Purr-Fect Mates: Shapeshifter Romance

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Purr-Fect Mates: Shapeshifter Romance Page 5

by Ally Summers

  I dropped my head. How did I even begin to answer that question? Could I tell Josh or Case what Francesca meant to me? Were there words for it? I barely knew the girl, but I knew she was mine. I wanted her. I wanted to make her mine forever. Bond us for a lifetime with a shifter child. It was beyond my primal instincts. It had moved beyond that. She was in my heart. I could feel her. Sense her. I wanted to be close to her. I wanted to erase all the space between us until we were one beating heart. I doubt Josh had a fucking clue what that felt like.

  “Yeah, yeah, she’s going to be an excellent mate.” I gave him the answer he wanted. “She’s excited about the ceremony.”

  I placed my bottle on the coffee table. I’d leave it at that. My feelings for my mate were mine. How could Josh understand? He was still on a selfish quest. Mine was only beginning. My selfishness had been replaced with how to make her happy. How to give her everything she wanted.

  “Good. I’m glad this quest worked out for you.” He raised his bottle to toast me.

  I crossed my ankle over my knee and leaned into the couch. This quest. It hadn’t really registered that this was only the first part of my journey as a member of the Tribe. I didn’t want to think about that now. I wanted to focus on Francesca and the wedding. Focus on however long we had together. Our future. Our life.

  “Seems like it should be simple.” Josh mused.

  “What’s that?”

  “Find the girl. Get the girl. Ask her to be your mate, and then on to the next.”

  I swallowed hard. That was the part I didn’t want to think about.

  “There’s nothing simple about it.” I stared into the bottom of my empty beer. “Hey, Josh. Francesca is still learning all the shifter history. Could you maybe not mention anything to her? As a favor? I’d like to explain it to her. She doesn’t know about the list.”

  “Sure thing. I don’t want the one to have my eyes clawed out.”

  I clenched my teeth. Neither did I.



  There was a freakin’ wedding dress hanging in the back of my car. I pulled into the driveway, noticing a car I hadn’t seen before. Drew mentioned his brother and friend would be driving to Mill Valley for the wedding.

  I carefully, laid the dress over my arms. It was enclosed inside a satin cover. Drew wouldn’t be able to see it. His first glimpse would be when I walked down the aisle. And his last would be when he unzipped it and slid it off my hips. I shivered thinking about what tomorrow meant.

  It wasn’t only a wedding. It was a shifter bond. I didn’t know exactly what was involved with becoming his wife, but with this ring on my left hand, I wasn’t turning back now. I needed him. I needed to be his mate.

  “Hey.” I kicked the door closed behind me, shuffling the dress in my hands.

  “Hey.” Drew grinned. “This is Josh.”

  His friend stood to greet me. “Hi, Josh. I just have to run and hang this up so it doesn’t wrinkle. I’ll be right back.”

  I felt two pairs of eyes on my ass as I walked down the hall. I smiled. Maybe all jaguars were the same.

  I made space in my closet, making sure none of my clothes cramped the dress. I wanted it to be perfect when I put it on tomorrow.

  I greeted the guys in the living room. I walked to Drew and put my arms around his neck. He pulled me in for a kiss. “Hi,” I whispered.

  “Hi.” His eyes flickered.

  “Umm.” Josh shifted uncomfortably on his heels.

  “Sorry.” I stepped back. “Thanks for coming, Josh.” I held out my hand. I felt the shifter magic circling him, but the energy around us wasn’t charged like the energy I had with Drew. I didn’t realize how relieved I felt to discover that what was between Drew and I was unique.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He grinned. “Your man and I have been going through your beer this afternoon celebrating the big day.”

  “Can I join you?” I asked, walking to the kitchen.

  Drew raced in front of me. “Want to go out to dinner? Celebrate before the big day?”

  “Like a rehearsal dinner?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I guess so. Just because this is small doesn’t mean we can’t have all the traditional things.”

  “Only if you want to.” I looked into his eyes, trying to read his expression. I didn’t want to drag Josh to a dinner if this wasn’t part of shifter tradition.

  “Of course I want to.” Drew’s arms fit perfectly around my waist. “Tomorrow you’re mine. Tonight I want to celebrate it. Dinner, champagne, anything you want.”

  I smiled. I swore I was still sleeping. None of this was real. Not the sexy man holding me. Not the other jaguar watching us from my living room. Not the shifters en route to watch our nuptials.

  I shook my head. “This is all happening?”

  “Oh yeah. It’s happening.” He grinned. “So, yes on the dinner?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Ok, call Alexa. She’s your maid of honor, right?”

  “She’s the one. The only one.”

  “I’ll let Case know where we’ll be. I think he said Noah’s going to be with him.”

  “Noah?” I asked.

  “Another guy in the Tribe.”

  “How many are there?” It was starting to sound like the Tribe was an army.

  He squeezed my shoulders. “Tonight is a celebration, not a history lesson. Go get dressed and I’ll make reservations.”

  I turned from him. “All right. But later I want to know everything.”

  “And you will.”

  I closed the bedroom door behind me and started looking for something to wear.



