Purr-Fect Mates: Shapeshifter Romance

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Purr-Fect Mates: Shapeshifter Romance Page 14

by Ally Summers

  The key was in an envelope like the owner promised. I carried my suitcase upstairs. I felt the same sense again, but turned toward the door labeled 2B and inserted the key. I walked into the dark room ignoring the nagging curiosity in the back of my head.

  I turned on the lights and looked around my home for the next week. There were seashell decorations everywhere. I guessed that was fitting for a beach retreat. I walked onto the balcony and closed my eyes. It almost felt as if I were standing on the beach. From up here I could take in everything from the surf.

  There was a solid wall to my right, blocking the view of my neighbor’s deck.

  I walked back inside, closing the door behind me. The kitchen was small, but it would work. Tomorrow I would make a trip to the market and stock the pantry. This was definitely the kind of place where a glass of wine at sunset would be in order.

  The next morning, I stretched my arms over my head as the sunlight streamed through the balcony blinds.

  I walked onto the deck. I could see myself here. Living in a town with no other cat shifters. Waking up to the sounds of the beach every morning. My inner panther growled in protest, but I didn’t care. It felt good to be bathed in sunlight instead of hiding in a dark forest back home. I was tried of prowling at night. Tired of keeping my territory safe. Most of all, I was tired of waiting for my mate to show up and shut it all down.

  I turned from the ocean scene in search of some coffee in the pantry. I prayed that whoever had stayed here last had left a packet or two. I checked the cupboards. Other than some leftover salt and pepper and a few soy packets from a Chinese restaurant, the place was devoid of food. My stomach grumbled.

  First I needed a shower. I loved the quaint apartment. Even the bathroom tiles were charming. I turned the water to hot and stepped in. I rinsed the shampoo from my hair and quickly toweled off.

  I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I dabbed a few strokes of mascara on my lashes. The green in my eyes seemed more vibrant here. Maybe it was the salt air.

  I grabbed my bag and locked the door as I turned for the stairs. I stopped, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt the same eerie shifter presence I did last night, but the hall was empty.

  It wasn’t worth being paranoid. I couldn’t let myself get sucked into the guilt of leaving Gables for a trip. I needed this before I fulfilled my duty.

  I jogged down the stairs. There was a market a few blocks from the apartment. I would load up on groceries for the week and then hit the beach for a run. Open air was exactly what I needed to shake the feeling that I was being watched.



  I paced in my apartment. I could sense it. Feel it. Something had moved in across the hall last night. Whatever it was, it wasn’t human.

  It must have shown up when I went out for my run. I had a route that took me through the downtown district and back to the apartment in an hour’s time. Running gave me the perfect cover to blend in while keeping an eye on the city. It also seemed to help with the restlessness. My jaguar was starting to feel caged.

  I wasn’t going to call Case until I had answers. The king didn’t want to hear speculation or theory. He only dealt with facts.

  I stepped into the hall, pressing my ear to the door opposite of mine. It was quiet inside.

  Whatever or whoever had moved in was gone now. I twisted the handle. Locked. I didn’t know how much time I had before it returned. I ran to the supply closet in the laundry room to search for a screwdriver or a pick that I could use to break in.

  I returned, twisting the fine point of a file inside the keyhole until I heard a click. I smiled. Breaking and entering wasn’t so difficult. It would have taken me two seconds to rip the handle off, but I wanted to keep my interests concealed. I didn’t know what the consequences would be if my new neighbor knew they were under investigation. I had no idea what kind of shifter had moved in.

  I was careful not to touch anything as I walked inside. If I could sense something supernatural, the chances were it could too. It would know I had been here.

  The kitchen was bare. There was nothing in the living room either. I walked to the bedroom and stopped. There was a black lacy bra hanging on the end of the bed. I turned to the bathroom and inhaled shampoo that smelled like wild rain. Shit. It was a girl. A nice-smelling, sexy-lingerie-wearing girl.

