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Malevolent Page 8

by Cassia Brightmore

  Not wanting to be rude, she took Mila’s hand and shook it, feeling awkward. “Um, yeah I am. I’ve been in town about a week now. I’m Gwyn. Gwyn Woods,” she finished, struggling to keep her eyes locked to Mila’s. If there was one thing Lawrence had taught her, it was that averting your eyes was a sign of weakness. She didn’t ever want to appear weak again.

  “Well, that is just lovely. I had no idea we had someone new in town,” Mila took a sip of her coffee and studied her. “We will have to go to lunch, just us girls so I can hear all about you.” Her attitude was such a complete flip from when she first walked in, that Gwyn was on guard. What kind of game is she playing?

  Before she could form a reply, the door chimed as it banged shut. Looking up, she caught her breath. Brady. So happy to see him, she grinned before she could stop herself. He waved and gave her a wink, before strolling over to say good morning to the Bartletts. Entranced, she followed his steps not being able to help checking out his fine ass. An ass that her hands had been gripping just a few nights ago as she begged him to fuck her. Oh God. Blushing, she tore her gaze away. Noticing Mila was also staring longingly after Brady, she paused. Recalling a conversation with Hailey…Oh. This was the Mila. Brady’s ex. Fuck.

  Mila turned her attention back to Gwyn and was about to apologize for her inattention when she noticed the waitress’s blush. Looking back, she noted the way Brady’s gaze kept returning to her even though he was involved in a conversation with Mr. Bartlett. What. The. Fuck. The wave and the wink she had assumed was for her, she now realized was intended for this inconsequential slip of a girl in front of her. A waitress. Fury rose in her. Brady was hers.

  They were going to have the happy ending and be the darlings of this town. Any other outcome was simply unacceptable. Her earlier thought of befriending her out of the goodness of her heart was now demolished. She raised her glittering green eyes to Gwyn’s chocolate brown and pinned her with a stare. She let her true intentions show in just that brief moment, she had recognized an enemy, and in Mila’s world—enemies were destroyed.

  Gwyn’s eyes widened at the flash of pure hate she saw in Mila’s eyes. It was gone so quick, for a second she thought she imagined it. A wordless war had just been fought between them and she somehow had the feeling she had lost this round. Glancing back over at Brady, Gwyn made her decision. She would not be run off, there was something there with Brady and as scary as it was, she wanted to explore it. To discover who she could be with him. Crossing her arms, she glared back at Mila. If she wanted a war, fine. She was all in. Bring it, bitch.

  Mila gave a barely perceptible nod, silently accepting the challenge. Flashing a tight smile, she pulled her mask back into place. “Gwyn, it’s been just divine chatting with you, but I’m afraid I must be going. If you would be so kind to fetch my check?” Her voice dripped with fake sweetness and an underlying hint of venom.

  “No check necessary. Coffee is a dollar twenty-five.” Gwyn replied, refusing to move from her spot. Visibly gritting her teeth, Mila opened her purse and pulled out a few bills. “Keep the change, I insist.” Standing, she straightened her black and white striped romper. Flashing a sly look at Gwyn, she headed over to Brady. Touching his arm, she rose up on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear.

  Gwyn was too far away to hear what she said, her pride keeping her from stomping over and ripping her hand off his arm. Brady’s face was blank as he replied, offering no hint as to what she said. Turning on her heel, she waved at Gwyn as she walked to the door, nearly colliding with Hailey who was heading in.

  Recovering, she called out, “Nice to meet you, dear. Do try to curb that habit of helping yourself to the inventory.” With that parting insult, she was gone.

  “Hey Mila, don’t forget to kick some puppies today while you’re at it!” Hailey yelled out the door after her. “Fucking bitch,” she muttered under her breath as she headed over to Gwyn. “You alright, honey? Told you she was a piece of work.”

  “She’s terrible. But yes, I’m fine. I didn’t let her get to me…much,” she laughed. “What are you doing up so early? It’s the weekend, no school for you.”

  “You and I have a date tonight, girls only,” she emphasized as Brady joined them. He raised his brows at Hailey's words. Without saying a word, he leaned over and grabbed Gwyn by the back of the neck, crashing his lips down on hers. Surprised, she nearly jumped back, but as his grip on her tightened she melted into the kiss, her hands coming up to dig into his shoulders.

