recognition and measurement, Ch. 25, 3
Ch. 31, 15.2.3
forgivable loans, Ch. 25, 3.3
characteristics and risks associated with, Ch. 31, 15.2.1
general requirements of IAS 20, Ch. 25, 3.1
defined benefit plans that share risks between entities
government assistance, Ch. 25, 3.7
under common control, Ch. 31, 15.2.5
loans at lower than market rates of interest, Ch. 26, 3.4
disclosure requirements in other IFRSs, Ch. 31, 15.2.6
non-monetary grants, Ch. 25, 3.2
explanation of amounts in financial statements,
recognition in the income statement, Ch. 25, 3.5
Ch. 31, 15.2.2
achieving the most appropriate matching, Ch. 25, 3.5.1
multi-employer plans, Ch. 31, 15.2.4
period to be benefited by the grant, Ch. 25, 3.5.2
plans accounted for as defined benefit plans, Ch. 31,
separating grants into elements, Ch. 25, 3.5.3
repayment of government grants, Ch. 25, 3.6
plans accounted for as defined contribution plans,
scope, Ch. 25, 2
Ch. 31, 15.2.5.B
government assistance, Ch. 25, 2.1
defined contribution plans, Ch. 31, 15.1
government grants, Ch. 25, 2.2
first-time adopter, Ch. 5, 7.7
scope exclusion, Ch. 25, 2.3
future developments, Ch. 31, 16
investment tax credits, Ch. 25, 2.3.1
interpretations committee activities, Ch. 31, 16.2
IAS 21– The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, Ch. 15,
availability of refund from defined benefit plan, Ch. 31,
1–11 See also Foreign exchange, Functional currency.
background, Ch. 15, 1.1
long-term employee benefits other than post-employment
change in functional currency, Ch. 15, 5.5
benefits, Ch. 31, 13
change of presentation currency, Ch. 15, 7
meaning of other long-term employee benefits, Ch. 31, 13.1
definitions of terms, Ch. 15, 2.3
recognition and measurement, Ch. 31, 13.2
disclosure requirements, Ch. 15, 10
attribution to years of service, Ch. 31, 13.2.1
entity’s functional currency determination, Ch. 15, 4
long-term disability benefit, Ch. 31, 13.2.2
branches and divisions, Ch. 15, 4.4
long-term benefits contingent on a future event,
documentation of judgements made, Ch. 15, 4.5
Ch. 31, 13.2.3
general, Ch. 15, 4.1
objective, Ch. 31, 2.1
intermediate holding companies/finance subsidiaries,
pensions and other post-employment benefits, defined
Ch. 15, 4.2
contribution and defined benefit plans, Ch. 31, 3
investment holding companies, Ch. 15, 4.3
death-in-service benefits, Ch. 31, 3.6
first-time adopter, Ch. 5, 7.8
distinction between, Ch. 31, 3.1
future developments, Ch. 15, 11
insured benefits, Ch. 31, 3.2
introduction of euro, Ch. 15, 8
multi-employer plans, Ch. 31, 3.3
objective of the standard, Ch. 15, 2.1
plans that would be defined contribution plans but for
presentation currency use other than the functional currency,
existence of minimum return guarantee, Ch. 31, 3.5
Ch. 15, 6
state plans, Ch. 31, 3.4
disposal or partial disposal of a foreign operation, Ch. 7,
scope, Ch. 31, 2.2
2.3, 3.5, 4.1; Ch. 15, 6.6
employee benefits settled by a shareholder or another
step-by-step and direct methods of consolidation,
group entity, Ch. 31, 2.2.2
Ch. 7, 2.3; Ch. 15, 6.6.3
scope requirements of IAS 19, Ch. 31, 2.2.1
exchange differences on intragroup balances, Ch. 15, 6.3
short-term employee benefits, Ch. 31, 12
monetary items included as part of the net investment
general recognition criteria for, Ch. 31, 12.1
in a foreign operation, Ch. 15, 6.3.1
profit-sharing and bonus plans, Ch. 31, 12.3
becoming part of the net investment in a foreign
short-term paid absences, Ch. 31, 12.2
operation, Ch. 15, 6.3.5
termination benefits, Ch. 31, 14
ceasing to be part of the net investment in a
IAS 20– Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of
foreign operation, Ch. 15, 6.3.6