  I rifled through her suitcase, but there was nothing but sundresses and shorts. I tried to ignore how skimpy some of the clothes were. There weren’t any other clues in the bathroom either. She had left a makeup bag and a few things in the shower. If she was part of a plan to take over this area, it wasn’t as if she was going to leave a detailed outline lying around.

  She must have her phone with her. There was nothing with her name.

  I backed out of the apartment and locked the door on my way out.

  What in the hell was going on? I left without much more to go on than I had started with. All I knew was a shifter girl was here. But why?

  I didn’t have many options but to wait for her to return. I made a cup of coffee and sat on the deck. The early morning joggers were out. People loved this damn beach. I watched the couples walking hand in hand. The moms pushing strollers. The tourists posing on the boardwalk with the seagulls flying behind them.

  I watched. I waited. I counted the minutes on my phone. Where was this damn girl?

  I wasn’t meant for this kind of assignment. I had to contain my contempt for what had happened to my family. We were under Maddox rule now. And there wasn’t anything I could do to change that. My father had lost that challenge and now I was one of Case’s soldiers instead of a prince, ruling my own territory.

  The bitterness was always with me. It didn’t matter how many years I had been part of the Tribe. It didn’t matter the bond I shared with my Tribe brothers, there was a part of me that would always resent how I lost my birthright.

  I was doing Case’s bidding instead of the other way around.

  The jaguar in me had thought of challenging him. I had thought about calling him out for what happened between our fathers. But it was a generation ago. A new blood feud between our families wouldn’t help what was happening right now if the Tribe’s territory was being threatened. Although, I still didn’t see why Case gave a shit if he lost this part of the coast. It wasn’t the kind of place for cat shifters to set up camp. I sure as hell didn’t want it.

  Maybe that was the part that made me the angriest. He knew things I didn’t. He had the Council’s ear. He was given privileged information about the magical community. Information I wanted. Information that would explain why the fuck I was sitting on a porch in Charleston waiting for some girl to get home.

  I stood from the porch. I was tired of waiting. Tired of watching happy people parade their happy lives in front of me.

  I slammed the door behind me, rattling the ferns hanging from the roof.

  My ears perked when I heard footsteps on the staircase. I moved to the peephole in time to see a head of raven black hair slip into the apartment and close the door. I didn’t get a look at her face.

  But I did know one thing. She was home.



  One of the benefits of being a she-panther was being able to carry five bags of groceries up the stairs in one trip. I placed the bags on the counter and started sorting my purchases into the fridge and pantry.

  I had taken my time on my shopping trip and stopped to get a cup of coffee and a bagel at a cute café next to the market. Everything was quaint and charming in Charleston. The girl behind the counter greeted me with a smile. Even the woman at the check out line asked how my morning was. I didn’t know if it was common Southern hospitality or the city luring me to fall in love with it.

  I loved the people watching here. The tourists. The locals. Everyone seemed happy. As if there was nothing dark looming ahead of them.

  Maybe it wasn’t fair to say my future was dark. It wasn’t as if I h
adn’t been preparing for this phase of life for the past ten years. It was tradition. It was duty. Being a she-panther was always going to end like this.

  My place was with my fated mate, only I had to wait for him to show up. I scolded myself. I had decided I wouldn’t even think the words “fated mate” again until I drove out of Charleston.

  That was starting to seem pointless. At every turn it was all I could think about. I wondered what he would be like. Would it be love at first sight? Would he be romantic and undeniably sexy? Would I crave him with my soul? I wanted it to be all of those things. But somewhere in the back of my head I was terrified it would be the opposite. What if I couldn’t stand him? What if I didn’t have a single ounce of attraction for him? What if I took one look at him and wanted to run?

