NEBULAR Collection 5 - Panic in the Galaxy: Episodes 22 - 26

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NEBULAR Collection 5 - Panic in the Galaxy: Episodes 22 - 26 Page 8

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »I find your staring a bit intrusive and rude!«

  Kolper~Triad didn’t react to her scolding, possibly because he didn’t understand her emotions.

  »Conceptor Crux sent me to you. I’m working on the analysis of your DNA and have found some discrepancies. I want to talk to you about them. I might need to examine you further.«

  Maya Ivanova gave him a reprimanding look.

  »We’re wasting our time. When will the Conceptor finally decide to give me the key?«

  »As I said, there are discrepancies with your DNA. I’d like you to follow me to the medical section, please.«

  She looked at him with a sneer.

  If you found out my little secret then it’ll be your death sentence!

  Kolper~Triad turned around, assuming that she’d follow him.

  She eyed him before starting after him, into the corridor.

  So far everything has gone smoothly. I’ll find out soon if the Conceptor can be deceived. If not, then I’ll have to apply different measures. It would be much easier on them if they just gave me the key.

  »Have you come directly from the Retreat?«

  »I already told the Conceptor what he needed to know,« she said coolly. »Do you think that I’ll repeat myself to underlings?«

  »I just wanted to make conversation,« Kolper~Triad said. »I’m not your underling nor do we have to speak with each other if you don’t like.«

  His voice had become very deep when he replied to her, causing her head to pound, but she toughed it out without blinking her eyes.

  Pain is good, she thought masochistically.

  As she followed him she looked around, trying to remember each and every detail.

  It could be helpful to remember everything. I should thank Kolper~Triad for this site seeing tour!

  An evil grin disfigured her beautiful face as she feigned interest, »How is it possible that this station can maintain such a close orbit around this sun?«

  Kolper~Triad turned his head backward while he kept walking. It caught her off guard and she jumped a bit.

  »The dying star provides the energy for the Crux-Heart and serves as protection and disguise for the station at the same time,« Kolper~Triad explained. »Energy buffers are stabilizing the station while defense shields are protecting us from the radiation and other solar effects. The same fields are also protecting the tachyon portal.«

  The steps of the two unequal beings echoed from the walls as they walked through the wide corridors and rooms. Rows of energy accumulators, holo data banks and modern computers were installed in this section with hundreds of interface terminals. In between were transparent nooks and windows, allowing the visitor to glance at the space outside the station.

  Do they really need that much computer capacity to control and monitor the Dimensional Mirror?

  »This … uh … dying star … does it have a name?«

  Kolper~Triad seemed amused over her question for a moment, his ears whirling.

  »What’s so funny about my question?« she asked harshly.

  »We call it Maiter, which means: “Dying Star” in your language.« He ignored the tone of her voice.

  Maya Ivanova looked at him and frowned.

  He’s mocking me!

  »What exactly are these discrepancies you were talking about, concerning my DNA?« she said sternly without breaking eye contact with him.

  »The data we have obtained from your people a long time ago does not match with your current DNA. There are some changes we cannot explain, but would like to understand. Conceptor Crux is concerned, since the entire mission hinges on the results of my examination.«

  They continued walking in silence.

  I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  I can’t do it

  »I wasn’t successful generating energy from the gravitational tides. As long as we’re inside the tachyon lens, no energy flow will reach my collectors,« Nautilus announced.

  »What about light?« Pi asked. »Can you not generate energy by means of solar collectors?«

  Vasina knit her eyebrows. She wasn’t very happy about Pi’s suggestion.

  »Be realistic, Pi. The closest stars are lightyears away. The weak light isn’t enough to maintain the life-sustaining systems. Not to mention a jump onto the highest tachyon trail.«

  »I don’t need solar collectors; I can collect the weak solar quanta via my hull. This is, however, less than adequate.«

  »I was just trying to find a way to maintain the ship systems a little longer,« Pi said.