  “Good Lord you two, keep that up and I’m going to need to track down my husband.” Hailey’s laughing voice interrupted the moment, and they pulled apart.

  “Sorry, Hailey. I’ve missed this girl. You can have her for a few hours tonight, but after that—I want her at my place.” Brady instructed.

  “Uh, guys? I’m standing right here.” Annoyed at being discussed like she wasn’t present, Gwyn glared at Brady. “And what makes you think I want to go to your place? Maybe you should try asking me.”

  Hailey snickered, “Thatta girl, I knew there was some fire in you.”

  Not amused, Brady looked at her. His voice lowered a few octaves and his eyes smoldered, “You will want to, won’t you Gwyn?” Drawn in to the hidden meaning behind his words, she meekly nodded.

  “Good. It’s settled then. Now sugar, can I get a coffee to go please?” Nodding, Gwyn walked over to the pot. Happy for the few minutes of distraction, she shook off the lingering desire Brady’s kiss had caused. His eyes held a dark promise, tonight there would be no interruptions. Anticipation flowed through her, accompanied by its good friend anxiety. Was she ready for this? There was only one way to find out. Heading back, she handed Brady his coffee.

  “Thanks darlin’. I’ve got to run, but I’ll see you tonight. Hailey, be safe please.” He gave her a pointed look and she nodded in understanding. Leaning down, he gave her a quick hard kiss, sending Gwyn another wink before leaving.

  Seeing Gwyn’s dazed look, Hailey laughed. “Girl, you are so screwed. And, it’s obvious you’ve been keeping some details from me. Be prepared to spill your guts tonight. I’ll be back at eight.”

  Gwyn shrugged, not prepared to share any details. “Sounds good, I will be ready. I better get back to work,” she said noting that the Bartletts were just finishing up with their meal.

  “Sure thing, honey. Until later,” she was gone as fast as she came in. Gwyn wished she could be as carefree as her, she made it look so easy. Wiping down the counter, she turned to head back to the kitchen to check on the status of a few orders.

  “Sunny! Why didn’t you follow that man and his fine ass?” Mrs. Bartlett’s voice yelled out, stopping her in her tracks. Covering her face in her hands, she sighed. It was going to be a long day.

  Later that night, Gwyn studied her limited wardrobe options. Unsure of where she was going with Hailey, she really needed to get better at finding out those details, she settled on a dark denim skirt and a simple black tank. She had a short denim jacket she could bring with her in case it got chilly. Pulling her long hair into a ponytail, she added a pair of small hoop earrings and a spray of perfume.

  Selecting her undergarments had taken longer, as she was positive Brady was going to see them later. Not having many sexy options, she settled on a red set. The bra had push up cups that she thought showed her small breasts off to their best advantage.

  A knock on the door signaled Hailey’s arrival and she rushed from the bathroom to the door. Pulling it open, she was shocked to find a man on the other side. A strange man she had never seen before. With a yelp, she stepped back, moving to slam the door closed again. His hand shot out lightning quick, stopping her.

  “Get off!” she cried out, struggling with all her might to push the door. Fuck, who was he? Terrified, she started to scream.

  “Wait, wait. Jesus. Dammit. I’m a cop!” the man’s explanation gave her pause, halting her scream for help.

  “A cop?” she repeated, peering at him and noticing for th
e first time that he was in fact, wearing a Deputy’s uniform. Still not convinced he wasn’t a threat, she demanded a better explanation. “What are you doing here? I didn’t call anyone.” Suspicious, she studied him. He was young, maybe late twenties. Tall, with thick brown hair peeking out from under his hat. His eyes were flat brown and set almost a little too close together on his face. He was handsome, and also looking very contrite.

  “I’m Deputy Percy. Dan Percy. My Sheriff asked me to come over here and take a look at your locks. To install something stronger, more reinforced.” He lifted a brown paper bag with Henderson’s Hardware scrawled on it. “You can call him, call down to Joan even. They know me.”

  “Give me the bag,” she said, holding out her hand. He complied and she peeked inside. So, he was telling the truth about the locks, but was it all a ploy? Opening her mouth to grill him further, she was cut off when Hailey arrived.