  I tilted a bottle of wine into the fridge so it could chill before sunset, and turned from the kitchen. This was exactly the reason I needed this trip. I needed distractions from the fated mate spiral I had fallen into. It was out of my control. I had to stop worrying and start living. Some fresh salt air would help clear my head. I decided to go for a run.

  I walked to the bedroom and eyed my suitcase. My neck prickled. My skin crawled. Someone had been here. I could smell him. There was a heavy scent of male pheromones in the room. They were unmistakable. It was most definitely a guy. I checked, but nothing was missing in my suitcase. I followed his scent to the bathroom, but it looked untouched. I ran back to the living room. Everything there looked just as it did when I left.

  I probably hadn’t noticed it when I first walked in because I had a pile of groceries under my nose, but now it was all I could smell.

  I felt the dread grip my chest. Why was someone in here? How had he gotten in? My back arched and I felt my panther rise to the surface. I’d defend myself however I had to.

  After thirty minutes of pacing the small beach getaway, I decided I couldn’t stay in here all day. I had to get out.

  I changed into my running gear, pulling my long hair into a ponytail. My sports bra lifted my breasts and I let the running shorts sit on my hipbones. I slathered on sunscreen. The last thing I needed was a sunburn with this much skin showing.

  I didn’t know how else to secure the apartment from the intruder while I was gone, but if he hadn’t taken anything the first time I doubted he would again. I wasn’t going to let some stranger ruin my day.

  I walked into the hall and locked the door behind me. I tried the handle to make sure it was locked. I bent to tie the key to the laces on my shoe when the door behind me flew open.

  I stood slowly. My eyes locked on his and I took a mini step toward my door.

  Holy shit. His eyes were emerald green. His jaw was set with straight, chiseled lines, and he was tall with broad, solid shoulders. Now I knew where the vibe came from. It was this hot as hell, sexy shifter standing in front of me. I inadvertently whiffed the air and my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was him. He had been in my apartment.

  “Hey,” he spoke first.

  “Hi.” I realized how skimpy this running outfit was now that his eyes raked over my body. I was caught between being angry and suspicious and extremely attracted to him.

  “So you’re my new neighbor.” Even his grin was sexy.

  “Uh, yes.” I wasn’t sure when we were going to admit that we both knew we were shifters. This was awkward.

  “Get in town last night?” He leaned against his doorframe. I saw the muscles in his biceps stretch his T-shirt.

  I nodded. “It was late.”

  “I’m Donovan, by the way.” He extended his hand.

  I stared at it. His fingers were a beautiful bronze color and his palm was closing in on mine. My hand felt tiny in his as he clutched it.

  “C-Caroline,” I stammered. His fingers squeezed the edge of my wrist as he withdrew from the handshake and I swore I felt something like an electric shock pass over my skin. I shivered, but it was the good kind.

  “Nice to meet you, Caroline.” He grinned.

  I tried to think of something to say. Something that wouldn’t sound stupid. “Do you live here?”

  He shook his head. “Temporarily.”

  “Oh. I see.” I had no idea what that meant. He was evasive and mysterious. An extremely bad combination.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your run.”

  “How did you know I was going for a run?” I was stupefied.

  He stared at my breasts. “Cross fit?”

  “Oh right. The outfit.” I tried to laugh, but I was enamored. Completely and totally mesmerized by every part of him.

  And then it hit me. It was like a giant slap to the face. Was this my mate? Was this why I was drawn to Charleston?

  Did he come here because he knew he’d find me here? It would make complete sense why he had entered my apartment. He was as curious about me as I was about him.

  All of a sudden having a fated mate seemed less daunting and more like something I wanted to try. This guy was gorgeous and sexy. And hell yes, I would jump at the chance to wake up with him.

  I stood there waiting for him to tell me I was on his list. Waiting for him to explain that was why we were neighbors. Waiting for his declaration and explanation of how he had traveled hundreds of miles to claim me and make me his bride. But he didn’t say a word. Nothing.

