Owned By My Best Friend's Dad

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Owned By My Best Friend's Dad Page 4

by Leona Lee

  And what exquisite work it was. His hands reduced me to a shivering, moaning maniac. I bucked my hips against him, unable to contain myself any longer, but his strong hands kept me right where he wanted me. He kept going until I saw stars and fireworks behind my eyelids, feeling like I was about to fly if it wasn’t for his body anchoring me to the bed.

  He stopped just before the pleasure overtook me, groaning against my mouth. “I think you’re ready, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered. “Please, I need you inside me. Right now.”

  I’d never felt quite so empty before, like I needed him to complete me. Brad practically ripped the suit he was still wearing from his body, pulled a condom from his wallet, and rolled it on so fast that it was like he was competing for a medal. He stood in front of the bed, letting me admire him like I’d done for him earlier.

  His body was in pristine condition, just as I’d suspected it would be. Brad was perfection. He still had hard ridges on his abdomen and narrow hips that tapered down to a thick, long erection that saluted me like it would never go down again.

  I was practically panting for him by the time he crawled back onto the bed and positioned his cock at my entrance.

  The broad head nudged me open, and Brad looked deeply into my eyes, muscles tight with restraint. “You’re sure about this?”

  I nodded. “So sure.”

  He let out a low growl and pressed his lips to my neck. His hard cock gently pushed harder at my seam, and he slid in slowly, watching my facial expressions closely.

  “Fuck, so tight,” he breathed as he edged in, still moving slowly. Too slowly.

  There was a tug, and then his head slipped in, followed by a burst of pain as he pushed against and broke my hymen. It wasn’t as painful as I had expected, though.

  It stung a little, but the delicious fullness of having him inside me outweighed any pain or discomfort by far. I clung to him and ran my hands through his hair and down the ropes of muscle in his back.

  When he was all the way in, he stopped to let me adjust to the feeling of having him inside me. His eyes were blazing with need, but he didn’t act on it, keeping still. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Fine,” I rasped, moving my hips against his.

  He groaned, and as if his resolve broke, he finally started moving with sure, steady strokes slowly. But it was the most incredible feeling I’d ever felt. Pleasure filled my body, and all that existed in the universe was the feeling of him inside of me, his body on mine, breathing deeply and moaning into my ear.

  Brad rocked into me with a perfect rhythm, and soon, I could feel the pressure building in my core. I trusted his promise that he would give me what I wanted, to release the knot he was stroking to a frenzy inside of me. His breathing was as ragged as mine, but he was still gentle, taking care not to hurt me.

  He kept up his perfect pace, driving me higher and higher until, with one final thrust, my world was shattering into a million pieces as the knot released, and my first actual mind-blowing orgasm ripped through my body.

  Brad kept going, stroking me through it with reassuring murmurs that I couldn’t quite make out. When I finally came to, he was staring at me with half-lidded eyes. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous when you come. I want to see it again. You okay?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, because there was nothing in the world that I wanted more. He flipped us over so that I was on top, allowing me take control.

  “Take what you want from me, baby.”

  I could see how much it cost him to say that. His muscles were locked, and his forehead was dotted with sweat. I was suddenly desperate to make him feel as good as he’d make me feel, so I did what he told me to, ignoring the slight burn from the constant friction.

  Anchoring my knees on either side of his hips, I started riding him in earnest, soon getting lost in the pleasure of all the new ways he was hitting me. The muscles in his thighs started to quiver, and his hands went to my hips, gripping hard as he started driving into me more forcefully. He was nearly there, and I was the one who’d done that to him. That knowledge drove me straight back to the edge with him.

  Brad brought one his hands to my head and brought my lips to his, nipping at my bottom lip as his eyes roll backed and he started shaking, loudly moaning my name.

  I felt his orgasm pour into me. His cock twitched deep inside of me, and it was the most exquisite thing that I’d ever felt, sending another powerful orgasm exploding through my body like a firework. Pleasure popped and sparked at every nerve ending, lighting me up from the inside out.

