Kiss Me Kate

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Kiss Me Kate Page 11

by Mari Carr

  Four days in Kate’s presence had solidified his belief that she was indeed the only woman in the world for him. Now all he had to do was convince the stubborn woman of that fact. When she’d initially rebuffed his demand for a proper relationship, Rick had been overwhelmed with anger. However, as she explained her fears, he could understand her reluctance to jump straight from the frying pan and into the fire.

  Zack Summers had done a royal number on his sweet, shy woman and it would take a hell of a lot more than a few months of emails and a few days together to persuade her to take such a big risk again. Rick realized his only hope of winning the war for Kate’s battered heart was patience. Unfortunately, he wasn’t known for being a particularly patient person. He figured the fates were having a good laugh at his expense. Regardless, he was going to give her all the time she needed, although he silently prayed that time would be short.

  Hopefully, by conquering her fears one at a time, she would come to realize that he was a man she could entrust her heart to. When he’d offered the compromise, he’d done so with a heavy heart. However, as the days passed, he was more and more convinced he was doing the right thing with Kate. Besides, if he was being perfectly honest, he wasn’t suffering overmuch since Kate’s request in the compromise was sex, sex and more sex. Rick grinned as he remembered last night’s dinner. After they finished dessert, Rick bent his voluptuous beauty over the dining room table and introduced her to the pleasures of being taken from behind. Her passion-filled screams as she came around his cock still sounded in his ears.

  God, she was an amazing lover. Open and willing and adventurous. She took his breath away. Rick was continually amazed by his shy girl’s incredible sexuality. She held nothing back and although he never pushed her outside the realm of his more tame appetites, several times he found himself wondering if Kate Harper would be as opposed to his darker desires as he’d feared.


  “Out here.”

  “I wondered where you were.” She stepped out of the house and came to join him on the front porch. “It’s freezing. What are you doing?”

  “Watching the sunrise. Come here.” He gestured at the spot next to him on the swing. “Come sit with me. I’ll keep you warm.”

  Taking her place by his side, Kate cuddled into him as Rick pulled her close with an arm around her shoulders. “Your sister told me you had a bad habit of rising early.”

  “Apparently it’s one you share. I’ve yet to beat you out of bed.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it. Combination jet-lag and insatiable horniness,” he teased. “Once those two problems are cured, you probably won’t see me much before eight.”

  Kate laughed at his joke. “Correct me if I’m wrong, Rick, but I have the sneaking suspicion your insatiable horniness is chronic.”

  “Only with you.” He placed a light kiss on the top on her head. “Imagine Kate, once we’re married we can spend every morning out here together just like this.”

  “Rick,” Kate warned, but he ignored her annoyed tone. As he’d promised, he spent a little while each day weaving a picture of the future he hoped for with her. Thus far, Kate hadn’t responded to his words, instead sitting silently and stoically as he pressed his suit.

  “Now, now, Ms. Harper. We did reach a compromise. You owe me a chance to seriously woo you once a day, remember.”

  Kate made a face. Rick fought to restrain his laughter at her cute expression.

  “You’re working it in a bit early today, aren’t you? I haven’t even had a cup of coffee yet.”

  Rick shrugged. “Wouldn’t you like waking up here in the country every morning, Kate? Coming out onto this front porch together, watching the sunrise and talking about our day’s plans?”

  Kate remained quiet, as was her habit whenever Rick discussed his dreams with her. She tried hard to appear unmoved by his imaginings, but every now and then, Rick thought he saw a glimmer of longing in her face. She glanced toward the rising sun as he continued to speak.

  “In the summer, we could sit out here as long as we wanted, just talking. Of course, when the kids come along, it’ll probably be a bit noisier as they’ll be running around in the yard, chasing Rex and riding bicycles.”

  “Kids?” she whispered. Rick pulled her closer, tucking her head under his cheek. He’d never discussed his desire to have children with her yet.

  “Do you want children, angel?”

  “Yes,” she acknowledged. “I do.”