Government Assistance, Ch. 25, 1–6
currency of monetary item, Ch. 15, 6.3.2
dividends, Ch. 15, 6.3.7
148 Index
IAS 21– The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates—contd
summary of approach required by IAS 21, Ch. 15, 3
presentation currency use other than the functional
scope of IAS 21, Ch. 15, 2.2
currency —contd
tax effects of all exchange differences, Ch. 15, 9
exchange differences on intragroup balances —contd
IAS 23– Borrowing Costs, Ch. 21, 1–7. See also Borrowing costs
monetary items included as part of the net investment
borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation, Ch. 21, 5
in a foreign operation —contd
capitalisation of borrowing costs in hyperinflationary
transacted by other members of the group, Ch. 15,
economies, Ch. 21, 5.6
derivative financial instruments, Ch. 21, 5.5.1
treatment in individual financial statements,
directly attributable borrowing costs, Ch. 21, 5.1
Ch. 15, 6.3.3
dividends payable on shares classified as financial liabilities,
unrealised profits on intragroup transactions,
Ch. 21, 5.5.4
Ch. 15, 6.3.8
exchange differences as a borrowing cost, Ch. 21, 5.4
goodwill and fair value adjustments, Ch. 15, 6.5
gains and losses on derecognition of borrowings, Ch. 21,
non-coterminous period ends, Ch. 15, 6.4
translation of equity items, Ch. 15, 6.2
gains/losses on termination of derivative financial
equity balances from income and expenses in OCI,
instruments, Ch. 21, 5.5.3
Ch. 15, 6.2.3
general borrowings, Ch. 21, 5.3
equity balances from transactions with equity holders,
accrued costs and trade payables, Ch. 21, 5.3.3
Ch. 15, 6.2.2
assets carried in statement of financial position below
share capital, Ch. 15, 6.2.1
cost, Ch. 21, 5.3.4
translation to the presentation currency, Ch. 15, 6.1
calculation of capitalisation rate, Ch. 21, 5.3.2
accounting for foreign operations where sub-groups
definition of general borrowings, Ch. 21, 5.3.1
exist, Ch. 7, 2.3; Ch. 15, 6.1.5
group considerations, Ch. 21, 5.7
calculation of average rate, Ch. 15, 6.1.4
borrowings in one company and development in
dual rates, suspension of rates and lack of
another, Ch. 21, 5.7.1
exchangeability, Ch. 15, 6.1.3
qualifying assets held by joint arrangements, Ch. 21,
functional currency is not that of a hyperinflationary
economy, Ch. 15, 6.1.1
specific borrowings, Ch. 21, 5.2
functional currency is that of a hyperinfla
commencement, suspension and cessation of capitalisation,
economy, Ch. 15, 6.1.2
Ch. 21, 63
relevant pronouncements, Ch. 15, 1.2
cessation, Ch. 21, 6.3
reporting foreign currency transactions in the functional
commencement, Ch. 21, 6.1
currency of an entity, Ch. 15, 5
suspension, Ch. 21, 6.2
books and records not kept in functional currency, Ch. 15,
impairment considerations, Ch. 21, 6.2.1
definition of borrowing costs, Ch. 21, 4
change in functional currency, Ch. 15, 5.5
in IAS 23, Ch. 21, 4.1
at ends of subsequent reporting periods, Ch. 15, 5.2
other finance costs, Ch. 21, 4.2
exchange differences, treatment of, Ch. 15, 5.3
disclosure requirements, Ch. 21, 7
monetary items, Ch. 15, 5.3.1
qualifying assets, Ch. 21, 3
non-monetary items, Ch. 15, 5.3.2
assets measured at fair value, Ch. 21, 3.2
initial recognition, Ch. 15, 5.1
construction contracts, Ch. 21, 3.3
deposits and other consideration received or paid in
financial assets, Ch. 21, 3.4
advance, Ch. 15, 5.1.2
inventories, Ch. 21, 3.1
dual rates, Ch. 15, 5.1.4.A
requirements of, Ch. 21, 2
identifying the date of transaction, Ch. 15, 5.1.1
core principle, Ch. 21, 2.1
suspension of rates: longer term lack of
scope, Ch. 21, 2.2
exchangeability, Ch. 15, 5.1.4.C
IAS 24– Related Party Disclosures, Ch. 35, 1–2. See also Key
