Big Girls Rock: Hard Rock Love (#2) (BBW Erotic Romance)

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Big Girls Rock: Hard Rock Love (#2) (BBW Erotic Romance) Page 3

by Danielle Houston

  “It's forecast to be sunny all day tomorrow.” He took my hand in his and squeezed.

  “I guess I'll see you tomorrow.” I replied.

  “I guess so,” he leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek. My heart fluttered and my palms dampened. This was all too good to be true. Ms. Steele poked her head out of the back room. “Get out of here before you get me fired.” I laughed and hugged him.

  “Okay, looking forward to tomorrow.” With that he left the store and disappeared into the mall. I went back to sorting tags and grinning like an idiot.

  When Saturday came I spring out of bed, giddy like a kid on Christmas. What in the hell was I going to wear? I rummaged through my closet until I found something that was absolutely perfect. It was a dress I’d only worn once. It was a 1950’s styled A-line red cotton dress. The garment hugged my body in all the right places. Also, it showed just enough cleavage to push the edge of modesty. The retro look was something that really suited my full figure. I found a pair of old-fashioned Mary Jane heels, and some nylons. I put my dark hair up into a bun, and put on my makeup. My eyes were carefully lined, and I painted my lips red to match the dress.

  “Date with Dylan?” Jen said she peeked into my room.

  “We're having a picnic”

  “How fun!” She picked up a bottle of nail polish and shook it vigorously.

  “I haven't done anything like that in ages.” I grinned wistfully.

  “Hold out your hand. I'll do the nails.” Jen commanded. She painted with competent strokes as she chatted. “This shade of red will match your dress perfectly.”

  “I think I'm falling for him.” I held my hand still for her.

  “Is that so bad?”

  “After Nick, I didn't think I'd feel that way about anyone else.”

  “Dylan is real, Nick was a fantasy.” Jen said in her matter-of-fact way.

  “You're right. What I feel for Dylan is something that might last.”

  “Forget about Nick. He didn’t even bother to call you or anything.”

  She stopped to admire her handiwork. I thought about what she said. He didn't call or even text me. Was that why I’d become so depressed? Maybe I'd made the right choice when it came to Mr. Nick Ortiz.

  I sighed and nodded my head. “I just have to forget about Dylan’s past.”

  “What exactly did happen between the two of you?” She asked.

  “It's silly really. It happened when you were away… about five years ago”

  Jen nodded her head, “Hmm mmm”.

  “He couldn't stay out of trouble. If it wasn't a girl, it was the law.” I got up and shook my nails dry. Then I continued. “One night, I caught making out with some skinny girl”

  “So that's what happened?” Jen lowered her voice.

  I admired my reflection in the mirror, “He hurt me bad… I just couldn’t put up with it.”

  “So how did he end up in jail?” she asked.

  “Petty theft, Frank refused to bail him out”

  I checked my makeup and decided that it was near perfect.

  “I never expected to see him again.” I got up and took my dress from the hanger.

  Jen looked thoughtful, “It seems like he’s got his act together now.

  I admired my reflection in the mirror, “He’s like he's a whole new man.”

  “Maybe things will work out this time.” she said.

  “I think they just might.” I wriggled into my dress.

  Dylan showed up on time to pick me up for our date. I ran outside and jumped into his car. I couldn’t believe how many times we’d been out in the past few weeks. Talk about your whirlwind romances!

  “You look fantastic!” He said as I climbed into my seat.

  I blushed at the compliment. “Thanks, so where are we going?”

  “A little spot I know in the hills... very private.” We zoomed along until we came to a small paved road. After a few moments, we pulled into a gravel parking lot. Dylan got out and opened the door for me. After that, he produced a wicker basket that was hidden in the trunk.

  “Wow an old-fashioned picnic basket and everything!” I beamed and gave him a hug.

  “I picked it up at a restaurant. I'm not a good cook.” He closed the door and held my hand.

