NEBULAR Collection 5 - Panic in the Galaxy: Episodes 22 - 26

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NEBULAR Collection 5 - Panic in the Galaxy: Episodes 22 - 26 Page 19

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Hosch nodded.

  »Let’s see what I can do. I just hope that the storm is not interfering with our frequency. What happens next, Boss, provided that Bondi can deliver and smash the vials? What’s going to happen to the Frigonans and when do we notice an effect?«

  Main chuckled.

  »I hope that we’re not going to be affected, remember we were exposed to the stuff?«

  »I’ll tell you soon enough when I lose my hair,« Hosch said sarcastically.

  »All we can do is wait. Maybe the Frigonans will just fall over and die, or they become ill and leave the planet. I can only speculate. I hope that Montas and Uma Boss are not affected.«

  Hard at work

  Inka Haan watched Antonio Valmont’s simulation with interest. The cookoo-gene was extremely flexible and adapted well.

  »Tonio, I agree with your thesis. It really is a designer gene. If it comes together with the target-DNA then it becomes highly contagious and spreads like wildfire,« Inka said. »The octahedron’s owners sent us a building plan for a genetic bomb, tailored to the Circle nations. We still have some unanswered questions, though …«

  Valmont nodded.

  »… for example: how the DNA docking actually occurs and how the gene detects it,« he completed her sentence.

  Inka smiled and nodded back at him.

  »One thing is certain: as soon as an individual has been infected, the infections become dominant. The gene cannot be removed! The bond with the target DNA cannot be reversed and can be transmitted to others. At this point in time it is inheritable. This is a perfect killer-gene.«

  Inka got Goosebumps just thinking about it.

  Valmont presented the next phase of his simulation.

  »It’s not enough to get infected. The chain-molecule possesses a base which inhibits it’s functions.« The scientist selected a segment and enlarged the holo. »This appendix to the DNA needs to be stimulated by a trigger so it can fall apart, only then will the cookoo-gene be effective.«

  »And then? I mean, why go through the troubles of compromising four different DNAs to prepare them for this gene? The masterminds behind this must have infected the receivers with the docking bases somehow earlier. How?«

  Valmont shrugged.

  »Somebody who can design such a gene-bomb, can also design four specialized viruses to achieve this,« he said wryly.

  »Hmm … but why go all this distance? Why not create a deadly virus instead?« she said.

  »How do you unleash a pandemic, which targets four intelligent life-forms at the same, pre-determined time, but not affecting others?«

  »There’s a flaw with your theory.« Inka shook her head. »If I were to install a time bomb to hit the Circle people, I would do it immediately, after introducing the docking bases!«

  She looked at Valmont.

  »In other words: you’re manufacturing a rifle, which you evidently want to use, but don’t load the ammo … does that make sense?« she said quickly.

  »Maybe they wanted to apply the cookoo-gene, but didn’t get to it in time. Perhaps, the Circle people found out or the gene-designers suddenly had morals and stopped the delivery? Well … let’s see it this way: this gene-bomb is the most perfidious measure, I can imagine. We don’t know exactly what it does to the DNA of the Circle people; nevertheless, it will change the genetic information of a handful of civilizations. Once they’re infected, the entire population is subjected to the gene-bomb!«

  Inka nodded contemplatively.

  »You’re correct. It’s a horrible weapon, but probably also the only one to save Humanity.«

  Antonio Valmont looked at Inka.

  »This may be the only reason the octahedron was sent on its way. Maybe, the gene-designers were facing the same situation or they want us to use the cookoo-gene as a deterrence …what do you want to do next?«

  Inka pondered for a couple of seconds then said, »We assemble the cookoo-gene and find out how to activate it!«

  More battleships

  The scanner crew had aligned their antennae on the circle fortress, but could not detect the small pod. Four Trox technicians, Quork among them, assisted the crew in their attempts to locate the small spaceship while Nok Daralamai watched them with mixed feelings.

  »Did you locate our people?«

  Quork came closer to Nok.