  His hand landed on the door handle. “Well, enjoy your run, Caroline.”

  I chewed on my lip. He wasn’t going to mention it? He wasn’t going to confess our fate? I didn’t get it.

  “Uhh… I will.” I turned for the staircase that led down to the cobblestone street.

  Donovan stood planted in the doorway. I looked over my shoulder at the bottom of the foyer and he was still watching me. I wished I hadn’t looked back. Stupid move.

  I shoved the foyer door open and pulled my sunglasses down. When I crossed the street to the boardwalk, I couldn’t help it. I looked back again. There he was on the balcony, watching me. He didn’t wave. He didn’t smile. His brilliant green eyes followed me. I could feel them on my ass just as surely as if they were his hands.

  Shit. Why did I turn around again? The only thing to do was to run. Run hard and fast and try to pretend I didn’t completely embarrass myself in front of the hottest shifter on the planet. The one I was hoping and praying was my mate.



  I watched Caroline run farther down the beach until she was only a dot on the horizon. What in the hell was that? How could a girl with long legs, a killer body, and beautiful pouty lips be the cause of a shifter war? She was the reason I was here? She was Case’s nemesis? It didn’t seem possible.

  If he had brought me in on the details of the threat, I’d have more to go on. I could figure out how someone that hot fit into the picture. Because from where I stood, I didn’t see how she was a threat to anything but my jaguar’s control. He had taken one look at her and started to break free.

  I realized I’d have to discover her agenda before I could share any information with the king. As her cute little ass ran out of view, I knew the best way to do that was going to be getting close to her. And getting close to someone that fucking sexy was going to one of the best jobs I’d ever had.

  Suddenly this trip had turned around.

  I watched through the blinds until I saw Caroline run toward the boardwalk. She stopped to stretch. Her body was graceful as she leaned one arm over her head. The sun framed her silhouette as if she was a goddess. I had to remind myself she was a target, not my next girlfriend. This was my chance to run into her again. I jogged down the stairs and bumped into her as she came through the door.

  “Oh sorry,” she apologized.

  “That’s okay.” I smiled. There was a trickle of sweat running down the side of her neck. I watched as it crossed over her collarbone and slid between her heaving breasts.

  “Good run?” I asked. My jaguar was struggling to be let out of his cage.

  “Yes. I love the beach. It’s harder to
run like this.” She twisted her lips together.

  We both knew what she meant. Neither of us knew what kind of shifter the other was, but running in human form was never as easy as shifting. There was a silent understanding between us.

  “Oh definitely. Me too. It’s a great workout. Makes me build up a sweat.” I couldn’t stop staring at her as much as I was trying to play the cool, in control interrogator.

  “I guess I should go change.” She looked down at her clothes. They were soaked, and my jaguar growled slightly. The way the fabric clung to her skin was making him want more than this conversation. I flashed back to the sexy black bra I found on the bed.

  “Right.” I turned as if I was leaving, then stopped. “Hey, since you’re new to the city, would you want to get dinner tonight? I could show you around.”

  Her hand landed on the banister. “Dinner?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. That meal after lunch but before you go to sleep.”

  Her eyes lit up. “That sounds perfect. I’d love to go.”

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven. Or just knock on the door.” I waggled my eyebrows.

  She smiled. “Okay. I’ll be ready at seven.”

  I was about to tell her to wear one of those strappy little dresses I saw and the black bra, but I stopped myself before I revealed what I had done.

  I walked out into the sun. I still didn’t get it. I didn’t see how she could be part of the plot, but maybe that was her angle. She was someone no one would suspect. Even I was ready to buy the innocent act.

  It didn’t matter. Tonight I’d figure it all out. I’d discover why she was here. I’d get her to confess what she wanted with this territory. I’d find out who she was working for. And the sooner I could do that, the sooner I could get home and out of this sand trap. Case would have to appoint something higher for me if I could unveil the coup underway in this part of the state.


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