  “I'm sure it’s fine.” I gave him a chaste peck on the cheek. Then he led me by my hand towards a pebbled trail. We walked for what seemed like a long time. The day was nearly perfect. The sun hung high in the sky, and pine-scented air tickled my face. After a while, my legs started to ache. It wasn’t that I was out of shape, but hiking in heels wasn’t something I’d planned on.

  “Are we almost there?” I teased while giving his hand a little squeeze.

  “It's just a little further. It's worth the hike.”

  “Seriously, how much longer?" I asked him.

  “Once we get there, I promise you'll love it.”

  Walking uphill is not my favorite outdoor activity. But I was determined to have a good time. That's right Candi just keep a positive attitude.

  “Here we are.” Dylan was out of breath but excited. We’d reached the top of a steep hill, and the view was beautiful. On one side the San Francisco Bay glittered, while the other boasted deep green hills. I've never seen such a beautiful view. Dylan opened the basket and pulled out a blanket. Next came a bottle of wine, two glasses, some sandwiches, and cute little decorated plates. I sat down on the blanket and folded my legs. Dylan sat across from me and served the food. I un-wrapped my sandwich and bit into it. Yum roasted turkey! How did he know that was my favorite?

  “Is your sandwich okay?” He asked.

  “It's delicious.” I took another delicious bite.

  “I remembered that you liked the roasted turkey with swiss cheese.” He beamed. I never really took Dylan for a guy who paid that much attention to detail. He really had changed a lot. The sun bathed us in warm rays. While a cool breeze stirred the grass. There never had been a more perfect day. Dylan poured more wine for us. I'd never been much of a wine fan, but it warmed my throat as I drank. Dylan leaned forward and kissed hard on the mouth. I kissed him back with as much passion as he gave. Then there was a rumbling in the sky and the fine hairs on my arm stood. Had he kissed me so hard I felt thunder? I looked upward at the darkening sky and frowned. It was going to rain! I cursed the Bay Area weather and its capriciousness. So much for our sunny day forecast.

  Almost immediately, droplets of water fell from the sky. Then the wind whipped up into a fury. Dylan swiftly shoved our blanket and food into the basket. This sudden flash downpour had caught us off guard. We had nothing to protect us from the rain and the ground beneath our feet muddied.

  “Come with me,” Dylan grasped my hand. The he pulled me along and the two of us moved. I wasn't sure where we were going. We ran along the mud-covered trail until we came to a shed nestled beneath the trees. He pushed against the door and it opened. I followed him inside. It was dark but dry in the little building.

  “We used to come in here and smoke pot when I was younger.” He laughed. Dylan fumbled around in the dark and produced an old-fashioned Kerosene lamp. Then he drew out his lighter and lit it. “I hid this old thing ages ago. I'm surprised it's still here.”

  The glow from the lamp bathed the room in orange light. I hugged myself and shivered “It's really cold in here.”

  “I know,” Dylan opened the basket and pulled out the damp blanket.” Then he put it on the ground. He smoothed and then patted it, “Have a seat.” I squirmed next to him and he placed his arms around my shoulders. His masculine warmth enveloped me, I felt at home.

  “This is exactly how I planned things.” He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

  “It's kind of romantic actually.” I said.

  “Anywhere that I'm with you is perfect,” he kissed my forehead gently.

  I pressed my face against his chest. The moment seemed just right. So, I kissed him hard on the mouth. He rubbed his hand along my back, finding th
e buttons of my dress. In turn, my hands roamed along his chest. Everything slowed and I inhaled his scent. The man he'd become turned me on more than I ever imagined. Dylan undid my dress, while he kissed my neck. I nibbled his ear in return, and my hands drifted between his legs. He shifted his hips and I felt his growing hardness brush against my palm. I pushed my hands against his shoulders and forced him back. Then I stood, and shimmied out of the wet fabric. I stood in front of him, my body silhouetted in the glowing lamp light.

  “You're so beautiful.” Dylan murmured. I didn't say a word. I unfastened my bra and let it fall to the ground. Next, I squirmed out of my panties. In the dark shed, with the rain pounding down I felt like Venus. It was as if all of the elements flowed through me and into my sexuality.

