Sergeant at Arms

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Sergeant at Arms Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

It made Jarel angry that these people that none of them knew thought they could come in here and demand part of what his people had worked so hard to set up. He had a lot of decisions to make and Davy’s troubles had added to them but it would be worth it if she ended up on his arms for all time. He admired her bravery and her skills were some of the most sought after on his world. It didn’t matter that she was talented, that was like what humans called the cherry on top. He would take her if she had no skills at all.

  “I don’t want you to worry about a thing. How open minded are you?”

  “What? What kind of question is that? I’m plenty open minded.”

  “Would you be pleased if I told you when all this was over we could go to a place far away where none of Joe’s people could ever find you?”

  “I just don’t see how that’s possible. His family will hound me to the ends of the Earth.”

  His hands were sweaty. He didn’t think that had ever happened before. He was considering dropping some information on her and he had no idea how she would react. What if she left him? He was totally committed and he didn’t know if he’d survived. His dragon wanted her, his human side agreed. If she would not come to Draconis willingly, he knew he would take her with him and work things out later. Did that make him a bad person? She’d be safe either way and she’d learn to adjust to him and life on another planet. He was sure she would. He couldn’t tell her everything at once that would be too much. First he’d get her used to the fact that he and his people were aliens.

  “That’s true, but would they follow you into space?”

  “Very funny! I’m not part of the space program and I bet you aren’t either.”

  “I’m not part of your world’s space program.”

  “You know it’s not that I don’t believe aliens exist. The odds are just too good that they do. My problem is what would they want with primitive, often violent creatures like us?”

  “I come from an all-male society.”

  “Now I know you’re joking. I read some of those ‘we come looking for mates’ books. You’re not going to convince this girl of any such thing without proof. Try the joke out on someone more gullible!”

  She didn’t look like she thought this joke as she described it, was the slightest bit funny. “What do I need to do to convince you?”

  “Show me your space ship or something that doesn’t exist on Earth,” she suggested.

  “I would have to get permission to take you to our ship.”

  “Well, I’m waiting.”

  He grinned at her. She was going to be so surprised. “I will take you somewhere there is proof.”

  “I thought you needed permission.”

  “We can communicate without words.”

  “So now you have ESP too?”


  “Mental powers.”

  “Yes. Follow me.”

  She followed him but he sensed she was just playing along and didn’t believe him. They got in the elevator and he pressed a sub floor. He inserted a card he wore around his neck and the elevator went down. The door opened and she saw a group of men waiting for them.

  “I see we have the management waiting on us. Why didn’t you tell me we were meeting them?”

  “These are my people, Davy. They will help me prove to you what I have told you is true. Once that is established, we’ll discuss the rest.”

  She nodded and followed his to the table the other men sat at. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down waiting. “She doesn’t believe we are aliens.”

  “Davy,” Ranger said.

  “Ranger, are you going along with this crazy joke?” she asked. They knew each other. How could she know Ranger? Had she been seeing him too?

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this information you had when we spoke before?” Ranger asked and he seemed upset.

  “I didn’t know you or where you were in the pecking order here. I wanted time to scope things out and decide who could help me,” she explained.

  “You decided on Jarel? He is a good male but I am higher in this pecking order you concern yourself with,” Ranger declared.

  Yes, he had heard the disappointment in Ranger’s voice. He’d been interested in Davy and for some reason things hadn’t worked out. Jarel shot him a glare, but he was too busy watching his Davy to notice. Ranger needed to know Davy was taken. Jarel moved closer and put his arm around her. She acted as if she’d not noticed and maybe she hadn’t.

  “Ranger, I can’t believe you’re going along with this little game,” Davy said as Ranger turned on a projector.

  “This is our world,” he said.

  “I could do something very similar to that with a computer and some graphics,” she said. It looked like she was getting annoyed.

  “I forgot how talented you are,” Ranger said. What? Talented, what did he mean by that?

  Ranger moved from where he sat at the table to the other side. He was using a device they had for moving people and objects short distances. “Neat trick! It looks like smoke and mirrors,” she declared. He was glad the others were here with him. Davy was hard to convince and he didn’t think he’d be able to without help. He just wished Ranger wasn’t in the group.

  He recognized what he was feeling as jealousy even though he’d never felt it before. His dragon wanted to come out and challenge Ranger’s even though he wasn’t sure he could win. He knew it was wrong, Davy had clearly chosen him, not Ranger. The other male’s behavior toward Davy was proper and he could find no fault in it, but he felt the need for violence anyway. Maybe this was a side effect of the mating. He needed to complete their bond and he needed private time with his mate. She was his and he was more certain of that than he’d ever been of anything in his whole life.

  “Show me!” What had he missed now? “If you have dragons on your world, prove it by showing me one,” she demanded. The males all looked at each other.

  “Jarel, go to the other room and get the dragon ready. Let us know when he’s prepared to meet Davy.” Ranger directed. Thank the goddess he had sent him, because he would have wanted to kill any other that showed his mate their dragon before his had met her. He nodded and went to the other room. It was the size off a banquet room and empty. It was in case a male had to change into their dragon. Sometimes the need could come upon a male and nothing could hold the change back.

