ignored the quick surge of annoyance she felt from Gabe. He was beginning to earn his own strike-outs, damn it.

  “Careful. Lean on Belle too much and you’re all going down.” Rick put his hand at his mate’s back, wrapping it around her waist. Jim mimicked him at Sarah’s waist. They stumbled awkwardly off the steps of the club, the two women sharing a giggle as the men tried gallantly to keep them on their feet. “Now, where are we going?”

  Gabe reached around and literally plucked Sarah from Jim’s side, making sure Belle was supported by her mate first. “Did someone mention Rising Star?” He set her down gently on her feet, wrapping his arm around her waist possessively, smiling smugly at Jim. Jim frowned but allowed himself to be distracted by Chloe, who grabbed his arm with a grin and began tugging him farther out onto the Walk.

  Sarah decided not to struggle. The determination washing through her from him was fierce. She had the feeling that if she tried to get away he’d literally run her to ground. She was still a little pissed that he’d walked out with Chloe, though, so it was with great relish that she told him their plans. “Yup. I’m in the mood for karaoke.”

  Gabe stopped dead. So did every other male of the Pride, and the two male non-Pride members.

  “Karaoke? Rising Star is a karaoke bar?”

  She blinked up at him innocently. “Yes.”

  He groaned. “I didn’t know you were that mad at me.”

  Emma sailed past them with a wave. “Don’t be a wuss, Gabe. After all, if Max can sing so can you.”

  Max lunged after Emma. “No way, Emma. I am not sticking my ass up on stage and making a fool of myself.”

  The Curana pouted up at her mate. “Not even for me?”


  Sarah kept walking, leaving her Alpha and his mate behind to argue it out, forcing Gabe to keep pace as she made her way to the bar. “I’m looking forward to this.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Gabe was practically pouting.

  She patted Gabe’s arm. “Look on the bright side. I’m not trying to force you to sing.”

  “No?” Gabe held open the door for her and let her inside, following swiftly on her heels. His eyes scanned the area even as his body moved between her and the crowd, protecting her from any would-be threats. His Hunter training was peeking out of his civilized veneer. It shouldn’t turn her on, but it did. She had the stupidest urge to pet his muscles.

  “No.” She followed him to a back booth large enough to hold their party. “I’m going to sing.”

  Gabe seated her then followed her in, placing himself at the edge of the booth. One brow rose in disbelief. “You are?” The others quickly took seats, Chloe somehow managing to finagle a seat next to Jim.


  “She’s got a great voice.” Belle winked at Sarah, her smile huge. “She’s going to knock your socks off.”

  Sarah poked Gabe in the side hoping to get him to move. “Speaking of which, let me go sign up for my turn. Belle, you in?”


  Belle was practically bouncing, much to Rick’s obvious amazement. “Oh, this I have got to see.”

  Belle put her hands on her waist. “Hey, I can sing!”

  “Sweetheart, I was there for the infamous mojito night. T
rust me, what you do in no way resembles singing.”

  Everyone laughed as Belle glared at Rick. “I am so going to enjoy proving you wrong, Fido.”

  The big man just shook his head and smiled, the love he held for his Luna written all over his face. Sarah sighed, wondering if she’d ever see a look like that on Gabe’s face. “I’m going to enjoy watching you try.”

  “Five bucks says I get up there and leave you begging for more.” Belle’s chin lifted, her haughty stare challenging Rick.

  Rick’s answer was a simple lift of one brow and a five-dollar bill slapped on the tabletop. Two seconds later Belle’s five was plunked down on top of it.

  “Sucker,” Sarah snickered. The Wolf didn’t know it but that five was as good as lost.

  “Why do I have the feeling you know something Rick doesn’t?”

  Gabe’s whisper in her ear sent shivers down her spine. Ruthlessly she squashed them. She was nowhere near ready to forgive him yet. “You’ll see.”

  Fingers tangled gently in her hair, a slight tug at the nape of her neck reminding her of who she was dealing with. “I guess I will,” was all he said, but his hand gave one more tug before landing on her shoulder. His fingers caressed the mark he’d left on her neck.