  He spoke again, “Candi, I’ve never wanted anyone this much.” I floated towards him, finally kneeling next to his trembling body. There was nothing at that moment but need and desire. Dylan took my hands and kissed my fingers lightly. Hungry for him, I unbuttoned his shirt. The fabric fell away revealing his strong, tanned, and masculine body. While Nick was smooth, Dylan was dusted with coarse chest hair. My fingers raked across it, each tiny filament tickled my fingertips. He cupped my breasts in his hands, and suckled on my right nipple. I trembled, as each delicate draw sent sensation through me. If I had known this would be the man he'd grow to be, I never would have left him. I now regretted every year we'd spent apart.

  “I want this to last forever.” I whispered.

  Dylan didn't answer instead he urged me gently backwards. I collapsed onto the blanket. In the soft light he stood, and stepped out of his pants. His thick cock stood erect and proud. It was firm and ready for action. He then lay alongside me and ran his hands along the profile of my body. The touch of his fingers sent electrifying shocks through my skin.

  “Candi, I want to be inside you now.” He whispered softly into my ear.

  “What are you waiting for?” I replied, breathless with desire.

  I reached my hand over and took his shaft into it. Slowly I stroked up and down stimulating him. He rolled me over onto my back and planted a trail of warm kisses from my breast to my belly. After that, he knelt between my legs and kissed my vulva. His leisurely tongue licked the entire length of my pussy. This sent quakes of passion through me. I didn't want this night to end. I speared my hands into his hair and drove his mouth inward. He probed me with his tongue and I moaned. Then he pulled away and kissed me softly on the mouth. I tasted my own salty sweetness on his tongue. The length of his body pushed against me. He brought the tip of his cock into my eager pussy. My body shook as I anticipated his entry. He balanced himself with one hand, and with the other he gripped his hardness. I felt him slowly sink into me inch by delicious inch. I wrapped my legs around his waist, totally enveloped in his masculinity. His skin blazed as it rubbed against my own. Sweat pooled between my thighs and breasts, as my own inner-fire stoked. Dylan pumped his hips, each wonderful thrust sending surges of satisfaction throughout my entire body. I dug my fingers into his back and raked them towards his hips. Dylan growled like an animal, and then sunk his teeth into my shoulder.

  Breathless, he groaned “let's change positions.”

  I almost cried in disappointment as he pulled his hard cock out of my pussy. He somehow managed to flip me over onto all fours. I was now on my hands and knees, backside facing him. Without warning, he pushed himself into my wet cunt once more. He gripped my hips as he knelt behind me and thrust. I'd never done it doggy-style before! He clutched my hair in one hand and pulled it hard. Now he used my locks as a reign to ride into ecstasy. He pounded my hungry opening with his stiff cock. In-and-out over and over again! A rising excitement rumbled in my belly. This sensual heat spread up my spine, and throughout my entire being. My hands dug into the soft blanket, and my mouth opened. Before I knew it I was screaming in loud orgasm, matched by the sound of thunder.

  “I can't hold back any longer! Dylan groaned.

  He yanked my hair and his free hand dug into my flesh. His entire body tensed and trembled, as he spilled his orgasm into me. Several aftershocks of pleasure traveled through the both of us. Then we collapsed onto the blanket exhausted.

  “You are truly amazing.” Dylan's fingers entwined a strand of my hair.

  I ran my fingers along his chest. “I've never felt like this with anyone.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I think the rain stopped.” He planted a gentle kiss on the hollow of my throat.

  Soon, we were dressed and had opened the shed door. The sun was bright in the sky, and the ground still damp from the downpour. The world was bathed in a serene yellow light.

  “I think it's safe to get back to the car now.” Dylan gathered the blanket.

  “I almost wished we didn't have to.” I said. I didn't know what was happening to me but I liked it. Every day I was becoming more confident in my own sensuality. He locked arms with me and we navigated down the muddy trail back to our car.

  “I regret wearing these shoes,” I said. “They're totally ruined now.”

  Dylan took my hand and kissed it. “I'll buy you all the shoes you want.” Now that was music to a girl’s ear.