  »If we’re out of energy and the integrity of the hull is in jeopardy, then it really doesn’t matter if this occurs in an hour or within a week,« Herimos grumbled. »We’re doomed in this space sector.«

  Arkroid shook his head.

  »As long as were alive, we’ll find a solution. There’s still a chance that this anomaly will disappear.«

  »Well … it didn’t help the ghost fleet, in the end they ran out of energy,« Masgur said.

  The former caravan! Arkroid thought suddenly.

  »Nautilus, can you still reach the fleet with sub-light speed?«

  »A slow sub-light flight is possible,« Nautilus announced.

  »Why waste more energy? These ships have nothing to offer … we know that already,« Vasina uttered.

  »I’ll make use of the interstellar matter, which is also present in this sector and under these conditions. Currently, I’m gathering twenty atoms per cubic meter.«

  »What’s the alternative?« Arkroid asked Vasina. »Sit here until all energy is used up. Maybe we can find some information on board these ships, which might help us.«

  Nautilus accelerated slowly and drifted toward the lens’ center.

  Arkroid looked at Paafnas. He had become very silent and slumped in his seat. As Paafnas noticed Arkroid’s glances, he licked across his large eyeballs and said, »I’m asking myself …,« he quickly looked over to Herimos, »… maybe it isn’t such a bad idea at all to fly in the lens’ center. There must be a reason why the caravan gathered exactly there.«

  Pi squinted.

  »What do you mean, Paaf?«

  »Why did the ships take formation in the center of the lens, at the focal point so-to-speak? At first glance there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it. It cannot be a gravitational effect, we would have noticed that. These ships were not attracted to the center; they flew there on purpose before their energy was depleted. Why?«

  »Your guess is as good as mine, Paaf,« Herimos snarled. »Maybe, they assembled to share the rest of their energy amongst themselves.«

  »There’s also the possibility that the chances are higher to escape at the center,« Nautilus announced after a short break. »The energy required to transfer into tachyon space is much less at that position. A good observation, but it won’t help us right now. It seems that the caravan leader had the same idea and gathered his ships there for a final attempt.«

  »… but it didn’t work,« Tranos rebutted.

  »Nevertheless, Paaf made a great observation,« Arkroid winked at Paafnas.

  Pi suddenly straightened up and slapped his hand against his forehead. Vasina pulled up an eyebrow.

  »Another suggestion Pi? Maybe bigger solar collectors?« she mocked.

  »No, nothing like that,« he replied, struggling to contain himself. »I have a much better idea! I think, I know how we can make up for our lack of energy supply.«

  Everybody looked at Pi attentively

  »Really?« Maya Ivanova said.

  Pi remained concentrated.

  »Nautilus needs to verify my idea first.«

  »Don’t keep us in suspense, Pi. I hate that!« Voit Masgur said.

  Pi shook his head vigorously before he continued.

  »Nautilus takes advantage of the potential difference from tachyon space to normal space to recharge the energy banks, which this phenomenon out there is preventing. To conserve energy, Nautilus shrank in size and uses less energy …«
  »… we know that already. What else?« Tranos interrupted.

  Pi kept smiling.

  »It can help us! Our ship can transform matter into energy. This is the solution to our problem.«

  »But the ship used most of its substance. Nautilus can’t shrink any more without endangering us. There’s no matter left to transform!« Vasina said.

  »On the contrary!« Arkroid said, grasping Pi’s theory.

  »Nautilus keeps flying toward the center,« Pi continued. »As soon as we arrive at the ghost fleet, Nautilus then transforms the remaining ships into energy. This way, it should be possible to obtain more than enough energy to leave this zone with a single jump to the tachyon upper trail. Since the lens’ center seems to be the best point of departure, we have a realistic chance. As soon as we’re outside the dimensional lens, we continue our journey.«

  Vasina looked flabbergasted for a moment, then her eyes sparkled. She threw him a wide, gracious smile.