practical difficulties in determining exchange rates,
management personnel; Related party
Ch. 15, 5.1.4
disclosable transactions, Ch. 35, 2.5
suspension of rates: temporary lack of exchangeability,
materiality, Ch. 35, 2.5.1
Ch. 15, 5.1.4.B
disclosure of controlling relationships, Ch. 35, 2.4
using average rates, Ch. 15, 5.1.3
disclosure of expense incurred with management entity, Ch. 35,
monetary/non-monetary determination, Ch. 15, 5.4
deferred tax, Ch. 15, 5.4.4
disclosure of key management personnel compensation,
deposits or progress payments, Ch. 15, 5.4.1
Ch. 35, 2.6
foreign currency share-capital, Ch. 15, 5.4.3
compensation, Ch. 35, 2.6.1
investments in preference shares, Ch. 15, 5.4.2
key management personnel compensated by other entities,
post-employment benefit plans-foreign currency assets,
Ch. 35, 2.6.8
Ch. 15, 5.4.5
post-employment benefits, Ch. 35, 2.6.3
post-employment benefit plans-foreign currency plans,
reporting entity part of a group, Ch. 35, 2.6.7
Ch. 15, 5.4.6
share-based payment transactions, Ch. 35, 2.6.6
entities with a mix of activities, Ch. 11, 5.3.2.A
short-term employee benefits, Ch. 35, 2.6.2
investment entities exception, Ch. 11, 5.3.1
termination benefits, Ch. 35, 2.6.5
parents exempt from preparing consolidated financial
disclosure of other related party transactions, including
statements, Ch. 11, 5.1
commitments, Ch. 35, 2.7
partial use of fair value measurement of associates, Ch. 11,
disclosures required for related party transactions,
including commitments, Ch. 35, 2.7.2
subsidiaries meeting certain criteria, Ch. 11, 5.2
related party transactions requiring disclosure, Ch. 35, 2.7.1
first-time adoption, Ch. 5, 7.9
aggregation of items of a similar nature, Ch. 35, 2.7.1.A
and IFRS 10, conflict between, Ch. 7, 3.3.2, 7.1; Ch. 11,
commitments, Ch. 35, 2.7.1.B
7.6.5.C; Ch. 12, 8.2.3
disclosures with government-related entities, Ch. 35, 2.9
impairment losses, Ch. 11, 8, 9.1, 10.1.2
objective, Ch. 35, 2.1.1
objective, Ch. 11, 2.1
parties that are not related parties, Ch. 35, 2.3
scope, Ch. 11, 2.2
possible solutions, Ch. 35, 1.2
significant influence, Ch. 11, 4
disclosure of transactions, Ch. 35, 1.2.2
holdings of less than 20% of the voting power, Ch. 11, 4.2
remeasurement of related party transactions at fair values,
lack of, Ch. 11, 4.1
Ch. 35, 1.2.1
potential voting rights, Ch. 11, 4.3
related party and related party transactions, identification of,
voting rights held in a fiduciary capacity, Ch. 11, 4.4
Ch. 35, 2.2
IAS 29– Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies,
entities that are associates/joint ventures, Ch. 35, 2.2.3
Ch. 16, 1–12. See also Hyperinflation
joint operations, Ch. 35, 2.2.3.A
context of, Ch. 16, 2.1
entities that are joint ventures and associates of the same
definition of hyperinflation, Ch. 16, 2.3
third entity, Ch. 35, 2.2.5
disclosures, Ch. 16, 12
entities that are joint ventures of the same third party,
restatement process, Ch. 16, 2.4
Ch. 35, 2.2.5
restatement of comparative figures, Ch. 16, 8
entities that are members of the same group, Ch. 35, 2.2.2
restatement of the statement of cash flows, Ch. 16, 7
entities under control or joint control of certain
restatement of the statement of changes in equity, Ch. 16, 5
persons/close members of their family, Ch. 35, 2.2.7
restatement of the statement of profit and loss and other
entities under significant influence of certain persons/close
comprehensive income, Ch. 16, 6
members of their family, Ch. 35, 2.2.8
calculation of gain or loss on net monetary position,
government-related entities, Ch. 35, 2.2.10
Ch. 16, 6.2
key management personnel services provided by a