  I didn’t expect to be the guy planning a rehearsal dinner for my mate. Until tonight, it never occurred to me that it would matter. But Francesca made things matter. In a short amount of time I had fallen hard. Harder than I wanted to admit. Least of all to my brother.

  Case slapped me on the back and took a seat next to me at the table. The restaurant had given us a private room after I explained it was an impromptu rehearsal dinner.

  “So? Where is she? I want to meet your first wife.” He winked. He picked up a glass of wine.

  I turned to see if Francesca was anywhere near us. She had excused herself to powder her nose.

  “She doesn’t know about the list, man. Don’t say anything like that around her. Let’s just keep the talk about the wedding, ok?”

  “What you’re telling me is your mate knows nothing about her role?”

  I nodded. The red wine was necessary tonight. I poured another glass for myself. “That’s right. Human parents who kicked her out when she turned eighteen. She hasn’t had it easy. I don’t want to make things worse for her.”

  Case laughed. “If that’s how you want to play it.”

  “It is.” I had gone back and forth about the list. If she had been any other she-panther, she would already know this. She would know I had to do what the council had dictated from the time I was born. It wasn’t as if I had any control. I was the prince, not the king.

  But nothing about Francesca was ordinary, or like any other she-panther. She was smart and determined. She was independent. She was guarded. And I knew she had a hard time trusting. If I told her this now, it would ensure there wouldn’t be a wedding tomorrow, and I wasn’t willing to take that chance. The half truth would rip us apart.

  I knew I was capable of lying to her a little bit longer if it meant I could make her mine. I needed her that much.

  “Tell me. How are things in Sullen’s Grove?” I asked.

  Case smiled. “Actually perfect.”

  “That good? I thought there was a problem with the panthers there. Not true?”

  His eyes hardened. “Unlike you I have plenty of time. And I’m letting her fall for me so by the time I tell her who I am, she’ll be half-way through planning the wedding.”

  I chuckled. Case hadn’t changed. He wasn’t any more hon
est with his mate than I was with mine. “Your mate doesn’t know she’s your mate?”

  He tossed the wine glass back. “Not yet, but we’ve gone out every night this week. She’s into me, and that’s all that matters. I’ve got a year until she’s twenty-two.”

  I shrugged. I didn’t want to get involved in Case’s plans. His methods would be unorthodox. “Good luck to you, brother.”

  He tipped his glass to mine. “And to you.” His eyes darted toward the French doors. “Ah, this must be the bride.” He hopped to his feet to meet Francesca.

  I stood next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her waist. “This is my brother, Case.”

  “You were right, Drew. She is gorgeous.” He grinned widely before hugging her. “We’re going to be family tomorrow.”

  Francesca stumbled into the hug. “I guess so.” She patted him on the back. “I’m glad you could be here for Drew. Thanks for coming.”

  Case pulled her chair out for her. I grumbled, knowing he had turned his charm up.

  “I want to hear all about my future sister-in-law.”

  She blushed. “I don’t know that there’s much to tell. I’m about to graduate next week.”

  “Really? What are you studying?”

  “English studies with a focus on the classics,” she replied.

  I didn’t know if Case could see it, but I noticed how her eyes lit up. I thought about the piles of books littering her house. They were stacked up next to the couch and her bed. They were spilling off the bookcases in the hall. Books were everywhere.

  “And what is a pretty she-panther planning on doing with that?” He had turned in his seat so he was facing her completely.

  “I, uh…I want to teach Literature.”

  I could see Francesca sinking in front of me. Case was too intense. It was feeling less like a celebration and more like an interrogation.

  I squeezed her on the knee. “Do you think you’re ready to order? It looks like everyone’s here.”

  Noah was at the corner of the table talking with Francesca’s friend, Alexa, and Josh was working his way through a bottle of scotch.

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  “All right. I’ll get the waitress and have dinner brought in.”

  I stared at my brother, warning him to stop giving her a hard time. She was the bride, after all.

  Francesca smiled. “Do you have someone special in your life, Case?”

  I laughed. Apparently I had nothing to worry about. With one question she had Case squirming in his seat. I left the room, knowing my she-panther could handle herself without protection from my big brother.



  We stood on the front porch. Drew tipped toward me and I could smell the wine on his breath. I didn’t need wine to get drunk off his lips. I fell into him, clinging to his neck, dragging his lips over mine.

  “I want to come in,” he growled. His hands lifted at the hem of my dress.

  “Come in,” I begged.

  I kissed him, pushing and pulling at his sport coat. I wanted him to stay, but I knew he needed to go. He had a room with his brother for the night. They were planning a last minute guy’s night. I guess it was the shifter equivalent to a bachelor party.

  His hands cupped my ass and squeezed. I moaned, as his tongue flicked against mine.

  “You know I can’t do that,” he warned.

  My eyes flared. “It’s only a ceremony.” I dug my nails into his back, making a straight line to his firm backside. “Come in.”

  He yanked on the back of my hair, forcing my head to steady so he could devour my mouth again. My knees weakened as the kiss fired through my limbs. I was breathless and slightly tipsy from the wine, but there was the unmistakable fire burning around us. I felt engulfed in the flames.