  »Pi, you’ve done it! This is the best idea I’ve heard in years.«

  Herimos also snarled respectfully, »Why didn’t I think of it?«

  »Huh … why didn’t Nautilus come up with that idea. The ship knows its abilities much better than us,« Ivanova said.

  »I can’t do it,« Nautilus announced. »Yes, I could use the ships, but there’re still the remains of the crews left inside the ships. It would be immoral to convert them into energy.«

  I want the Jamal-Comb

  Maya Ivanova began to understand how much potential this station possessed. She had followed the Chiropter for about half an hour and they still hadn’t arrived at their destination.

  I bet he could have used a faster way to bring me to his lab. He wants to impress me, maybe even intimidate me. All of this is nothing compared to my Lord’s power.

  Conceptor Crux is behind all this. He’s become suspicious and is checking me out.

  »Besides all this technology of super computers and energy banks, is there some means of transportation available such as: travelators, turbo-lifts or a cabin transportation system? Don’t try to tell me that you came all the way by foot to pick me up.«

  Kolper~Triad stopped and turned his head toward Maya Ivanova without turning his torso.

  »We certainly have means of transportation to bridge the distances, but Conceptor Crux wanted me to show you parts of the Crux Heart.«

  »Right,« she blushed and clenched her fists.

  »I’m aware that Protectors possess a certain trait, an aggressiveness that predestines them for their task to fight a merciless enemy. I wonder, however, if all Protectors are as incapable as you are in hiding their emotions!«

  Kolper~Triad took a hand-held scanner and read the scrolling data from the display.

  »Are you even scanning me, while we’re walking through this station?«

  I’ll kill you, you bastard!

  »I’m tired and angry, Kolper~Triad. I didn’t expect such a treatment from Conceptor Crux!«

  »I’m certain we can resolve this little problem. We’re not far from the lab and then I’ll analyze your tachyon aura. Since our colleague Kuster~Laap just recently used the portal we have a reference and can compare your aura against his. This way we know for certain if you came from the Retreat.«

  You Chiropter bastards won’t find anything!

  »If this examination clears my status then I’m willing to participate,« she declared jovially. »Maybe we can talk like civilized people then.«

  Kolper~Triad swayed his head.

  »This would be of mutual interest. It is quite possible that we need to ask for your assistance.«

  »Is that so?« she pretended.

  Kolper~Triad moved his ears wildly.

  »We have detected an increasing anomaly only ten lightminutes away from the Crux Heart. This may be caused by inter-dimensional overlapping effects.«

  »I’ve heard of it,« Ivanova feigned interest. In reality, she was well aware of it as her Lord and Master had told her about it.

  »It might be an attempt to encroach on our galaxy and to execute a preventive strike against the Crux Heart. The distance to the Crux Heart is no coincidence.«

  If my Lord’s superiors want to attack this station, then why did he send me on this mission?

  A short, but sharp pain in her temples interrupted her thoughts.

  You’re concerning yourself with things that are none of your business, my dear! I need the key. The destruction of the Crux Heart has already been ordered. I don’t want the Jamal-Comb to get destroyed in the process. It is invaluable!

  Maya’s lips were trembling.

  Yes my Lord, she replied moving her lips without sounding out the words.

  Kolper~Triad stared at her, his eyes burning into her soul.

  »Sorry, I didn’t understand what you were saying.«

  Ivanova returned his look without wavering.

  »If you think that the Crux Heart will be attacked then I’d suggest taking immediate defensive actions. Our Protector battle ships will need many hours to get here. I’m certain that Conceptor Crux has the means for the defense of this station, but he should give me the Jamal-Comb. To guarantee its safety.«

  The Chiropter fidgeted.

  »So far, I was talking about a possible attack. The Crux Heart is well capable of defending itself. You should know our technical abilities from the Retreat. You already know how we construct our installations.«

  Maya Ivanova grimaced.

  »Your installations? You are no less than custodians, maybe the builders of this station and keepers of the technologies. The concept and technology comes from the Genorantans!«

  Kolper~Triad twitched and stepped back.

