Storm of Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 9)

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Storm of Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 9) Page 8

by Setta Jay

  Sacha was in his mind. Do not initiate a war. Give the priestesses a chance to calm this.

  As if his mate had called the beings there, three beautiful females stepped gracefully through the watery air. Their silken dresses whipped in the gale as all three sets of intelligent eyes scanned the area before landing on the tense standoff. Flashes of lightning lit their delicate features showing somber expressions.

  Hroarr didn’t turn to them; instead he narrowed his eyes on Hades as he demanded of the females, “Why have you come here?”

  Hades wanted nothing more than to grip the male’s soul in his power and twist until the arrogant bastard screamed in agony at his feet, but instead he was forced to wait. To allow the priestesses to do what, encourage their God to attack? He mentally growled as his muscles tightened in anticipation of the females doing something devious instead of calming the situation as Pothos had hoped they would.

  The palest of the three spoke with authority. “Hroarr, we were sent by Gefn. She is safe in Fólkvangr.”

  The cats produced a noise mixed between a hiss and yowl directed at Hroarr.

  “Fólkvangr,” the dark God confirmed, and Hades swore understanding flashed in Hroarr’s eyes. Hades didn’t like the knowledge flickering in the darkness of the male’s eyes. Dagur’s golden eyes narrowed and the sneer he’d been maintaining dropped. The Thulian Gods knew of Pothos’ birth. Hades could feel it, and his muscles pulled tight, more than happy to war if Hroarr thought to harm his son.

  Dagur’s sneer confirmed his worries. “I would say your son’s mother is of great consequence, Hades.”

  Drake growled into his mind, Do not do anything stupid, Hades. P needs us to keep this shit calm.

  He felt the tension of the Guardians at his back as Sacha sent calming energy, but it was taking all his fucking will not to destroy them now and not take any chances that they would attempt to harm his son.

  You need to calm, for Pothos. We need to see what they will do, Sacha added.

  An ebony-skinned female continued, “Gefn requested we assure you that she is unharmed and she does not want you to war with this world.”

  The one with snow white hair said more in another language. Hades concentrated on the different cadence, it was very close to an old Nordic tongue, but the female hadn’t spoken long enough for him to compare the two.

  Hroarr didn’t respond to them right away. The male stayed there studying Hades for tense moments before demanding of his females, “Return to Thule. I will be there shortly.”

  The females didn’t hesitate before stepping back through the watery air.

  To Hades the male bit out as lightning flashed around them, “You have another of my sisters. And her warriors.”

  “We have Kara,” Hades admitted before growling, “Not all of her warriors survived her attack on my world.”

  “She better be unharmed,” Dagur snarled.

  Hroarr’s eyes flashed and the ground rocked and he shifted his stance until his heavy muscles strained against the dark leather of his vest. “Release her and her guards.”

  “She came here and initiated war,” Hades challenged, flexing his wings. “I see no reason to release her.”

  A pregnant pause filled the space as power surged from the God. The Thulian God ordered the beasts, “Return to Thule with Dagur and the others.” Hroarr lifted his hand in the air, launching waves of violent power that cracked the invisible power holding the Thulian’s people. The cats roared in displeasure.

  Dagur’s muscles pulled tight as he questioned his brother, “Brother?”

  “Now, Dagur.”

  Hroarr’s eyes sparked with brilliant power. It was a display meant to prove a point.

  There was obvious tension between the two Gods, to the point that the one called Dagur opened his mouth to argue and closed it before clenching his jaw and turning to leave. Smart male. Dagur sent the warriors through first and followed. Hroarr stayed facing off with Hades for a second as tense anticipation charged the air until Hades thought the other God would finally give him his wish and they could finally battle this out.

  Drake growled into his mind, Hades, don’t. Not unless he attacks first. Then by all means finish it.

  He swore the other God’s eyes sparked with excitement for a second before he growled, “We will do this another time.” It was a promise made with a hint of anticipation in the words. An anticipation that matched Hades’. “For now, I will give you your God for my Goddess and her guards. You will return her to me unharmed, or my kindness and generosity will end.”