  “We can’t break the laws,” he muttered. His teeth gnashed against my neck and I purred at the contact.

  “It’s not going to be enough until tomorrow night is it?” I looked in his eyes. They were glowing with lust like mine.

  “No. It’s not.” He rested his hands on the door over my shoulder and took a deep breath. “One more night. That’s all. We can handle one night.”

  I didn’t know if he was trying to convince me, or himself.

  “Thank you for the rehearsal dinner. I’m glad I got to meet your brother and Noah. It’s weird knowing there are others like us out there.”

  “They’re good guys. I’m glad they’re here.”

  I didn’t have anyone. Alexa counted as a friend substitute. “I wish I could have invited my family. Not that I want them here, but you know…someone from my line.”

  He kissed my forehead tenderly. “After tomorrow, you’ll have family. You’ll have me. You’ll have the Tribe. You do belong, Francesca. With me. Always with me.”

  I sighed. He was right. I was going to belong to a line of cat shifters. There was a place for me.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck again. “I don’t want you to leave tonight.”

  He chuckled. “Darlin’, believe me. There’s nothing I’d rather do than carry you into that bedroom and make you mine right now. It’s all I can think about. But the guys are waiting. And it’s bad luck to see the bride on our wedding day. I think that’s a tradition for every being. Humans and shifters.”

  “Tomorrow seems like a long time away when you’re standing in front of me right now.” I tugged on his neck.

  He groaned, loosing control of his restraint. His mouth moved over mine roughly and urgently as if he was kissing me goodbye forever. Tasting every part of my mouth. Remembering the way my lips felt. Stroking the side of my face. Tangling his hands in my hair.

  Eventually, he pulled away, panting from the charge between us. “I’m going to walk down these stairs and get in my truck.”

  I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

  “And I’m going to drive to the hotel.”

  I nodded again.

  “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you so badly, my jaguar is about to crawl out of my skin.”

  I giggled. “That bad?”

  He growled. “That fucking bad.” He started to back away.

  “Good night, Drew.” I giggled, knowing I had made it almost impossible for him to leave. I didn’t want him to go, but I understood. This would make tomorrow night all that more special.

  “I’ll see you at the alter.” He winked.

  I waited until his taillights had disappeared around the bend. I sat in one of the chairs on the porch. I didn’t want to walk inside. Somehow it would make it feel like the night had ended. I touched my lips, tender from his teeth and mouth. I didn’t know kisses could be like that.

  I didn’t know attraction could be this strong. I didn’t know need and love could be so tangled I couldn’t tell one from the other. What I did know was that tomorrow I would link my life to Drew’s.

  I sat and rocked, watching the moon sink lower.



  I pulled the starch collar against my neck. Who in the hell invented tuxedos?

  “Hey, little brother.” Case strolled into the room where I was getting ready.

  “How does this look?” I turned for him to give me a full inspection.

  “Like you’re about to take your first mate.” He grinned. “I’m proud of you. Very proud. Your duty to the Maddox line is being fulfilled.”

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. “About that…”

  “I wish Dad was here to see you. See this. What we’ve accomplished. The lands we’re inheriting. The territories we’re building. He’d be proud.” He slapped me on the back.

  “Well, he’s not.”

  We both stood silently staring at each other. A woman knocked on the door. “It’s time.” She peeked her head in the room.

  Case nodded at me. “Ready?”


  We didn’t have a lot of time to prepare and we didn’t have many guests, so the wedding was held at a bed
and breakfast nestled in the top of the mountains. They had a large parlor they rented out for events, and it came with a bridal suite.

  Lucky for us both were available.

  I walked to the fireplace and took my place. A couple of the guys were in gold gilded chairs and a few girls I assumed were from Francesca’s university.

  A violin started to play and she entered the room from a sweeping staircase.

  My heart thudded, and my lungs stung with air. I’d never seen anyone more beautiful. More sexy. More mine.

  It was as if the room disappeared as I watched my mate float toward me in her white gown. I couldn’t describe it to you or tell you how it fit her, only that it made my mouth water and my hands on fire to touch her.

  Her hair was down and drifted around her shoulders. She smiled as she stood in front of me. The justice of the peace nodded at both of us as we took our places in front of the fireplace. There was a small flame flickering between the logs, and the mantle was glowing with candles.

  I said my vows on autopilot. Whatever the justice said, I repeated quickly. I didn’t even hear Francesca’s words. I couldn’t take my eyes off the glow of green coming from her eyes. I was buzzing with every sensation.

  At some point he told me I could kiss her, and with a little nudge from Josh, I pulled her into my arms and kissed the hell out of her until we were both gasping for air.

  I stood her up and steadied her. “This is still real?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah, darlin’, it’s completely real.” I held her hand against mine. We turned to face our guests.

  “I’d like to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Drew Maddox,” the justice announced.

  We started to walk down the mini-aisle when the front door opened and slammed abruptly.

  “Mom? Dad?” Francesca looked horrified, but not as much as the angry parents facing us.



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