  “Hey Percy, what are you doing out here on the porch?” she gave him an affectionate shoulder bump and pushed her way inside. Percy let out a nervous laugh.

  “This little firecracker wouldn’t let me in, I’m still not convinced she isn’t going to stab me in the eyeball,” he told her, glancing nervously at Gwyn. Hailey rolled her eyes.

  “Let me guess, Brady didn’t call to tell you Percy was coming over?” Hailey asked her, sighing when Gwyn shook her head no. “Men,” she said, exasperated.

  “Look, he’s cool. Sam changed our locks out tonight too. Just a precaution,” Hailey took the bag from her and handed it back to Percy. “Now, you and me lady, have a date with some very yummy shots. Let’s go.” Gwyn was unsure about leaving Percy alone in her apartment, but decided that it was time to start trusting people, not everyone was as evil as Lawrence.

  “Um, will you lock up?” she asked him. He took a key from the bag and put it in her hand.

  “I sure will, ma’am. There’s your new copy so you can get back in. You ladies have a good time, and be safe out there,” Percy aimed his words at the both of them. That was the second time they had been given that warning and Gwyn decided tonight was the night she was going to get some answers about why.

  “Thanks, Percy. Hey, have you pulled your head out of your ass yet and asked Sarah on a date? You know she isn’t going to wait around forever for you to quit being a douche and realize you two would be perfect together.” Hailey was straight to the point, as usual.

  “Ya ya, I know. I’m working up to it, breaking down her defenses,” he answered. Hailey shook her head and pulled Gwyn out the door.

  “Ya well, good luck with that.”

  “If you need a ride back later, give me a ring. I’m on all night,” he offered. The girls nodded their thanks and headed down the stairs to Hailey’s car.

  The drive to the bar was short and filled with Hailey singing obnoxiously at the top of her lungs to the classics on the radio while Gwyn cringed. Hailey was a terrible singer, but damn if she wasn’t entertaining. She was quietly relieved when they finally pulled to a stop, Gwyn reached over and snapped off the radio, halting Hailey mid-screech.

  Hailey had explained that the most popular place in Durham Heights was Gamblers, a sports bar not far off the main street. Inside, the place wasn’t very big. There were only a few booths and some scattered stools along the bar. To the far left side, there was a makeshift dance floor and a small stage where Gwyn guessed the bands would play. She smiled, noting that there was more TVs than seating, and several men were gathered around a large screen at the back; the occasional yell or curse was floating over from their direction.

  “Game night,” Hailey explained, nodding towards them. The two found an empty booth and after sitting down, Gwyn relaxed. She liked the excitement in the air, the laid back feel of the place. Her nervousness evaporated as Hailey headed up to the bar to get their first drink. It looked like this night wasn’t going to be a disaster after all.

  Several shots and drinks later, the two were engrossed in a very detailed discussion of Sheriff Brady’s “assets.” The liquor had loosened Gwyn’s tongue and she found herself feeling more carefree and alive than she had in a long time. Hailey had become one of her favorite people, she had this ability to see right through her, to see what it was she needed and become that person. Finding a friend like her was a lucky surprise.

  “So, are you going to tell me now what’s going on around here? Why does everyone keep telling us to ‘be safe’? I feel like I’m out of the loop on something,” Gwyn voiced the concerns that had been driving her crazy ever since Brady rushed out of her apartment.

  Hailey was quiet for a moment before answering. “There was a murder. A girl from this town was abducted, tortured and killed. She was only eighteen.” Gwyn covered her mouth in horror.

  “Eighteen? Oh my God.” Hailey nodded.

  “There’s more. It looks like whoever did this kept her for weeks, before killing her. And the other night,” Hailey cleared her throat, “—the other night, another body was discovered. That’s where Brady got called away to.” Gwyn stared at her, shocked. Two victims?

  “He didn’t want you to know, didn’t want you to get scared off and leave. I think he’s really got it bad for you, honey.” Gwyn nodded, not sure how to respond. After a minute, she picked up her drink and took a long sip.

  “That’s just…I have no words. It’s terrible. I can see why you both wouldn’t want me to know. But I think I’ve decided to stay here, so please, if I’m going to try to build a life for myself here, I need you to be honest with me, Hailey.”