  “How many should we have, Kate?”

  Kate shrugged and Rick wondered if she’d answer. Her voice when she spoke was so quiet Rick had to struggle to make out her words. “I always thought I’d like to have one of each, a boy and a girl, but then I remember how it was for me and Jill growing up and I can’t imagine not having two girls, sisters.”

  “Well, I think two is a definite, although I’d like more, a houseful. I’m an only child and I wouldn’t do that to any kid of mine. Wes filled in that noticeable gap, but I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a real sibling.”

  Kate sighed heavily and Rick could sense her climbing back inside her protective shell. Today was the first time she’d truly taken a peek out, however, and it filled him with hope.

  “When do you want to leave?” Kate was obviously ready for a change of subject. Rick could object to her cutting into his part of the deal, but he felt like he’d made great strides and decided to let it go.

  The two of them were traveling to Harrisburg to visit Wes. Then Rick promised to take her out to lunch at a cozy little Mexican restaurant he’d discovered not far from the hospital.

  “Visiting hours don’t start until nine, so we have a couple hours yet,” he answered.

  “Want some breakfast?”

  Rick grinned at her apparent nervousness. They both knew what Rick really wanted and Kate was as skittish as a new foal. Apparently his wooing had had more of an effect on her than she was comfortable with.

  “Eventually.” He tightened his grip on her shoulder. He had no doubt if he gave her an opening, she’d escape to the house under the pretense of needing to do something.

  “Oh.” She sighed softly and he watched the wheels in her brain churn.

  “What I’d really like to do is enjoy the morning, relaxing here with my best girl by my side.”

  Kate giggled at his comment. “So I’m your best girl, am I?”

  “The very best,” he whispered. “Except…”


  “I don’t remember getting my good-morning kiss yet.”

  She laughed at his request. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough kisses from me? I seem to recall doing nothing but kissing last night for nearly an hour.”

  “I’ll never have enough kisses from you, sweetheart. Kiss me, Kate.” Rick leaned closer and staked his claim on her lovely lips.

  Kate never failed to respond to his call and within seconds, her arms were wrapped tightly around him and her mouth was open for his possession.

  “Mmm.” She hummed with a grin when at last they parted. “I love kissing you,” she mumbled and Rick smiled at her unconscious comment. Kate was absolutely unable to hold back anything she was thinking. He loved having the window to her thoughts wide open to him. He never had to second-guess about her feelings.

  “Ditto,” he whispered back and, as always, Kate looked slightly startled to discover she had spoken her thoughts aloud.

  “Come inside with me, love.” Rick was unable to hold back. He had planned to wait until tonight to make love to her again, but as with most things involving Kate, all his best intentions went out the window.

  Kate studied him closely before nodding. Taking her hand, Rick led her back in the house and upstairs to his bedroom. He noticed Kate was surprised by his choice of room. Although they slept together every night, it was always in her room. This time, Rick wanted to be in his room, in his oversized king-size bed and silk sheets.

  Closing the door quietly beh
ind him, Rick listened as Rex settled outside the door with a single whine.

  “He hates being shut out,” Kate said softly.

  “You’re mine, Kate. All mine. It’s time the big old mutt realizes that fact.” Moving into the room, Rick sat down on the edge of the high bed.

  “Take your clothes off.” His words were a soft request laced with an edge of command and he watched her face go through an amazing range of emotions. She flashed from embarrassment to shyness to apprehension all in the blink of an eye. Then a sweet smile graced her luscious lips as she pulled her sweater over her head. Rick was pleasantly pleased to discover the only thing under Kate’s sweater was Kate.

  Obviously intent on teasing and tantalizing him, she raised her hands and lifted her large breasts as Rick struggled to take a deep breath. She took the nipples between her fingers and pinched them firmly, letting him know exactly how much she liked a rough touch.

  “Oh baby, you are so beautiful.” Her sexy movements captivated him.