  He entered and closed the door. Situating himself in the centered of the room, he closed his eyes and called his beautiful dragon forth. In his mind’s eye he saw his magnificent red dragon with the same brown eyes his human form had. He had a beautiful purple on the underside of his wings and the tip of his tail was a royal blue, indicating a distant connection to the royal family. His claws were dark as ebony except for the gold tips and he had designs on both sides of his body that showed swords to indicate his status as a warrior and a protector. In his world, there was no escaping what fate intended for you.

  He let out a small roar that would let them all know he was prepared for this meeting. His dragon was breathing hard and he was restless. This would be his first meeting with their mate. He didn’t know if she would accept him, but he wanted it so much it hurt. The door opened and anticipation filled him. Ranger came through first but he ignored him. It was the second person all his attention was on.

  “Oh, my God! Is he really real? He so incredible,” her voice was warm and enthusiastic. “Can I touch him?”

  “Yes, you may touch him,” Ranger’s voice was soft and Jarel saw him bite back a smile.

  Davy held out her hand a second so he could scent her which he did. Her hand moved to stroke his snout her touch soft and sweet. “He feels like velvet,” she said. She moved on around him. “That looks like a sword. Is he a fighting dragon?”

  “Yes, he’s a warrior and a protector of those that are weak and in need,” Ranger explained.

  She moved in and gave him a hug around his neck. She whispered, “I can see you guarding those in need and fighting evil
wherever it grows.” He felt warmth run through him. His mate admired his dragon without knowing it was him. Another connection had been made between them and their bond was stronger than ever. Soon, he would complete it and she would be his.

  “Come, Davy. The dragon needs to rest,” Ranger said.

  Jarel hated to see her go, but Ranger was right. They had a lot of work to do so she would be safe. Once the door was closed, he changed back. It was in the blink of an eye and the easier of the two changes. He’d always been told the human form was the most natural for them, but he loved his dragon form and nothing felt like being a dragon when he was flying through the air.

  He hurried after them and took his place next to Davy. “Where were you when I was looking at the dragon?” she asked.

  “I was there watching you. I’m glad you liked my dragon. He liked you very much too,” he said.

  “I didn’t see you”

  “You only had eyes for my dragon,” he replied and she turned a lovely pink.

  “Now are you willing to consider that we’re not of this planet?” Ranger asked.

  “That or you are magical creatures,” she said.

  “Why can’t we be both?” Jarel asked laughing at her.

  She grinned and said, “I suppose you would be.”

  He was relieved one hurdle was past them, well actually two. She believed they were aliens and she liked dragons. The question know was would she accept him becoming a dragon. He thought it best to wait until this mess was resolved before pushing more startling revelations on his mate. She was tough, but too many life changing facts could shock anyone.

  “Why don’t we discuss the information you have for us and the deal you wish to make?” Ranger said in a cool professional voice. It looked like he was over his disappointment and ready to move on.

  “I have information on a criminal that is targeting your operation,” she said.

  “Why would he do that,” Ranger asked.

  “He’s a criminal. Most of them want to have things but they won’t or for some reason can’t work to earn them. Don’t you have criminals where you come from?” she asked.

  “No, we have two punishments for serious offenses, death or banishment. Many of our people would rather die than be banished,” Ranger explained.

  “Well, okay. We have billions of people and criminals can hide among so many people. They use intimidation and even kill people to get others to do as they wish or ignore what they see happening,” she explained.

  “It sounds like they have no honor,” Ranger said.

  “Some criminals have a code of honor that’s all their own, Joe had no code at all. He will kill anyone and collateral damage doesn’t bother him,” she admitted. “What is probably the most important is that while Joe isn’t a big fish, his father is. He’s doing this thing without permission so the organization they work for won’t come after you, but Daddy will.”

  “Explain,” Ranger asked.

  “He’s going rogue to try to mess with you guys. He wasn’t told to do it. He wasn’t given orders or permission. They’ll figure he’s getting what he deserves for working outside the group. His dad won’t care. He’s his baby, they spoil him a great deal. You might be able to go to his dad and get him to pull him back, but Joe’s spoiled and I think he’ll come back after some time has passed. He’s like a dog with a bone. He was willing to kill me just for breaking up with him. Now that he knows I’ve got videos of him, he’s downright beserk.”

  “What do you suggest we do?” Ranger asked.

  “I always like a two pronged approach. Take the videos to his dad and tell him you bought them from an anonymous party. Asked him to back his boy off. That would be one prong, the other one is to help me get the other information to the police. I’ll let them know it’s okay to tell them who turned over the information and Jarel can take me back with him to your home world so they’ll never find me. You’ll have to deny any involvement in this. If Daddy finds out you helped send Junior to jail, he’ll come after you with both barrels even if it kills him. These people are big on revenge. It has to go down exactly like this or there’ll be trouble in the future that you guys don’t need.”