  Chapter 8

  Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm

  Sacha was at Hades’ side in a room full of frustrated and demanding Guardians with their mates, and he wanted to growl in irritation at their questions and chatter. The room was too damned small. Already holding a huge wood table and various computer screens, it was now bulging with an excess of beings. There had to be dozens, including his nephew Erik and his female. Add in the entire damned pack of Lykos that belonged to Conn and that meant far too many people and more useless noise that didn’t seem to please Drake any more than it did him.

  They even had Uri’s hellhound in there at the male’s feet.

  “Enough,” Drake roared with smoke filtering from his lips.


  Sacha sighed with a hint of empathy in her calm tone. They were all worried after being forced to stay here. There’s no greater hell for a warrior than to stay out of the battle. This was her family, his now as well.

  A few seconds later she added, I think you’re most upset that you were denied the chance to battle Hroarr.

  Sacha was right about that, but he had a feeling that wouldn’t be the only chance he’d have to fight the Thulian, but it wasn’t only that he was considering. It was that Hades wanted to know what the priestesses had said to Hroarr in the other language. What exactly had he left to do? He’d just checked his link to his son and wasn’t seeing Pothos in Tetartos. Or anywhere on Earth. An attempt at teleporting using his son’s soul as a beacon got him nowhere. Hades clenched his teeth, knowing that Pothos was in Thule. Hades knew it and couldn’t get there.

  Sacha chastised, Going to him would have made him furious, Hades. And I’ve already warned you—Do. Not. Contact Pothos right now.

  You know what they’re doing right now, love, she issued in her most calming tone.

  Yes, and he could be in danger. I don’t know what those females told the God.

  He felt her empathy before she even spoke. Hades, Pothos said that his power is out of control right now, it could have effected them teleporting; we don’t know. But have some faith in him, he is strong, powerful and one of the most logical and intelligent Guardians. It’s time you trust that he can handle anything that comes. He would have told us if there was a problem. She paused before adding, He said that Gods couldn’t portal into their soul Realm and that the priestesses couldn’t take passengers there. Give him time, Hades.

  The females could have been lying, or they themselves could go back to harm him, he snarled.

  Yes, my love. But telling him things I can guarantee you he’s already thought of isn’t going to help him. If something happened to prevent P and his female from coming here, then he’s doing what he can. It’s only been ten maybe fifteen minutes since you last spoke with him. Remember what he said last time you contacted him just to check on him… Your interrupting him could be a dangerous distraction when he needs his wits.

  He mentally growled. She was correct, but he didn’t have to like it. He hissed out a breath as his wings twitched. He gets an hour, he acquiesced, but didn’t hide his displeasure. The reminder that his son was probably having sex with the Goddess and binding them closer was keeping him on edge. He’d rather his son never went near that damned Goddess. He hated that Pothos said they already had the start of a link. If she proved to be as dangerous as Hades thought, he’d find a way to free his son. Hades was sure he could sever any soul bond that forme

  No. You won’t. Sacha’s tone was forceful.

  If she’s dangerous, I will not think twice to free him.

  “If” she proves without a doubt dangerous to P, I will help you destroy it myself.

  He wasn’t even focusing on the other conversations in the room, having already heard all the mental questions through Sacha’s links to the others the entire time they were at the lake. Why they all felt the need to meet was beyond him.

  The situation had a simple fix.

  The next time they felt the air charge to signal the Thulians were opening a portal, he would go and meet the bastard and trade the Goddess for Apollo. If they didn’t bring Apollo, then Hades was free to battle as he wished. It kept everyone a safe distance away, a point he’d already made to Drake.

  Sirena’s biting tone filled the room. “That arrogant God actually said that he was being kind and generous? They came here. They took Apollo. And he’s being ‘generous’ to return him in exchange for not only his Goddess but the warriors she brought here?”