  Turning away from the bed, Kate looked over her shoulder with a smile. She knew precisely what she was doing to him and his overwhelmed libido. She slowly slid her jeans down before bending over to slip them off completely and Rick was treated to a bird’s-eye view of her gorgeous ass.

  “Get over here.” The huskiness of his voice broadcast his desire clearly, but he didn’t care. He needed to touch her now or die with the effort.

  She walked toward him confidently. In her eyes, Rick saw the same need he felt all the way down to his toes. This woman fascinated him like no other and he knew the next few moments were bound to be some of the most exquisite in his life.

  He helped her climb up onto the high, old-fashioned bed. “Lie down.”

  She complied without comment, her gaze never wavering as Rick began to unbutton his shirt. As she watched him undress he ate her alive with his eyes, admiring every inch of her lovely body.

  “Spread your legs. Let me see all of you.” He unbuttoned his shirt quickly, dropping it to the floor.

  Kate flushed as she looked at him and he could see the exhilaration written on her face. Oh, she loved to be dominated. It was so clear to him now. Slowly she opened her legs, giving him a crystal-clear view of the gates of heaven.

  “Leave your legs open, just like that. Show me how much you want me.”

  Kate trembled at his words and her breathing sped up. She was thoroughly aroused by his demands. With shaking hands, she reached down and ran her fingers through her wet pussy.

  The image of Kate playing with herself was too much for Rick and he quickly shed his jeans before crawling up on the bed between her legs.

  “Give me a taste, Kate.” As he spoke, he grasped her wrists, slowly pulling her fingers toward his mouth. “Just one small taste of this,” he whispered as he took each digit into his mouth to suck off the sweetness of her arousal. Unsatisfied with that small sample, he bent his head to her wet pussy. The faint smell of orchids washed over him again and he was powerless to stop until he consumed her completely.

  Kate’s hands flew to his hair as he pressed his lips to her hard clit, his tongue probing and pushing. As always, Kate’s hips began to move against him, but Rick denied her movement by placing his firm hands on her upper thighs.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered. “It’s my turn, Kate.”

  “Please, Rick.” She continued to beg him breathlessly for more, but Rick refused to give up the haven her drenched cunt provided his hungry mouth. Over and over he teased the entrance to her body with his tongue, until he felt Kate’s muscles tensing and suspected she was only moments away from exploding.

  Sliding a finger into her hot pussy, he thrust hard several times and his efforts were rewarded when Kate’s body quivered uncontrollably and he heard her screams of pleasure.

  Rising up on his elbows, Rick watched her beautiful face as she came. When she finally opened her eyes to find him looking at her, he spoke to her in a firm voice. “That’s the last time you’ll come without my permission, Kate.”

  He expected confusion or perhaps even anger at his strong words, but again it was Kate who surprised him. Without saying a word, she nodded her assent.

  Bending his head, Rick decided to test that agreement. Using his tongue on her clit, he returned to her wet pussy and pushed two hard fingers deep inside her.

  Kate cried out and he immediately felt her body building back up. Moving in and out with reckless determination, he drove her to the precipice over and over again, each time refusing to give her the final push.

  Only when she was gasping for breath and begging for release did he give her the command. “Now, Kate,” he demanded. “Come now.” With that, he added a third digit to the other two while nipping at her rock-hard clit.

  Kate screamed as she came again but Rick refused to back down. Twice more he brought her to climax until Kate, in her delirium, pulled him over her body by the hair. Quickly, Rick sheathed himself with a condom and before he realized what she was doing, Kate had his cock poised at her soaking entry.

  “Now…I need you now.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and with surprising strength, pulled him into her body in one hard thrust that left him seated to the hilt.

  He heard her cry out and felt his stomach lurch at the thought he’d hurt her. He was no small man and every time they’d made love the past few days, he’d been careful to enter her slowly, giving her body time to adjust to his girth. Her legs, clamped around his waist, held him inside her like a vice and Rick’s temper exploded at her careless actions.

  “Damn you. You weren’t ready for me, Kate.”