  She could feel him studying her, watching the emotions that crossed her face. She lowered her lashes, not wanting him to see into her soul. That was a right he needed to earn.

  Gabe stood, holding back a frustrated sigh, and held out his hand. “Let’s get you and Belle signed up for your songs.” He held out his other hand for Belle, helping her from her seat. “I’ll bring your mate right back, Rick.”

  Rick shook his head at Belle and fingered one of the five-dollar bills still sitting on the table.

  Sarah was smiling, but it looked forced. Maybe he’d pushed a bit, tugging on her hair that way, but he couldn’t seem to get her to focus on him, and he needed her to concentrate on him more than he needed to breathe. The only thing he could think of to do was be himself and just hope she would let him make everything up to her. He took Sarah’s hand, wanting the feel of her near him, hiding a wince when she tried to pull her fingers away. A little telltale glance at Chloe told him what the problem was. Apparently he had a lot of making up to do. Her reaction to his walking out of the club with Chloe hadn’t even occurred to him until he’d seen the look on her face. Maybe if she knew what they’d been talking about it would help ease the sting of his own stupidity.

  He was so damn tired of seeing that bleak, hurt expression. He’d pulled away from Chloe the moment he saw it but by then she’d turned away. Turned to Jim. The fucker. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that Sarah wouldn’t appreciate Jim’s blood on her pretty dress.

  “Anyone else?” Sarah’s voice dragged him away from his thoughts.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t carry a tune if you put it in a bucket and painted the handle with crazy glue.” Everyone stared at Sheri. “What?”

  Sarah shrugged. “Okay, anyone else?”

  Surprisingly, Rick stood. He stared down at his openmouthed mate. “What are we waiting for?” He took her arm and led her over to the sign-in sheet.

  Gabe shook his head and followed, Sarah’s hand clasped in his. He didn’t miss the wink Jim sent her, either. The little minx. That’s eight. He began cataloging ways to hide the vet’s body. It was all he could do not to snarl at the other man. “Do you know what song you want to sing?”

  She flipped through the selection, studying each one carefully. Belle had already made her selection, as had Rick. “That one.”

  Her selection shouldn’t have surprised him but it did. He grinned as she wrote her name and selection down and handed them to the DJ. “Sunshine Superman?”


  He led her back to the booth to wait for her turn to sing, hoping he’d be able to get her to relax and let him in, even a little bit. His first step was pulling her into his arms as soon as they were seated, refusing to allow her to move. The flush that stole over her cheeks was worth the amused, knowing looks his Pridemates sent their way. Now to set the record straight. “Chloe and I were talking about her mate.”

  He felt her muscles jump under his hands. “Her mate?”

  He nodded, his lips set against her neck. “Mm-hmm. She knows who he is but he doesn’t seem interested.” The music started back up. Unless he wanted to scream in her ear, he’d have to wait to give her any more information.

  Having Sarah in his arms made everything worth it. He nuzzled her hair, ignoring the screeching of the half-drunk man on stage. He allowed the quiet peace of having his mate’s scent and warmth beside him to lull him, feeling serene for the first time in months.

  I’m going to throw up. Sarah rubbed at her stomach and swallowed hard. She stared out into the audience as the first strains of her song started up, the knowledge that Gabe was there making everything ten times worse. Why, oh why, did I decide to do this? And how did I wind up singing before both Belle and Rick? They signed up before me! She took a deep breath, almost ready to bolt.

  A pair of midnight blue eyes stared up at her from the edge of the stage. Gabe smiled, laughter lighting up his face. She could feel the rueful amusement coming off him and knew he expected her to suck almost as bad as the last person who had been up on the stage. The woman had missed every single note of her song, but she’d had so much fun that Sarah had clapped almost as loud as the girl’s boyfriend.

  Sarah glared at Gabe, determined to prove him wrong. Her stomach settled down and the music began.

  She saw her cue, the joy of the song pushing everything else from her mind. Sarah belted out the lyrics, staring into Gabe’s incredibly handsome face, seeing the astonishment and, yes, pride growing there.