  It was Brianne who addressed the healer’s intense irritation. “Well, the good news is that we might at least get Apollo back in his box if this Hroarr is being straight with us about a trade.” The redhead actually rubbed her hands together with obvious relish at the thought of getting her talons into Apollo.

  Hades flexed his shoulders and growled, “Apollo is mine.” He had plans for his brother; the bastard would finally suffer for all he’d done to Sacha all those millennia ago. Snorts and growling retorts spouted throughout the room, but he ignored them all.

  Sacha sent soft emotion through their bond. I won’t say that Apollo doesn’t deserve to suffer for all the experiments and suffering he caused in his time, but I’ll be most happy to see him put back to sleep. They’d spoken of this, but her calm hadn’t stopped his desire for blood.

  She rested her head briefly against his chest and he was pleased at her gesture. His female wasn’t comfortable with displays of emotion, which made these moments all the more pleasing.

  Sirena nearly growled her next words, “Kara is still unconscious. How’s that going to go over?”

  Hades smiled. The Thulian Goddess had come to their world at his summons, but instead of talking, she’d tried to forcibly take Hades with her. She learned the error of her ways. No one took him against his will, so he sneered, “She is alive and has all her limbs.”

  “And her warriors?” Sirena demanded.

  Brianne was the one who answered with a smile, “Hroarr didn’t wait for Hades to agree. The bastard seemed more interested in leaving. The arrogant male made his demands and then he was gone like the damned Flash.”

  He noticed Sacha was intent on the blonde pixy-like healer for long moments before asking, “Was something wrong here, Sirena?”

  The healer frowned and ran her hands down the front of her skirt as she squared her shoulders. “Alyssa’s baby blew another hole in a wall.”

  Hades raised an eyebrow, finding it amusing that the first of the Guardians’ young was already causing problems and she was still in the womb.

  Drake demanded, “Is everyone okay?”

  Sirena sucked in some air and nodded. “Yes. Alyssa is a little worn out. Gregoire is freaking out and so are Alyssa’s parents.”

  “When did this happen?” More smoke filtered from the dragon’s lips.

  “At almost the exact time you said the cats immobilized you.”

  “Why am I just now hearing this?” Drake snapped, and the others in the room looked guilty. Those that were at the manor had to have known.

  “You had enough to worry about,” Sirena dismissed. “Jax kept everyone back for me.”

  “You were with her?” the dragon demanded.

  “Yes. Gregoire, her parents and I were all there.” And he could tell the healer was leaving something out of the story and obviously he wasn’t the only one.

  Drake growled, “What happened?”

  “The baby let off a blast of power that went through their bedroom wall, but it also kept us locked in the room.”

  “What the hell do you mean locked?” More smoke lifted from the dragon’s lips as the others remained silent.

  Sirena faced off with Drake, her violet eyes flashing. “Exactly what I said. It stopped after a while and we’re all fine, but for a moment we couldn’t move from her side. Alyssa’s just really in need of a rest, so Gregoire’s getting them settled in a new room.”

  “The baby is fine?”

  Sirena hesitated and Hades felt air leave the room. “She is… but the pregnancy has progressed again.”

  Chapter 9

  Fólkvangr, Falls of the Dead – Thule

  Pothos retracted his wings, bracing the bulk of his weight on his forearms as he lay above his sleeping female. It felt too damned good cradled between her smooth thighs. His breathing had finally eased, but he couldn’t seem to move from her. There was something about listening to her soft inhalations that both calmed and enthralled him.

  She was a drug.

  He stifled a groan when his cock twitched inside her warmth. Shaking his head, he gently slid from her body to settle at her side. There really wasn’t enough space on the lounge, but he scrunched his bulk against her hip, letting his feet dangle off the end. He wasn’t ready to leave her yet. This was the first time he’d actually been able to look his fill without lust and a thread of vigilance battling it out inside him. The frenzy had turned him into a damned wild animal.