  It wasn’t too long before we’d reached the parked car. There was a vibration coming from my shoulder bag. So, I opened my purse. It was then that I noticed a blinking light on my phone. I tapped the screen and found a brand new email.

  My heart dropped when I read the message heading: From Nick O.

  “What's the matter?” Dylan asked me.

  “Why do you ask?” I replied.

  “You're white as a sheet, bad news?” I couldn't bring myself to hide anything from him. So I flipped the phone his way. He read the screen. He paused. “Well aren't you going to read it?” At this point, I should've just deleted the message. Instead I tapped the screen.


  I just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Remember that night when I met you? I took a video of you singing on my phone. I showed it to our producer. He wants you to come to L.A. You could be on Harmony! Please say that you're coming. I miss you so much.


  Dylan read the message with me. Then he sat silent, gripping the steering wheel.

  “So are you going to do it?”

  “I wasn't expecting this.” I shook my head.

  “You still love him?” He asked.

  “That's not a fair question Dylan.”

  “It seems fair to me.” He replied.

  I shrugged, “It's complicated.”

  “I'll simplify it then. Do you love him more than you love me?”

  I touched his shoulder, “Don't be like that.”

  “Like what?” He jerked away.

  “You're trying to pick a fight!”

  “I just want to know if I'm wasting my time.”

  “You're not wasting your time. I care about you.”

  He put his head down, “I need to know if you're going to leave me.”

  There was a tight knot in my stomach and my mouth went dry. I didn't know what I was going to do. I always said L.A. wasn't my thing.

  I locked eyes with him. “I have a lot to think about.”

  Dylan started the car without speaking. The entire drive back to my house was silent. I attempted cajole him into speaking to me. But it was as if he’d become stone. When we reached my apartment, I kissed him on the cheek. He just flinched and gripped the steering wheel.

  “I had a good time.” I told him. He still said nothing. I placed my hand on top of his and he pulled away again.

  “I have to go home now,” he replied. The car door unlocked and I stepped out. When I closed the door, Dylan pulled off. I waved at the departing car and whispered, “Good Night.”

  “What happened to you?” Jen raised her eyebrows.

  I'd made an interesting entrance. Muddy shoes, rumpled dress and leaves in my hair.

  “Things started off great.” I replied.<
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  “And…” Jen probed for more.

  “I’ve never felt such a sexual connection with anyone.”

  She kept me in her gaze, “but something went wrong didn't it?”

  “I got an email from Nick.”

  “WHAT!” Jen leapt off the sofa and gripped my arms.

  “It's crazy. He got me an audition for Harmony!”

  “You're kidding me.” She shook her head in disbelief.

  “I wish I was. But I'm telling the truth.”

  “So are you going to do it?” She asked me.

  “Part of me wants to go.” I sat down on the sofa. “But another part wants to stay.”

  “Torn between two hot guys, I wish I had your problems!” Jen hugged me.

  “What do I do?” I was near tears.

  “I don't want you to leave." Jen said. "But I don't want to stand in your way.”

  Stand in my way. What did she mean by that?

  “Candi you're talented. I always knew a big break would come for you.”

  “I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this….” I rested my head on her shoulders.

  Jen finished my sentence. “But you don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “I love Dylan. I can’t do this to him!” I wiped tears from my eyes.

  “It’s wrong for any of us to hold you back.” Jen said as she patted my head.

  I sniffled, “The only thing holding me back right now is me.”

  I went to bed that night and had a terrible time falling asleep. For most of the night I tossed and turned. Dylan and I were back together, and now I was poised to break his heart. What was I thinking? Nick was just some guy I had a crazy fling with. Dylan was the love of a lifetime. So what if we had problems in the past? He'd really cleaned up his act. But what about me and what I wanted? All my life I loved music and wanted to sing. Now I had the chance to make that dream come true. Sure singing at The Dirty was a lot of fun. But now I had the chance to be a star! How often did something like that happen to a big girl? I drifted off to sleep, my chest tight.

  Part 4


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