  »The new detection prevention makes it also for us very difficult to find them. On the other hand, it makes me happy to see that it works.«

  »Why, did you have any doubts?« Nok had noticed Quork’s skeptical undertone.

  The Trox seemed agitated.

  »The technology is not quite ready. We’re actually expecting some reflections within the higher electromagnetic spectrum. We know there’s a weakness at around nine hundred sixty THz where the pod could become detectable. It’s a very narrow spike, we haven’t been able to compensate for it yet.«

  »The Reusus shows heightened activities!« a scanner officer announced.

  »Good Heavens … traffic has increased tremendously!« Nok looked at the picture on the main holo. »They’re even using large shuttles and energy spheres … it seems that General Exterminator finally wants to take possession of the fortress.«

  »That doesn’t make sense!« Quork said. »The fortress is far from finished, even we can detect that.«

  »Maybe the activities are due to our people over there. Perhaps they noticed it and sent reinforcements to the Reusus.«

  »Do you want to sound the pre-alert for Triton, Commander?« the watch officer in charge said.

  Nok nodded.

  »Blue Moon remains behind Triton’s shadow, stand-by to evacuate some of our personnel. Triton Hawks: Ready 5!«

  »Do you really think we need to evacuate?« Quork seemed to shrink in size.

  »We need to consider it, Quork. As soon as Circle General Exterminator has taken over the fortress, he’ll turn his attention toward us. I think he no longer wants us here! I’m afraid that …«

  The long range scanner alert sounded.

  The early warning satellites, located inside the Kuiper Belt, had initiated the alert.

  »Several unknown objects have materialized behind the outer security line at the Dimensional Shield boundaries!« a scanner officer reported hastily.

  Nok Daralamai slumped into her seat, she paled.

  That’s it … more Circle battleships have arrived! That’s the end! Humanity is doomed!

  She slammed her fist on the full-alert button while the scanner officer was waiting for more detailed information from the satellites. Seconds later, she contacted the Blue Moon.

  Petrow appeared on the tactical holo, fully suited up.

  »Commander, we’ve detected at least thirty large units! The ships have penetrated the Dimensional Shield with bright light emissions. Another wave just entered the Einstein Continuum! All ships come from the tachyon continuum and were possibly thrown off course by the Dimensional Shield. They materialized directly inside our solar system!« announced Petrow.

  »Attention! The Reusus is moving away from the Moxa at high speed and takes course for a high orbit around Neptune!

  Nok was dazzled for a moment.

  Why this haste?

  »A small object has materialized above Triton! It seems to be our pod! It has re-entered from tachyon space, according to our instruments!«

  Nok was breathing heavily, but didn’t believe the report. The scanner officer was probably confused.

  The small spaceship doesn’t possess a tachyon drive, how can it come from there?

  Another comm-holo suddenly displayed Nuri Jawas’ face. She appeared exhausted but also relieved.

  »Commander, we’re reporting back. Mission completed! We were able to empty the ampoules into the air circulation system on board the Moxa. We escaped thanks to Hassan. We’ve seen horrible things on the fortress!«

  Nuri swallowed hard.

  »Hassan’s aura is burning! He can hardly concentrate and always repeats the
same words that something astonishing will occur!«

  »Commander!« Petrow yelled »A third wave of ships has arrived. We need to evacuate the base. Retreat as long as you have time!«

  »It’s too late already, Petrow!« she said dryly, clearing her throat. »What’s happening with these new arrivals … I need some info!«

  »We know as much as the Blue Moon, Ma’am. The approaching ships don’t fit the Circle scheme. They’re of different design ... about hundred ships, each of them disk-like shaped, one thousand meters in diameter, about four hundred meters thick!«

  Is this perhaps a fifth Circle nation? Nok thought.