  “Move!” she demanded. “Move, Rick. Oh God, please, I need you. All of you. Hard. Fast. Now!”

  Her words were the trigger his aching body needed to hear. Without any further thought to his careful actions, Rick took her at her word—and gave it to her as she’d requested, hard and fast. Thrusting fully, Rick felt the walls of her pussy begin to contract. Aware he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer, he gripped her head between his hands, silently demanding she look at him.

  “Now,” he said. “Come now.”

  Kate exploded in his arms, but her gaze never wavered from his. Anxious to give her the same gift, Rick let her orgasm pull his climax from him. He shuddered as his cum shot straight into her, filling the condom, but he never looked away. He opened the window to his soul and let her see inside.

  When the last of their pleasure faded away, Rick gently pulled out of her body and enveloped her in his strong hold.

  “You little fool.” His chastisement was merely for show and they both knew it. His voice betrayed his intense feelings for her. “I could have hurt you.”

  Kate stretched up to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Never,” she whispered. “Do we have time to do it again? Before we leave for the hospital?”

  Rick laughed at her hopeful request. “Oh yeah. Wes has a broken leg. He sure as hell isn’t going anywhere. Come here.”

  Chapter 15

  Kate stretched like a lazy cat the next morning. She and Rick had spent most of the previous day—after they’d managed to leave the bedroom—strolling around Harrisburg. The visit with Wes ended rather quickly when it was apparent the patient was no longer in any mood to be hospitalized or, as he phrased it, “imprisoned”. After an hour of listening to Wes’s nonstop grumbling, Rick’s patience ran out and he grabbed her hand, saying a hurried goodbye.

  Afterward, she and Rick ate a lovely late lunch then explored the shops along Main Street. When they returned home, Rick brought her back upstairs to his big bed and made love to her so sweetly she thought she would cry.

  Smiling, she looked next to her in the bed and studied the slumbering giant who had invaded her world. She loved Rick’s size as she realized that for the first time in her life, she didn’t feel huge. In fact, she felt rather tiny wrapped in Rick’s arms. Unlike her sister, Kate inherited her height from her father’s side of the family. She was five foot nine barefoot
and considerably taller in heels. Not that she owned heels any more. Those had all been thrown away during her first year of marriage to Zack the Rat. He was only an inch or so taller than her and didn’t seem to like having what he referred to as an Amazon for a wife.

  Shaking her head, Kate tried to push the memories of Zack away but for once they refused to leave. For years she’d swallowed her pride right along with his insults. The thought of the other night crept back in and before she realized it, Kate’s body betrayed her as well as her mind and she started to shake. What would have happened if Rick hadn’t shown up when he did? Would Zack have raped her?

  Her mind protested the thought she could have willingly given six years of her life to a man capable of such a horrible act of violence, but she couldn’t dismiss the terrifying idea that he would indeed have hurt her. And hurt her badly.

  “Kate,” a gruff voice said beside her. “Are you crying?”

  Kate’s hands flew to her face. “Am I?” Tears were streaming down her face.

  “Sweetheart.” Rick rose up quickly and pulled her shaking body into the safety and comfort of his large embrace. “What is it? What happened?”

  “B-bad dream.”

  Rick, however, wasn’t fooled. Pulling away, he placed strong hands on her shoulders and waited until she had no choice but to look up into his eyes. “You’re a terrible liar.” His voice was so kind, Kate lost control and her quiet tears became a steady sob.

  “Zack.” She forced her ex-husband’s name through the constriction forming in her throat and Rick pulled her even closer, settling her shivering form on his lap.

  “I wondered when it would hit you.” He wiped her eyes with his fingertips when her crying began to calm. “Delayed shock.”

  “He was going to r-rape me.” Her words sounded hoarse and Rick’s arms tightened even more. Rather than crushing her, the strength of them seemed to stabilize her, help her find her footing again.

  “No one will ever hurt you, Kate.” Rick’s vow was sincere, his voice steady and strong. “Not while I still have a breath left in my body.”


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