  When we were both starting to breathe normally again, he pulled me into a long, deep kiss, then he fixed me with concerned eyes. “You okay, Jordan? I lost control a little there toward the end.”

  I silenced him with a soft kiss. “I’m perfect.”

  Brad grinned and gently rolled us over, separating us. He kissed me again. “I’m going to go take care of the condom, then I’ll come clean you up.”

  He did both of those things before reaching for his briefs. Disappointment and fear crashed into me. “Where are you going?”

  Concern shone clear in the deep pools of his forest greens. “I should probably go, just in case Nic shows up.”

  She did that, actually. Often and unexpectedly. I nodded, though it didn’t do much to quell the disappointment that was still rising like a tide in my tummy. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  He quickly dressed, then came to plant a tender kiss on my forehead. “I wish I could stay with you, baby.”

  I smiled up at him, relieved to hear genuine regret that he couldn’t stay. “That’s okay, and I’m fine. Really.”

  He grimaced, his eyes darting to the door like he was seriously considering just locking it, but then he sighed, kissed me again, and started walking toward it.


  He looked back at me over his shoulder, nearly at my bedroom door. His gaze met mine, locking with it. “Yeah?”

  “I’m glad it was you,” I told him earnestly.

  His lips curled into the most beautiful smile. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

  Then he was gone, and I collapsed onto the bed, trying to make sense of what the hell had just happened. Knowing that I didn’t, and never would, regret it.

  Chapter Five


  The bar where I was meeting Zach for drinks was crowded and loud, but he managed to secure a table in the back where we might actually just be able to hear one another talk. I crossed the crowded floor, sliding into a booth across from Zach, who already had a scotch waiting for me on a paper napkin.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “No problem.” Zach’s dark eyes swept mine, narrowing slightly. “You didn’t get much sleep?”

  I shook my head. Zach knew me too damn well. There was no point trying to hide the fact from him that I’d spent the night before, once I was back in my own bed where I should’ve been all along, tossing and turning.

  “Nah, too much on my mind.”

  Zach took a quick pull of his scotch, keeping his eyes on mine. “Care to share with the class?”

  I knocked back half of my scotch, holding the tumbler up to the waitress to indicate that I wanted another one and then drained the rest.

  Zach’s eyebrows shot up. “What the fuck did you do, Woods?”

  Sighing, I set the empty tumbler down on the wooden table and shoved my hands through my hair. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  “What do you mean?” Zach asked, eyes narrowing again. He gulped down his own scotch. “Did something go wrong with the development meeting this morning?”

  “The what? Oh. No. That was fine.” I’d been distracted at our usual Saturday morning new product development meeting, but I’d gone through the motions anyway. I nodded thanks to the waitress who delivered my next scotch and spun the tumbler between my hands. “It’s not work.”

  “Wait,” Zach said incredulously, his eyes widening. “It’s a woman who has your panties in a bunc

  “They’re not in a fucking bunch,” I muttered, but for once, it wasn’t true. Jordan was on my mind like she’d crawled into it and lived there. Her soft little gasps and moans rang clear as a bell in my head, causing my cock to be on permanent standby like I was a fucking teenager again.

  Zach laughed, throwing his head back as the sound rumbled from his chest. “I beg to differ. Who is she? Her pussy must be made of gold to have you looking the way you do.”

  “Don’t talk about her like that,” I snapped, then I realized my mistake. He had been goading me. “I don’t look like anything.”

  “Au contraire, my friend. I can’t decide whether you look like you’ve been to heaven or hell.”

  “What?” What the fuck was he talking about? I’d checked the mirror that morning. Except for the dark circles under my eyes, I looked exactly like I always did.

  Zach’s head tilted as he surveyed me. “You forget how long I’ve known you. Tension. Relief. Triumph. Take your pick, it’s all there.”

  “How about euphoria, followed closely by bone-crushing guilt?” I asked him, taking a long sip of my scotch.