  A strong signal overpowered all other communication. It came from the Reusus! Circle General Exterminator appeared on the displays and began raging, »I will split Triton in half and crush you! I’ll destroy each planet of this miserable solar system, then I’ll turn your sun into a nova! How dare you call your allies for help? We are not afraid. We have defeated enemies with more than thousand ships! Your helpers will later drift in space for ever in burnt out wrecks. They will serve as proof to what happens if you rise against the Circle of Victors!«

  Breathlessly, Nok listened to his ranting. She didn’t understand all of it, but knew that she had to make time. She assumed that he could hear her and answered calmly, »Don’t even think about firing at us, we will retaliate mercilessly!«

  The general was swaying slightly and uttered some words to himself.

  »You … Human woman!« he yelled. »You don’t know what you’re talking about! Your threat is ridiculous! Get ready to die!«

  »We know why you came to us. We found a message inside the octahedron data base, which enabled our scientists to make the cookoo-gene! It is already onboard your ship and the fortress. I’m certain that it infected you by now. Don’t make us to activate it!«

  The general stepped back and nervously bent his knees.

  »Humans don’t possess the knowledge of the Syroners! You are not able to deploy the gene-bomb!«

  Nok nodded satisfied.

  He knows what I’m talking about! I need to use my tactics cautiously and spread insecurity among the Circle people. I need to keep an eye on their fleet.

  »Oh … that was easy. You deployed the gene-bomb for us. We are determined to make use of this cookoo-gene, I promise you that! Leave our solar system at once, and never come back!«

  Another ship arrived with a bright flash. It was the Boodrum, the Quadranan battleship. It must have come directly from the Saturn system.

  Nok gnawed on her lower lip.

  Quadranans! The Moxantans must have alerted them and called for help! We weren’t able to infect these beings, the same goes for the Kresolytes … but they don’t know that!

  »Attention, Triton Base! The Reusus is charging their weapons!« Petrow warned from the Blue Moon.

  »Roger!« she acknowledged and held her breath.

  The Moxantan ultimate weapon discharged and sent the feared plasma into space.

  »Target vectors?«

  Seconds later, the Moxa was hit and cut in half. Moments later the Fortress exploded violently. The fortress debris was catapulted in all directions and hit the Kresolyte battleship. Several large pieces slammed into the pyramid-like spaceship’s defense shield and evaporated with bright flashes. The ship itself was trying to get to a safe distance, it appeared damaged!

  They destroyed the Fortress, they’re afraid of the cookoo-gene! They had no regard for the life of the Circle people onboard the fortress!

  Nok paled

  The command central crew members were holding their breaths, anticipating an attack on the base.

  Suddenly, the main airlock to the command central opened and Nuri Jawa and Hassan Khalil stormed into the room.

  »The fleet … is coming … now!« he announced with bated breath.

  Moments later, a storm of light flashes appeared around Triton. One ship after another materialized in the moon’s vicinity.

  »Forty-eight ships are shielding us from the Circle battleships!« the scanner officer announced.

  Nok looked at Hassan.

  »Who on Earth has sent these ships?«

  Hassan smiled and seemed relaxed; he pointed at the main holo.

  Nok shook her head, in awe.

  Thousands of small objects were flying from the disc-like spaceships toward Triton Base.

  She closed her eyes and waited for the end …

  »Bombs or robots … it doesn’t make a difference anymore,« she addressed Nuri with a muted voice.

  Nuri didn’t seem to be unhappy at all, on the contrary, she smiled and said, »This time it makes a significant difference!«

  »That’s not going to save you!« the general shouted and gave orders to open fire on Triton.

  Nok shrugged. The Reusus fired her plasma weapon, but the charges were suddenly swallowed by an unknown, swirling, black energy, which refracted the plasma spheres out of sight.

  »Commander … they’re already inside the base and are on the way to the command central!« the base security OIC said.

  »Let them pass! DO NOT ATTACK THEM!« Nok commanded while the forty-eight ships tightened their orbit around Triton. »They saved our lives, let’s be grateful!«

  Nok didn’t let the main airlock out of her sight and periodically watched the main holo. The comm-link with General Exterminator was interrupted. It must have cracked his ego that his ultimate weapon hadn’t worked as anticipated.