  “It is hard to hide behind a female’s skirt, but there is honor in avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. How do we contact this Daddy?” Ranger asked. He had been doing all the talking but Jarel knew it was because he was the manager here, he already knew Davy and she was comfortable with him, and he was the best at understanding Earth speak for this region.

  Once Davy had agreed to go back to Draconis with him, his jealousy had lessened and joy had filled his heart. One more obstacle, well too if the final mating bond was counted as an obstacle and everything would be perfect. All he had to do was wait until the problem was solved and explain about his dragon. She already liked him, so it shouldn’t be too hard.

  “I’ll look up the number for their casino and send it back with the videos that pertain to his plans for you. You will probably have to leave a message and a number for him to call you back.”

  “And the police?” Ranger asked.

  “The FBI would probably be best especially since they investigated him before. Everyone was too frightened to talk and I didn’t know what he was like yet. Special Agent Anderson was the one that came to talk to me. He’s the one you should call because I believe he’ll pursue this through the depths of hell.” Davy said.

  “Why is that?” Ranger asked.

  “On one of the tapes, Joe admits to having his partner killed and names the hitman. Agent Anderson was involved with her partner,” she said.

  “Oh, I see,” Ranger said. Jarel was sure they all did. This man Joe, needed to be stopped.

  “Anything else we need to know?” Ranger asked.

  “Yes, there are plastic guns that will make it through your screening process.”

  “I will alert security so they can find a way to deal with that possibility,” Ranger assured her.

  “I am ready to take my Davy back to her room,” Jarel said. He’d almost slipped and called her his mate. He wasn’t really sure of she would mind or not but he preferred to use caution when dealing with her.

  “Move her to the suite on the top floor. It’s more secure and you can stay with her since there are two bedrooms,” Ranger said his eyes sparkling. Jarel wouldn’t mind his interference this time. He wanted to be closer to her and he needed her to be safe.

  Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Ranger. Her mouth opened as if she was about to speak but she closed it and pursed her lips. “Thank you for that,” she said.

  Jarel was surprised she’d not protested, but also very happy. He led her to the elevator and he thought it had been a lucky day for him when she had caught his eye. The luck wasn’t only his, his people were benefitting with a warning they might not have had otherwise and that was never a bad thing. Her skills would be put to a good use on his planet if she decided to work and he had a feeling she would. The female was too independent to stay at home. Maybe he could convince her to stay there while their dragonlings were young. He’d concern himself with that when the first one was on his or her way. The elevator halted and he escorted her to her room.

  The goods from the mall had been delivered but he would put them in a pile and have them loaded on the ship where his had already gone. He helped her with the rest of her stuff and they were ready to go. He stepped out into the hall and felt a burning sensation in his side. What the hell has he been hit with? Davy pulled him back into the room. She ran to the phone and called security. Jarel leaned against the door as someone on the other side tried to force it open. Thank the goddess the doors were heavy metal that wouldn’t allow a bullet through. His shirt felt sticky and Davy bit her lip and her eyes grew moist as she stared at his side.

  He heard security yell and then shoot. Whoever it was, they were either dead or they had gotten away. His money was on dead. He stepped back from the door and started to open it. Davy pushed it closed. “Don’t you
dare until we’re told it’s safe,” she whispered.

  He did as she asked not wanting her upset with him. The bleeding seemed to have stopped and the bullet would soon be pushed out. Dragon healing was good stuff. Security knocked on the door.

  “Jarel, are you alright?” a male voice yelled loudly.

  “Yes, we’re fine,” he replied.

  “He was shot,” Davy yelled.

  “It’s alright, Davy. We have faster healing then your kind do.”

  She tore the shirt to look at his wound. “Oh, my God! How’d you do that?”

  “It’s just natural for us to heal quickly.”

  He opened the door and stepped out into the hall. A body lay in the hallway and Davy walked over to it. “This was the guy I saw that looked familiar but I couldn’t place him. I still don’t but he must be one of Joe’s killers.”

  “He’s a dead killer now,” Jarel said. He had no sympathy for the man.

  He put his arm around his mate and led her to the elevator. He told security to send her things, the ones left in the room, to the ship. He would be thrilled once all this was over and she was on the ship with him headed to their home. They got on the elevator and went to the top. He led her to the room and he noticed that it was the honeymoon suite. He was glad she hadn’t known since he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about it. He opened the door and walked in with her right behind him. He noticed a fireplace in the entry area and a small table set with dishes.

  They walked in further and there was a big open space. He saw a kitchen, a dining room, and a living area. He also saw two doors that were closed, he assumed they were the bedrooms. “This place is gorgeous,” Davy gushed. Her eyes shone and she was grinning as she ran around the room checking everything out. “I’ve never been in a place this nice. Well, I have but it wasn’t for me. I’ve set up security in the luxury suites at the casino I used to work at.”

  “You enjoyed your job?”

  “I really did. I’m sure I can find another one when we get to your planet. Security is needed everywhere.”

  “I’m sure you will, but what about us, Davy. What do you want from us?”


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