  “We want a baby. I want a baby. What is wrong with me that I can’t get pregnant? Trust me, it’s not for lack of trying,” Hailey blurted out. Caught off guard at the switch in topic, Gwyn looked up, catching Hailey’s sad expression.

  “Oh, Hailey. There’s nothing wrong with you,” she rushed to reassure her.

  “We’ve been trying for months but it’s just not happening for us. Maybe it never will.” Big, fat tears began to run down Hailey’s cheeks, her pain at her failure to get pregnant evident. Seeking to soothe, Gwyn took her hand.

  “Shhh, it will happen. I promise, and when it does—you are going to make an amazing mother. Anyone who knows you can see that.”

  Wiping her tears away, Hailey smiled softly. “Sorry, it’s just so frustrating you know? This is what my body is supposed to be made for…and for whatever reason, it’s not happening. I feel like I’m letting Sam down, letting myself down.”

  Gwyn’s heart went out to Hailey, her pain was so easy to see. Seeing someone so strong break, it was gut wrenching.

  “Hailey, you are not a failure. Everything happens for a reason, and I know it’s easier said than done, but you have to trust that. If you can’t conceive, well there is a million other ways that you and Sam can start a family—any child would be lucky to find you. Beyond lucky.”

  Grateful for Gwyn’s words, Hailey squeezed her hand. “Well, now that we’ve officially entered the drunken crying portion of the night, I’d say it’s about time we threw in the towel. You have somewhere to be after all. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one making a baby tonight,” Hailey gave her a wink.

  At her words, the nerves kicked in again. The anticipation of seeing Brady was thrilling and terrifying. She was ready to take a chance and see where it got her.

  “Alright, let’s go.” Hailey pulled out her phone and called Percy, arranging their ride home.

  “All set, he’s on his way,” Hailey said after ending the call. “No backing out now, honey.” Gwyn knew she was right.


  Brady watched Gwyn through the peephole, wondering how long it was going to take her to knock on the door. She was awkward and adorable. Sexy without knowing it and completely irresistible. Every smile she gave him was like a gift; his instincts told him that this was a big step for her. Her sweetness, her goodness came through in all of her actions, but he knew there was more to her than that. She was a puzzle. A contradiction. A refreshing change. He w
as desperate to be the man that scratched the surface and uncovered the passionate woman she was hiding from the world.

  Unable to stand it any longer, he yanked open the door, causing her to jump. She wobbled slightly as she stepped forward.

  “Um, hi. I was just going to knock…” She licked her lips as he stared at her with a hungry look in his eye. Grabbing her, he pulled her into his arms. “Sure you were, sugar,” he replied nuzzling his face into her neck. She was a tiny thing, her head barely came up to his shoulders. The urge to protect her, to make her his, was fierce.

  “Did you have fun with Hailey?” His question was muffled as his nose nudged her ear, inhaling her scent.

  “I did, she told me some interesting stories,” she gasped as he bared his teeth and nipped her earlobe. Distracted, he didn’t pay attention to her answer. Kicking the door closed, he moved her to the wall and pushed her back against it.

  “This seems familiar,” she joked. Raising up on her toes, she looked into his eyes. “Hi,” she said, trying to hold in her happiness at being with him.

  Chuckling, he kissed her nose. “Hi, back. I’m glad you’re here. Glad you’re safe.”

  Gwyn nodded at his words. “Hailey told me, about the murders.” Swearing, he pulled away from her. Even in his track pants and casual t-shirt, he was formidable when angry.

  “I can keep you safe. You don’t need to run, Gwyn.” He came back and rested his forehead on hers. “Don’t run,” he pleaded. Looking in his eyes, she knew his words were about her, and also about his past. Touching his face, she reassured him. “I’m not running, Brady. I’m staying right here. With you.”

  He nodded, closing his eyes. “I kept it from you as long as I could, I wanted to protect you.”

  “Tell me what happened in New York, Brady. I know you didn’t leave there just to get a change of scenery. You can trust me.”

  Brady knew she was right. He needed to be open and share his past with someone. He wanted it to be be her. “Go sit on the couch and I’ll pour us some wine. I need a drink for this.” He gave her a kiss and small push towards his couch.


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