  A huge pressure wave

  Tiller Hosch and Sawyer Main witnessed first-hand when the lightning discharges subsided over Greenland. The satellites as well as the orbital observation posts also reported that the Blosphor had ceased her activities. The Circle battleship left the orbit and slowly sank into the Earth’s atmosphere, accompanied by ionized air masses. It came down to the landing site.

  At first Hosch and Main only heard a sonic bang, then they saw the flaming path of the ship in the sky. The ship was about one thousand meters long, a gigantic object. It pushed through the atmosphere, glowing as bright as the sun at daybreak.

  Hosch wanted to leave the groomer, but Main held him by his sleeve.

  »The ship is certainly not going to crash! The Frigonans will stop before it hits the ground. We’re safer inside the groomer. We should brace for the strong pressure wave. They seem to be in a hurry. Buckle up, just in case!«

  Both men watched the ship’s descend through the transparent roof. At first the ship was small like a needle point, but rapidly it grew in size by the second – a huge, flaming monster.

  »Boss, if the ship doesn’t hit the brakes soon then we’ll be stamped into the terrain!«

  »Uh … just watch … it won’t take much longer!«

  Seconds later, the groomer was hit by a strong pressure wave, making the vehicle tumble. The transparent, dome-like roof shattered and plastic fragments where flying through the air. Instinctively, the two men braced their heads on their shoulders and took cover as best they could. Another jolt flipped the groomer up-side-down. Snow and ice burst through the open canopy while Hosch and Main were hanging head-down in their seatbelts.

  Hosch was bleeding from his head. His blood was dripping, red and thick into the white snow.

  »We made it!« Main moaned sarcastically.

  »That’s certainly good news, but for how long? Our groomer is a pile of junk. The stinger-penguins will be on us soon. I want out! I don’t want these beasts to find us in this position.«

  »Montas did this! He released the agent and caused havoc among the Frigonans. Why else are they changing their plans all of a sudden?«

  Hosch pulled his knife and cut his seatbelts. With a thump, he landed on his belly about one meter below. Main followed his example and landed beside him. He attended Hosch’s head wound before they both tried to dig themselves a tunnel through the snow.

  As they came to the surface, they looked at the sky.

  Hosch moaned, holding his head.

  »I must
have received a much stronger hit to my head than I had expected. I imagine having seen the Blosphor fallen from the sky …«

  Main laughed and pulled down his visor.

  »We were caught inside the groomer for about ten minutes. A lot could have happened in the meantime. Looks like the Frigonans have left!«

  Hosch looked at Main and got up. He found the path up the hill and ran as fast as the snow allowed him.

  »Hosch! Don’t be stupid!« Main yelled after him, but Hosch ignored him.

  »Try to call for help, Boss. Maybe the radio is still working!« he yelled back.

  Hosch stumbled a couple of times until he finally reached the lookout point from which they had observed the fortress before. Hosch wanted to see what the Frigonans had done in the meantime, but primarily, he was interested in Montas’ well-being.

  As he arrived at the top of the hill, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The spindles were still there, but they were no longer active. The glow had disappeared. There was nobody to be seen around the fortress.

  Hosch pulled out his binoculars and whispered, »Where are you? Where are you hiding, you bastards!«

  As much as he tried to find a sign of life near the fortress, he wasn’t successful. No more Frigonans, no hosts, no robots – no Montas Bondifar.

  Silver spheres

  Nok Daralamai was amazed as the intruders entered the command central. At first there were only a few, but moments later, the room filled with them and surrounded the crew curiously. They looked like perfectly shaped, light-reflecting spheres. At first glance their skins seemed metallic but then Nok noticed that their skins were heaving and retracting ever so slightly. Each and every crew member was surrounded by these beings.

  Nok Daralamai felt her pulse racing.

  I’ve heard of them. Arkroid had mentioned them before.

  »Remain calm and don’t be afraid! There’s no danger! They’re Techno-Clerics.«

  One of the spheres came over to Nok and stopped by her side.

  »I am 40028 and know members of your species.«

  Nok quickly glanced over to the main holo where two Circle battleships took position, ignoring the Kresolyte ship which was tumbling and falling into Neptune’s atmosphere.


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