interest and exchange differences, Ch. 16, 6.1
management entity, Ch. 35, 2.2.9
measurement of reclassification adjustments within equity,
persons/close members of a person’s family that are related
Ch. 16, 6.3
parties, Ch. 35, 2.2.1
scope, Ch. 16, 2.2
control, Ch. 35, 2.2.1.A
selection of general price index, Ch. 16, 3.1
joint control, Ch. 35, 2.2.1.B
statement of financial position, analysis and restatement of,
key management personnel, Ch. 35, 2.2.1.D
Ch. 16, 4
significant influence, Ch. 35, 2.2.1.C
deferred taxation, calculation of, Ch. 16, 4.4
post-employment benefit plans, Ch. 35, 2.2.6
inventories, Ch. 16, 4.2
related party issue, Ch. 35, 1.1
monetary and non-monetary items, Ch. 16, 4.1
scope, Ch. 35, 2.1.2
distinguishing between, Ch. 16, 4.1.1
IAS 27– Separate Financial Statements, Ch. 8, 1–3. See also
monetary items, Ch. 16, 4.1.2
Separate financial statements
non-monetary items carried at current cost, Ch. 16,
definitions, Ch. 8, 1
disclosure, Ch. 8, 3
non-monetary items carried at historic
cost, Ch. 16,
requirements of separate financial statements, Ch. 8, 2
scope, Ch. 8, 1
restatement of associates, joint ventures and subsidiaries,
IAS 28– Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures, Ch. 11,
Ch. 16, 4.3
1–11. See also Investments in associates and joint ventures
application of the equity method, Ch. 11, 7
economies becoming hyperinflationary, Ch. 16, 10.1
definitions, Ch. 11, 3
economies ceasing to be hyperinflationary, Ch. 16, 10.2
entities with no subsidiaries but exempt from applying IAS 28,
economies exiting severe hyperinflation, Ch. 16, 10.3
Ch. 8, 3.3.1
translation to a different presentation currency, Ch. 16, 11
exemptions from applying the equity method, Ch. 11, 5
IAS 32– Financial Instruments: Presentation, Ch. 40, 1.1; Ch. 50,
investments held in associates/joint ventures held by
1. See also Financial instruments, financial liabilities and
venture capital organisations, Ch. 11, 5.3
equity; Presentation and disclosure, financial instruments
application of IFRS 9 (or IAS 39) to exempt, Ch. 11,
definitions, Ch. 43, 3
designation of investments as ‘at fair value through
compound financial instruments, Ch. 43, 6
profit or loss’, Ch. 11, 5.3.2.B
interest, dividends, losses and gains, Ch. 43, 8
150 Index
IAS 32– Financial Instruments: Presentation—contd
participating equity instruments and two class shares,
presentation —contd
Ch. 33, 5.4
liabilities and equity
preference dividends, Ch. 33, 5.2
contingent settlement provisions, Ch. 43, 4.3
retrospective adjustments, Ch. 33, 5.3
contracts to issue equity instruments, Ch. 43, 4.4.2
objective, Ch. 33, 2.1
contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial
options, warrants and their equivalents, Ch. 33, 6.4.2
assets, Ch. 43, 4.2
forward purchase agreements, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.C
implied contractual obligation to deliver cash or other
numerator, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.A
financial assets, Ch. 43, 4.2.2
options over convertible instruments, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.D
perpetual debt, Ch. 43, 4.7
settlement of option exercise price, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.E
preference shares, Ch. 43, 4.5
specified application of option proceeds, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.F
puttable instruments, Ch. 43, 4.6
written call options, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.B
offsetting a financial asset and a financial liability, Ch. 50,
written put options, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.C
International GAAP® 2019: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards Page 983