  He suspects something! The voice in her head warned her. Kill him! Now!

  »Who told you about your destiny?« Kolper~Triad inquired with a low voice, causing Ivanova pain in her cerebellum.

  His voice is a weapon! Be careful! cautioned the voice in her head.

  »You people did!« she answered and slowly groped for her uniform side pocket.

  Kolper~Triad raised both hands.

  »I don’t mean the Prophet’s visit. Who told you to build the fleet and about your fate? Who?«

  Maya had found what she was groping for under her jacket.

  »Mickey Mouse told us!« she replied defiantly.

  »I don’t know about this one,« he replied perplexed.

  With a lightning-fast move, Maya Ivanova pulled out a dagger and stabbed the weapon into his slim neck, severing his spinal cord.

  His voice is his strongest weapon. I cannot allow him to use it!

  Kolper~Triad appeared paralyzed for a moment, and then millions of particles flew through the air, vanishing quickly through the walls, air ducts and the ceiling.

  Ivanova’s mouth hung open lazily.

  Kolper~Triad was an avatar, an energy projection! Conceptor Crux has deceived you. He was suspicious from the very beginning, the voice said in her head. Activate your disguise field and move! Use your scanner and your head! I need the Jamal-Comb!

  Maya Ivanova activated the shield and ran from her current location.

  This drives me crazy

  It took several hours for Nautilus’ approach.

  »If these ships have been drifting in this sector for a long time then the remains of the crews have certainly fallen to dust by now,« Masgur said.

  »There’re certain moral aspects I’m not allowed to ignore.«

  »Maybe, we should look at it from a philosophical standpoint,« Pi suggested, earning a scolding look from Arkroid. It was not a good idea to discuss the Techno-Ferry’s base programming. There was a chance that Nautilus would refuse to receive orders or stop working with the team. »The regrettable beings tried to escape the anomaly. Maybe they died knowing they would be trapped here forever. They would probably agree to make another attempt if we could ask the dead people.«

  »What these people were and what made them to be is long gone,« May
a Ivanova said. »If these people have turned to dust or if they’re being transformed at this stage into energy, is not a basic, moral question. Actually, all living things come from energy. Like us, these beings are the product of a former star explosion. At one point in time, all beings are following the path of recycling, so-to-speak, and become energy again.«

  »I’m deciding on facts, not philosophies. This is not part of my base programming. How life really developed is still an open question, even the Creators couldn’t answer the question of life. Regardless, they provided me with a program that respects life, even after death.«

  »Let’s accept the ship’s standpoint,« Arkroid intervened. »Nautilus cannot do anything with our suggestions. We need to find a different way. Before we tackle one of the big ships, we should concentrate on the fragments, which are drifting through space all around us.«

  »That’s difficult and very time consuming, Toiber,« Pi said. »Many of these debris chunks are drifting in very strange orbits around the fleet’s center of gravity; we need to pick them up individually and then transform the pieces wasting energy in the process. This won’t help much.«

  »Hmm … we could check if some of the ships had been abandoned,« Herimos said.

  »This is not very practical since we don’t have the equipment to fly through space and work in weightlessness, despite our personal protection fields. It’s more difficult than you think to enter a strange spaceship and move around inside.«

  »My resources are currently very limited,« Nautilus announced. »I would need to create the means, such as: spacesuits, collection energy field generators not to talk about the energy needed for executing these maneuvers. I just don’t have enough energy at the moment. If I need to create these means then I’d have to shut down the life-support systems.«

  Pi wiped his bald head.

  »This is driving me crazy. We have the resources before our noses and can’t use them!«

  »There’s a piece of debris flying in front of me … a wing from a small ship. I’ll synchronize my speed and transform it.«

  He’ll try everything

  It seems that Conceptor Crux is the only living being on board the station. Maya Ivanova heard the voice in her head say. She enjoyed the mental contact to her Lord and felt less alone. You’re never alone, my love.


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