  “Bone-crushing guilt? Since when? You’ve bagged more pussy than most of us could ever dream of, and you’re still going strong. I’ve never known you to be a guy who looks back to think about it. Not since—”

  “Let’s not go there,” I cut him off. She was the last person I wanted to think about. Anastasia, my ex-wife and Nicole’s mother, was never a fun topic. Twenty-one years after the divorce, just thinking about how everything had gone down still set my teeth on edge.

  “Okay, so why now? Why guilt over this girl? Who is she?”

  A low groan escaped from my lips as I let my head fall back against the soft padding of the booth. “Jordan.”

  Zach went stock still, then started to slow clap before holding one of his hands out for a high-five. “Well played, sir. Well fucking played. She’s hot, that one. You’ve always been lucky, but she takes the cake.”

  I didn’t high five him, and eventually, he let his hand drop. “She’s not just hot. She’s beautiful. Doesn’t make me feel any less like shit.”

  “Why? She didn’t take care of you properly?”

  Oh, she took care of me, all right. “That’s definitely not the issue.”

  “What is, then?” Zach asked, a confused expression crossing his features.

  “Well, there’s the fact that she’s Nicole’s best friend, and my secretary,” I gritted out, annoyed by his attitude suddenly.

  “You’re not the first man to fuck your secretary, Woods. You won’t be the last, either. As for Nicole, who cares that she’s Jordan’s friend? They’re grown-ups now. She’s a consenting adult, presumably. She did give her consent, right?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you seriously even asking me that?”

  Zach’s lips twitched into a grin. “No, I wasn’t seriously asking you, but you did help me to prove my point. She wanted to fuck you, too. If you want to be with this girl, be with her. Do you like her?”

  Mulling the question over in my mind, I nursed my scotch. It’d been a long time since I’d actually had to ask myself that question. It was usually just a physical need that I felt for women. Once that was out of the way, I had no desire for anything more. With Jordan though, it didn’t feel like that. “I’m attracted to her, yeah.”

  “Obviously, any man would give up testicle to fuck that, but is that all there is to it?”

  I really had known Zach for too fucking long. “No, that’s not all there is to it. It goes beyond sexual attraction. I love how smart and competent she is. She’s got a great sense of humor. But Zach? Don’t ever talk about Jordan and ‘fucking’ in the same sentence again.”

  Zach pursed his lips, trying to hold back a smile. He failed. “I think that’s your answer. What’s the problem? You’re clearly into this girl. She must be at least a little bit into you if it’s got you rattled. So where’s the harm? Just go with the flow. You can always hide whatever it is from Nicole for the time being.”

  “The problem and the harm is that she’s not just my daughter’s friend, she’s her best friend.” I groaned, still not sure how it’d happened that I’d gotten myself into this situation.

  Zach shrugged. “Don’t worry about Nicole so much. She’s a big girl.”

  “That’s easy for you to say,” I pointed out. “You’re not fucking your daughter’s best friend.”

  He flashed me a devilish, predatory smile. “I wish I was, especially if she looked like that.”

  Lifting my scotch to my lips, I drained the tumbler again and tapped it twice on the table. “Jesus. Stop. I gotta go.”

  “Already?” Zach raised his half full tumbler to me. “You got here, like, twenty minutes ago.”

  I glanced at my watch. “It’s been almost an hour. I’ve got a few calls to make.”

  He shot me a shit-eating grin. “Pussy-whipped, that’s what you are. Can’t go more than an hour without talking to your woman?”

  “Shut the fuck up.” He wasn’t wrong about the fact that the call I wanted to make was to Jordan, though. I wanted to check up on her. Reaching for my wallet, I pulled out a couple of bills and dropped them on the table. “Talk to you later.”

  I was already turning and walking away by the time Zach called out. “Later.”

  Anxious to speak to Jordan, I hardly waited until I was in the car, connected to my hands-free to pull up her number and punch down on it with my thumb. Her melodic voice chirped over the speaker a few rings later. “I was wondering when you were going to call.”