  What made it even better was the envy she could see on Chloe’s face as the woman stopped next to him.

  Hah! Take that, man-stealing bitch! Now that she’d started, Sarah was having a blast. The lyrics matched her mood perfectly. Sheer possessiveness put an extra swing into her hips as she sang. “’Cause I’ve made my mind up, you’re going to be mine.” She made sure she was leaning over for that part, challenging Gabe before turning away from him to sing to the rest of the audience. When the instrumental part started she danced before picking up with the lyrics once more. “When you’ve made your mind up forever to be mine, I’ll pick up your hand and slowly blow your little mind.” She turned, shimmying her ass right in Gabe’s face, ignoring the hands he held up. Nine fingers. Oh, shit. My ass is going to be sore. She threw her head back and laughed, finishing the song with a flourish before accepting his hand off the stage.

  The soft tap to her ass made her jump, a reminder of what lay ahead. “Little mind?”

  The affectionate teasing threading through his voice reassured her enough to have her tease him back.

  “All things considered, I’d dare to call it tiny.”

  “Ouch.” He patted her rear. “Fine, score one for you.”

  “Yes!” She marked a point on an imaginary scoreboard with her finger. Gabe’s love tap on her ass was a little sharper, but he rubbed the sting away almost immediately. Sarah was left blinking, fighting her sudden arousal when they reached the table.

  Emma was clapping. “Way to go, Sarah!”

  “Not bad, Sare-bear!” Sheri gave her two thumbs-up. Adrian merely smiled and nodded, his attention almost immediately returning to Sheri.

  Simon and Becky both looked like they’d taken a drink of water and gotten a mouthful of good wine instead, but both high-fived her. Max, for some obscure reason, looked and felt smug, like he’d known all along that she could do it.

  Gabe helped her into her seat and settled her between his legs, the bench allowing him to cradle her between his thighs. She allowed it, the feel of his arms wrapping around her waist and the praise of her friends drugging her senses with sweet warmth. Almost as wonderful was the feeling of contentment she could feel pouring off Gabe, like everything he’d ever needed was right t
here in front of him. Hell, he was even purring. She looked over at Chloe to find the other woman watching them with a wistful expression and a sad smile. Sarah turned away, unwilling to analyze why she felt guilty about Gabe cuddling her in front of the other woman.

  She almost missed Belle limping onto the stage, smiling sweetly as the opening strains of Jewel’s

  “Hands” started up, startling them. Belle looked like an angel sitting in the light of the stage, her hair a golden halo around her head. She lifted the mic and Sarah sat back, prepared to watch the others get impressed.

  Gasps sounded around the table as Belle’s strong, gentle voice floated over them. “Holy shit. She’s good.” Gabe shook his head. “Why didn’t we know that?”

  Sarah tilted her head back, the top of her head brushing Gabe’s cheek. “Bimbo persona, remember?

  Besides, Livia would have had a fit if she’d known Belle was good at something she wasn’t, so Belle hid it.” Stupid, but there it was. Belle had given Livia a loyalty the rogue hadn’t been worthy of and had wound up paying a price she hadn’t deserved.

  “Well she’s certainly not hiding it now.” She would have bristled over the admiration in Gabe’s voice if it wasn’t for the fact that she could feel it. It had nothing to do with lust and everything to do with friendship.

  The pride he’d felt when Sarah had sung had been mixed with a healthy dose of lust and…love? Sarah shook her head, not certain she’d felt what she thought she had. How could it be love? She just couldn’t trust her senses where Gabe was concerned. It was entirely possible she was reading something into his emotions that just weren’t there. Wishful thinking could wind up with her heart breaking all over again, and it had barely begun to mend.

  Belle’s face tilted up, her eyes closing as she sang. Rick stood at the edge of the stage, a strange look on his face, utter disbelief mingled with astonished pride, his love singing across her senses. “Apparently Rick didn’t know either.”

  “I guess.” Gabe picked up a drink and handed it to her. “Strawberry margarita.”


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