  A quick check on his Guardian links told him that his father and the others were in Tetartos Realm, and he exhaled in relief. He could take a few minutes to himself; this female was his. It’d all happened so damned fast and he knew they’d have hell to pay, but he deserved this incredibly rare moment of calm. That didn’t stop him from mentally tracking his link to her. It seemed stronger. Brighter. He frowned as he saw two gold threads, bonds that connected where? To who?

  The cats?

  That seemed right; in fact, he swore he even heard purring. A deeper look gave him a location for the beasts. They weren’t in Earth Realm anymore, which P took as a good sign. He quickly built a block to his thoughts, knowing his brothers had all been telepathically wide open when the mating frenzy started. There would be no blocking the telepathic conversations that came in, she’d eventually hear those communications, but his private thoughts could at least be locked away. That was if his bond with her progressed the same as other matings.

  Everything felt so damned clear, crisp and contained. The power pumping through his veins was new and vaguely foreign, but it was there, just beneath the surface, waiting for him to wield it.

  He’d need to figure it all out, but not now. Enjoying this quiet peace with his female was a first for him. A mating was special in their world, and he’d truly doubted he’d ever find such a gift.

  And at any moment the tensions between their worlds would come crashing down on them. He mentally groaned. Their situation wouldn’t have been simple even if her world hadn’t taken one of their Gods and then attempted to abduct his father. There was nothing easy or ideal about any of it. By all accounts, they should be enemies. Maybe they were. As matings went, this was the most fucked of them all. There was no way any of this would be simple.

  He glanced away. The clouds had already dissipated, allowing streaks of sunlight to break through the brilliant green canopy. Huge flowers of red, purple and blue brought a fairytale kind of beauty to the forest around them. Between the branches he could see the pale slivers of two moons in the now cloudless blue skies, more evidence that this wasn’t where he belonged.

  Or was he?

  That was the million-dollar question. He’d barely learned of the fact that he was born of two worlds, but, nevertheless, his family was his true home. Though neither of them had asked for it, she was now a part of that family.

  Yeah, fucked didn’t quite cover it.

  He inhaled the sweet smell of rain in the trees and on their skin. It mixed
with the scent of sex and sweet female. He still tasted her on his lips and wanted more. More mindless pleasure. No thoughts of war and imprisoned Gods. Just them.

  He was a Guardian, though, and was incapable of shutting off duty for long. Not when his family was involved, whether they were safe in Tetartos or not. He took a breath and sent a message to both his father and Drake. What happened at the lake? Is everyone okay?

  Yes. We just briefed the others, Drake answered. Are you okay?

  He was vaguely surprised that Hades hadn’t interrupted him having sex, because he would almost guarantee his father had stalked his location when they’d left the lake. That meant P either hadn’t heard the call, or he had Sacha to thank for keeping his father under control. His money was on Sacha.

  I’m fine.

  Where are you? his father demanded.

  Hades wasn’t going to be happy with the confirmation he was asking for. We’re still in Fólkvangr. P trailed a thumb over her soft cheek, moving the wet strands of hair away from her skin as he listened to his father curse and demand to know what had happened. His palm cradled her face when she turned into his touch.

  She mumbled something incoherent and then rubbed her skin beneath his hand before letting her head fall into his hold. He smiled at the trusting action. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard between them. They had some trust beneath it all, and Gefn had tried to stop her brother from warring with his family.

  P answered calmly, I couldn’t teleport her out. There is something confining the Realm, which goes with what the priestesses said about not being able to bring anyone here. It was odd that Thule’s Realm of Souls had protection. Earth’s Heaven and Hell versions didn’t have anything confining them.

  A flicker of sunlight reflected off something in her hair. The clasps he’d seen holding the heavy strands back. At closer inspection he saw that the one facing him was in the shape of a single wing. His lips curved at the irony of her choice, but he couldn’t imagine they were comfortable for her. With a breath of power he unclipped them both before sending them to sit on the pile of her clothes.


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