  Her flirty tone brought a smile to my lips. It wasn’t one that I minded reciprocating, not since I couldn’t hear a single note of regret.

  “Now you can stop wondering. How’re you feeling, gorgeous?”

  “How many times are you still going to ask me that?” She giggled, but she sounded delighted that I cared. Normally, I didn’t care, but this girl had me twisted up and acting different.

  “As many times as it takes for me to convince myself that you’re okay,” I admitted, surprising myself with my honesty. I wasn’t just feeding her lines.

  Jordan’s voice softened. “I’m okay, really. I promise. I mean I’m a little sore… but I like it. It reminds of you and of having you inside of me.”

  Christ, if she kept purring like that, I was going straight back over there and fucking her so good that she wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. I was sure I could convince her boss to give her the time off, I thought sarcastically. Already hardening, I was about to swing the car around when my hard-on took a solid nosedive.

  “Jay, who’re you talking to?” Nicole’s voice called out in the background.

  “Shit, Nicole just walked in the door,” Jordan whispered.

  “Did she hear what you just said?” I asked her, praying that the answer was no.

  Jordan paused for a second. “I don’t think so, but I should probably get off the phone just in case.”

  “Sure. Call me back later?”

  “Will do,” she singsonged and clicked off the line.

  I thought about her and that tight, hot pussy all the way back to my place. Maybe Zach was right. We could hide fucking around from Nicole for now. It might even be a lot of fun to sneak around.

  Chapter Six


  “Nikki!” I exclaimed, dropping my phone like a hot potato as soon as I ended the call. “What’re you doing here?”

  Nicole’s eyes, so similar to those emerald hues to her father’s, fluttered closed, and the door slammed shut behind her. “Best friend time. I need it, so I’m calling it.”

  When she opened her eyes again, she smiled weakly and made her way to my kitchen. We were as comfortable in each other’s houses as we were in our own, and it had never bothered me.

  Until now.

  I felt weird being around Nicole after what happened. For the first time ever, it was hard to be around her. And it sucked. Big ti

  Nicole and I often joked that we were soulmates, because it was like we were two sides of the same coin. Being her best friend came as easily to me as breathing.

  At least, it used to. I felt awkward around her today. Thankfully, she was babbling on about how much of a jackass her brand new ex-boyfriend was, and she was keeping too busy making us both coffee to notice that I wasn’t really saying anything.

  She spun to face me, handing me a steaming mug and sighing happily as she breathed in the scent of coffee beans that hung in the air. Blowing on her mug, her eyes finally turned curious. “Why are you so quiet?”

  “I’m not.” I briefly considered telling her the truth instead of covering it up with a lie, but the one time I’d told her that I had a thing for her dad, she’d called me disgusting and told me that if I ever did anything with him, she’d never talk to me again.

  Because of that, I knew that I couldn’t tell her the truth. There was no telling how she would react, and I didn’t want to lose her over this. Chances were that I would if she ever found out.

  Nicole stared at me pointedly, cocking her hip against the kitchen counter, her gaze rooting to me to my spot. I tried desperately to ignore the guilt that was festering like a ball in my stomach and swallowed past a lump in my throat.

  “Okay, I am being quiet. But it’s just because I’m distracted.”

  “Really, I couldn’t tell,” Nicole joked, blowing on her coffee again, clearly waiting for me to spill the beans. She prompted me when I was quiet for too long, since it seemed that I’d forgotten how to form the right words. “Well, what’s on your mind?”

  Even if I couldn’t tell Nicole the truth about who I had been with, I wanted to tell her that I’d finally lost my virginity. I wanted to tell her every magical detail about my night. Everything always seemed to feel real to me only after I’d shared it with her.

  She was the tick to my tock, the paper to my ink.

  I didn’t want to hide anything more from her than I absolutely had to. Chewing on my bottom lip, I sank into a rickety chair at my dining room table. I couldn’t hold back anymore. “I finally did it.”


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